. : W ednesds ; f THE DAILY NEWS ®Y, October 45 1943 os 3 ———= » THE DAILy NEws PUNCH LAMPOONS CARSON AND based ese os ICCA Double Weekly Service soc ohatliiebstvosiete ae ie ean a THE BIG ULSTER REVOLUTION eirine oc wrane sousr a] WAQUDYA — TOTHE sours by the splendid st FIC eamers hn ee a ee Soe PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE cEORC; SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico:| MAKES A JOKE OF THE PREPARATIONS FOR AN UPRISING si Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victor Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, AND OF THE PROVISIONAGOVERNMENT THAT WAS Butte, Mont., Oct, 44.—Freddie Mondays and Fridays at 9 Ap. $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, 48.00 per year. TO FOLLOW Walsh of Semland won’ oneswided For Stewart on Thursdays at & A. m, | ! For Granby Bay on Saturdays at 42 P, , 9 | y iyimny dat Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. from “Fighting” Dick : . : Steamers Prince John and prj Now that there is every reason)my duty. (He turns to the north | contest Maintain Weekly Service Between Victoris Va. rince Albert GRAND aA ALL > Eas ‘8 and Be ttle M. on HEaD OFFICE to hope that the Ulster troubles }wall and salutes the large photo-|Hyland of San Francisco, being ete, iadaes ee a” pe Ae Ports Lakve taste: Rupert va : : : y on - : ‘ FH > ‘ ‘ame ss . . eekly § an ¢ . Kupert : Paily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98.|are at an end, at least for a time,}gravyure of Sir Edward Carson) awarded a decision at the end of Harbor, leaving Prince Rupert on Wednesdays at's MSC! and Naga! RAILWAY SERVICE one can afford to laugh with|and Mr. Bonor Law shaking a hel ~ hafarae Dance twelve rounds by Referee Duncan Train No. 9 leaves Prince Rupert, eastbound 10 « BRANCH ‘OFFICES AND AGENCIES Punch about it. In the form of a|fands.)” : MacDonald of Seattle Welsh Saturdays Wednesdays gna New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New|*curtain-raiser” Punch told of In the end McSmith’s methods|MacDonald of Hee ‘ Tickets on sale to all points east via ont =“ York City. the preparations for revolution |of protecting his property are|outboxed Hyland from beginning the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY system ; connection wit Steamship Lines. that|/to finish, playing a tattoo upon For through tickets, reservation, etc, apply + and the part taken in them by/justified, for in the rioting head and body and dancing —Puget Sound News Co. ; Seattle . James McSmith, a hard-headed| follows Home Rule one of the op- his London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building,| Rejfast linen manufacturer. Mc- | ponents of the measure fires off|and dodging around him with a Office Sra Avenue “wines Report Trafalgar Square. Smith's son John wants to serve |a revolver, the bullet from which}|speed that gave Hyland the ap- Phone 260 TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract/under the ‘Provisional Govern- |breaks a window in the McSmita) pearance of almost a novice. rates on application. ment,” and hopes to become In- eseniea and lodges in Mrs. Mc- ; ur aS his ea as ietaaiimnimaaindiaadils Vv aking a 1e@ punis men req area s Racca ecg. «10h Rae Nhe Peed ind Welsh could inflict and came B.C. Coast Steamship Service Little’ $ NEWS Ag case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. f - mans ee ace sae sae for more at all stages of —— | Mawasines :: | ency ‘| Newspaper cit bs} ’ CO , SAFETY IGARS : TOBA FRUITS j; 2nd Ave. Below Ka b t t mo ira ae SERVICE | CO af the contest. Hyland did not vield an inch of ground, but seemed FAMOUS powerless to do any execution { jagainst the Englishman's jabs, |] PRINCESS Bri Lr a DAILY EDITION agi Wed.iesday, Ovt. 15, 1913. AN INDICTMENT | jueged by his refusal to fplfl OF MR. BORDEN. his promise of senate reform Mr. Borden must be judged and the fact that he has not |which, however, lacked the neces- sary steam to stop Hyland. LINE not by his promises of 49f1, only hastened to fill every sen- Benson. E iantth h actor. told 2 but by his utter failure of per- ate vacancy with Tories, but is Canadian Northern pilot he felt vetaise greek oscesam New Welli formances during two years.| planning to increase the repre- like Ghristopher Golumbus dis- southbound, Saturday at 9 ellington Coal. Best on the He must be judged by his se- sentation in the . senate’ by covering America. Kipling found a. m. Coast cret knowledge of the infamous nearly a dozen so as to get Medicine Hat had Hades for a J.G. MCNAB, General Agent Phone 116 Rogers & Black Nationalist alliance and_ his more of his party supporters willingness to win office by de- in the red chamber. He must liberate deception. He must be judged by the unfaifP man- be judged by his breach of the ner inewhich he dragooned par- Nationalist pledges. He must liament into adopting the be judged by his bogus emer- “gag” closure rules. gency which has just been eet completely exploded by the|DISCREDIT TO THE friendly tariff relations between |SUFFRAGE CAUSE. Canadian climate. * SMITH & MALLETT UNION $.5. COMPANY OF B.C, Ltd THIRD AVS ieddbil a inatiiaie Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting aa ‘ ] hsi 9 Sheet Meta! Work §.S. ‘Chelohsin’ | om-s: 22°" "", 2nd Ave. bet. 7th ante FOR VANCOUVER ee Wednesdays at 2 p.m. “Valhalla” of S.H. & EF, | | Pho basement. Wonderful effects of F fngland and Germany and the Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst complete breakup of the Brit- will arrive in the United States . ish anti-German fleet in the} shortly—if she is allowed to \ des Scampmantan Sootery North Sea. He must be judged land—and she comforts her- | Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday ats by his neglect to reduce the self with the vain suggestion S § ‘é 9 p.m. in the hall at 319 8rd Ave tariff so as to give some relief that her London cenduct may eWe amosun ewe — ——. to the consumers suffering by have had some influence in D. C. STUART the high cost of living; he the progress of the suffrage FOR VANCOUVER ‘ must be judged by the inordi-}| cause in the United States. On Saturdays at 10 a.m opgeeen: nate extravagance of his ad-| the contrary, the equal suffrage R 808 2nd Ave. om Phone 280 ministration, which increases movement in the United States ee PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©. the public debt in spite of the has undoubtedly been impeded : ae Pe oe FOR GRANBY BAY ee greatest revenues on record; by the lawless and ridiculous see al wines Alex. M. Manson, B. A ri wart be aes by a ie the red Soe sna Dartant tng nuseery opie Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 a.m. W. E. Williams, B. A, LLB usal to give the promised Civi tants. ne Cause has made far toilet. 24-13 WILLIAMS & MANSON service reform, and by his ac- less progress during the last j Albert Soaps Limited, - Montreal. | Babristers, Bollcitors, Bis quiescence in the most relent- twelve months than in any PRIDE OF THE ULSTER UNIONISTS. - ! Ag | 7 : ; less campsign for the dismissal} other recent year. If there are dis: BAwerd Carson. trom a new vhot WN tar that t ° Rogers Steamship ency oe hed aa of all Liberals in the public strong opponents of waman|{° “award Varso om a new photograph taken a 1e lime he | oie . ties ras les » Knew ? é J : K OF Phone 116 elgerson B service that Canada has ever suffrage in the United States — Sore ee eae EE eee ng ty, eee TOS THE SANE OF TRIS ie a eo ae seen. He must be judged by they will weleome Mrs. Pank- visional government. ene A e SO Te ee eee a his systematic determination hurst and encourage American : ritish orth aan ren lemrpaeicneeie } to force parliament to rob the equal suffragists to endorse} Pector of the Brickbats, or Snap-; Smith's shoulder. Whereupon HAYNER BROS. provinces of their control of her campaign. In that way|Shotter of the Marchers Past, but; McSmith tells his horrified son TY Veans 1m Gusmess. | UNDERTAKERS ann EMBALMERS highways and to retain to him- Mrs. Pankhurst may discredit has to ‘content himself with the|to “bear up. It is not as bad as CaPiTal AND SuRPLUS OveR $7,600,000, 0) By: (Pec Or Funeral Directors self the handling ,of the ahd hinder the movement’ in| W ardenship of the Voice Lozen-)you think. The window is in- a 5 8rd Ave. near 6th St Phone No. 8 money to be provided under the] the United States as she has in ges. His father is proud of him,| sured.” If Punch really believed | highways aid bill. He must be Great Britain. and announces that when the/that the Army of Ulster means :. : Membe ; Association pots se jay time came he himself would sell|to fight we would find nothing A Service Business Men rs FELL Visteos | Se ere ee Pes at his life dearly. Then follows | like the MeSmith lampoon in its Appreciate | PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX E. L. FISHER this dialogue between McSmith! columns. | Owned snd Operated by the Grand Benerel Director and Embeiner and his solicitor: $$$ — The complete and valuable neg A baaas thpoaer CHARGES REASONABLE j “McSmith—But though I am QUICK ACTION AT ’FRISCO service rendered by the Bank : 2nd 8t., cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 356 prepared to shed the last drop of} — ‘5$ 8 ay . ‘ i WINDSOR HOTEL | OPEN DAY AND NIGHT my blood, still more to shed the | Frankie Burns Knocks Out Tom- o Drie Sheree America vied Corner of First Ave. and Eighth St. | fast Gio’ Of the blood of “ans my MoFarland in a Round. secured and retained the W. H. Wright, Prop. , troops sent against us, I should} Sens Liat, accounts as well as the con- ——eerrerennrreREE ETT terrae 1s eS ee acenries —er—naturally be very much| San _ Francisco, Oct. 11.— fidence of a goodly proportion aed ahaa ee ie f upset if my property got damag- | Frankie Burns knocked out Tom- of Canada’s prominent busi- European and American Plan Oo r the Winter Months af - a ” “6 i _ - land - e last inght in ness men. The same service | syne Stoascre dct 3 “Rankin—I quite ‘rstand,|the rst round. of a scheduled wat > 7 , Mr. McSmith. 1 eae that jfeur round bout. Both tae aaa Soe ey See soe | First Av cao ions d Nint n> ane ng >q s cn ‘ ; eg ¢ 7 y e., een E Nint ’ ° We are now ready io supply all your wants in the that feeling is extraordinarily |lightweights. account be large or small. | European Pian, Rates $0¢ to 91.00 ($ PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS line of suitable clothing for the fall and winter months prevalent in Ulster just néw. ae B Per Day | TRIAL ANNEX 5 é é 8. : eener & Besner, Props. i s Stine see he Appeal “ We have just completed our stock of Ee ik, paslerkcte ual PP to Empire Forces PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH i he ee me oe ae | A launch leaves the ¢ ? > ; sularly e See J. Y. Rochester Vv. D. Casley . : tine Dart BRdwar ; Bo death of others, is, after all, a Belfast, Oct. 11.—The Ulster P. MONRETTS, MANAGER EMPRESS HOTEL i] ment slip for } oe re ; Boys’ and Girls’ Overcoats Pyjamas, Night Gowns little thing—a loyal Ulsterman|Liberal Association issued a : ot fe. Sema See st ig. every day. For ager : Sweater Coats, Jerseys Underwear, Cofbinations can face it cheerfully; but finan- manifesto yesterday announcing PRINCE RUPE RUPERT FEED 0. European Pian, 60 to $1 Per Day apply ra aos if Ave H cial loss hits him very hard, J\that the “Ulster Liberals would 8 & Co., Phone 51, srd Hosiery; Etc. propose, therefore, to insure|net recognize the authority of 908 Third Avenue PREMIER HOTEL this house and the factory aga- the proposed pr visional govern- American and European Plan (au Pee inst damage by revolution, and I}ment and claim the protectic f ¥. 'W. Wenning, Manager | WE CAN SUIT YOU IN ne a an Te ’ oa) hen U ou Bo gl oe ee mea ae to see anon it 58d INOtiths forces of the Maapine In. do. Dealers in eel cinta. | L U M i “Rankin (moved more than a : | : Ta fence < ,ir ating hich |FEED SEEDS Corley & Burgess, Props. Leen ee ee eee ee, solicitor would care to admit)— ence of their liberties, which Third Ave. and Sixth vt , aim Se te My dear sir, your feelings do you would be gravely imperiled by the |HAY TIMOTHY Quropean Pian Steam Heated C O A L 4 infinite credit. And, let me as-|Success of the anarchistic move-|OATS CLOVER BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO 1] Leena ee a wine you, you are not alone injment led by Sir Edward Carson.” | wHueat ALFALFA LIMITED 10 ooh e your romantic and chivalrous ———___—— Second Ave. and Sixth St. } and re Betiyet feels the} The Dominion inspector of In- CORN ETC Phone 102 Complete Line of bid be same. The news, when it gets;dian agencies saw prize vege- —_—- THE HOUSE 8 ETT 2 7 ; USE OF G00D VALU Se about, will be a trumpet call to|tables growing on the Arctic CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY Pati “a ates | BUILDERS’ Sune England. Circle. One day an enterprising | Bo tty LE SPECIAL nited i : Ee 2 : ‘ any Fraser and 8! CO., Limit Third Avenue Prince Rupert MeSmith (simply)—-Say no|Canadian barber will paint thej eee ta ae ?. re WESTHOLME Lunes more, Rankin. I am only doing!Pole with red and white stripes. Late orders promptly attended to Phene ee ———————————— : Get the Cow Wrench Scoop ws by “Hop” Drawn for The Daily News by ? nt Y JSS WHOA COW pee = THATS ABOUT \E- (SOMEBODY MUST HAVE : Sou say THAT You WHOA Cow oa LONG ENOUGHI SHUT \T OFF-GOTTA | fo - KNOW ALL ABOUT" f LI Quess lit DRILL Back To HE | - A Cows AND WOULD BE SPST BE FUL HOUSE AN’ FIND OUT ‘¢ | GLAD TO HELP MEL ) ~ = NOW! *" NOW “TO TURN ei ¥ WITH THE MILKING =, sal ee on! . FOR 4 Goop a s IT A . “3 @eauz-imri- si -sacre 7)