eee A er eee 2 ag hine a eed oa as = a 4 ert ee se A Message from Birks TO OUT-OF-TOWN BUYERS Centre your interest in our mail service during the fall and. winter and dis- seasons. We have much t offer you in ——T that is tinective. . We can give you most alluring values in appropria wedding cifts, birthday gifts as well as a liberal choice in other presentation lines. IN OUR STERLING SILVER AND SILVER PLATED HOLLOW WARE AND FLAT WARE we will guarantee you perfection In finish, weight, quality of materia) and design. Our illustrated catalogue will be sent to your &ddress u From it you may choose any article desired. Write for thts Cata today, its pages are full of interesting information. est. jogue — ee Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.c KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 7 Oils oe HARDWARE MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ “S23 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ Supplies Paints “* Stay Satisfactory Slack Stove Polish OME BRIGHTER ei LIGHTER vo - me FF DauevG@ No Waste | HAMILTON, CANADA No Dusr No Rust RESERVING EACHES RESERVING RUNES PICKLING CUCUMBERS 10c. a Lb. SHEPARD & JONES TORK’ oh & TOVE oe FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Established 1908 Read The Daily News and HOSPITAL BALL LAST NIGHT WAS A BRILLIANT SUOQCESS (Continued from page 1) lof accordeon plaited Paddy green | ninon, with white fur banding. Mrs. Tremayne had a_ lovely gown of white shadow lace with tunic of American Beauty silk. | Mrs. MeNab was much admired lin coral pink satin with bodice of lace. Mrs. Finnegan made a dashing appearance in an all black gown lof crepe meteor. Mrs. Walker was very pretty in white embroidered Swiss and in- sertion. or isome whiie a hand- lace Lee Baker had wn of white shadow over white charmeuse. Mrs. Fred Stork had a lovely Paris frock of pale blue chiffon embroidered with dainty pink forget-me-nots. Mrs. Albert Davidson was very smart in tobacco brown satin trimmed with brown passemen- terie. Mrs. Perey Godenrath was very handsome in gray silk with smart hair ornaments of chiffon Mrs. Claire Peterson looked extremely well in white = satin and lace. Mrs. Bryant was very smart in electric blue satin gown. Madame Besner was handsome in pale grey broadcloth and! tace with ornaments. Miss Thompson had a stunning gown of coral pink charmeuse with shadow lace bodice and garniture of pearl. passemen- terie. Mrs. Mustard ~had a_ dainty frock of pale mauve chiffon over pale blue satin. Miss Chapman was a figure in pale maize satin white lace. Mrs. D. G. Stewart made a pleasing appearance in white satin with overdress of embroid- ered chiffon. Mrs. Bullock-Webster wore a dainty gown of white ninon over satin. Miss Kathleen Jenns had a lovely frock of pink chiffon over satin. Miss Kinkade wore a chic tume of mauve chiffon over silk. Mrs. W. C. Cameron had a dainty combination of white lace land pale blue silk, with touches lof pale pink. an very chiffon pearl petite and cos- Among the guests noticed were: Mr. and Mrs. L. Bullock- | Webster, Dr. and Mrs. | Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Kergin, and Mrs. J. C. McLennan, jand Mrs. George A. Sweet, Mr. Mrs. Westenhaver, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stork, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs Jarvis McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Godenrath, Mr. and Mrs. Mustard, Mr. and .Mrs. D. G. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. D. Morri- son, Mr. and Mrs. Claire Peter- son, Mr. and Mrs. Casley, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Manson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Owen, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Davidsen, Mr. and Mrs. Bainter, Mr. and Mrs. Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Waiker, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Baker, Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Finnegan, Mr. and Mrs. Hilditch, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Orme, Captain and Miss Rorvig, Mrs. W. 8. Fisher, Mrs. A. J. Morris, Mrs. Angus Stewart, Mrs. McNab, Mrs. Findley, Mrs. Mob- ley, Mrs. Shoemaker, Madame Besner, Mrs. Hazlett, Mrs. O'Neil, Mrs. Parker,’ Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Frizzell, Mrs. Vance, Mrs. W. C. Cameron (Stewart), Miss Milli- gan, Miss Grant, Miss Ella Grant, Miss Elleti, Miss Drummond, Miss Green, Miss Martin, Miss Chapman, Miss Svyivie Jenns, Miss Kathleen Jenns, Miss Cur- tain, Miss Ola Phelan, Miss Me- Intosh, Miss Moore, Miss Ken- nedy, Miss Campbell, Miss Mor- rissey, Miss Taylor, Miss Mac- kenzie, Mrs. Williams, Miss Beatty, Miss Lilian Fisher, Miss Kinkade, Miss Kuster, Miss Me- Tavish, Miss Beckwith, Mr. Rey- nolds, Mr. Warton, Mr. Crew, Mr. Titus, Mr. B. Durant, Mr. Mar- shall, Mr. Adair Carss, Dr. Mc- Neill, Mr. H. Rogers, Mr. Jack Edwards, Mr. Merton Ogilvie, Mr. Kissick; Mr. Knight, Mr. D. B. Taylor, Mr. R. C. Jardine, Mr. Lionel Heltby, Mr. Pillsbury, Mr. Noble, Mr. W. Wark, Mr, A. Rus- Tremayne, Mr. Mr. sell, Mr. Tippens, Mr. Prud- homme, Mr. Beatty, Mr. Gidley, Mr. Watrin, Mr. Crippen, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Hannington, Mr. W. Brown, Mr. Linnell, Mr. Denis Allen, Mr. Wendell Jones, Mr. Cooper, Mr. J, Stewart, Mr. Deni- son, Mr. Blaine, Mr. Doyle, Mr. White. WEATHER REPORT Furnished by F. W. Dowling, Observer. For 24 hours enamg 5 a. m., Octoher 4. 1943, Barometer, reduced to sea GOL os 0's o b'in e 30.337 Highest temperature..... 52.0 ccna OO0 THE DAILY NEWS NA-D UBY ‘ROSE | OLD CREAM im: a soft and velvety charm to complexion, and counteracts the effects of raw, cold winds and wey indoor air, Splendid for lips and chapped hands. In 250 opal glass jars, at your Druggist's. 200 NATIONAL ORVUG AND CHEMICAL CO- OF CANADA, LIMITER, MONTREAL There was a clean docket in the police court this morning. . . > Mr. Richardson, mine operator left for the interior by this mornine’s train. Mrs. Albert Davidson will re- ceive on Monday next from 4 to 6 at 233 Fourth avenue west. . . . Mrs. A. 8S. B. Lucas returned by the Prince Rupert from a cou- ple of weeks’ visit in Vancouver. . . . Young eft this train on a combined and pleasure trip up Judge by morning's business river. * * . Rev. J. B. McCullagh left by the Princess Mary this morning for Aivansh after spending a couple of weeks in the city. orci Joe Belway, arrested on the charge of obstructing His Majes- ty’s mail, will come up for elec- tion on Monday morning. of the Canadian Ltd., the this G. Starett Fish & Cold Storage Co., was among the arrivals by steamer Prince Rupert morning. os 6 of Kin- tomorrow at giving serv- assisted by Archdeacon Collison colith will officiate the Harvest Thanks ices at Metlakatla, Rev. Mr. Gurd. The bound, south- about 1 tourists, number of south for the Princess arrived o'clock today. she had a Dawsonites Winter. Sophia. ec ted port Besides large going . . . ‘aring of the Cunningham ys. Gilmour’ vs. has taken concluded has not The he court cases, Coskrie and Coskrie, which eral days, was terday. Decision been given. two county Me- Mc- sev. ves- vet . . . Mr. Tippens, sy a formerly of the ticket office, left by this morning’s train for the interior. He will fill the position of train agent between Smithers and Rose Lake, Mr. Greer taking a similar position hetween Nichol}! and Smithers. Prof. Barnes, a well known old timer of the north, left by this morning's train for New Hazel- ton. He has recently returned from a trip to the old country. “There is only one country in the world,” he says, “and that is England, and only one city— London.” The manner in which traffic in the great metropolis is handled he considers simply mar- vellous. * . . The whaling schooner Albert Meyer, which left here a couple of months ago to engage in cod fishing in northern waters, has been reported at Naden Harbor on its way to Prince Rupert. The schooner belongs to the fleet of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. The James Carruthers will tow the schooner into port, where it will be tied up for the winter and thoroughly overhauled to be ready for an early start next spring. CRINOCLINES DUE NEXT Parisian Creator of Styles Advises Saving Hoopskirts. New York, Oct. 4.—“The Amer- ican girl can take out her grand- mother’s hoopskirts and crino- lines, for she will need them very shortly,’ declared Paul Poiret of Paris, creator of styles, at the Plaza Hotel yesterday. “Crinolines are now in fashion and the minaret gown is very becoming. It took me years to evolve it. “The old time bustles will not come in again, The hoop effects will not be of the oval kind; they will take on the appearance of a part of a cornucopia, with the pointed end cut off? They will be broad or small, according to Lowest temperature, the nature of the person.” HAVE RETURNED FROM HONEYMOON TRIP E. M. Sandilands, government agent at Queen Charlotte City, accompanied by Mrs. Sandilands, were among the arrivals by the steamer Prince Rupert this morning. His many friends in the city are today congratulating him on his marriage, which took place at St, Paul's Church, Van- eouver, on September 15th, Rev. F. A. P. Chadwick officiating. The bride, formerly Miss Malinda Sutherland, was given in mar- riage by her brother-in-law, Or- land P, Merrill, of Vancouver, and was attended by her sister, Mrs. Merrill, as matron of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Sandilands have been spending their honeymoon in Seattle, Victoria and_ the Kootenay country. They leave on the Prince John tonight for Queen Charlotte City. HAD A PACKED HOUSE Two Film Attractions at West- holme Thoroughly Enjoyed. films, together a very the Westholme, and the representation of the beautiful song in pictures, as also the incidental music, proved of great interest. “A Mother's Sacrifice,” one of the most thrill- “The Rosary” as was an- ticipated, drew large house alt ing of film war dramas, also came in for its full measure of ere Methodist Services. The Sunday services at the Methodist Church will be as fol- lows: 41 a. m., subject of ser- mon, “The Brook in the Way” Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.§ evening service at 7:30, subject of sermon, “The Builder and the Building.” This subject is in two parts. Part II will form the theme for Sunday evening, Oc- tober 12th. Presbyterian Serviecs. Morning service is held in the church hall at 44 o'clock. Topic, ‘A Vital Question.” In the even- ing Rev. F. W. in the “Where school is Kerr will preach Empress Theatre on Are the Nine?” Sunday held in both the~-the- atre and the hall at 2:30 p.m. On Wednesday evening a meeting of the whole Presbyterian congre- gation will be held in the church hall to decide upon a_ building and financial policy to be pre- the sented by managers. A woman never shows the white feather—if some other more fashionable. color is “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT five rooms; well fur terms. Phone Black 214 for rent Good pre pe sition Apply Eby Bros., Terrace HOUSE for rent, nished; moderate POOL HALL for barber. 200ur FOR RENT—Fiat. in pbutlding Skating rink; all conveniences. Tony Christian, 155 Sixth 196rr opposite Apply avenue west. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Singer sewing machine, in perfect order, price $25. 648 Taylor Street. Phone Green 325 231-33 FOR SALE—Maso Hamiin pizno, in g00d condition, Mats. Apply _ ress Theatre Office. iis ‘ WANTED WANTED day work, P.O. Dressmaking and plain sewing, terms reasonable. Miss Dax, Box 479. 233-34 WANTED—Five or six room house bath and sewer attachments, furnished or partly furnished. X 17, News Office EXPERIENCED stenographer requires post - Sores P. O. Box 164. Phone Blue 339. STENOGRAPHER wants position; enced in law and advertising. Apply *” Dally News OMee. os-42 Try ATION wanted by ‘expert ai rator (direct dictation) and general ce assistant. Apply Box 83, Daily News. 231- 233 THREE Japs want positions as cook, walter, oMfce cleaner, house cleaner. éte, ly Sunrise Hotel, 167 3rd Ave- nue 229-234 WELL Seraishes rooms from $2.50; com- itting room; bath; electric light. Norfolk Rooms. Phone Black 399. 206 with expert- LIVE STOCK. cows fresh calved and coming tn always m hand, and tuberculosis tested. john Christy, cattle deater, Collingwood West, corner Carleton ane oe estipinster Road. Phone Collin, R. Post Office Box 20, Colll 17088 ingwood East, Vancouver. HARLA S. BRYANT Teacher Of MANDOLIN, BANJO AND GUITAR Flat 7, Clapp Bldg. F. M. CROSBY, dae oor 4 aig OVER A HUNDRED ON PRINCE RUPERT Steamer Was “Delayed About Half an Hour by Fog This Morning. The steamer Prince Rupert a: morning about thirty minutes late, having been slight ly delayed by fog about 6 o'clock rived this this morning, The passenger list included 43 saloon passen- gers and 64 deck. Follow is a list of the saloon passengers Mrs. C, DeB. Greene, J. Lang H. T. Webster, J. Stun, Mrs Jones, Miss Jones, Mrs. J. W Kirkpatrick, J. W. Roberts, F. B Lippencott, N. B. Lippencott, J. J. Foote, A. Jones, D. Porter, Ai 6 Siness, | Mrs. F. J. Neller, W. J. Cosgrove, Fa ‘er ector, . a W. Swain, Mr. and Mrs. Sandi- on Z r rented 4 property lands, R. A. Dungrave, A. St Marie, 8. W. Wilson, Mrs. Wil- ~ GEORGE LEEK son, C, Hanson, Mrs. Jensen, A. J.| 615 2nd Ave Lovell, Hy Avison, H. A. Rouleau, Phone ay G. Starrett, Mrs. H. 8. D. Young = G. H. McDonald, J. 8. Kennedy, BROWN & BUTTERS Mrs. Lucas, E. Libvt, R. B. Mc-! MINING ENGINEERS Laughlin, W. Gaghn, G. A, Webb, J. K. Crookewet, A. M. Jardine,| METALLURGY anp ae F. Zieman, Mr. Pattullo, Mrs. | B® Phone Black ais Bon ty Ellis and three children, George Prince Rupert ot Ellis, T. FE. Porter. When a man begins to abuse HARRISON W, ROGER his own town it's time for him Architect to move. Suile 1, Federal Block | PRIN RUPERT, B, 6, Phone 30( p 1AM THE MAN * Box i ee WHO PUT SHINE IN SHOES PACIFIC TRANSFER (i) The original Star Shoe Shine | Furniture, Baggage, Piano ty, removed from Third Ave. around | ing and Ati Cartage corner on Fifth St. 3 Special Seats for Ladies Office: Suite 9, Feder al Bloek ORE : ei |formerty Kaien Isd. Gymnasion FOR A TAXI To rent f ed Phone 7 ings, et a TAXIDERMIST PRINCE RUPERT AUTO Co. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant t O. L. WINGERE! & 00, the Peo of chapter 115 of the vised Chapter of Canada, F. L. Wilson has| R44 S; ‘ Be deposited with the Minister of Pubi ‘ Works a plan Of a work proposed to be| ™* Se onstructed on land in the Harbor the } j t P Rupert, B. C., briefly described as| For the Best J follows Commencing 859.3 ft. north and CLEANING, PRESSING 1077.68 ft. east from the centre of Seal Cove Circle as shown on Plan 923, Prince | AND REPAIRING Rupert Land Registry Office, being south-| At the I t the City west corner Sublot thence nort 36) Fine Work j u legrees 13 minutes 39 seconds west 7¢ ft. to harbor line Thence south 36 de-/| grees 46 minutes {1 second west 370 ft 2 * along said harbor line, thence south 36 de- | 1 Bor 3 grees 13 ppinutes 59 second east 546 ft. | 627 ‘Fulton. Street Prince Rupert, 6 to high water mark, thence following high) ————_—_—————_—_—___— es Water mark to point of beginning, with a| | P. 0. Box 203 Phone @ plan and description of said proposed site P. ROBERTSON BOW SENG and has deposited a duplicate of each of} the foregoing tn the Land Registry Office} at Prince Kupert, B. C., and is applying to} the Governor in Council for approval INCORPORATED ACCOUNTANT (Eng) thereof Ottawa, Ogt., September {6th, 1913 CHARTERED SECRETARY MACDONNELL & HONEYWELL, Audits, Investigations, Adjustments, Lee a Solicitors for the Applicant dations and Assignment W-Sept. 29-Oct 27, 1913 Gmith Block, Srd Ave, Frince Rupert, BC os , ony Ps ———————————— Skeens Land District——District Queen Charlotte Islands Take notice that I, aie rbert Parsons, of GEORGE LEE New York, N. Y., t 4 Onewpette Bi) © forney, intend to apply for a lcense Broke r Real Estate, tnsv e¢ and Loan prospect for coal and petroleum oa ar a . - Hiections under one hundred and sixty r¥ f Notary Public Rents and = lanc on Graham Isiand, B. C., bk unde 7 i Aiber ! follows Commencing at a quarter post at } Prince Rupert centre of Sectron Thirty . Te whs . Six Graham Island, thence south for chains, thence easi forty chains, th north forty chains, thence west fort) chains to the point of beginning HERBERT PARSONS, Locator ‘ ; B CS P. Nuter, Agent sated Septeyyber 4th, 10142. Pu W t Pub. Oct. 3, 1013—Oct. 27, 1913. re ale! —— — NECESSARY TO Skeena Land nee» District of Coast, ange Take notice that Eugene Renz, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation cock, intends to apply for permission to purchase the fol- jowing described lands: Commencing at & post planted about 20 chains south of the northeast corner of S. BE. 30945, thence north 40 chains, thence east 13 chains more or less to the west soundary of John McKechnie’s pre-emp- tion, thence south 20 chains more or less to John McKechnie’s southwest corner, thence east 20 chains, thence south 20 chains, thence west 33 chains more or Jess to the rast boundary of 8. E. 30945 to the point of commencement, containing 90 acres more or less. To RENZ. H, Lenhart, Agent. Dated August 22nd, Mets 17, 1013 Slip Easily Ov Mouth of As Pub, La ad 22, 1013-—Nov. Remove All In Prevent Tyo? Diseases Caus Drinking Imp A HALF MILLION DOLLARS LOANED | To Contract Holders at 5% per pe simple interest, during past two years to buy or baiid HOMES, to improve their properties, to pay off mortgages of a higher rate of interest COR For Sele By 4a ° HARRY HANSCN Second to none in the history of SECOND AVE s Contract Loaning Companies in » Operation at OFM the world May Be Seen in OF. : Drug Store = THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE —— en ne 4 have grasped their opportunity and will bave a home of their own. less than rent. ARE YOU buying a Home for your land lordor for your family? Paying for it in payments | $200 Cash INVESTIGATE $200 in sis ee this plan thoroughly. : will buy 4 2 thi THE a ing the CANADIAN HOME INVESTMENT CO., Ltd. Head OMce Pacific Bullding Second Floor VANCOUVER, B. c. Local OMce Federal Bldg. chance GR. Naden Co, Ui Wants to buy all kinds of Household”Fur niture, eve a the line of Mechanics Tools, Guns and en's Clothing. chan any time Highest prices pai 839 ard Ave. W. Phone Red 243) PRINCE RUPERT, 8B. ©. e Real I | Insuran en Sect nd Avenue