aac a “<= gaturday october 14, 1048. aturday, yon 10 CELEBRATE | ittee to Make an British a fe Three Hundred i Thousand Dollars » Oct. 6.—An important ee bi iaken, this week, by NP a eh) Committee for the the eo yn of the hundredth an- eelebra of peace among the vet enoaking peoples. The fase tee ia to make an appeal emir bie for $300,000, and v0 “a ce te in view were explain- the overday by § H, Perris, as of the committee who eecrelar’s reals re Jaunching our appeal 16 pane the British pro- a top the celebration, This em as already used, in- Tastes rirst, the erection of a Reaaah | Westminster Abbey of the ce ivy of peace; second, the purchas' of Sulgrave Manor, Northamptonshire, the ancestral home of the Washington family, and its maintenance as a place of pilgrimage for American VIs8- itors 10 england as a symbol of the kinshiy of the two peoples, and, third, the foundation of a permanent chair of Anglo-Amer- ican history, to be held in suc- seian by a series of eminent Brit sh and American historians, together wilh an endowment satel » for annual prizes in ele- mentary and secondary schools tor essavs on topics germane Lo the object of the celebration.” PREPARING FOR PANAMA What Great World Ports Spend on Improvements. Los Angeles is spending $10,- 00.000 in getting ready for the of the Panama Canal. incisco is spending $9,- opening San Fr 00,000 in getting ready for the pening of the Panama Canal. Sealtle is spending $20,000,000 getting ready for the opening f the Panama Canal. The same movement for pre- paredness obtains in the gulf | New Orleans is spending 89. 000,000 on one cotton ware- lone now building on her owned docks. Port Austin, 82 000,000 Texas, is spend- Mobile and Gal- pouring millions into vestoh are harbor improvements, and other guif ports are in the midst of similar great expenditures. To say nothing of huge ex- pe s by ports of the United States alone the Atlantic, Mon- real, Toronto, St. Johns and Halifax are all making port and dock improvements that are easured in millions of money. In. Europe the same great game of millions is being played by Londo Hamburg, Havre, Boulog Calais and Glasgow and in South America the ports of Braz Peru, Chile and Argen- are spending millions in rhe New York Journal of Commerce estimates that before 1918 $1,000,000,000 will be spent harbor. and dock improve- throughout the world. It than one-half the f all the gold coin in the United States, including the gold 1 the national treasury. bullion it TOWN PLANNING ETHICS Not the Making of a City Beauti- ful in Spots. At the City Planning Confer- ence in Chicago, Lawson Purdy, President of the department of laxes and assessments of New York City, spoke on the 7th of the great power New York City had over her own affairs, depre- oat the lack of this in many omer cities and eriticized the in- alefuacy of building laws in most American cities, including his 0 + “i We have allowed men,” hk entee. 08 s * said, “to use their land as seemed good to them, regardless at the effect of that use on the Property of their neighbors and ‘n the general welfare of the community, . Too long the idea of city planning has been the making Gils of a city beautiful in a eal city planning is Musa is the developing of a tha ‘utiful within and without making it an upli t plift to all Who dwell therein,” Dp a liy Werner Hegemann of Ber- ‘warned Americans in his ad- t ge ar fone, neala exaggerating the and supose City Planning; kenne: eeested that longer and aon ones Visits to German “Toe co uncover defects. Ay share he remarked, ‘a that il ae i beaulity itaelf 0 and viaiine please its neighbors prope) a This is not the ler este : A city should bet- so as to make more omfortable residents.” and happy its own Demers, Do not f eye ie bea ean Orgel that we carry New York tailored suits. 237tf T CENTURY OF PEACE THE DAILY NEWS r = sain peal a FEDERA STI HON. ROBERT ROGERS SCARED United States tourney Hamilton. Oct. 7..—Moored to a dingy wharf, near the works of the Oliver Plow in- hard that Co., lies an working, useful the past week Robert Rogers, interior for the to accuse nocent, old craft has caused Hon. of the of Canada, the “Grit press of the country,” including the Canada Gazette, the medium whereby the government makes public official The trouble was all over a name, the title of the good ship, which has grown in the service of the coun- try. It was called the “Sir Wil- frid,’ and for years had been used to life the Gonservative mud from the bottom of Toronto harbor and clear the channels of commerce. Whatever the official process may have been, no overt act has yet been taken to rechristen the good ship “Sir Wilfrid,” for it still reposes upon the placid sur- face of Burlington Bay, graced as of yore by the honorable white in minister Dominion of lying statements. grey painted designation “Sir Wil- frid.” On September 44 the follow- ing notice appeared in the Can- at , DREDGE “SIR WILFRID” L RETAINS HONORED NAME CISM AND IN CONSEQUENCE AFRAID TO RE- CHRISTEN THE CRAFT. y eR eS Ob “HARRY” VARDON THE MOST FAMOUS ENGLISH GOLFERS, HARRY VARDON AND EDWARD RAY. The picture shows them playing at the Lambton golf links in Toronto, after their return from Brookline. OFF BY NEWSPAPER CRITI- ada Gazette, which is ‘‘published by authority”: “Public notice is hereby given that, under the provisions of Seclion 27 of the Canada Ship- ping Act, the Minister of Marine and Fisheries has granted per- mission to change the name of the dredge ‘Sir Wilfrid,’ of the Port of Toronto, Ont., official number 112,186, to that of ‘P. W. D. No. 117.’ ‘(Sed.. A. JOHNSON, “Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries.” “Pp. W. D.” stands for “Depart- ment of Public Works.” A number of Liberal news- papers, commented on the fact of the change. The Hon. Robert Rogers admonished them of their error in the following terms: “The Grit press apparently willing to go to the length of the publication of false and lying statements, for when they cry and attempt to justify their tears by the statement that I have put through an order in council changing the name ‘Sir Wilfrid’ on a dredge to P. W. D. No. 417, they publish a statement that is a deliberate lie and false in every particular.” is FIFTEEN MILLIONS AN ACRE What London County Council Is Paying for Land. There is one interesting factor in connection with the purchase of land by the London county council for the Mall improve- ment that has not been referred to in the present discussion on the subject, It will be remem- bered that the London, Liver- pool & Globe Insurance Company have exercised an option on 461 41-2 square feet of land, for which they have paid £411,737. This land is part of a plot of 588 square feet in extent which the council purchased from the same company in order to carry out the makeshift improvement just prior to the coronation, al the price of £20,500, So that for the 126 1-2 square feet which the London county council have retained they have paid at the rate of over £3,000,000 per acre, And _ this not all, Before the transaction the insurance company’s land had a frontage of 86 feet only. The portion they have repurchased has a frontage of 95 feet, having been made a corner site. is Johnson Signs Contract. Washington, D. C., Oet. 7.— Walter Johnson, who is leading all pitchers in the major leagues, today signed a contract with Manager Griffiths of the Wash- ington team for the 1914 season. The salary is understood to be $12,500. : Little Bobby was told to sweep the sidewalk, and while he was dong so a friend came along. “Hello, Bobby,” said the lady. “Is your mother in?” “Sure, she’s in,” Bobby. “Do you think sweeping the sidewalk wasn’t in?” Robbie was in the habit of running errands for an old gen- tleman next door who never paid him except in effusive thanks, He had just returned from the third errand one morning and the old gentleman, patting him on the head, said: “Robbie, IT am much obliged to you. You're a fine little fellow. Thank you, my boy, thank you.” Robbie looked up in his. face wistfully and apologetically said: “Mr. Jones, you don't know answered I'd be if she ODE TO RAILROADERS Who Take the Reins to De Their Own Financing. If fifty men did all the work And gave the price to five; And let those five make the rules, You'd say the fifty men were fools, Unfit to be alive. And if you heard eries From fifty brawny men; Blaming the five for and greed, Injustice, cruelty indeed— all complaining graft What would you eatl them then? Not by their own superior force Do five on fifty live; But by election and assent— And privilege of govern- ment— Powers that the fifty give. If fifty men are really fools— And five have all the brains— The five must rule as now we find. But if the fifty have the mind— Why don’t they take the reins? KNOTTY LEGAL POINT IN THE DEAN TRIAL Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper De- clares Conviction Would Not Stand Test. New Westminster, Oct. 6.—Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper, K. G., senior counsel for Charles Dean, the alleged bank robber, declared in court this morning that no conviction of his client could possibly hold in view of a remark by Mr. BE, P. Davis, K. C., for the prosecution, that Dean had been previously convicted in the United States. George Greenwood, the Burn- aby man who identifies Dean, McNamara and Powell as occu- pants of the Vancouverbound automobile the morning of the robbery, was on the stand and was cross-examined by Sir Charles on the question of the contents of an aflidavit on which Dean had been extradited, There was a good deal of com- ment by counsel on both sides, as the case proceeded, and Mr. Davis finally remarked that he supposed Sir Charles would have no objection to admitting the statemeat that Dean had once been sentenced to twenty years for robbery in the United States. Sir Charles declared with some vehemence that in view of this statement to the jury no convic- tion in the present case against Dean could ever stand the test before an appeal court. Justice Clement said that he how I wish I could thank you for something.” \ would make no decision on the any other razor. The Ever-Present Gillette Wherever you see men buying razors, in drug, jewelry or hardware stores—wherever you see men shaving, in club or Pullman ,or home—there you will inevitably find the Gillette Safety Razor purchased and used. It has won the approval, almost the affection, of busy men whose time it saves—of thrifty men whose cash it saves—of particular men who value a clean, smooth face—of average men who never could shave comfortably with That's why over six million men use the Gillette, and why you can buy Gillette Safety Razors and Blades at practically every good Hardware, Jewelry and Drug Store in this town. Standard Gillette Sets cost $5.00 — Pocket Editions $5.00 to $6.00—Combination Sets $6.50 up. 6 double- edged blades, 50c.—12 Blades (24 shaving edges), in nickel-plated box, $1.00. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED. Office and Factory—The New Gillette Building, Montreal. YOU HAVE HEARD OF THE FAMOUS Bulkley Valley Which contains one of the lumbia. River mining districts. miles east. up the * PRIA IAI IIIA II IAIAIADIDADADIDISII SSID ID ISI SIS ISISSISISISSISISISISSISSSSSISA PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000. 00 PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. 908 Third Avenue Dealers in FEED SEEDS HAY TIMOTHY OATS CLOVER WHEAT ALFALFA CORN ETC CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY point, and the case proceeded. }matl orders promptly attended te You have heard of the tremendously rich Babine, The Grand Trunk Pacific is now 0 Skeena Valley Bulkley Valley largest and richest bodies of agricultural land in British Co- Hudson The trade centre and future city of this wonderful section is HUBERT—located in the very heart of the Bulkley Valley, and from where branch railroads must be built to open great surrounding country. ; HUBERT is located three miles east of the old towns of Telkwa and Aldermere, both of which will move to the railway. HUBERT is the recognized location for the future city, and has behind it the same or- ganization that created and made Fort George famous. WRITE TODAY FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THIS FUTURE CITY. PHOTOGRAPHS WILL BE SENT FREE. Natural Resources Security Co., Limited George J. Hammond, President Joint Owners and Sole Agents FORT GEORGE and HUBERT SIXTH FLOOR, VANCOUVER BLOCK —IN THE— easy terms. NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited CHEAP AGREAGE —AT— Tyee Park Near Prince Rupert —IN— 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS Apply Harrison, Gamble & Company FINANCIAL AGENTS Third Ave. Prince Rupert perating trains from Prince Rupert to a point 304 Nechaco Valley Fort George District —IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on | Bay Mountain and Copper MAPS, PLANS AND Townsites. VANCOUVER, B. C. 4 VANCOUVER, B.C, —___—— Silversides Bros. The Up-to-Date House Decora- tors of Prince Rupert .9ign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Speolaitices oo “Ye Olde Reliable” 2nd, Street Phone 156 Green