October 8, 1913, 9 y, 13, wednesda3 lid ialiatsci THE DAILY NEWS 3 — el : POG a ————— ——— ) = ; ’ FH IR ETN me =) pURCHASE NOTICES. a oot, °F ‘TO P ——— aries Hi, Flood, 0. RESERVE OLD | —~ jotice that 1, Ci nd to apply to ; ake ree EINCM Or jands and works eupation commis! nerepase the following »pmission } : fant ene WANT ibe a pos rae Lot fA Te din Ty northerly Citizens’ Association Takes Ac- spore of Hastings Arm tion to Preserve Antique Relic eas to the Tac-U-Apn ee des Jo “thence in 8 for Benefit of Tourists. CARCASSES OF moos 40 chains, jpencs hh fH Hs EROUSLY ooune woeien ae MOUNTAIN SHEEP NUM- , a9 chains, thence cast- TT a—a Aw?) commence, A few nights ago the matter ERNOR ethona o8 Take oTiOn ove 191) res more or 1e . HAI ek H. FLOOD, jof repairing the old Indian bridge ae , - 413 , 7, - ” uth pated, June te Sept 29, 1913. |which crosses the Bulkley at Juneau, Alaska, Oct. 5.—Ruth-|stream,” says one letter. “Seven au oh July 25, ae ee | a - . . : 7 " ™ =— trict-—District of Coast | Halwilget was under discussion|less slaughter of game in the| Caribou were seen grazing on heen Land Dense 5. witninves jamong some of the citizens. It|Seolai Pass country by ehechakos the opposite side of the river, , that Dora L. Wright, o bind, ink : where it we i i ° Take rt B. ._ occupation tharried jis ouly a small matter at present and big game hunters is reported | gover th A. batons on to res ince Ht ' np or permissior “ene . : , em. e 8 ; with vrs, interes Ot apply sescribed 1ands: |to renew one or two pillars andjin letters reeeived in Juneau every one of th iin ie we anit ig purchan ay it 4 post planted at the |the bridge would be made good] from reliable sources 9 , eae ee just for Commencins 2° + “Lot 421, Range 5, : sUESSS. the sport of watching them fall quineast COMET ence north’ 20 chains |for a number of years yet and at Ptarmigan lie seattered about Ip} i capes 4 : coast pistrie ' theast corner of Lot the same time the appearance | like bbl é i 1e carcasses rotted where they port os hains more oF less eta tn ¢ a t ike pebbles on a sandy beach, | fel]. 2 {, thence ff Lot 6142, ence | Wo i no wise ’ aC , ic Aelia 4 60 wet boundary or less to the shore ee een . a t. eerie aoe carcasses of moose, cari- 9 _— guth 20 v Lake, thence Westerly and | « aged ON ¢ sides a ou and mountain sheep are ROBBERY a a in alone sa 1 shore to the pues this bridge with its historic value|numerously found rotting and} ee yencement, CON" is ¢ te asee . : eae tte } wae coma L. wees is an important asset to the town | wasting, according to this infor- |Eight Staterooms on Steamshi io guty Stet, 1058 when the tourists begin coming|mation. The big game, it is said, | Northwestern Are Rifled P 20,00 Mp Aug. 18, 1919 Oct, 13, 1013, |through. The Indian bridge with|is stampeding into the Yukon y ee deste . what it represents ive in-|Teppi ; a J Sat eee greens Land D ict. pistes of Coast, | genuity aid tk ; a arp ab Territory for protection. No Seattle, Oct. 4—The United $ an o. t { » » ‘e £ *hargea . ‘ hes hat Cecil J. Crew, of ps ; te extreme labor}charges or blame is attached to|States marshal’s office was noti ner Take NOUS? os, occupation banker, in- required by the primitive meth- the real prospectors for thi LI fi ; ‘ portncawl, Walrss fission to purebase ds a! prospectors for this sort} fied by wireless telegraphy today tw aps peresisetos, ;}ods employed represents to the! of vandalism, nor are the Indians] that eight staterooms ; th k 334 jhe, f0ll0WINE Oe post planted one mile (tourist one of the wonders of thelaccused of : stat s on e comumen cing it corner of Lot 130, lworid, and they will come (hou c * of violating the game] Alaska steamship Northwestern — south of Ui ict, thence south 2¢ | 7, 9 jU-| Jaws, for it is e« cede ‘ > : ‘ a 0 chains, thence north }sands of miles to see it-—Omin-| is conceded that they|had been ransacked after the eins, then east 40 chains to point ee teva § . -| kill only what they need and use.|boat left Kitchikan Alaska, and ny Y‘ommencement, containing 80 acres jeca Herald. At the governor's office it was|$400 stolen ve or less om ietar > § ‘ pore oF -ECIL. J, CREW | ee admitted the , é t The if ; Dapery ). M. Miller, Agent. | No Joke ae lat complaints had} When the Northwestern arrived pued July 22nd, 1043, : | ” been received charging violations here today it was met in mid- UITy ab, Aug, 18, 1018—OCE, SB eres | “f suppose the titled personage}of the game laws and that the|harbor by a launch containing ; _ iyo SAV vol are g ¢ mY « “or ie ‘ i beuia ‘ . , ’ r - id tng eens Land District—District of Coast, os say you are going to marry matter is now being investigated.| deputy marshals, who searched shee! Range 6: is mentioned in the Almanach de Governor J. F. Ay Strong says|several men upon whom suspi — . notice that Louls Frank Banville, Gotha?” sai j isitive f > is ¢ ws ‘ . : : : se ynte 2 on pee cee etion Salle " at Es aid the : inquisitive that he is making an effort to get|cion rested. The thieves took poader, intends apply for persiineias to |newspaper man. No indeed,”|an appropriation for more game|nothing but cash, and were not veehase whe f wing des p 8: ire Le > velv ’ ‘“ re ons 1 r wm ae at @ post planted about 20 jretorted the love ly actress. Of| wardens. run down. chains east O Mule wlway, on” the FJoutn |course he ain't in no almanac.| ‘A party of Seattleites passed nae dicaslapintcde fupert, 0. T. Ws o yout ) ink he is joke ?”—|< ; ata vee : ; ; © the st of he irecehains. to sist Sl. Skeens ar ere ree ” is a joke? along the mountain range where Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, ivr, thence following the river bank in ee ain Dealer, there is a very dangerous|Phone 4. tf j westerly and northerly direction to point Black of commencement, containing 20 acres | — =" ——— —$—$_____ more or less. : ~ LOUISE FRANK BANVILLE. ated July 18th, 1013. paved Kug. 18, 1913—Oct.” 13, 1913. Se eerie enosien skeena Land District-—District of Coast, £ Range 5. fake notice that Thomas S. Crew, of Tetbury, England, occupation gentieman, tnte » apply for permission to pur- v hase the following described Jands: “commencing at & post pianted one half mile south of the southeast corner of Lot 13), Range 5, Coast District, thence west 4) chaias, thence south 40 chains, thence ry ast 80 chains, thence north 40 chains to point of mmencement, containing 320 res more or less, ret THOMAS $8. CREW. PEOPLE IN THE SHOOTING TRAGEDY AT ALEXANDRIA, ONT. Pp. M, Miller, Agent. a pated i 18 1019-—-Oet. 13, 1943 Al the top are Mrs. J. A. N. Taylor, of Montreal, who did the shooting and on the right is her ats —_—— ATTN nace daughter, Mrs. N. W Horton, whom the mother shot down. Below is the grand-daughter whom le lel Skeena Land District—District of Coast, she also shot and she is hovering between life and death in the Royal Vietoria Hospital, Mon- Range 5. treal, ~— notice that Marion Waugh, of , Que occupation spinster, in- _ ply for permission to purchase i wing de scribed lands ee WOLVES KILLING FLOCKS | Not Straight. MAXIM GORKY ILL ocing 4 208 ) ed abo eee Tt ad a i in a northerly direction, from i;She tried to kill him with a the § st her of Lot 5149, Range | * : : : * 5, Coast District, Lakelse Vailey, thence Austrian Government Organizes glance, |Noted Russian Novelist Suffering wrth 40 chains, more or less to south she ac . ( . . | oe Latah: CRiaieh) Want: 40 Expedition to Kill Them. | But she was, truth to tell, with Tuberculosis. south fe chains, thence east niki }So0 cross-eyed that, by grievous sn i ia re or less bac to point of . | eg ‘ | 7 nt, containing 160 acres more Vienna, Oct. 7.—The destruc- chance, Naples, Italy, Oct. 5.—Maxim t less or byste or fell! os 1 July 22nd so ARION WAUGH, tion of flocks of sheep and herds i ne tander fell! c Gorky, the Russian novelist who 1 July 22nd, y —Milwaukee Di WS a. Aug. 18, 1913—Oct. 13, 1013. of cattle in the mountains of} ilwaukee Daily News. lives on the Island of Capri, is Skeena Land District—District of Coast,{ Styria and Assyria by packs of| so ill with tuberculosis that he al r r f Coast, Te | | hange 5. Richest Carload of Ore. wolves are s frous ‘ » | as 1e oblige . > are Take notice that Arthur O, Crew, of ves are so numerous that the | Nelson, Oct 4 What is de ha been obliged to come here devizes, England, occupation surveyor, in-| Austrian cove , : , , Lia, re “| fo cial cure \ 0 apply for permission to purchase , government has or- scribed by Mr. Bruce White, the for a special cure. ng described lands; dered the organization of an ex- Commencing at a post planted about 20 | . * lavell ad f as . a horth of the northeast corner of pedition to kill the wild beasts.|"** known mining man, as th Mad Kin Is Very il Range 5, Coast District, thence lrichest carload f "2 avar : g F chains more or less to portheast ‘ 9 ichest carioad of ore ever sent London. Oct.-3._Revorts from ner of Lot 596, thence east 20 chains, You'll never have gooc pic ly “ sl aot citi d 4 n, + o ! Renae etn 467 Gite ahaa ne Laan a8 ave good neigh-|out from the Slocan district is | . : state thi » co shore of lake, thence westerly 20 chains|}bors unless you are one. being taken out from the Moun- Munich state that the condition more or less following shore of lake to l te . . , King 00 avarik as of commen ement, containing 40 —_ > itain Con mine, near Sandon, | of King Ott f Bavaria, who ha ore Ot eee Launch Alice B for hire. Tele-|Ore is being sacked at that prop-| been a lunatic since 1870, has ARTHU WK é : ‘ ie | a cies hoot phone Green 391, Davis Float.|erty which will run 2,000 ounces!changed for the worse and that pe USE alts FH utd 13, 1013 465-if} in silver to the ton. |his death is expeeted shortly. not * tuat 1, William Macy, of ccupation caterer, intend to Hon at eee ee Paes FO UC. A AU aE a A CU a ae Aission 0 se 1 ribed lands; wencing at & post planted on the southeast corner of 8S, T. L. Lot and Post $5280-9 , thence southerly 20 chains tlong the shore of Goose Bay to 8S, T. L ! and Post reading $5280-9529, thence YOU HAVE HEARD OF THE FAMOUS Bulkley Valley a & westerly direction 20 chains, thence a a n riberly direction 20 chains, thence f ast 20 ans to the point of commence Ment, containing 160 acres more or less, WILLIAM MACY. C. H. Flood, Agent, Gurney-Oxford The Aristocrat of the Kitchen After a glimpse into the kit- a device called the Economizer chens of thousands of well which not only actually saves managed homes throughout one ton of coal in every six Canada, the Gurney-Oxford burned in the ordinary range, Range may truly be spoken of but so regulates the heat in as the “Aristocrat of the the oven thatdeliciously dainty Kitchen.” Itis the first range cakes, golden brown biscuits, to-day in Canada both in point and iight flaky pastry are sure of appearance and .cooking results from every baking. efficiency. Dated June 27th, 19143. Pub. July 28, 1043 Sept. 22, 1013. ) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AP- PROVAL OF PLANS. 7 hotice that James Arthur Brown, Wilt Essington, B, C,, Sawmill owner, Rights 2, (2, the Comptroller of Water ibe worn, .2@ SPproval of the plans of works i tation ct iP be constructed for the utili neich the r + x * x * x * x * x * * * x * * * ¢ * x * x * x * ¢ * ¢ * ; * t * ; Which contains one of the largest and richest bodies of agricultural land in British Co- * renee the | t lumbia. 7 kaa, applicant ne ae sane You have heard of the tremendously rich Babine, Hudson Bay Mountain and Copper + sawmill p: roeiae halt eee, and. use. for River mining districts. I s, respec while ; he application for 66 cuble feet Der Che Grand Trunk Pacific is now operating trains from Prince Rupert to a point 3014 No. 05) jo said creek (Water Permit be situated " pending, The sawiill to x District, nn Lot 124, Range 9, Coast) ¥ 3 r * miles east, The trade centre and future city of (his wonderful section is HUBERT—\ocated in the very heart of the Bulkley Valley, and from where branch railroads must be buill to open up the great surrounding country. HUBERT is located three miles east of the old towns of Telkwa and Aldermere, both of whieh will move to the railway, : HUBERT is the recognized location for the future city, and has behind it the same or- ganization thal created and made Fort George famous, une plans and particulars required by Water A Qh one of Section 70 of the With ia 4s amended have been filed With the Comptroller of Water Hights and Objecusy ‘ler Recorder at Prince Rupert. filed when to the application may be arlene ‘he Comptroller of Water Rights, Date, ot Bulldings, Victoria, B. C. day or tt Priace Rupert, B, C., this 29th y Of August, A. D. 4948.0 7” W-Sepi. a ARTHUR BROWN, Applicant. Sue It is a range which elevates woman from the constant toil and labor in the kitchen toa higher level of life. Its Econ- omizer allows her to go visiting or shopping and keeps a low fire ready for her return, when by simply turning the lever a WRITE TODAY FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THIS FUTURE CITY. MAPS, PLANS AND PHOTOGRAPHS WILL BE SENT FREE. A bright nickel trimming that never tarnishes, a smooth polished top that never requires black lead, this range is to woman just one beam of grati- fication. Se wears Be WATER NOTICE. Application for a C 4 license to 1 8 water will be ake and use as Phe made under the Water Act Ush Columbia as follows: '. The name of a . the applican ie alt Works, Ltd. F pplicant is B, C Natural Resources Security Co., Limited George J. Hammond, President Joint Owners and Sole Agents FORT GEORGE and HUBERT Townsites. SIXTH FLOOR, VANCOUVER BLOCK VANCOUVER, B. C. o ; - H. Mobley, agent, he address of the applicant ts Prince Rupert, B, ¢ 3 of River = lame of the stream is Kwinitsa tain range ; ele am has its source in moun , Be about & » . River, flows ut 5 miles west of the Skeena ind empties ‘Nn @ Southeasterly direction - e = a = <= = = = = a — = a <_ = = a < = = = = S e —) 2 eS 2 es 2 2 2 e = S & = | Za Za “a 2 = ea es = = = = = = = = SES But besides its handsome DR RAR RR TT RR TAA AAA IDA AIA AAAI ASA IASASSISISSSISSASSSISASISSISISISCSI ASIA SIS SI SIA ID ISAS ISIS SISA IASI SASSANG le sf Ye ite, Skeena™ River ‘aout 4 rance,the Gurney-Oxford ; ; the stream ihe is to be vdiveried from | 5 —=—=—=_—=——— — appea ? y hot fire is quickly produced. Be ee a hes dae ee more than fulfils the purpose ) Will be sed HfPOse for which the Wale | A aE ES Ea ; e be ised | land ‘Ob whieh the ea: | is every range is built for—suc- Employ the Gurney-Oxford lain wr Cescribed as follows Mineral | ee ,T me . : f Lid, ant located they follows: Mineral | cessful cooking. It contains in your household. U8 Seocane iygeeeeett to Lot 74 and | Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley follows “NUNN OF Water applied for ts | FARM Bulkley Valley Fort George District F ARM 5 I e du ec 200 ches Modhed | Sab O2s IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS +, HOtiCe Was posted I bth a, on the ground aay uf Sepested on the Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on ; UaDL then Uellce and an applica- men fthe Ww ‘ereto and to. the require Bi: fl ater Act will be fled in the CALL ON US—ASK FOR OUR NEW CATALOGUE,"STOVES AND RANGES” Wupert’h me Water Recorder at ip, sae | ‘FRED STORK - - 2nd Ave. »& scls2ea!{ NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited igi Se a PN Wonks, 1p, PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000.00 VANCOUVER, B.C, 26 SBS CB BOO OS 62 @BAaQaa eoooe » 8 to Oct 1913, ey, Agent. , §000000000000000000000000 000000000 SD 000DODODODDHODODDOLOCCOOOEROCG COCOOCHHOOOO 6,