ober 15, 1943. ! ayopenaans, vtover ** THE DAILY NEWS | ; CAPITAL STRIKING PANAMA CANAL TOLLS — pURCHASE NOTICES. pAND charles H. Flood, oc- — ¢ e elt, oa fe FOR HIGHER WAGES) presisent convinces that ois-|| -Church Services - jo. i oanin!s erchase ihe following —_-—- crimination Violates the a a ee pe « ft pe Mand ost planted at the Lord Milner Refers to World- Treaty Obligations. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH deserrmencing At POF Lary Wide Depreciation of Govern- intial Chareh Hall at il ayn. and portneas! ; nence In pr ae 5 Empress Theatre at 7.30 p.m. and Post FT re OF eT Ocha ment Stocks. London, Oct. 11.—The Times Sunday School at 2.80 p. m. sire pais mors ». 26, thence in a —— Washington correspondent states REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., Pastor iio Girectiou 4 Chains thence east- Birmingham, Eng., Oct. 9——|that the President, after con- THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH vutnerld ius 10 the pole of gag Lord Milner in his presidential|ferring with Counsellor Moore McINTYRE HALL, 8RD AVE., NEAR 6TH ST. erly 40 ch ( more 0 hinds “d : P . i Par miamning oe ; rhe PLOOD. address at the Midland Institute|/announces that he is convinced an and 790 pum. Runday gune 271n, 1045. 913 here yesterday referred to thejof the corrg#tness of the British | Sat oe 80 Dr duly 28 0 sennmniats world-wide depreciation of gov-|contention# that freedom from|] rev. w - ae —" Kittie Pelee ek tang 1 t—District of Coast, ernment stocks and said: “Cap-|tolls on American shipping vio- skeena + ge 6. ite Sh atone’ ; ‘ . Fi nat Dora L, Wright, of ate has struck for higher wages.|lates the treaty obligation, and EIN AVE AND SUOUBAYD Fae 4 pase ott occupation tuarried The whole vast continent of|that he will ask for a repeal. Services every Sunday at 11 Prepan, wiends pp Gonsieed tanaes South America is open. sili tit dia Bia as. snd 1.50 p.m. Sunday wrenase th just planted at th . “ntie , 7 ; 5 e ro * Tommencing at Ht fet, Range 6, The twentieth century may! Launch Alice B for hire. Tele- REV. MR. DIMMICK - PASTOR Ue ‘ ihence north 20 chains see a competition there on even phone Green 394 Davis’ Float err corner toxe OF 5 £ . 2 . cant ia eee a greater scale than in the United 155-1¢|] 57: ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Lot 0148, | thence States. Germany's dash into the Cor. ont Ave. and Dunsmuir Place t 35 OU B or ‘ - Lake hence westerly and os front ranks of international na- ing predee, 1146. Gaaian along said shore to the point of == tions has been stupefying. school, 2:30 p. m. Holy juining 40 acres more SSS ’ e ° Communion first Sunday RA L. WRIGHT i “Really, only the United States, of month, at 11 a. m., DOR oo i ° Y 7 ve ods. ROYAL WEDDING Topay Great Britain and France has any versl ros. yeti third Sunday et & pated JU" Vs. 1913—Oct, 18, 1043. : . ? ” peor pub. A —oneeeecallaipnaiiendis surplus capital. REV. E. C. BURCH - Rector De tend District of Coast, (Special to The Daily News stands teleauateeas preens Land Dive LS ally Nev The Up-to-Date House Decora- ; ’ ‘ ee THE SALV. rake potice ry Cecil J. Crew, of London, Ort, 415 The . royal Slashed Skirts. t {Pp R an " Giteentie ‘oe eee cee Wi vation banker, in-|.,», s ra ‘ ‘ : ors o rine e por tO apply permission to puréhase|Chapel of St. James was used for The reason they're worn by the ew Sunday services at 14 pene olowlls ibed lands; a royal wedding this morning for ‘ a m., 3 and 8 p.m. Sun- uv cing st planted one mile | ot day School, 1:30 p. m. east corner of Lot 180,/the first time since the wedding ricty thence south 20) of the Prince of Wales, now Kir e e,@¢ Would prove, if left to a jury, ign Writing.. } ue Waanestay, thane. | daughters of Eve | | pane thet 2 ‘ chains, thence north ; - | That the girls, no doubt, are in- day and Saturday. ant cast 40 chains to pointiGeorge V. The pews had beer | ‘li hike ° a ntaining $0 acres ; clined to believe ‘commence aining Dead’ abl aAMN dehds écact Was Ske cron atta , aper-rianging CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MEETINGS yore Ol CECI J. CREW. : ed in their piace “senren vag Mi e men ali come trom Held in Hays Bldg, 245 2nd Ave. P. M, Miller, Agent, ace. A SOMi-Cl } issourl. Sunday service 11 a. m. pated July . id ‘bate 13, 1913 of gilt chairs was placed al the — we ‘ne an ine rics. ‘Tes PUD, AUg. 2 ete eee ee — . 4 e morning service ‘es- - railing and behind were seated Demers. tmony meetings Wednes- t District of Coast,;Queen Mary, a little higher thar Range 6. "eg > 2@ tuat Louis Frank Banville,j the rest, with the Queen Moth ert, B. C., occupation rail-land three other Queens on eilher apply for permission to dain wing described lands: side of her. The bride, the ta Pp St planted about 20 theses " > f ‘ > : le Post 76 from Prince Duche of Fife, was attended b hallway, on the soutb/twenty bridesmaids, the flowers thence east 60 chains, chains to bank of Skeena] Of royalty and the peerage, and wing the river bank in] 4, a . ’ eng rtheriy direction to point} Prince Arthur of Connaught's ement, containing 20 acres}sypporters were Prince of Wales days at 8 p. m. Reading y : ‘ “ ” room 1s open every day New shipment of dresses in Ye Olde Reliable exce pt Sundays, and legal velveteen, serges, Bedford cord. | 5 p. m . nd Street ih 56 Green In new styles and shades. 23711 | i= rmene s i LOUISE FRANK BANVILLE. |@Nd Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. pated July 18th, 1913. ‘ pub. Aug. 18, 1013—-Oct. 13, 1913. : st of Coast | sce] WANTED: AGENIUS TO WRITE PARES UTLNONG, pct igiands occupation.” geu laa THEIR LANDS POLICIES | pends to apply for permission to pur- 9 | bas ‘ wing described lands: nit ry f at 8t planted o1 onic’ the southeast Corner of Lot 4 prapbbed Land nd Laws for Great Range 6, Coast Distestts Sue aie Britain Certain to Bring On bains, thence south ) 8, ence — a st 8 then 0 to . He ee eorte tkuine “sso| “ALL THE RACES HAVE MET AND MINGLED AND DICED AND Political Battle more s PRAYED AND CURSED AND LABORED ON THE THOMAS 8. CREW. | London, Oet.°12.—Right Hon. F. M. Miller, Agent. CANAL ZONE. | a ae kT 4 7 ] 2ist, 1943. | David Lloyd-Georve’s great land ig. 18, 1913—Oct. 13, 1043. ; s Ifo lark ie ‘ : ————$—__——— A great undertaking that de- younger burst full fledged into | fight begin tomorrow at Bed ct—District of Coast eraatne aring high upon a\!ord. The chancellor of the ex- Disirict—District © 088t,;ffed the resources of the Suez! ereatness, soaring high upon a} “ Z : Range 5. c mhagination?: Sameiol await hequer’s speech will be the sig- . i } ’ ie re lag i ion? ; we O 2 ¢ noti wut Marion Waugh, of|Canal maker and the old we rid’s | ‘4 , ; : hs nal for battle all along the line. Jue ccupauion spimsier, in- : greatest poems in the past have rate : aye: : aps permission to purchase| greatest republic is brought to 5 : : . +.) The Unionists, as well as the ui ribed lands; been paid for only in posterity’s : aaa Ty ae MEDCINE 4 post planted about/{riumphant conclusion by your| admiration We hope that the Liberals, however, have a land , a northerly direction from See ; eee program, for the wants of the t corner of Lot 6149, Range! federal government Without | digging of the Panama Canal will fa ’ it 1 lat é 5 a ° pL | . { ars ag £ Tr. ’ none Oe Yaney, Msouin| Whisper of slander or hint oflevoke a poem as great as any oc-|*@rmel! a Karten i¢ ais t 6148, thence west 40] ons our engineers ‘ » CON -aRgions ne 8 aa . ers Ccanno ye ignore jy either ib uth 40 chains, thence east raft, yous engineers have con- | CASA nal poem in the past—and party s more or less back to point of| quered a deadly climate, brought|if it does we shall see to it that ys ement stall z 16 or y ‘. The Unionis icy, ¢ hi , containing 160 acres more) —ifficient labor into the jungle,!its author receives a_ bigger The Unionist policy, of which MARION WAUGH. |drained and leveled and erected,|check for it than Milton did for | 40rd Lansdowne is the protagon- July 22nd, 1013. ears j dP Rae tik am ln eh ‘ Aug. is, 1913—Oct, 13, 1943, until the Panama Canal is become |“? aradise Lost.”—Collier’s. jist, is to make the worker of thc i a fact. The dry excavation was ares soit the owner, of the soil he yeta Land Distriet—District of Coast, : © ary excavs a ws eras yeild ieapeciecnetie‘trs : aa) e urne ‘= % , Hange 5. finished ten days ahead of sched- | WORK IN GROUNDHOG er _ He er Neacaae rie Take notice that Arthur O. Crew, of ko: ASN it an * ARs teres erty person. 1e Liber vo licy ay {nat Arauion surveyor! in-{ule; dredging remains, but with aol ity is to let the farmer remain a jtenant, with his interests safe- | guarded. r permission tw purchase|{he waters of the, two oceans! Anthracite Company Strikes New ribed lands: at @ post planted about 20 flowing into the great locks the Seven Foot Seam. the northeast corner of | ,, g rae The Pan- aeeds \ge 6, Coast District, thence end is within grasp. The Pan s more or less to northeast}ama Canal is one of the world’s| “The effect of the season's de- | 506, thence east 20 Chains, ae oe | ‘ 4 v0 Chains more or less to|/ nine wonders; to gaze upon it ISivelopment work in the Ground- thence westerly 20 chains!to feel like the “watcher of the}; to f . i 10g district has been to fully; , OWING. See eae aa? The grand total of Panama confirm my faith in the field, neement, containing 40/ skies” 58 | tanal cost to May 3 yas $295,- ARTHUR O. CREW. When a new planet swims intO|caiqd Amos Godfrey, who has Canal = t ~ erect’ ee cs , P. M.Miller, Agent. his ken: charge of the field operations of 587,518, including ‘construction 5, 1919 —Oct. 18, 1943. Or like stout Cortez, when witb/tne B. GC. Anthracite, Ltd. a and engineering, $182,187,886; sanitation, $16,432,056; civil ad- Attracts Madam To The Kitchen THE GURNEY-OXFORD has a large follow- ing of fashionable cooks who dipinto the culinary art simply for the pleasure they derive from trying dainty recipes previously not attempted. Cost of Panama Canal. : ' eagie eves Te couver corporation t large . . cupstiin caterer, invend to He wn red it the Pacific—and meee a i. Dour! a oe ministration, $6,370,866, and the They are all most enthusiastic supporters of the permission to purchase’ the all his men field. On the company’s prop-| °Ttification, $2,965,939. Gurney-Oxford because it contains many exclu- od. lends; ok’d at each other with a wild) op Jeanebnte uenk: the ne SRD. See ° : ; ; Eat a a Planted on | the I eee User with Swi is ty bd eet) ee _ By Saskatoon Sells Bonds sive devices that make a perfect cooking equipment. ence 8 vutherly 20 chains Siten sesntin an aheele akin ancl . ; ee ae st : by ‘ Rye of Goose Bay, 10 8. TL Biteat, upon “ P 2 in, Dorion. seven fect of good oes a : — snatdised Geer tee aubac Its oven is evenly heated in every corner to insure deliciously tirection 20 chains, thence ave ‘ v ~ 0 . otner with our ee Sl incnes ently money is slackening. Wood, dainty cakes, golden brown biscuits, and light flaky pastry. A iherly direction 20 chains, thence} achievement of French imagin-|of excellent clean coal, Mr. God- hains to the point of commence ae he See ee ne nek Sean ae aed ee ee ephen oet’ sae $175,000 special Divided Flue carries the heat to every hole on the range. Pub ye ne 27th, 013 a ioe Saree Peete ras him. The extension af the cea) erga ® second east 646 ft.) work digging the trenches Goeth- Regina, Oct, 11 Edward Mac- rk, thence followitg high]. 4 . tars > race * . polnt of beginning, With als was to ty te : - ms th na donald is starting suit against : ‘on OF said proposed site; haye met and mingled and aicec , Por RA t re leposited a duplicate of each of ‘ ' Seat eet the CG. P. R. for $30,000 damage 6 Solis in the Land Hogistry omcejand prayed and cursed and la-lro, injury to his small daughter pert B.C. and is applying to} bored in the city made sanitary Alice ‘8 Council for approval . who was run down while Ottawa, Ont by Gorgas and his men. State . aying a CG. P. R. track Jast it September 46th, 1943. : : ate vg) { playing on aC, P. MACDONNELL & HONEYWELL, socialism bas had a partial trial Tals and hed her left aria cams spring.——-Omineea Miner, The fire is held at a low ebb on aspecial Reversible Grate until a baking oven isrequired. Then the necessary heat can be obtained quickly by simply turning the Economizer lever to another notch. [ W-st Solicitors an the Applicant, Incle Sam’s paternal admin- , ot vt 194 in Uncle Sam's paternt yutated, also the fingers of her ° = istration of his Canal Zone. The iat ae A Such control as this WATER NOTICE. theme is tremendous; your poet ; enables many smart Application 4 1 would have an epie on his hands Turkey Buys Dreadnought. z Water Will be m 4 license to take and use} unless he chose just one side of women to invent Brit untae oder the Water Acti; aj], «Here a few of its minor Vienna, Oct, 44.—It is reported | \ t ti 1. The name of oo eee _lineidents are noted—nothing of|here that Turkey has purchased } some very tempting Salt Wor : © applicant is B. C, 7 h Na-(/fr Br | the sunpendread | i cs Phe st Ps He Mobley, agent, the tremendous battle with 2 “4 oe eet is Ti sul , e 9 =| dishes which they set aoe Address of the applicant is}{ure, nothing of the meaning of |/nought Rio de Janeiro, which has . ne oe oe the victory just been c onipie ted by Arm. triumphantly before River Ue Of the stream is Kwinitsa Fs ; Ae a s oO ; : i tin rang *eam has 418 source In'moun-| Who can make a great poem) sirong, Whitworth & Co. at New- | mayor &, p, FARQUHAR, D. 8. 0. their friends. It will River, 4. 2oUt & miles west of the Skeena}Out of this great adventure: E astle-on-Tyne The Rio de} 3 i ais empties ‘ae southeasterly direction| Will it be some poet whom we al-|Janeiro is a twenty-two knot ves- New military secretary of the pay you to investi- " af ‘vena River about 4 ready know and love, or will some |sel. governor general of Ganada. The w m Kwinitsa Station, ie trean at the ‘Ss to be diverted from 8 Trou mig de South side, about 6,280 |= eure . : Th gate the Gurney- Oxford. LT will be used is iin for which th y 3 a. ot dis : ui ad lena eS CALL ON US—ASK FOR OUR NEW CATALOGUE “STOVES AND RAN Claims o., Ce8eribed ag follows: "Mineral r ie Lid, any Wed by the B. G ; Lat'7f'd located adjucein Yo ot $4 mad Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley a8 toi ltantity of water applied for 1s F ARM Bulkley Valley § Fort George District F ARM etches, MMRROR CERRO) IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— This 1 OU the 6th qai’® Was Posted on the gr | ‘ : one t a September, 191 wound Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on wt pt § hotice and ents the wee relo and to hee tiplica- v7 7 PMc of the Naver Act will be fied in the \Upert, Bf alter Recorder at Prince ve Suid Wa Objections may be filed with i i omptrotie, ater Recorder, © or with the R H COAS t Sulidings, ‘yet man 4 Nights, Parliament , I Vv B. ~ $s 00000000000C0000000000000000000000000000 THTOHOOOTETOOOLAGTOODC00000% OOOKOOHHOHHOOOHH OOO ODCO FRED STORK - - 2nd Ave. a C. SALT WORks, LTD. PAID UP CAPITAL $1,540,000. 00 W-Sept, 8 to om? e. >) Mobley, Agent, The Daily News Has the Largest Circulation in the City