charm. Druggist’s. Ruby Rose Cold Cream Snow-white, rose-perfumed, delightful, Ruby Rose Cold Crean protects the skin from roughness and chaps, smooths out the incipient wrinkles, and imparts that velvety softness which {s Beauty's chief In 25c. opal glass jars, at your Na-Dru-Co Cucumber ana Witch Hazel Cream is a wonderfully cooling, healing lotion, most effective for windburn, sun-burn, chaps or sore In 25c. bottles, at your Druggist’s. National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, lips. MONTREAL. Limited. 195 BUY YOUR DIAMONDS boast does importers 6f Our largest * ard of perfection. ioned in solilaires or neatness, quality these rings are presented our catalogue. All our gold or in platinum. sented to be. you are interested catalogue, or any diamond diamonds in saying the.,gems we import are clusters, and design. in in of the h show To the the a The quality of each gem is guaranteed. in an engagement ring, information illustrations diamonds are mounted Each ring is exactly as it is repre- you FROM HENRY BIRKS AND SONS, LTD. AND THE BEST WILL BE YOURS. not stop at this assertion. Canada, but we We are the pride ighest stand- OUR DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS, whether fash- combination out-of-town buyer of shown in in 18 kt. If write for our may desire. Geo, E. Trorey, Managing Director eng Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS VANCOUVER, B.C THIRD ANENUE Builders’ Supplies PHONE No. 3 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors j Plumbers’ supplies Paints HARDW ARE Stoves, Ranges Oils Tinware Varnishes Graniteware it - BritishNorthAmerica TT YEARS in BUSINESS. . GCaritat ano SURPLUS OveR $7,600,000. MONARCH MALLEABLE * A Service Business Men | Appreciate The complete and valuable service rendered by the Bank of British North America has secured and retained the accounts as well as the con- fidence of a goodly proportion i of Canada’s prominent busi- } nessinen. ‘The same service awaits you, whether your account be large or small. P. MARGETTS, MANAGER | ‘Stay Satisfactory Range.’’ 1836 THE BANK oF 1913 r AM THE MAN WHO PUT SHINE ON SHOES The original corner Star Shoe Shine removed from Third Ave, around on Fifth 8t. Special Seats for Ladies J —_————— siOfsH beac: KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY P.O. DRAWER 1524 TAXIDERMIST Heads, Birds, | mounted first class to order reasonable prices. O. L. WINGERE! & CO. 844 Seymour Bt., Fish and Rugs for Vancouver, B, C, Phone 75 75 F OR A TAXI PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO. BOARD OF TRADE DISCUSSES SOME VITAL QUESTIONS (Continued from page 1) committee consists D. Sutherland taken. The of J. H. Thompson, and F .G, Dawson. Waterfront Facilities. Another question of great discussed was that waterfront locations for indus- G. W. Nickerson, a mem- ber of the committee on. this question, reported that no satis- faction had been obtained from the government. The matter a serious one for the city and action should be taken. On mo- tion of Messrs. Naden = and Thompson the committee was instructed to interview H, 8. Cle- ments, M. P., who is now in the city. portance of tries, is Communications. The reported receiv- secretary ing a wire fron F. A. Ellis sug- gesting that arrangements be made for sending mineral ex- hibits to the international fair at Chicago. After some discussion the secretary was instructed to forward the communication § to T. J. Vaughn-Rhys, Stewart, and the secretary of the Hazelton District Mine Owners’ Associa- tion. The Bella Coola Development League wrote thanking the board for its co-operation in securing more direct transportation be- tween Bella Coola and Prince Ru- pert. In connectién with this Mr. Dawson stated that the C. P. R. had arranged a satisfactory summer service and would make arrangements so that there would be no danger of produce freez- ing during the winter months at the point where the transfer made. A communication Smith, formerly fering his agent for California, ed. F. J. Hayward, who had charge of the B. CG. fisheries exhibits at Toronto Exhibition wrote stating that the exhibits sent by Mr. W. Shrubsall and Mr. Crippen were attracting much attention. In connection with the grant- ing of fishing licenses, G. W. Nickerson reported that the com- mittee on this matter had pre- sented their recommendations to Hon. J. D. Hazen when he visit- ed the city but nothing further had been hear.d New Members Two new members, C. E. Bain- ter and Th. Collart were unani- mously elected. The latter, who was present, thanked the mem- bers and offered the free use of a building in Market Place for storing the mineral exhibit in case it became necessary to move them from the present premises. The meeting then adjourned. is from Harry Stewart, of- publicity at Oakland, fil- of services as the city was received and . Theft Case Adjourned Fred Benson, an Indian from Stewart, appeared before Magis- trate MeMullin at 2.30 vesterday. afternoon charged with stealing a pair of ladies’ shoes. After hearing’a portion of the evidence of Mr. George, the case was ad- journed until Monday next in or- der that an interpreter might be secured. Listen To Me JUST ONE MOMENT Do you want a_ Fall Suit with the “SNAP” to the pat- of terns with the rarity a ‘new sensation” to the col- orings? If you do, see the line of fine tailored clothes that are superior to all at Martin O'Reilly's 3rd Ave, 3rd Ave. ? THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. of Seattle were errivals the steamer Prince Rupert this morn- ing. E. H. spector, train on Stirrat by Fletcher, post office in- left by this morning's an official trip into the interior. Messrs. H. P. Wilson, J. ©. Halsey and Adair Carss left by this morning's train on a shoot- ing expedition up-river. The Princess Mary, from the south, due last evening, is ex- pected at 3 o'clock this after- noon, Mrs. C. W. Homer returned this morning from a few weeks’ visit with friends in the lower coast cities, J. G. Millichamp, a well known drummer on the coast, arrived on the steamer Prince Rupert this morning. Mrs. Besner and Mrs. Griffiths left by this morning's train for Smithers. They expect to return next Thursday. Mr. Lucas, of the G. T. P. en gineering staff, returned this morning from a_ business trip south. Joe Vaccher was fined the costs of the court this morning for burning rubbish in Section One contrary to law. The steamer Spokane, struck near Cape Lazo about week ago on its way south, expected in port tomorrow night, northbound, Bishop Du Vernet left this morning on the mission launch Northern Cross in company with which a 1s Rev. Mr. Rushbrook en a visit to Kineolith and Stewart. G. Davis, who has charge of the retail stores operated by the Granby Consolidated Smelting, Mining & Power Co., Lid., is in the city today, en route to Granby Bay. Miss Campbell, of the nursing siaff af the general hospital, re- turned by the steamer Prince Rupert this morning from a couple of weeks’ holiday in the southern coast cities. The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will hold a ten cent tea and domestic table at the home of Mrs. Andrew Stewart, 508 Fifth avenue October 15th, o'clock. Chief Vickers no additional cerning Mrs. taken suddenly fever just as ready to return visit in England. N. 8. Ross, of the marine and fisheries department, arrived in the city yesterday on the Garnet, the new boat for protecting the Queen Charlotte Islands fisheries. He will leave for the south today. According to a circular just is- sued by the department of ma- rine, the quarantine wharf at Digby Island is 497 feet in length and 40 feet wide. There are depths of 42 feet at each end and 30 feet at the middle. The wharf runs due north and south. Mr. Hunter, who has been in- specting the local branch of the Union Bank, left by this morn- ing’s train to inspect the interior branches. He was undecided this morning as to whether or not he would go on through to Fort George and return to Vancouver via Ashcroft. Mrs. Lombe left by this morn- ing’s train for Hazelton after spending a week at the home of Bishop Du Vernet. Mrs. Lombe, who lives at Torquay, England, has been touring various parts of the world during the last six months. On her return from the interior she expeets to leave for England. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sewall of Hastings, Neb., arrived in the city this morning on the steamer Prince Rupert. Mr. Sewall, who has some financial interests in the city, spent several weeks here last spring for the purpose of getting thoroughly in touch with conditions. and prospects. on Wednesday, three to five 239-41 in receipt of information con- Vickers, who was ill with typhoid she was about home from her east, from is Miss Dudsie Dunn, daughter of Mr. Thomas Dunn of San Diego, Cal., formerly of this city, arrived on the Prince Rupert this morning. She is a guest of her brother, Hugh Dunn of the cus- toms office. Miss Dunn visited friends at San Francisco, Seattle and Vancouver on her way north. She expects to remain in the city fora couple of months. H. 8. Clements, M.P., left by this morning's irain to inspeet the government fish hatchery at Lakelse. He may also go in to Kitsumkalum Lake to investigate conditions in reference to the es- lablishment of a hatchery there. The genial representative has very suddenly budded into an authority on fish, Incidentally he will extend the glad hand to likely supporters at the next el- ection. 14, :/§. §. PRINCE RUPERT PASSENGER LIST About Fifty Saloon Passengers Arrived from the South This Morning. steamer Prince arrived “from Vancouver minutes before 9 this Following the list passengers: mM Ay Melliar, Miss D. Miss Camp- The Rupert afew morning. of saloon Simmons, A. Dunn, G. Wahlund, bell, Miss R. Scott, W. MeDonald, R. E. English, J. D. Irving, J. BR Stirrett, Miss Stirrett, B. Bon- thrie, W. O. Wright, Mr. Lucas, Mrs. E. Short, F. Lewis, W. Cor rigan, E, 8. Sileox, A. Wright Mrs. R. O. Miller, H. Labrash, W. Denison, R. Gourage, J. Cour- age, G. Vowell, Miss Riegle, J. 4G, Millichamp, J. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sewell, W. Larder, Mrs Butler, Master Butler, Mrs. M Walker, G. Davis, G. T. Fletcher A. O. Oldashaw, B. G. Rowan Mrs. Rowan, J. F. Tevin, T. J Harvey, T. J. Lynch, T. G. Boyd Mrs. C. W. Homer, M. Blaaum Mrs. Conlan and child, A. La Fant, Johnston, D. Fraser WEATHER REPORT Furnished by F. W. Dowling, Is a. Observer. For 24 hours ending 5 a. m., October 44, 1913, Barometer, reduced lo sea FOVOE 0 oa Sis 0.0 5 a Highest temperature..... 50.0 Lowest temperature...... 14.0 EN OCR AN Hila 1.00 Presbyerian Services. “Mental Healing” will be Rey F. W. Kerr's topic in the Empress Theatre on Sunday evening. The speaker will indicate his attitude to the various sects claiming to heal without drugs or doctor The morning service will be held at 11 o’clock in the Presbyteria Hall, where a special service for parents will be held. In the af ternoon Rally Day will be ob- served in the Sunday school All parents and children are ally invited to the morning sery- ice. especti Baptist Church Services. Acting Pastor Scott's tomorrow morning will “The Rock of Ages,” the evening, “Heavenly mite.’ Sunday school ai Strangers heartily welcomed. subject DV and in Dyna- 2.30 be: Coast League. Sacramento 3, San Francisco 5 Portland 9, Venice 5. The Ladies’ Aid of the terian Church will hold a work on Wednesday November 26th. Particulars later. 239 Presby- sale of ———— “The Daily News ” 3 3 CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT POOL HALL for barber. 200tF FOR RENT—-After Oct, house with modern 6th Avenue; 835 ford, Phone 83. FOR SALE for rent. Good proposition Apply Eby Bros., Terrace. 15th, six room improvements; on See Pattullo & Rad 2370f FOR SALE-—-Furniture of 5 room modern, close in, with lease. Green 258, fat, Phone WANTED Mrs 238-40 WANTED—A good general servant. J. C. McLennan, 5th Ave. WANTED—-A chambermaid at the Bay View Hotel, 23701 WANTED—A position a8 cook or house keeper by experienced woman, Apply Box 63, News Office, 238-43 WANTED—To buy 3 or 4 room house and lot, close in; must be reasonable, See Pattullo & Radford, Phone 8&3. 2370r WANTED-—Five or six room house, with bath and sewer attachments, furnished or partly furnished, X 17, News Office. WELL furnished rooms from $2.50; com- fortable sitting room; bath; electric light. Norfolk Rooms. Phone Black 329. 206tf Lost LOST—White Angora cat, Phone Blue 246, 238-40 LIVE STOCK. COWS fresh calved and coming in suid on hand, and tuberculosis tested. John Christy, ‘cattle dealer, Collingwood West, corner Carleton and Westminster Road. Phone Collingwood 99 R. Post Office aor Renee Collingwood East, Vancouver. P. ROBERTSON INCORPORATED ACCOUNTANT (Eng.) CHARTERED SECRETARY Audits, investigations, Adjustments, Liqui- " “dations end’ Assignments’ =" Amith Blook, 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. Furniture, Baggage, Piano Mov- Ing and General Cartage Phone 1 Suite 9, Federal Block Phone 47 Office; LEGAL TROUBLES ALREADY STARTED Returning Officer for Chateau-| guay, Election Being Today, | Started Suit. ———e Montreal, Oct. 6, Legal | trouble has already started over | the Chateauguay election, though the candidates have only just been selected and election day not until Saturday, October 11th. | The trouble is over the appoint- is ment of Mr. J. BE. CG, Bumbray as returning officer and on account | of it Mr. Bumbray, through his attorney, Mr. Gauthier, has is-| sued a writ of $10,000 damages against Mr. Albert Pigeon, edi tor and proprietor of the Bulle- | tin, The plaintiff claims that sev-| eral days before September 18th he was officially appointed re turning officer for the Chateau guay election, and that this fact was generally published, particu- larly in the newspapers, before | September 18th In the Bulletin | edition of September 18th, the plaintiff alleges, he was at tacked professionally and per sonally, causing damage to his reputation, and that it was inti mated that as he, the plaintiff, was mayor of Chalteauguay the| election could not be conducted honestly because being mayor he would use his influence to get voles in favor of one of the can didates. Mr. Bumbray is a well known Montreal barrister. Girls’ fell hats, one dollar See window at Demers’. 238-tf ANNOUNCEMENT the recently bus con- Having purchased iness until ducted as CLIFTON'S BAKERY we beg to solicit a contin uance of the patronage of all the old customers as well as new ones, Being thoroughly experienced in the business we are quali- fied to give the same satis- faction as in the past and will endeavor to give an im- proved service W. PURVIS GARNET JAS. CURRIE GEORGE LEEK Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker Notary Public. Rents and Collections Albert Block, 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert Between 5th and 6th Streets BROWN & BUTTERS MINING ENGINEERS METALLURGY AND MINING GEOLOGY Res. Phone Black 413 Box 136 Prince Rupert F. M. CROSBY | Second Hand Dealer i ce ris oe Cri Thev Whisky of Quality Aged in Wood 8 Years before bottling GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA Te 4 Pent ALE ber ete CELT j CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Ground Hog mine ral laim situa \ ae ing Divis f " Where \from the n UObserval y inie fake notice tha | Free cond ie awe |Miner’s Certifica } Coats Fret 77¢ and Certilicate B date here hecorde t 1 }ments, for the Crown trant | And fur | de tior 1 Wu h ‘ ‘ 8 fore the pr sverments Dat d this 191 24u } | i |= be CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Ptarmigan minera Skee na Mining Divi bo (At i ders mn ment Dated t itl 191 Every man h am an exper look after you }or collections | GEORGE LEEK |}615 2nd Ave. Phone 203 | HARLA S. BRYANT Teacher MANDOLIN, BANJO AND GUITAR Of Flat 7, Clapp Bldg HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B. ( Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 For the Best Jobs of CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING At the Lowest Pr Fine Work, Ladle Prompt I : BOW SENG 627 Putten Street Prince Rupert, B. C Wants to buy all kinds of Household Fur niture, everything in the line of Mechanics’ | Tools, Guns ana Men’s Clothing. Will call any time. Highest prices paid. 839 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 243 ST ANDREW'S SOGIETY HALL formerly Kaien isd. Gymnasium To rent for Public Meet- ings, etc. at hall or Secretary, 268 Dances, Particulars P. O,. Box MeCallery & Gibbons Section 1. Block 17, $5,500.00; cash, bal. 41, 2 Lot 39, 340.00 years, Lot on terms. lots on First $2,500.00; % years, 20 and 3 Beach Place, $3,500.00; 3 Ave., Block 16, cash, 1, 2 and 38 Section 2. Lot 6, Block 40, 81,500.00; $8400.00 cash, bal. arranged. Lot 123, Block 20, $850.00; terms. Section 5. lot, Borden ,500.00 cash, St., 84 1 and 2 House and 200.00; S141 years, Section 7. Block 39, 1 and 2 years. Section 8. Block 25, $525.00; cash, bal. 6, 142 and 18, Lot 8, Block 84, $600.00; terms. Lots 50-51, Block 46, $1,500.00; terms, Lots 1-2 $2 1.3 cash, 00.00; Lot 44, 1-2 Farm Lands. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance McCaltery 6 Giphons Pure Water NECESSARY TO GERM-PROOF Filters Slip Easily Over th Mouth of Any Fauce Remove All Impurities Prevent Tythoid and Diseases Caused »b Drinking Impure Wate PRICE, $5.00 For Sale By HARRY HANSON SECOND AVE May Be Seen in Operation at orme's Drug Store To Rent n Neat Three-Roomed House ° Fifth Avenue, near the Hospital =|, R. Naden Co. Ltd. nance Real Estate and Insural Second Avenue.