eynouLATION NEXT MAILS wn rae OT! AND NORTHERN basi iy es cna Prince George ....... Wednesday For south Chelohsin .... ..s5. Wednesday - : % Lats ; a kf 1 , i 6 PRINCE RUPE as ‘ y i ——— i babs NCE RUPERT, B. C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS SL 1 TE _ —— _——- — ‘ ft PEW aIG FEE: ae —___—— | ISTER MEN TRAINING FOR GUERILLA WARFARE-BIG GATE MONEY FO CHAMPION E BASEBALL ee eer le " | : ER SEVENTY - FIVE THOUSAND carson verieo, — j/]_BASEBALL. rue aunts win. — 4SCHO AURORA CAPTURED Hs ‘ inl dai : Sse y (Special to The Daily News (Speci T ily N ) Disa News.) (Special to The ly News. f DOLLAR GATE FOR FIRST GAME}, tn2o-o:t's tiene Coast League ie 1 ish government has decided San Francisco 2, Sacramento Philadelphia, Oct. 8—The te that there shall be no con zi Pog Bene On ee eee es 3 IT WILL BE NEARLY AS LA wanna ae sald - Los Angeles 8, Oakland 2. series championship base- oh aig eae | : : eDICTED THAT r RGE WHEN THE ference of party leaders on Venice 44, Portland 0 ball took place this after- %|/SHE OWED A BILL TO A VANCOUVER FIRM FOR HER EN- i GIANTS MEET THE PHILLIES ON THE HOME DIA- home rule and that Carson oe teee : ‘ GINE i. MOND THIS AFTERNOON oo aa noon before an immense S AND HAD SKIPPED TO SEA WITHOUT PAY- ; shall be defied to do his s . Agi? eos oaks Stieivations {o1 ELECT TRIAL BY JURY gathering. No scores were ING FOR IT Be wv i hen Saat hd Eas =o ; meet VF St made until the tenth inning, aa peed Special to aa very mae te both on Ce nnsylyania & Bal- oe ek we —_ South Wellington Rioters Were|$ when New York in the next The passengers going down on;Brown threw a towline on board re rw York, Oct. 8. 8 ore & 2 ade o , ce of Aber- eh ‘ 2 ince Tr shes ‘ : 2 pew . es d's series, played ers % Obio lines, cotta: “walate d Me an Given a Second Choice. inning managed to get in the Prince Rupert Monday hadjof her and lugged her in this ars : ame of the I ies, } What lends increased interest : ‘ , and a large three runs. The batteries the unique experience of witness- Tialt ‘ sk 1 ee y was a “lulu” in every number of men are now be : ‘ j humiliating fashion back to the £ - mer lito this great battle for the ; (Special to The Daily News.) were: Philadelphia, Plank 3/in an arrest at sea. Not the I es id created the wildest ex ing trained. : ie: ae ee res an i ridue , port of Vancouver. ‘ ’ * t from start to finish, as | world’ s championship is the be- Nanaimo, Oct. 8.—The South and Platt; New York, Bete Or AD ee ee The t of the boat is th : ) oa dd from the scores, lief that this season may be the Wellington strikers accused of Mathewson and McLean. of the power schooner Aurora. evade: ” 6 peat is we 4 i ag oer which ap last of the world series games. ———— eeeeirioting were yesterday given a About a hundred miles out of|outeome of civil proceedings for Ese bade each Inning, , oa Ve A gota 160 bhintkh aid ‘alec , here the Prince Rupert car debt, Messrs. Momsen & Rowe ‘ TT erie ard'|The idea has bee ‘suotie second choice and elected to be : Cy nee) , My ay sred on the gigantic billboard cee aesinan "canta vd SS, PRINCE GEORGE tried by a jury instead of by the with the tug Buster B, flying a/holding a judgment for $1200 oe be 0000020 0 4—6 the National Baseball Cor s judge. RACE RIOTING AND blue ensign at her mast and/against the boat for putting en- ‘ cea, 0103 0000 ‘ pion and owner of u 2 rn ae 2 PASSENGER LIST ic iN acc carrying a gold braided marshall|gines into her, The Aurora was ’ genaantiag Boe P ati club His plan - that 2 the gee TS GETS SEVEN CARS DITCHED STRIKERS FIGHTING from Vancouver aboard. Thejonce a well-known sealer, but The batteries were— For : hi- pias ta Samnbarabemint ee 7 Following is a List of the Saloon ee blue ensign meant that when the|after the passing of the treaty to iephia, Bender and Benang | to 142 gaines in each league,| Paceensore Arriving onthe 1m, Ong Kit Negro Killed and Jail Demotished| Buster B sighted the Aurora she|stop sealing she was sold, req , ind for New York Marquard, bs Be situa : a * H aoe 88. Prince George jo One ed, but Several Are) _ Fierce Battle Between Mine {Could act as a blue-coated pol-| fitted, equipped with engines and andail and Tesreau, the latter ee ee vy an in oF oom Slightly Injured. Guards and Strikers. iceman would when he finds|put on the run carrying mail and Be called: from - As eae sash Nat . al 1 aint Pe e a J. A. A. De Maudo, H. G. Shaw ig , ic ae ae someone he is in search of, the|freight from inter Harbor at the | seventh inning. XS Hh a en — wou , his: wae A eae using Della Special to The Daily News. Special to The Daily News.) |blue ensign at her truck being|nort hend of Vancouver Island ; Pe immense C60 ear f ur i re i with a ¢ the ree Walley, Mrs. Eric Warton, W. F. Regina, Oct. 8.—Seven pas- Joliet, [ll., Oct. 8—Fifty ne-|the mark of her authority. That |to Sea Otter Cove and other pla- poh can, He Hove uc) by on vii . jaca Spee ny | tal Wakefield and wife, Darwin|S@ger cars were thrown into the|groes and as many whites caused|i8 What some of the passengers |freight from Winter Harbor, at | je viioh amounted ye rn wit a : re een , tt 3 t i Wakefield, Miss M. Wakefield, ditch near Broadview yesterday;a riot in the village of Romeo of the Prince Rupert had the|the north end of Vancouver n ee ee a ine” National catia Pe nitet in sets ra the Miss Bessie Wakefield, Y. Yates, when the westbound train No. 64,]/yesterday, when the negroes at- pleasure of witnessing. The boat|Island, to Sea Otter Gove and - mmissior gets $7,526, pertanae See shee nae ‘ave mint a R. J. Hurt, J. A. Fyfe-Johnson, from Winnipeg, struck a spread|tacked the wooden gaol and lib- | 4S not hand cuffed, as a fleeing|other places north of the mail i § #13,546 each, and divided en if te world’s champion-|~ 7 enon. C. Peterson, A. E. Mc|Tail. No one was killed, but ajerated Lula Gibson, a negress,|debtor might be, but Captain |route. if ng the players $40,,638. It is|S"'P- Donald, Mrs. Curtis, O. H. Lang,|®¥™ber were slightly injured. arrested for drunkenness. In the ‘ mected that there will be near- Those arguing for the aban-|) Gameron, A. J. Nixon, C. Sn eee agricole fight one negro was killed and - i is large a crowd at Philadel-|donment of the big series point)),.. @ @ook,. M. R. Alerond, H ONE STRIKER IS DEAD the gaol demolished. ; s this afternoon to watch the|out that out of sixteen major E Angra E. LNGAHO leon y C. diets. i £3 nd game of the series, as the coe clubs only four have Locbeat.. Mr. Pyatt and wife, Mr Tried the Hunger Strike to Se-| Trinidad, Colo., Oct. 8.—A local tial trains from here this|shared in the world's series Pride, T. L, Dunlap, A. Hillis and cure His Release company of Suit Woe. Annet SUFFERERS START IN EA ming were all densely crowded | spoils since 1909. - to Ludlow late yesterday after- wife, E. Stover, Geo. Williamson, . J. A. Kirkpatrick , Angus Stew- Special to The Daily News.) noon to quell a battle reported to be raging between the mine] FIRE BROKE OUT AMONG WRECKED BUILDINGS AND FIRE art, T. F. Hopkins, W. F. Boyer, London, Oct. 8.—The provi- ml I 3. A. Robinson,’ ®. 0; Bather, T-téions of the Cat-and Mouse Act,|202t0s 824-8 foree of striking APPARATUS 18 OUT OF BUSINESS—THE SURF Deasy, Jno. Cronin, F. Gyr, Mrs.| permitting prisoners to be re-|"UMer® - Telephone reports state SWEEPS FARTHER INLAND. that the railway station at Lud- Mary Parker and child, H. O.]Jeased temporarily when suffer- : 7 é W Wilson, T. Barber, M. Keltner. ing from the effects of hunger ow has been peppered with bul- (Special to The Daily News.) surf which overwhelmed the city ——— ces, ¢ ar to apply only to lets and that many horses have Seattle, Oct. 8—The Chamber/continues to sweep still farther strikes, appear Se eee ; x, vin t diese ; .|been killed. The reports as to}of Commerce yesterday eee": aie militant suffragettes, for a male o nerce yesterday raise hye : CARSON LEAVING FOR LONDON TO CONTINUE HIS LAW TWO GIRLS POSE AS prisoner who adopted this mode|the number of men dead and}one thousand dollars among its inthag, wencaing. Seep Seis PRACTICE—BELIEVED THERE IS A SCREW HUSBAND AND WIFE of obtaining freedom has _ been wounded are as yet unconfirmed,|members for the relief of the creating new hills. Blinded by LOOSE SOMEWHERE. allowed to die in Bedford jail. ane all eee with the]Nome sufferers. Besides this, Sat aot whirling oo = Pome - The prisoner, Albert Davis, was|°°2! camp is cut of. contributions of lumber have|¢louds, men and women are sti ’ Belfast, Oct. 4.—Tonight willjnouncement was not forthcom- Wite Knew Bridegroom Was a Roaveated of theft. been requested, with which to fighting to save their lives and othe end of Sir Raward Careline Sir Edward stated in an in- Woman—Planned the Scheme RIDES WITHOUT TICKET restore the damaged buildings|What is most valuable among the s fortnight of reviews and all ne , ak . Ks ee pee to one Education. TRAIN WAS DITCHED RETURNS WHEN READY | capable of repair. The steamer wreckage. To add to their misery f et will settle down fo its]. Pee . “a ecieceare Seer ney Senator, which was to sail for|the ruined buildings yesterday eful” drills. The Duke of London to resume bis law prac- Meeker, Colo., Oct, 4,—*Hand- Fireman Instantly Killed and A small terrier belonging to G.| Nome today, will be held until it took fire and the fire apparatus corn next week will have{tice, and not for a consultation some” Jack Hill, who for two Several Seriously Injured P. McColl, of McColl & Robert-ljs known by wireless what ar-|W@§ found to be entirely useless. hundred men encamped|with Mr. Bonar Law. years has been the ideal of mas- son, is enjoying some pleasant|ticles are most desired in Nome.|the greatest anxiety is felt in re- his estate of Baroncourt. The special correspondents|culinity in the eyes of the young (Special to The Daily News. trips these days at the expense Of]The early closing of Behring Sea gard to food, most of the stores ie Nationalists, meanwhile,]who have been following Carson|women of Meeker and who was{ Emerson, Man., Oct. §—The|the Grand Trunk. A couple of!by ice from the Arctic Ocean is for the. Soseing wae See Fer the policy of non-|and Smith agree that the scene}known to the men as “the chap|Northern Pacific train No. 13 weeks ago he boarded the pas-| feared. been spoiled or swept away. e dered by Redmond|of the home rule drama will be]who married the prettiest girl in]from St. Paul to Winnipeg, bur- SOnSse train and went as far as oT Thee his lieutenants immediately |transferred next week to London,{the White River country,” is a ied itself in a ditch near Letelier|2e"Tace returning in a few days] Nome, Oct. 8—The shrieking Nome, Oct, 8—(Later.)—The the fatal Derry riots and|where it is probable that there|woman. last night, exacting the toll of 0? ® freight. Tired of city lifelgale, carrying with it the cold|storm is beginning to abate. 7 roken only in occasional un.|will be strong influences at work] The disclosure has been madejone life. Several were seriously |" again boarded the train last| Behring Sea, is still piling up|Three unidentified bodies have . Preanized clashes, to bring both parties together/and she has been bound over to injured but Fireman W. J. Bayne Saturday, going as far as Hazel-|the sands upon the tidewater|been washed ashore. Five hun- i Sir Edward Carson and Mr.|for a forma! discussion, Mean-]|the October term of the District] was instantly killed. ton. He is making a more ex-|streets of this most northerly|dred people are homeless and ef .E. Smith intend leaving for|while, the offer of Winnipeg|Court, charged with impersonat- tended visit on his second trip. |city of the world, built upon|help from the outsied will be : shifting sands. The booming|necessary. “ndon tomorrow. Obviously|Orangemen to drill a regimentjing a man. Glasgow Cup Match PRO oth are disappointed at some|five hundred strong has _ been Miss Anna Slifka, whom the HEALTH 18 IM VED hitch in their plans. They told|placarded here in big type:|good looking “Jack Hill” married, (Special to The Daily News.) Thos. Deasy the Well Known In- ’ T score of newspaper men that|‘Canada offers help.” The offer|supplemented her “husband’s’| Glasgow, Oct. 8.—In the Glas- dian Agent, Returned this STARTING OF NIGHT SCHOOLS Ve % hey y wi expected to be able to make|has not yet been discussed by jeonfession with one in which she|gow cup match, replayed yester- Morning 4 oe lant announcement at|the provisional cabinet, but} stated that she knew before the|day, the Third Lanark. defeated i: aphoe yesterday, but the an-|probably will be on Wednesday.{*marriage” that “her husband's’ |the Celtic by one goal to noth- Thos. Deasy, Indian Agent for IS DISCUSSED BY CITIZENS ——— name was Helen Halstead, an fing. the Queen Charlotte Islands, re- fi that the two arranged the affair turned from the south by the LICE HAVE SOLVED GORDON KIRKPATRICK so that they might work to-|SHIPMENT OF CATTLE Prince George this morning feel-|gyBJECTS TO BE TAKEN UP WAS CHIEF QUESTION AT LAST THE MURDER MYSTERY A HAPPY BOY TODAY gether in earning money to take FOR BULKLEY VALLEY | ing much relieved and consider- NIGHT’S MEETING—COMMITTEE WILL FORMU- care of them through an eastern a. ably improved in health, Mr. LATE PLANS. college, On board the steamer Prince|Deasy went south some weeks He Is the Proud ud Owner of a Cute] Two years ago Helen Halstead|George this morning there were] 450 in very poor health, fearing} As a move toward establish- various trades who are not pro- Mave Located the Man Who Shot Dog and Threw It Into Little Shetland Pony Just arrived here attired: as a man.}/fourteen head of thoroughbred |that an operation might be nec- ing night schools in the city a ficient and desired to improve Masha Arrived. “He” quickly became the beau of|Holstein cattle, consigned to/essary but his physician diag- public meeting was held in the|themselves. If there are enough f the town, courting many, but fin-|Chris Peterson, Smithers. In nosed his case as one of acute city hall last night. Mayor Pat-|men in the city who would avail ae themselves of the opportunity he considered it would be well t) establish night schools. The myster; of the blood| Litle Gordon Kirkpatrick, sonjally centreing “his” attentions]addition to the cattle there was indigestion. The treatment which ; ‘lains found + on of J. A. Kirkpatrick, is the happi-}on Miss Slifka, Miss Slifka’s}a large consignment of poultry. he has been taking has already|tullo was unanimously chosen as on the G, T. P. brother recently became shspi- Pellets had a very evident effect and Mr.}chairman of the meeting and R. ws and the cold’ slope ake est boy in Prince Rupert ees cious and started an investiga- Hospital Board Deasy has returned in the best|W. Godson was elected secretary. ee cerca so tieasiall ed up by the police this|#e 8 the proud peen ssor 0 . tion, which resulted’ in revealing] ‘phe next regular meeting of of spirits. He will leave for the} Rev. F. W. Kerr, being one of omen angi ale pe Thing, Constable Bailey beautiful bay Shetland pony]the “bridegroom's” identity. he : in fan .{Islands tonight. the prime movers in the matter,|*© , ‘sa Jailey and| oo alcak te the: Pelghe * : : the hospital board of directors ae lighten the meet_|five be appointed to formulate nother officer spent a couple of which arrived — by Ve I dressed in boy's clothing| wil) be held at the city hall on was asked to enlighten the meet- definite plans... Bev. cfz, Metr hours dragging ?") George this morning. rhe little}and came west because I wanted| ppiday, at 4 p.m. New Ottawa-Toronto Railroad. |ing as to any plans that had been © ?P es > sat Rast ae the harbor in|pet, which stands about 38 inches}{q work my way through col- e Ottawa, Oct, 4.—The Canadian] formulated, He said there|asreed with this and added that in lcinily, but without suecess.|high, was bred in Wales OM 4/jege,” she said today. “A work- , ee Northern Railway now connects|seemed to be an earnest desire|0? this committee there should : or this they went to the cold/ranch belonging to Rt. Hon.Jing girl hasn’t any chance in the Ottawa with Toronto, The last}in the city for night schools be men representing diferent ae plant, where they made Lloyd-George. Mr. Kirkpatrick east, and I thought I could dress EXCEPTIONALLY rail was laid Thursday afternoon. | which might be along either Sanee of were ne no _ es among the men, Fin-|purchased it at the New West-]like a man and get work on a The first train over the new route}commercial or technical lines, such a committee be appointed, Among the subjects that might Mr. Shaw seconding the motion, been located a man who told|minster fair from P. A, Cox Of}panch in the west, where I could started from Toronto yesterday . : which was ried esr u It. Anderson had come| Brantford, Ontario. It is thor-Jearn enough by drawing a man’s ' morning, bringing | Sir William be taken up were mathematics, ich was carr ied. be thay porrow a lantern, say- oughly trained for both riding}wages to start me in a good Mackenzie, the railroad knight, English, metallurgy, electrical Mr Kerr said he would like to ie al he wanted te shoot aland driving. Until the novelty | school,” at the on a tour of inspection. The newJengineering, ete. He suggested hear from Mr. Nelson as to the do ih Further investigatton led} wears off Gordon will have more route brings Toronto and Ottawa|that the school board might be|prospects of the school, board Owned location of Anderson, who] friends than any other boy in the Basket Ball Association , . 2|sixteen miles nearer together. willing to allow the use of the|assisting in the matter, Mr, Nel- “Up to the i be ee des IC ed — schools for holding the classes.|son, in reply, said he could speak shooting. Helecity. All the kiddies will i Canine was badly dis-|anxious to have a ride or a drive There will be a meeting of the On, J. W. Brooks, local repre-| R. H, Shockley was of the opin- only as one member of the board, : ine aa be destroyed,|behind the cute little equine. basket wa senna at ne ee ee & Me-|fion — mse on se ~ he monit be only too ae Anda i With another man, RANT — - Methodist Hall at eight o'cloe eeley, le s morning On aj|merelal an echnical, wou ejto co-operate in every possibile hare look the dog up the Meeting of medakiiaelane this evening, to decide upon the Red and White Roses business trip to Aldermere and|most satisfactory, He thought|way in regard to the use of the ar, 7 Way, tied it to a stone, Bake schedule of games to be played. Pathe’s Animated Gazette other interior points. that as soon as five students for|schools, He drew attention to be and threw it into the bar.| A meeting of the whole of the}Teams desirous of entering the The Burnt Cork Mrs. Cameron, of Stewart, who|any subject were enrolled a class|the fact that the seats were for j Presbyterian congregation will}league mae have their applica- Ranch Girls om a Rampage 9 ne se eee 8 ba and ve Seeman: i . ‘ vad a soul yo a Angus Stews ———— be held tonight, at 8 o’clock, in}tion in this evening. ; rs. Perey Godenra ‘or sev- ° aw agreed that the sub-/fortable for adults. e thoug tractor, art, railway con-|the Presbyterian. Hall, Every - 100 eral weeks, left this morning to|jects suggested would be a greal|the board should have consid- this mone from the south|Presbyterian is expected to be BULBS. ADMISSION AND 180 spend a_ fortnight with friends|help to those wanting instruc- . 18 present. See Stalker & Welle, 236-39, - ° at Port Essington, tion. There are many men in (Continued on Page 4.) “4 a fs Pe ei its ‘ a é