puesday, October 7, 1948 — oa . c rake Oe eer Intend ane orks ao. Comma purchase the following miss fot Pied 140d: st planted at the deceritmencing at POs, vading Lot mene A Pp. L, re ponteast cornet ny thence in & northerly post Hdd ihe shore Of Hastings Arm aire mor ot. 96 “hence in a fit reser tion 40 chains, thence In & westetly direvtion 80 chains, thence ea y dire olnt of commence: soulberenains to the I , less. rj Or aining 390 acres more or les met, CHARLES. H. FLOOD. e7th, 19 8, 19 : 13, pated June igi3-—Sept. 22, 10913. pub. duly 23) lla pistrict—Distriet of Coast, skeen and Range 5, tice that Dora L. Wright, of Take Mert c., occupation married prince AUDEN is io apply for permission wotal, De following described lands: fo purchas¢ t a post planted at the Commencing of p t 421, Range 5, putes ct thence north 20 chains Coast Distri¢ ‘» portheast corner of Lot gore OF vast 20 chains more or Jess iii, ene indary of Lot 514%, thence wv west chains more OF 1e38 to the shore will vise «Lake, thence westerly and Lakelse ig said shore to the point of qoulberly alon ) acres more sncement, ¢ ntaining 46 commence of less. DORA L, WRIGHT, gist, 1913. Dated te ts, 1vid—Oct, 18, 1949, gong ; and Distri poets Land ena District of Coast, ge 5. cecil J, Crew, of cupation banker, In- for petimeasson to purchase “described lands; 4 n yencing at a post planted one mile sey of ‘the southeast corner of Lot 130, » 6 Coast wict, thence south 2 ank® “ihence west 40 chains, thence north eens ihence east 40 chains to point Promaencenent, containing 80 acres less ere” pore oF CECIL. J, CREW Pr. M, Miller, Agent. uly 22nd, 1913, pied ie 1s, 1013—Cet, 13, 1948. greens Land Distr t—District of Coast, Range 5. that Louls Frank Banville, ert, B. C., ocenpation rail- ntends to apply for permission to forcast the following described Jands:; commencing at & post planted about 20 chains east of Mile Post 76 from Prince pupert, G. I. P. Hallway, on the south side of the track, thence east 60 chains, thence south 5 chains tO bank of Skeena pier, whence following the river bank in 4 westerly and northerly direction to point # commencement, containing 20 acres pore or 1€85. LOUISE FRANK BANVILLE. Dated July 18th, 1013. pub, Aug. 18, 1013——-Oct. 18, 1013. —_—— Sheena Land District jake notice of Prince Rup District of Coast, Range 6 Jake notice that Thomas 8. Crew, of Tebury, England, occupation gentiemnan, for permission to pur- jowing described lands; g at @ post planted one half 1¢© suulheast corner of Lot Coast District, thence west south 40 Chains, thence rence north 40 chains to ement, Containing 320 #0 chains, fast 80 chain pout of « ures wore or less THOMAS 8, CREW, PY. M, Miller, Agent. Daied July 2ist, 1013, Pub. Aug. 18, 1913—Oct. 13, 10913. men District Hange 6, that Marion Waugh, of sccupalion spinster, in i permission to purchase scribed lands; at 4 post planted about h @ northerly direction from fieena Land District of Coast, 5 est rner of Lot 6149, Range istrict, Lakelse Valley, thence chains, more or less to south f | 5148, thence west 4 e south 40 chains, thence east more or less back to point of ineht, containing 160 acres more MARION WAUGH., Dated July 22nd, Pub. Aug. 18, 1013—Oct, 43, 1045. District—District Hange 6, that Arthur O. Crew, of bkugiand, occupation surveyor, in- apply for permission to purchase b owing described lands; Commencing 4+ & post planted about 20 uns mori) of the northeast corner of 596, Range 5, Coast District, thence i) 20 chains more or less to northeast oroer of Lot 5096, thence east 20 chains, me borth 20 chains more or less to re Of lake, thence westeriy 20 chains to fireena Land of Coast, or less following shore of lake mit of commencement, containing 40 3s hore less ARTHUR O, CREW. P. M.Miller, Agent, Dated, July 23rd, 1043, Pub, Aug. 18, 1913—Oct. 18, 1013. Take ni that 1, William Macy, of tice C., 4pation caterer, intend to Commissioner of Lands pertaission to purchase the ribed lands; at & post planted on the fs. T. L, Lot and Post nee southerly 20 chains . Goose Bay to 8. T. L. 110g 35280-0529, thence lirecion 20 chains, thence direction 20 chains, thence » to the point of commence- ‘ng 160 acres more or less, WILLIAM MACY, Be Flood, Agent. 25, 1013—Sept. 22, 1013. t, contain Dated June 27 * Pub, July nh, 104 NOTICE OF OF APPLICATION FOR THE AP- PROVAL OF PLANS. Yo hollce that James Arthur Brown, e Ort Essington, B, C., sawmill owner, Ligne 9 to the Comptroller of Water Works 10% ‘approval of the plans of tation rh _ be constructed for ¢ utili- 7 alter from Brown's Creek Wo 4, ibe applicant is by Water Record fw) fUlborized to take and use for further DUTPOSes, and in respect to which pplication for 56 cuble feet per d from said cree MO. 95) is now pentane (Water Permit De Situated The sawmill to Disnict 2 8 Lot 424, Range 6, Goast 1 me eplans 4nd particulars required by Water n She of Section 70 of the With the core), tmended have been filed With the Warp trolter of Water Rights and ter Hecorder at Prince Rupert, ‘the application ma: ptroller of Water Rights, Buildings Viet died at Prince Re eee? y of Wagan hae) i oe ANTHUR BROWN, Applicant. WATER NOTICE, Applic mer wil for a license to take and use of Brit ‘i! be made under the Water Act ish Columbia ag follows: to Salt ae Name of the applicant is B, C, as, Lid, F. H, Mobley, agent, The addres Prince Rupert, p * of the applicant is The name of the stream {s Kwinitsa The streg 3 tain range ream has its souree in moun- River, — ‘UID miles west of the Skeena 404 empties \U,° Southeasterly direction Wille so ‘Nlo Skeena River about 1 The from Kwinitsa station, er ts to be diverted from Teet from mouth’ South side, about 5,280 will a co Purpose River. ine for which the water The ta, ‘OIG and manufacturing, be used is decent, Which the water ts to flims owncg c'!bed as follows: Mineral Ld, an‘) Incas the B. C, Salt Works, at 4 Skeena Rivetacent 10 Bas. 16 Se ¢ h “ follows Melty Of water applied for ts mi Mt Inches Welve hundred (1200) Ss his ; On the Gth aac’ Was posted on the ground dt A copy or tcebtember, 1943, nen PUtSUANL there ote aNd an applica- Ments Of they 'erelo and to the require- F CO Of thy Matos Act Will be filed ip the Upert, B. ( Onier Recorder at Prince © sald” Water ye clous May be fled wiih iC sMptroller Recorder, or with the Sulldings, Vietonn tet Nights, Parliament B.C. SALT Ww SALT WORKS, LTD, W-Sep., to oc? ott, Mobley, Agent, —— —— “Beyond a shadow of a doubt the Portland Canal Mining divi- sion will reap great benefit from the display of ores sent down to the recent Prince Rupert Exhibition,” said T. J. Vaughan Rhys, who was in charge of the display, to The Miner. ‘There were hundreds of practical min- ing men at the fair, who showed the keenest interest in the ex- hibit, and the general concen- sus of opinion was that our ore display was not only a creditable one, but that the camp at large possessed a wider variety of me- tals in its area than any other section in the north, - “The Fair demonstrated that Stewart and the district were alive to the opportunity offered FAIR MINERAL DEPARTMENT THE DAILY NEWS ACCOMPLISH a et ee Chas. Steene’s > GREAT GOOD HUNDREDS OF PRACTICAL MINING MEN EXAMINE DEEP INTEREST THE ORE EXHIBIT FROM PORTLAND’ CANAL to Rupert towards us, were glad to see him town on Thursday was his first his aecident al the tu which laid him up i - pital for a couple of show has gone to Prince R n appea our ore resources, and we should be thankful for the few days. encouragement and good will It has been learned shown by the people of Prince|of authority that the Boule Mining Co. will == TREASURY WINDFALL Over Million ‘Dollars Inheritance Tax for the British Ex- chequer London, Oct. 2.—The British treasury has received an unex- pected windfall from the estate of the late Anthony Nicholas Brady, of Albany, N.Y., who died in London in July and whose property in the United Kingdom has been valued for probate at $6,577,640. Death duties amounting to $1,050,000 will be paid over to David Lloyd George, chancellor of the exchequer. DOES NOT MINCE WORDS Tells Delinquent Subscribers What May Happen to Them The editor of the Live Oak pa- per not mince words with delinquent subscribers. The last contained this final warn- ing: “You fellows who have been cussing this paper and saying that it is not worth anything but to wrap up your dog scraps in, had better pay up or shut up. If don't like the paper you don't have to take it, but if you insist upon taking it, suppose you come around and pay up your back subscription so as to prevent us from losing what re- ligion we have left by cussing you.” does issue you FINCHAM HERE INCOG. Supposed to Have Been Drowned in Columbia River Rossland, Oct. 4.—Frank Fin- cham, supposed to have been drowned in the Columbia river in the early part of July is alive and well in the north country, When seen a short time ago he was ia Rupert, and when ed by an old acquaintance, con- fessed his identity and his re:- for disappearing. This in- formation has just been received on such reliable authority as to be beyond question. The reasons given are of a confidential na- ture, and were not communicat- ed for publication. Latest Betting Odds London, Oct. 2—The follow- ing is the latest betting on the Ozarvitch run at Newmarket a fortnight from today : Wagstaff and Fantasio, 100 to 9; Charlton 100 to &; Washingday, Augur and Aurette, 100 to 6; Wilfrid and Annecy, 20 to 4, and Rivoli, 100 to 3. Prince acost- son Dropped Dead in Peterboro Peterboro, Ont., Oct, 2,—Ex- Mayor Robert McWhinney drop- ped dead while dressing yester- day. 1836 THE BANK OF 1913 BritishNorthAmerica TT Years in Businces CAPITAL ANO SURPLUS OvER $7,600,000 —_——_——_ Teach The Children The Value of Money If your children learn, while growing, not only how to spend money wisely, but how, by self-denial, to save some- thing for the future, you will have started them on the road to financial success. Open a Savings Account for each in the Bank of British North America, and encourage them to add to it regularly. | PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, MANAGER Republic on October 10. Roosevelt's Hunting Trip \ lerald HAZELTON NOTES. bine Lake they will be only eight miles from the railway. — friends around the ny Socialist Leader Kier iorning. It Receipt of Long Cablegram rance after from Them nnel camp n the hos- London, Oct. 6.—Kier Hardie, weeks. He!the well-known Socialist lea upert for a on the best Rocher de resume op- gram from Island: Nanaimo, arrived May yesterday. cess coming on to London. UHH HH WG iy in uaa] . ue pe 3 mo “ Serer re RE e ay VANES SS Sit OR those good —old friends—the real k a good story now and then, Budw fireside friends ind. Old reminiscences. good cigars, and a bottle of eiser One of America’s Institutions The Anheuser-Busch plant covers today more than 142 acres— equal to 70 city Every bottle is Pasteurized and This Quality-Plant, started nearly 50 years ago, is a model of modern facilities, locks. It gives steady employment to $000 people, and to 1,500 more in its The hundreds of visitors who go through branches. every day know that nothing of its kind could be made any better than Budweiser. Every process, every room, is immaculate. Anheuser-Busch, St. Louis The Largest Plant of Its Kind i Do fr the World ANY AM 42 Gs 3 i Distributors MMMM PRINCE RUPERT IMP. CO. Some of the Principal Buildings PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. HIN | i AUTH 'NANAIMO PRISONERS APPEAL TO ENGLAND Hardio in | : in the British House of Commons has received the following cable- Vancouver in the city on the Prin- Bates and ‘ 2 Engineer Baxter, who is in| Rogers have the contract. At Hit on New York, Oct. 2—From about charge of the road work in this|the present time the river is \ the middle of December to the]distriet, informed the Herald on|crossed on a temporary bridge. | end of March Colonel Theodore | Monday that the work on the now] Mr. Rogers, who is accompan- i} Roosevelt will wander in the|Silver Standard road would be re by Mrs. acne 2 se were. for . ye commenced immediately. ife|the interior ednesday morning Wile» Spree agen toe had just consulted with Manager| to take charge of the work. | os * Haskins and they had completed ee Russia to Recognize China all arrangements. As for other Reach Paris from Italy | eae ae St. Petersburg, Oct. 4.—The!very important work the engin- London, Oct. 4.—-Mr. and Mrs. . : Russian Government today ag-|eer stated that -there was no|Frank McDougall of Vancouver, reed to join with the other pow-|money left and fhe season's work|arrived in Paris today-from It- ers in recognizing the Chinese)was being wound up.—Ominecalaly and Switzerland, and are i | J re i" Cr der : “As one of the results of the}/erations on their property im- “Over two hundred miners are Stewart delegations’ efforts [| mediately after the fifteenth of|under arrest here on a charge am glad to announce that a per-|this month, Before that date re-|of unlawful assembling and ot- a manent exhibit of ores of the|presentatives of the company/her charges in connection with HH north will now be maintained at|will be here to complete all ar-|the strike. They have been de- Prince Rupert. In a few brief|rangements and get the work un-|nied bail and held as prisoners months the G. T. P. transconti-|der way. It is understood that a] for six weeks. No trials have been nental railway will be completed|good deal of machinery will be|given yet. The food supplied is and then will commence a tre.|installed and that-the big tun-Jinsuficient and of very bad mendous travel passing through|nel will be run, It is also re-| quality, causing sickness among the neighboring city, and the es-|ported that the company will|lthem. The authorities refuse tablishment of a permanent ex-|make large shipments of ore this/friends permission to feed them. hibit of our mineral resources at| winter. . |The right of peaceful picketing that point must do a_ great R. G. Steele and his associates |is denied. Please make public.” amount of good to Stewart,” helare negotiating with Neilson, the Kier Hardie has informed the concluded.—Portland Canal Mi-| owner of Silver Island in Babine|Canadian Associated Press that ner, Lake, to take over his valuable|lte has asked the Colonial Office —_—_—_——— = silver property. Mr. Steele will} to hold a special enquiry into the HE ADVERTISED — aT LAST send an expert to examine the situation. ae ground and make a report, and an There as-a man in our town, |When he gets back to New York| PERMANENT BRIDGE And he was wondrous wise: and Montreal he says he will get ACROSS THE BULKLEY He swore (it was his polics his friends together and close a aiid He would not advertise. deal, if the expert’s report is ‘T. J. Rogers of Spokane, who But one sad day he advertised right. This deal means an ac-jwill have charge of the con- And thereby hangs a tale, tive development campaign ear-|struction of three piers and two The ad. was set in quite small ly next spring which will putjabutments for the permanent type new life into the whole Bahine railway bridge at the first cross- And headed “Sheriff Sale.” district. By running down Ba-jing of the Bulkley by the G.T.P., ) mendations. Prince Rupert, B.C. | I d Ko « fet) b r We recommend 20th Century Brand Clothes and, as you know, we are a little careful about our recom- New Fall Styles now ready We are Exclusive Agents--- BRYANT COMPANY,LTD. “The Clothes Shop for Men” ey, ’ iT fl ») , , ‘\ | ae li i Y | i \ I fi ff A) Sixth Street CIRCUIT NO. 1. Box 12—5th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 13—6th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 14—8ith St. and 3rd Ave. Box 15—Junction of ist, 2nd and 3rd Aves. Box 16-—ist Ave., between 8th and 9th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) Box 17—ist Ave. and 7th St. (Cen- tral Hotel.) CIRCUIT NO. 2. Box 22—3rd Ave. and 3rd. St. (Post Ofiice.) Box 23—3rd Ave. and McBride St Box 24—ist Ave. and McBride St. Box 25—2nd Ave. and 2nd St. Box 26—2nd Ave. and 6th St. Box 27—G. T. P. CIRCUIT NO. 3. 31—5th Ave. and Fulton St. 32—Borcen and Taylor Sts. $4—7th Ave. and Fulton St. 36—0th Ave. and Comox Ave. 37—-8th Ave. and Dodge Pl. 88—6th Ave. and Thompson St. CIRCUIT NO. 4. Box 41—ith Ave. and Emmerson Pl. Box 42—5th Ave. and McBride St. Box 43—5th Ave. and Green St. Box 44—6th Ave and Basil St. Box 45—7th Ave. and Eberts. Box 141—7th Ave. and Young St. A HALF MILLION DOLLARS LOANED To Contract Holders at 5% per annum simple interest, during the past two years to buy or build HOMES, to improve their properties, to pay off mortgages of a higher rate of interest, Second to none in the history of Contract Loaning Companies in the world, THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE have grasped their opportunity and will have a home of their own. Paying for it in payments 4 less than rent, ARE YOU buying a Home for your land- lord, or for your family? INVESTIGATE this plan thoroughly. / THE CANADIAN HOME INVESTMENT CO., Ltd. Head OMce Pacific Building Second Floer VANCOUVER, B. Cc. Local UfMee Federal Bldg. PRINCE RUPERT, B. Cc. - Church Services - FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services every Sunday in the Church Hall at 11 a.m. and REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MOINTYRE HALL, 3RD AVE., NEAR 6TH ST. Services every Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. School 2.30 p. Bible Class 2. REV. W. J’ SCOTT m. p.m. Acting Pastor THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE Services every Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. PASTOR REV. MR, DIMMICK - ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Cor. Fifth Ave. and Dunsmuir Place Morning prayer, 11. Even- ing prayer, 7:30. Sunday school, 2:30 p. m. Holy Communion first Sunday of month, at iif a m., and third Sunday at 8& a. m. REV. E. C, BURCH - Rector THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Granville Court Sunday services at if a. m., 3 and 8 p.m. Sun- day School, 1:30 p. m. Week night services Mon- day, Wednesday, Thurs- day sil Saturday. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MEETINGS Held in Hays Bldg, 245 2nd Ave. Sunday service 11 a m. Sunday school meets after the morning service, Tes- timony meetings Wednes- days at 8 p. m Reading room is open every day except Sundays and legal holidays from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. Silversides Bros. The Up-to-Date House Decora- tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Specialties “Ye Olde Reliable” 2nd Street Phone 156 Green Advertise in PONE OREN EVENINGS UNTIL NINE O'CLOCK The Daily News ae heated 1 ae | hoe ae | eee | eee i eae A, ee eo A