A ARE Le mia gee an see eee reer THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA : Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. All Other Countries: Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HERaD OFFICE Paily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New $2.00 per year. York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. Weekly, Daily, $8.00 per year. DAILY EDITION GAGE THROWN DOWN TO ARMY OF ULSTER. The telegraph informed us vesterday that the British government had decided against a conference of party leaders on the home rule bill, and that they defied Sir Edward Carson and all his works. If Carson has the backbone to carry out his many fire-breathing threats there must be civil war. Or will it be merely rioting? When Carson recently reviewed the “Army of Ulster’ he Claimed that it was thoroughly organized and that it had a strength of one hundred thou- sand men. John Redmond ridicules the army, and says it is armed with wooden guns. But then John is a redhot home ruler and therefore prejudiced. He is also a Catholic. The army of Ulster is cvom- posed of the Orange lodges and Unionist clubs, who have signed the covenant and who are prepared to give allegiance to the provisional government which has already been organ- ized and is ready to go into immediate operation. This looks serious. all this warlike talk it seems to have been forgotten that even in Ulster home rulers are almost as numerous as Union- ists, and that the home rulers of the other Irish provinces are likely to take a hand on the side of their northern com- patriots if anything more seri- ous than rioting follows the establishment of an Irish leg- islature. That there will be rioting no one can reasonabiy doubt. It does not take muck But in << Thursday, Oct. 9, 1913. rioting in Ireland even in the most peaceful times. But that any body of disciplined men, headed by the British generals who have given their adherence to the Ulster covenant, will ever take the field in rebellion against the imperial authority is un- thinkable. Therefore, the course adopted by the British government appears well taken. GEORGE FOSTER AND HIS TRIPS. Has anyone yet discovered what Canada gained by the six months’ journey to the ends of the earth taken by Hon. Mr. to cause Foster, ostensibly to advance Canada’s trade _ interests? When the next auditor gen- eral’s report comes out the people will learn that Mr. Foster’s expenses were by no means so small as his per- formances. Hon. Mr. Foster has re- turned to Ottawa. He had spent exactly six months tour- ing the world and returned just as empty handed as he went away, save that he was fertile in excuses for his failure to accomplish anything. As Can- ada’s commercial traveller Hon. Mr. Foster is a greater failure than has been. There was, however, consolation in Mr. Foster’s announcement that he would start out again on his peregrinations with a trip to England. Premier Borden and his colleagues seem to sleep more easily when the veteran is out of the country, and Mr. Foster’s department never seems to feel his departures. Dry Goods, Third Avenue Fall and Winter Goods You are cordially invited to visit our store on Third Ave. West, where you will find a complete stock of Children’s Coats & Hats and everything you will require for fall and winter wear. JABOUR BROS. THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES Ladies and Prince Rupert Ottawa, Oct. 8.— The Free Press says of the Ulster move- ment in Canada: The government numerous warm protests against the attitude toward Ulster of sympathizers in Canada, It is pointed out that for many years the supporters of home rule were allowed a free hand in Can- ada, both in raising money and in sending out men to advance that cause, and it is asked why does the same not apply in the case of those opposing home rule. But there is another side to this. The government is much concerned over reports that at several points in Canada money is being raised in aid of the re- is receiving bellious movement in the north of Ireland, and that there is a likelihood of CGanadians being quietly enlisted and sent forward for the Ulster fight. There has even been talk of a Canadian volunteer contingent. The gov- GOOD CHUM FOR THAW. Murderer Schmidt May Join De- generate in Matteawan. New York, Oct. 6.—The thorities in charge of the prose- cution of Hans Schmidt, the priest who dismembered the body of Anna Aumuller and threw the pieces into the Hudson River, an- nounced tonight that the next step that would be taken in the case following the formal ver- dict of the coroner's jury Friday that Schmidt was responsible for the woman’s death, If Schmidt is eventually found legally insane he will be taken to the Mattea- au- wan State Hospital for the Crim- Insane. inal CLASSICAL GRACE FOR TEA TIME WEAR This tea gown or home dinner dress is of white crepe-de- chine with trimmings of rich- WELL I'LL BE DARNED -, SEPTEMBER 27TH — ITS TODAYS PAPER ALL RIGHT- AI MUST SHOW THE Boss - colored gauze brocaded velvet. WARM PROTESTS AGAINST THE COURSE OF ULSTER CANADIANS OTTAWA FREE PRESS POINTS OUT LIKELIHOOD OF CAN- ADIANS BEING QUIETLY ENLISTED AND SENT OUT TO FIGHT FOR ULSTER. THE DAILY NEWS ernment of Ganada has deter- mined to stifle such movements at the beginning and, for the pur- pose of obtaining the earliest in- formation, the Dominion secret service has been put upon the watch, The laws are very against participating in ing such disorders as that pro- posed by the Ulster objectors to home rule. The acts are set down in the criminal code of Canada as treason, with liability to punishment in the form of im- prisonment for life. severe or aid- London, Oct. 8.—The prospects of a conference of party leaders on the Ulster problem appear to be diminishing if any deductions are to be drawn from the speech of Home Secretary McKenna last night. In regard to such confer- ence, he asked: ‘What are they to confer about? Such a confer- ence can mean nothing but point- less procrastinations.” MILITANTS LOSE HELP Member Arrested While Speaking at Music Hall. London, Oct. 6—The militant suffragettes were deprived of one of their leaders, Miss Annie Ken- ney, who was arrested the platform of a London music hall in the course of a meeting today to mark the recommencement of Miss Kenney was re- on hostilities. leased from prison after a “hun- ger strike’’ two months ago. She was undergoing a term of eigh- teen months’ imprisonment for conspiracy. The arrest § today brought a scene of wild excite- ment in the crowded hall. Doesn’t Have to Pay Fare. Toronto, Oct. 6.—Sir William Mackenzie has left for England, and from Toronto to Bristol] he travels exclusively over railway and steamship lines which he himself controls. He went to Ot- tawa over the new Toronto-Ot- tawa line, which has not yet been opened for passenger traflic, and thence to Quebee over. the Can- adian Northern-Quebeec, and across the Atlantic by the Royal Edward. It is thought that Western Canada interests claim his attention in the old country. Launch Alice B for hire. Tele- phone Green 391, Davis’ Float. 155-tf ENGLISH sive LACE MADE made by the cottagers of BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Laces were awarded the Gold Medslat the Festival of LOVE NOTES BAR ALIMONY Judge Rules Against Wife Who Wrote Sweetly on Leaving. New York, Oct. 6.—Supreme Court Justice Brady has decided that a woman who leaves her husband after writing him an af- fectionate farewell letter and then sues for separation on the ground of cruelty is not entitled to alimony. The court accord- ingly denied an application by Mrs. Marion J. Williams for $250 a month and $2,000 counsel fee in a suit against Frank W. Williams, a decorator. Cleaners. tf Pantorium Pioneer Phone 4. A HALF MILLION DOLLARS LOANED To Contract Holders at 5% per annum simple interest, during the past two years to buy or build HOMES, to improve their properties, to pay off mortgages of a higher rate of interest Second to none in the history of Contract Loaning Companies in the world, THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE have grasped their opportunity and will have a home of their 4 own. Paying for it in payments less than rent. ARE you buying a Home for your land lord, or for your family? INVESTIGATE this plan thoroughly. THE CANADIAN HOME INVESTMENT CO., Ltd. | Head OMce Pacific Building Second Floor VANCOUVER, B. C. Local OMce Federal Bldg. PRINCE RUPERT, B. Cc. Hotel : Directory eee Members P.R.L. Vintners Association PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX Owned and Operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Ry. Geo. A. Sweet, Manager WINDSOR HOTEL Corner of First Ave. and Eighth St. W. H. Wright, Prep. HOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh St. European and American Plan Peter Biack, Prop. KNOX HOTEL First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth European Plan, Rates 50c to $1.00 Per Day Beener & Besner, Props. J. Y. Rochester Vv. D. Casley EMPRESS’ HOTEL Third Ave., Between Sixth and Seventh Streets European Pian, 60 to $1 Per Day PREMIER HOTEL American and European Plan F. W. Henning, Manager Empire and Imperial Exhibition, Crystal Palace, 1911. DAINTY UY come of this hend.mede Piliow Lace, it loots MANY times longer then eny mechine-mede variety, and quiee en cir of dis ta the povsessor, ot the same nme makers, brieging them many little eomtorte otherwiee an- an “ wise tr taneeente ote etrikiog empies vi the los meker’s ert, ond is Lace 1} in. deep oor pert sf the worka Leee for every 16th De obtained, and withia reech of the most modest Century exery ee. however counts, small, is 8 support to the industry, " $1.00 sae fron Plastroar, Die. deep. i. ‘iches, Berthes. Hes z Stocks, Cemisoles. Chemise ! Sets, Tre Cloths, Table Con- ‘Oy! jets, Medal: One Vase AAS — WRITE TO — Mrs, RUPERT Arin ° ‘ ROYAL HOTEL Corley & Burgess, Props. Thira Ave. and Sixth St. furopean Pian Steam Heated BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., LIMITED Second Ave. and Sixth 8t. Phone 102 PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING Co., LIMITED Fraser and Sixth Sts. Phone 7 Advertise in The Daily News Th a Double Weekly ile TRUNK PACE \C Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Mondaye and Fridays TO THE SOUTH by the splendid steamers PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE ursday, Service Victoria ang aoaw For Stewart on Thursdays at BA m For Granby Bay on Gaturdays at 45 Pom Steamers Prince John and Maintain Weekly Service Between Victoria, \ uveen Charlotte Islands, Calling at Way por und Saturdays at 8 P. Also W Harbor, leaving Prince Rupert on Wednesdays ais RAILWAY 6ER Train No, 2 leaves Prince Rupert, easthour Saturdays Tickets on sale to all points east via ; the QRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY system, Steamship Lines, For through tickets, reservatio A._ DAVID8ON Office Srd Avenue Prince Rupert 2 an FAMOUS PRINCESS OTE SAFETY SPEED SERVICE | a PACIFIC RAIWAY LINE ss. Princess May Magazines :: Periodicals ; southbound, Saturday at 9 ae. ee a. CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: J.G. McNAB, General Agent Fee yen” ksles, intend UNION S.S. COMPANY OF B.C, Lid S.S. ‘Chelohsin’ S.S. ‘Camosun’ Tuesdays and Fridays at $ a.m. Auli 1029 3rd Ave. DYER APARTMENTS d 3 Roon . } PARTLY FI ‘ee Use o U0 and $2 Month RNISHED October 9 Beattie on anc ~ ates And Prince Rupert eekly Seryi Mince Rupert vie ce to Masset and South. P.M Naden VICE id, 10 am Wednesdays and ) nd Ptional routes jn ONectior . 1on with for a Atlant mn, etc., apply to Phone 260 Hire Phone Black 334 it’s NEWS Agn t OMce COAL New Wellington Coal. Phone 116 1919. 0.00 Washer Newspaper FRUITS Club and rq FOR VANCOUVER Wednesdays at 2 p.m. SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office: 8rd Ave. Workshop Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and Sth Sty FOR VANCOUVER Saturdays at 10 a.m. FOR GRANBY BAY ‘Valhalla’ of S.H. (SCANDINANIAN SocteTr) Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday até p.m. in the hal! at 319 3rd Ave, D. C. STUART és Accountant Rogers Steamship Agency | oo. mmm Phone 116 PRINCE RUPERT, 8. 0. & EF, Georgetown Sawmill Co. Lid. EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Alex Lumber Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice, Our prices are as low as a. y. Jall on us before ordering. OFFICE: M. Manson, b W.E WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, MONEY TO LOAN Box 158 Helgerson Block HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS Funera! Directors Srd Ave. near 6th St E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embaimer CHARGES REASONABLE 2nd 8t., cor. 2nd Ave OPEN DAY AND NIGHT A Williams B.A, LL& Kupert, B. & Phone No # Phone 886 Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. LUMBER BUILDERS’ WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited COAL —and— Complete Line of SUPPLIES Port Edwari PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS- TRIAL ANNEX A launch leaves the 8 ment slip fo! every day. apply to Harris¢ & Co., Phone 51, Port Edward For particulars diy overn- Gamble Srd Ave. Phone 186 TRY ———— OH BOSS - TAFT \s RUNNING FORE PRESIDENT, AGAI © 1913 INTL = 5 VND “BALTS “MP A “NEWS” WANT Drawn for The Daily News by “Hop”