Wednesday, — senieenatiatis 8, 1949, THE DAILY NEWS EES WELL KNOWN MINING DINING CAR SERVICE . October ‘LIGHTING OF SIXTH MAN VISITING INTERIOR 18 ALSO EXTENDED | ) LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. — d AVENUE IS DEBATED om James Cronin, a well known With the extension of the pas- ; , ini i ritish Colum- ver and freight service on the W. J. Jephson left this morn-}|mining man im Brit sengel g It Being a Capital Expenditure ing for Hazelton, where he has a] bia, arrived in the city on thelg ‘p, p, beyond Hazelton to Rose Bylaw Must be Submitted branch office, Prince George this morning and Lake, the Canada Railway News eee ae phate Pease ie ip bended bg rh Company has also extended its eomnciciaciesigi ‘octic lior r, Cr vas one of the} %0™ ? zy . : ; ie cyan 4 Seis ere The report of the electric light eS A eee arate first vente aaa ae d ‘ or ex.]service. W. J, McLean, manager er ‘ ay ‘st mi ( X-|* , oR ’ : i Rooms, left on the Princess May]?irs : sical » Pay fr The committee and the finance com- Tuesday night for Ketchikan. tensive development work in thejat Prince Rupert, informed rhe E mittee upon the petition for the; " ay} Hazelton district. It is under-|News yesterday that a dining | lighting of Sixth Avenue to Seal Mr i Mrs. Godenrath will | stood that he has several pro-jcar is now punting. tamulsess on Cove were brought up before the; "PT. and Mrs. ssocen row} perties in the Babine country|the mixed train between Smithers si] M jay rht,| leave for Stewart by tomorre and Rose Lake i city council on Monday nignt.| takin’ and now that transportation fa-|é ‘ P P A delightfully soothin h The light superintendent's re-|™orning’s boat. cilities have been greatly im-| Referring to the starting of a lotion, which will save you t ; : N ere. 26 : . , ’ fia , ,G.7T Pp dis ou the port was embodied in these, the The monthly meeting of the|proved it is not improbable that lunch counter in the G, T, P. Inn, aoe 4) roughened 6 , e . 1 . ’ 1@ » Chappe r latter stating that to put in the solice commissioners is being|the properties will be further de-|W hich is to be closed one week Sore lips tae hese vee and a ie : . ( C Ss rs : . av ’ ices , ° our ee light along. Sixta Aveave would? ‘ld this afterndon veloped and put on a_ regular|from today to be used as offices Soft and white, 256 a bette ae cost $2,572, and that to put in| hele : oe : working basis. Mr. Cronin was and waiting rooms for the rail- at your Druggist’s oa ie four lights to residences would : ; ‘ for some time in charge of the|way, Mr. McLean stated that ac- SATIOMAL ORUG AND OHEMiCAL co, | ie } cost $192, making a total of in eS Pyar: nls "Snead silver-lead mines at Moyie. cording to the present plans » MIMITED, monTneaL, oi i 82764. ing James Melmo and H. Kose Shae Se ae = there will also be tables at which a In answer to Ald. Maitland the|were each fined $5 for fighting South on Venture. the public may sit down to a reg- NOTICE. a mayor said it might cost more]on the street. 3 ular meal, He contemplates] — Nétice is herepy giv i at se 5 ‘ ; a YY Biven that pursy i) than the sum given and it was Pee Among those sailing south On| cowing a special evening dinner Teed euisions of chapter 115 or gant to 4 Tp : ve . , . are: rr D apler o iad e Re eet te really one of capital cost, and as The ladies of the Anglican] the Venture this afte peat ats at a popular price, The room deposited with, the Mintsieg W!8on has i be it was not reasonable to expect it}Church will hold a sale of work Mrs. Ventila Melini, Mrs. Tekla that has up to the present been pinstracteh oe” a wor oposed | ube hae, _ ¥ mm. nai . r sk : € rok , 1s ( on lar ao ie ¥ to be paid out of current reve-;on Thursday, Dec. 4th. Particu- Kaulbeck, George Kaulbeck, - used as a dining room will be Prince Rupert, B. ¢., wee iyi ae | . are is . 925_° . , . “ris Ss 4 ollows Comme ne & hided 4 ib . nues after these had been appro-|lars later, 235-36 | Sullivan, F. Morrison, Mrs. L.l used for the lunch counter and | 4073'6s ft. east tram set Et. north ang et) x |priated, it was therefore fitting Baten McDonald, F. J. Whalen, D. Mc- tables Rupe + Les rhea on Pian #33, pred is ies 5 ! ’ ’ . = . ‘ ; 5 Ye ‘ 5 oe jupert Land Regist Omee ince i hs ae ¥ ithat the people should vote upon Mr. and Mrs. GC. H. Sawle, who] Donald, W. Patterson, C. Brown, pea sae 3) west corner Subi ° Nae nce we South % | it. A bylaw for this purpose|have been spending a few days in]J. Walters, F. Zander, J. R. Find it through a Daily News e's ben e line. Then west TH oH lwould be submitted later. the city, returned to New Hazel-| Bailey, W. Demarra. “Want Ad.” grees 40 minutes 1 second west sip | ae “ ; his j snsclfnaliamnplocisii Fidsibpeninensian ox ie arbor line, thence south 9 | | Ald. Maitland wanted to know/ton this morning. grees 13 minutes 6° secong wult 36 a \ . iwhy a bylaw was needed for this * 2 Died at the Hospital. meh woter mark, thence f lowing tits ‘ _ ; . ° , # . 9 bolt of beginning, wi ! and not for Beach Place. Mrs. W. D. Vance, 608 4th Mrs. Mary Mason, wife of pep poe pocipies of sald pr posed ait ¢ s posite a ¢ ylicate ; The mayor said the cost of one] Avenue East, will receive tomor-|Daniel Mason of Hartley Bay, the foregoing in the Lan ate of each ot | was small as compared with thelrow afternoon from 4 to 6 and/qied yesterday morning at the ie Hover th” ounell tor’ append ie sachcinthieaiaacnataiestaell other. He agreed with Ald. Mait-lafterwards on tha second Thurs- | hospi ath sate hen te sh a thereof, pproval — t lospital, hile curing f Daawir-Oit, Sentem : land that they needed light on]day of each mogth. 236 |week or so ago her clothes took = MACDONNE Ldn nitty 883. : te j ' c S2e-. 30 : ; aa nia aving purchased the bus- Solicitors for th ica These are styles we now have in stock, as well as Sixth Avenue, and he would like 5 . fire and she was so badly burned Having pu ane 1 Me 8 W.Bept. 99-008 ie ors for the Applicant, : to see light there for the people The brick work on the new|that she could not recover. The iness until recently con- many other numbers in this popular make. going home, but the expense was]}Premier Hotel is proceeding at a]remains will be sent to Kitkatla ducted as Skeena Land District—pistrict of Que yi 3 : : . ’ Charlotte Islands In the cheaper grades we carry the P. C. in a com- too large just at present. very satisfactory rate. Today|for interment. ’ Take notice that [, He ben Parsons, of let and we now have on the way a shipment of After some further discussion|the walls are nearly to the fifth, cleats CLIFTON'S BAKERY anata neti 7 ho \. 1c pation’ at plete range, anc e no ave ¢ > ay as th . a he > , t nr 2 - y - eo. : apply for @ license tw e report of the two commit-lor top, storey. V. Demarra leaves this after- prospect for coal and petroleum on and . . : : : me ‘ . we beg solicit a contin- under one hundred and sixty acres the celebrated NEMO Corsets. tees against the lighting was secre noon on the steamer Venture for : . a Pe » pal 1D ae gage land on Graham Island. B, c bounded 45 adopted. W. S. Marshall, of the Prince Milano, Italy, via New York. all tt 6 id. anions nf Commencing at aq t ; ‘ m * sustomers as quarter post at the Rupert Importing Co., and J. G. a tS. MANS centre of Section Thirt ite ps or : —————————————— well as new ones. Being Six (6), Graham Island, thence’ ae nip STARTING NIGHT SCHOOL MoNab, C. P.R. general agent, WATER NOTICE thoroughly experienced in {Cains ;thence east forty chains, “mene left this morning for up-river . loroughiy experiences : north forty chains, thence west fort s e e °9 e oisow aoe . : ee * the business we are quali chains to the point of b . 7 5 oints. : ag HERBERT PAKS , (C ti d from page { P . . . Ghee cere that saad A bah paper fied to give the same satis- By C. P Nuter,’ Agenp. bh Q ‘ ontinue ) ydro-Electric Company, Limited, of Mon Se ri ‘ , Dated September 4t v1) 7 ute Department Store Prince Rupert. T. F. Hopkins, who is interest-| real, Quebec, has filed with the Honor faction as in the past and Dab. Och Be ieis ict ah: 1919 4 ’ ae y * aa 5 ein able the Minister of Lands under Part 6 will endeavor to give an im cae ; He ‘ fi saching|ed in some mineral properties in]of the Water Act a petition for the ap , ; ° pe re ; = ees ered the question of teaching ae Ales Awa Riststot wa am.|Proval of their undertaking in relation to proved service. Skeena Land District District of Coast, i ee | ic +j alice o¢ Ae a ’ , = ~Ithe utilization of 1,500 inches of water , Sng . English and arithmetic at least ong the arrivals by the steamer|from Thulme River, Quatoon Inlet, Skeena W. PURVIS GARNET j Take notice that Eugene Renz, of Prince =— ‘ rAig j . ‘ ‘ Water District, for power purposes iupert, B, » OCCUPAation cook, intends to a —— = —— = —— to the foreign population. Prince George this morning. Application for (the aed. water: vights JAS. CURRIE apply for permission to purchase ‘the fol “ris reps -eferre was made on the 20th day of September, owing described iands iB Harrison Roger: referred to . s . 1908, by the Continentai owes Company, pe Cmmencing at é post planted about 90 t : : > ig . : J . ‘er . ? > , pe | Limited, which last mentione rompany chat south of m@ northeast corner of a the night schools in Vancouver, G. F. Allen, who makes his ry Srlbadaerad Tie Sthe Bra Rupert S, E. 30945, thence north 40 chains, thenee a > . . ‘ yree success *f arters » city repre- , -Electric C a , Limited, thei east 13 chains more or less to the wes} ae which are a great success, A| he vdqu arters in the city, repre Hydro-} ectric ompany nited reir GEORGE LEEK boundary of John McKechnie's we Nag ¥ fee of $3 per term is charged senting Johnson Bros. of Van- Copies of the petition, plans and ex 100, thence south 20 chains more or less x . ap > > . 2A © hibits Q roval of the jertakir as 0 ohn Mckhechnie’s southwest corner / i there The pressing needs here couver, left on the Princess May required bo hection #9 and Part 6 of the Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker | thence east 20 chains, thence south 94 Bh © he: felt ae li h 5 ote Hie: Tuesday evening on a_ business] Water Act have been filed with th Comp Notary Public. Rents and Collections chains, thence west 33 chains more or less ? > » "a “nglish, ar etic. ‘ . . > Jate nts 4 . / or "k 9 J , . Oo the eas oundary of § 30945 to the i fa eee ee eee . TY trip to Skagway and Whitehorse. | (Woller of Water | Rights, Ramee aa Albert Block, 2nd Avenue point of commencement, containing ‘90 . a ae spe , ere . in : i writing and pelling. Th z eel Objections to the application may be Prince Rupert acres more or less Seal { might also be classes in art, filed With the Comptroller of Water Rights, atween 5 : . Stree _ BUGENE RENZ ah aks : ; T. J. Rogers ,who takes charge] Parliament Building, Victoria, B. C Between 5th and 6th Streets gone Com D. Lenhart, Agent dre yr, etc. : ate. Prince or er 2 e August 22nd, ‘Mr Shockley suggested that a of the construction of piers and dap of Davee ete Parag ee Pub. Sept. 22, 1913——-Nov. 17, 1913 notice be put up in the reading abutments for the permanent a tt Foon ain rhc 1 AM THE MAN , ’ room asking for suggestions as|Pridge at the second crossing of| Oct. 8 15, 22 & 29, WHO PUT SHINE Every man to his business, | as ; as ; to subjects ‘desired, On request] ‘he Bulkley, left for the interior | —=——_—————e see |ON SHOES am an expert collector. Let me of the meeting he was authorized this morning, accompanied by The original Star Shoe Shine|look after your rented property ee : . is Mrs. Rogers. removed from Third Ave. around | or collections. A to look after this. s ‘ 7 {4 ® 9 3 . Aa Mayor Pattullo named as a The Daily News corner on Fifth St, GEORGE LEEK : : A. J. Nixon, one of the inspec- committee to formulate’ plans , ae Special Seats for Ladies — — = |essrs. Kerr, Shockley, Black,|rs for the railway commission,|$ © CLASSIFIED ADS. 616 and Ave. Phone 208 See ean arrived by the Prince George this f Shaw, Rogers and Godson. arrived by : . The meeting then adjourned,|™0rning, leaving on the regular TAXIDERMIST BROWN & BUTTERS the committee remaining to dis-]'"@!n for the interior. General P . g& to dis-]— FOR RENT Heads, Birds, Fish and Rugs cuss the question Superintendent Mehan accom- SC RUaT AIA ae RA he i The following list of subjects panied him. mounted first class to order for MINING ENGINEERS METALLURGY AND MINING GEOLOGY FOR RENT—Five room house, corner Mc- 5 see tbs Bride and 8th Avenue. 820. 235-240|Feasonable prices. © ition was proposed: Res, Phone Black 413 Box 136 a f ee ta a r nj 7 Mrs. Hubert Ward entertained|HOUSE for rent, five rooms; well fur O. L. WINGERE! & CO. Prince Rupert Reh re Elementary English, arithmetic : 1 : nished; moderate terms. Phone Black].,, . : ; : vs €e and spelling, geometrical draw about twenty of her friends at a 329. 214tr | 844 Seymour 8t., Vancouver, B. C. © . = , S fe . : 7 : : : : jolly skating party last evening|pooL HALL for rent. Good proposition) = - a ing, machine construction andj?"”: ? } i) . Good pro ¢ i 3 Al ° ° drawing, arithmetic and mn: in honor of her sister, Miss Sear ee Apply Eby Bros., Terrace.| po, the Best Jobs of A i cienti C ay ation stenog raphy and typewrit Green, who will return to Van- , CLEANING, PRESSING Architect ; » - a 7 & : OLA a \riday ing * ' He ing, building construction, elec- Cares : ¥e ene eae: Fol- FOR SALE a ee aaa cit Suite 1, Federal Block te - 3 0 4 > SKE 2 € y ene ! » Lowes rice e City ee . : i The quality goes in before the tricity, steam, mechanics, sound,| rere couple arate 7At a Fine Work, Ladies’ and Men's Sults PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. a ies light and heat, navigation. J . h uple of pleasant hours | por ALE Mason & | Hamlin piano, in aor Ga Phone 300 P, O, Box 1635 a ae : pa ia f : at her home. good condition, §175. ply Empress —_ cap goes on. Made and bot It is requested by the commit- Rite od Theatre OMice. ‘ 29btt Phone Red 329 P. O. Box 397 , ee i eee Sallie and tee that all those wishing to take Re igs it, 627 Fulton Street Prince Rupert, B. C. RANSFER C0 : : , up any of these studies will notify Bai Fr sat r, ees for the WANTED : : = PACIFIC T * i every bottle carries their the secretary, W. Godson, on or aa ooo t : ete = ea P. 0, Box 203 Phone 47| Furniture, Baggage, Piano Mov- before Saturday next, stating the i, | OURS ave Highest temperature..... 53.0 nse sone Fore Tools: Guns ang ‘Men's Ciothing. wach | fl NECESSARY TO ae OATS CLOVER Lowest temperature..... - 42.0 t . : mais, tamvorature...--- 478, || “SEmmernmecomrcam™ | [10 evar wr roe as om WHEAT ALFALFA eters ; Services Sunday at 11 ——__— ~ am, and 750 p.m. Sunday CORN ETO orderly, was fined $5 and costs SPECIALTY Charles Page, drunk and dis- REV. WI, Dimieiok - PASTOR 5 BRY T NOXALL J HARLA S. BRYANT R, 4 this morning. H. Bruland and ST. ANDREW’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Teacher Of CHOKEN FEED A A HOUSEWIFE IS JUDGED BY HER KITCHEN] | Albert Hanson were each fined $5|[/ Cor. ne Ave. and Dunsmuir Place ||MANDOLIN, BANJO AND QUITAR GERM-PROOF Ma GEtATGn en te nen ten BRIGHT] | on a similar charge. ing prayer. 7:30." sunday Fiat 7, Clapp Bldg. : Mail orders promptly attended t@ i BLA school, 2:80 p, , wy aan ht, tes Filters ¥ — o Paste | THe F F Dattev @.u10.|No Dust 3 ee i NoWaste HAMILTON.ONT. | No Rust . ®. a ee : CHEAP AUREAGE Silp Easily Over th : . versi es ros. REV. B.C. BURCH - Rector ues "Mouth of Any Faucet eh R nt i ae —————-- —— || THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Renee AB teiplehies i i Oo e » Th _to- 7 cS Granville Court Prevent Typhoid d J Rit . — an = a e Up-to-Date House Decora sunday, services an ts ee P Diseases Caused a h one Your Drug Store Wants to Us tors of Prince Rupert day "Sahool, Cae pen ies a Week night’ services Mon. PRiIOog, Neat Three-Roomed House ° day, Wednesday, Thurs- s W sae day’ and Sa : Near Prince Rupe | | near sign riting.. y an turday ce Rupert 95.00 é ; Fifth Avenue CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MEETINGS — the Hospital Paper-Hanging Held in Hays Bldg, 245 9nd Ave, 6 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS THE REXALL STORES Free Delivery from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M, Sunday service 141 a. m. ; tne moeding sevice as" ae Our Specialties tmony mestines “Weanes- TWO BIG STORES Cc. H. ORME Phones 82 and 200 : The Pioneer Druggist days at 8 p. m Reading _ Sarath | Marion, Gamble & Company) rrmne, |G. R. Naden Co, Lt holi “Yo Gide Reliable” in wee euuaniehaei - HARRY HANSON } Insurance Third SECOND AVE. Real Estate ant 2nd Street Phone 156 Green ird Ave. Prince Rupert May Be Seen one rration at Orme's Second Avenue: re