A WINDOWFUL OF BARGAINS A shipment of granileware has arrived before we are quite ready to open our new "Home Bargain De- partment,” There are about ten different articles and five hundred pieces in the lot. Many of them are worth up to 35c and we have put them in one of our windows for a few days only at 15c. EACH Goods This Price if You Want Any al You'll Have to Hurry H. S. WALLACE CO0., LTD. Prince Rupert. Department Store eS ere POLISH FOR BRIGHTNESS BLACK | THE FF DALLEY @ tp. HAMILTON, Ont. 6 AND LIGHTNESS,USE 2 KNIGHT ‘ No Dust No Rust A PASTE NoWAsTE. KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 Oils i HARDWARE MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints ‘* Stay Satisfactory Range.”’ ot V is‘No cit Easy to Use, Good for the Shoes aE —— Phone Your Drug Store Wants to Us THE REXALL STORES Free Delivery from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. TWO BIG STORES Phones 82 and 200 The Pioneer Druggist “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe, Moderate Prices, 1142 Pender Street West - . Phone 8500, Read The Daily News Vancouver, B.C. penne GENT ET AON LAC RON ORCA nt tn en tnt nohrtncn — — — LAST OF RECEPTIONS WAS GREAT SUCCESS Ladies of Presbyterian Congrega- tion Entertained at Home of Mrs. Andrew Stewart. reception afternoon was by A very pretty given yesterday Mrs. Andrew Stewart at her home on Fifth avenue. The reception was under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid of the Presbyterian Church, and in spite of the af- ternoon showers an unusually number of ladies were present. A most bountiful sup- ply of home cooking and candy was arranged at a table presided over by Mrs. GC. E. “Warner and Mrs. Gampp. Mrs. MeClymont, president of the Ladies’ Aid, and Mrs. F. W. Kerr assisted the hostess in the reception of the s, and each one on arriving large guest was presented by two young laddies dressed in the Stewart kilts with a sprig of white and purple heather tied up with Royal Stewart tartan. Tea was poured by Mrs. D. G. Stewart and Mrs. Mobley and refreshments served by Miss Gregg and Mrs, Car- michael. The program of the afternoon consisted of vozal solos by Mrs. C. L. Munro and Mrs. Jarvis McLeod, and piano selections by Mrs. Anderson, all of which were thoroughly en- joyed. This is the last of the afternoon receptions for this year, and Mrs. Stewart received the hearty congratulations of all because it was such an enjoyable and successful event. UP-TO-DATE OFFICES Westenhaver Bros. Have Moved Into New Quarters. If well equipped and luxurious- ly furnished offices are any cri- terion the real estate business in Prince Rupert is prosperous de- spite the stringency of the money market. The new offices of Westenhaver Bros. in the old Bank of Commerce corner, into which the moved a few days ago, rank among the finest in the city. The building has been entirely remodeled inside and fitted up in most modern style. Beautifully polished counters over which business can be transacted with comfort and dispatch separate the private part of the office from that which is for the public. The furnishings throughout are of the best and undoubtedly serve to impress the publie with the solidity of the concern occupy- ing the premises, GET ON VOTERS’ LIST Additional Facilities Now Offered for Registration. In addition to Lionel Crippen, who attends at the office of Peter McLachlan, Third avenue, every evening for the convenience of those who desire to get on the municipal voters’ list, Arthur Cuthbert, who is also a commis- sioner for taking oaths, is giv- ing-his services to the publie in this regard, He will be found at his office in the Smith building during the day and at his home, 228 Ninth avenue east, in the evenings. THANKSGIVING SERVICES Special Music and Decorations at the Anglican Church. Canada’s Thanksgiving Day is next Monday, and on Sunday the Anglican Church will hold four special services. The church will be profusely decorated as for a harvest home festival in the old country, and there will be special music by the full ¢ehoir. The services are at 8 a. m., 14 a. m., 2:30 p. m. and 7;30 p. m., the af- ternoon being a children’s service to which parents are invited. Gold in Chisana Townsite. There is truth in the old say- ing “Gold is where you find it.” The latest report from Chisana is that while digging a well on the townsite there a pan of dirt thrown oul was panned and found to yield 214 cents. As bedrock had not been reached it is con- sidered a remarkably rich find. Demers. The latest styles and material in suits guaranteed to fit. 237tf CHEAP AGREAGE Ae Tyee Park Near Prince Rupert ee 6 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS Apply Harrison, Gamble & Company FINANCIAL AGENTS Third Ave. Prince Rupert THE DAILY NEWS THREE LARGE STEAMSHIPS FOR GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC (Continued from Page 1.) ‘langular Seattle ~ Vancouver-Vic- toria run will be developed. To make it certain that will be a hicrative traffic, from the jump, to both continental held. out. The whole Grand Trunk Pa- cifle transcontinental system will be linked up from Prince Rupert to Moncton by next June and the formal official opening of the line there almost special induce- and are trans- to ments local travelers be already has been set for next September, Long before that trains will be running over all but fifty or sixty miles of the system, At present there is a gap of only 147 miles uncompleted in the line. This is between Rose Lake and McBride. The line is open from Prince Rupert to Rose Lake, a distance of 303 miles, and from Moncton to McBride, 1,200 miles west of Winnipeg. From McBride to Fort George fifty miles of line will be com- pleted and in operation next month. This will leave ninety- seven miles between Fort George and McBride as the only part of the line to be completed after next month, Already this ninety- seven miles is 45 per cent. fin- ished. When the whole system is linked up next year the new daily passenger steamship service con- necting Seattle and Prince Rupert and making this city the southern terminal of the line, will begin. UNKNOWN DROPS KLAUS Middleweight Title Claimant Is Knocked Out at Pittsburg Pittsburg, Oct. 143. Frank Klaus, claimant of the middle- weight title, was knocked out in the sixth round of a fight here Saturday by George Chip, of Ma- dison, Pa. The fight was staged at the old city hall. Chip is a coal miner and was practically unheard of here before his fight with Klaus. GET ON THE VOTERS’ LIST Half the month of October is gone, so the days are getting few in which householders and license holders can get on the voters’ list. Property holders need not be in such a hurry, as they have up to the end of next month in which to register. In order to facilitate the work of registration and to save intend- ing voters a trip to the city hall, Lionel Crippen will attend at the office of Peter MeLachlan, Third avenue, each evening from 7 to 9 to take the necessary declara- tions. Southern League Football. Special to The Daily News. London, Oct. 16.,—In the game played here yesterday, the result was: Reading 2, South End United 0. Sons of England social on Fri- day, Oct. 17th. Members and lady friends only. Now Comes the Cold, Dis- agreeable Weather Be Comfortable Keep Healthy Be comfortable, keep healthy in our soft Wool Union Suits that have already made scores of friends. Martin O'Reilly's 3rd Ave. 3rd Ave. gent (TOCAL NEWS ITEMS. | Peters left on the Prince Masset. N. Q. John last night for district in- Tele. offi- Dowling, spector for the Dominion graph, left yesterday on an cial trip up river. eas FLW. * Ralph Harrap, representing J, Piercy, Morris & Co., Ltd., left yesterday for the interior. , * * A. H, Tomlinson, horticultural expert for the provincial govern- ment, returned yesterday ‘morn- ing from a trip south, , . * Fhe steamer Venture, which left for the south yesterday about 5:15, took a large shipment of frozen fish from the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co., Ltd, . . . Harry McLeod, of the Land Registry office, is enjoying his annual vacation. He will likely return loaded with game of all kinds. > * * Albert Davidson, G, T. P. gen- eral agent, left by yesterday's train on a business trip to Rose Lake. He will. return on Sun- day. @. atind Peter Conrad, charged with keeping a blind pig at Burns Lake, appeared before Magis- trate Hoskins at Hazelton on Saturday last. He was convicted and sentenced to six months’ im prisonment. Wing Suey, a Chinaman, charged with a simi- lar offence, was let off. 7 * 7. Ald. M. P. McCaffery left on yesterday’s train for Lakelse, where he has a four acre ranch located about two miles from Terrace. The contract for clear- ing this has just been*completed If the worthy alderman should not be returned to the couneil next year he will at least be able to go back to the soil. L. M. de Gex, of Ladysmith, who has been appointed manage: of the local branch of the C dian Bank of arrived ana Commerce, in the city vesterday morning to enter upon his duties. Mr. Han- nington, who has been acting manager since the transfer of Mr Christie to Cranbrook, will leave in a few days to resume his pos- ition as manager of the Summer- land branch. “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT WE can rent your house Let us have the details. Pattullo & Radford 2400f POOL HALL for rent. Good Ponta for barber. Apply Eby Bros., Terrace. 200tr FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS - Smith-Premier, $35; Oliver, $60; L.. C. Siaith, $65 Room 7 Smith Block, Phone 131, 240 WANTED BOARD and room for two gentlemen; close In, Box 84, Daily News. 243 GENERAL servant. Apply Mrs. L. W. Paunore. 2400r SEAMSTRESS wants work, Room 3, Pa cifie Rooms, 240-45 Wenseors A chambermaid at the a A ae Ww ote WANTED—A position as cook or house keeper by experienced woman. Apply Box 63, News Office, 238-45 WAN TED— Five or six room house, with bath and sewer attachments, furnished or partly furnished. X 17, News Office WELL furnished rooms from $2.50; com- fortable sitting room; bath; electric light, Norfolk Rooms. Phone Black 329. 206 i FOUND FOUND—Fountain pen. Owner can have same by proving property and paying fod advt. Apply Daily News OMmc 2400r LIVE STOCK. cows fresh calved and coming in always hand, and tuberculosis tested. John Christy, cattle paar, Collingwood West, corner Caricton and’ Westminster Koad: Phone Collingwoed 99 RK, Post Office Box 20, Collingwood East, Vancouver, 170 P. O. Box 203 Phone 47 P. ROBERTSON INCORPORATED ACCOUNTANT (Eng.) CHARTERED SECRETARY Audits, Investigations, Adjustments, Liqui- dations end Assignments Smith Block, rd Ave., Frince Rupert, B. C. PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. Furniture, Baggage, Piano Mov- Ing and General Cartage Phone 1 Suite 9, Federal Block F OR A TAXI | Phone 75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO. Office: Thursday October NEW TELEGRAPH LINE Graham Island Line Rapidly Ap- sang Completion. Excellent progress is being made with the telegraph line on} Graham Island and shortly it will White Pass Building New Light Draught Steamer. Pass Company The White now has under construction at its ship yards at Whitehorse a new steamer which will late? ply the waters of Lake Kluane, to which place if will be taken overland as soon as completed, Superin- tendent Wheeler announces that the new steamer will be from ten to twelve tons capacity and will be used to carry freight from the landing, about fifteen miles north of Silver, to the lower end of the lake, a distance of approximately forty miles, on the route to Chi sana, Victims of Alaskan Storms. Nome, Oct. 12,—Five more deaths have come to light as a consequence of the storm that swept over this distriet from the Behring Sea and wrecked a large portion of Nome and left not a vestige of the town of Solomon standing. Searchers along the coast came upon five bodies that had been cast up by the sea, The victims have not been identified Two are white men, two half breeds and one a native. Demers. Do not forget that we carry the New York tailored suits 237tf Among the ‘passengers fot Masset last night were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McColl, who have taken up land on Graham Island and intend to make their home there. Mr. aud Mrs. Dill, who have been residents of the island for some time, accompanied them. WATER NOTICE. Take notice that the Prince Rupert Hydro-Electric Company, Limited, of Mon treal, Quebec, has filed with the Honor able the Minister of Lands under Part ¢ of the Water Act a petition for the af proval of their undertaking In relation to the utilization of 1,500 inches of wa from Thulme River, Quatoon Inlet, Skeena Water District, for power purpose Application for the said water right was made on the 20th day of Septem! 1908, by the Continental Power Company Limited, which last mentioned c« mpan Prince Rupert Limited, their has transferred to the Hydro-Electric Company, interest therein Copies of the petition, plans and ex hibits for approval of the undertaking as required by Section 89 and Part 6 of the Water Act have been filed with the Comp trolier of Water Rights and with the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objections to the application may be filed with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Building, Victoria, B. C. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 2nd day of October, A. D, 1913 THE PRINCE RUPERT ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Oct. 8, 16, 22 & 29. ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY HALL formerly Kaien Isd. Gymnasium To rent for Dances, Public Meet- ings, etc, Particulars at hall or Secretary, P. O. Box 268 HYDRO 1 AM THE MAN WHO PUT SHINE ON SHOES The original Star Shoe Shine removed from Third Ave. around corner on Fifth Bt. Special Seats for Ladies TAXIDERMIST Heads, Birds, Fish and mounted first class to order reasonable prices. O. L. WINGERE! & CO. St., Rugs for B4 Vancouver, B, C. GEORGE LEEK Real Estate, insurance and Loan Broker Notary Public. Rents and Collections Albert Block, 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert Between 5th and 6th Streets BROWN & BUTTERS METALLURGY AND MINING GEOLOGY Res, Phone Black 413 Box 136 Prince Rupert _F. M. CROSBY © Second Hand Dealer Wants to bur all kinds of Household Fur- niture, everything in the line of Mechanics’ Tools, Guns and Men's Clothing, Will call any time, Highest prices paid, 4 Seymour 830 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 243 have reached Queenstown. The line, instead of going by| CERTIFICATE OF impRo way of the Mexican Tom trail, | VEMENTS. will run a few miles farther UP | m neral ¢ Hog, M e lt it and the east coast to Gold Creek and | 'ng Division of \ ‘ keeng ea Where thence to Myer Lake. Settlers in| tr m the mouth nd that district are greatly one ta ato ‘ Bay at the change of route. | Fr M I : ing I : Kighteen men are employed in| |ing as Rartin es ee Rue act the construction of the line. | Coates, Fri It is intended eventually to/[Certincate ny, : : }the dat connect Sandspit with Skidegate| Recorde: | n | ‘ z by cable across the Inlet.—Queen | Hen, | ; : own Grant Dtaining Charlotte News. And furthe ui a der section t ‘ 2 fore the i t d be provement a fi FOR LAKE KLUANE nee 1 ut CERTIFICATE oF IMPROVEMENTS oa SiXty days I t Dated this 24 ivis SS Silversides Bros, The Up-to- Dats Decora- tors of Princes Sign Writing. Paper-Hanging Our Specialties “Ye Olde Reliable” 2nd Street Phone 156 Green Every man to ! siness. | am an expert GEORGE LEEK 615 2nd Ave. Phone 203 HARLA §. BRYANT Teacher Of MANDOLIN, BANJO AND GUITAR Flat 7, Clapp Bldg HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Suite 1, Feder B PRINCE RUPERT, B Phone 300 P, O, Box 1635 MEALS BY DAY OR WEEK (FORMERLY 8B. C. CAFE HOME STLYE Pure Water NECESSARY TO Good Health NOXALLJR. GERM-PROOF Filters Slip Easily Over tt Mouth of Ar All Impur Remove Prevent Typho Diseases Drinking lous Wat PRICE, $5.00 For wale By HARRY HANSON SECOND AVE. 0 In Operation at May Be Seen tug store rme's To Rent EE on Neat Th ree-Roomed House Fifth Avenue, near the Hospital G. R. Naden Co, Lid. ance Real Estate an Insuran Second Avenue