~ -nngenr eoeaanpeninitetti ttt eaten et arse ee The Cup That Cheers All levers of ‘‘a good cup of tea’? know that tea never tastes just right unless it in an earthenware teapot. is made The spoul, of your teapot is chipped or unsightly and YOU NEED A NEW TEAPOT Look in one of the windows in our chinaware section and you will see a fine array of Just Teapots from the little ‘Brown Betty” at 25e to the portly old grandma of a teapot that is biggenough for a large family. Then there is the same old “Brown Betty” disguised with fancy decorations to her look like a grand dame, but underneath her flowery robes she’s the same old eBtty and makes the tea in the same old homely style. make real just Then we have fancy teapots in great yariety—for tthe five o'clock callers—the prices are reasonable; the choice is wide, and you can get them at WALLACE’S H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Department Store Prince Rupert. —— v — > mn |) ee! l IN Phone Your Drug Store Wants to Us THE REXALL STORES Free Delivery from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. TWO BIG STORES Phones 82 and 200 The’ Pioneer Druggist . THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Sale on at Demers. See advt. on page 4. 247.49 Jas. Macdonald, of Smithers, was an arrival by Sunday night's train. Charles Dennis returned Mon- from a pleasure trip to the cities, day lower coast Dr. Inman, eye specialist, turned Sunday night from a trip into the interior. w Gilbert Fortune left on Satur- day morning for Kitsumkalum re- WATCH OUR ADVT. TOMORROW ACME where he owns a small ranch, ' J A 7 | Monday Mrs. C. R. Black, of the Paci- | fic Rooms, went south by the! Prince Rupert on Monday morn- ing. W. Shannon and A, J. Hastings | well known residents of the in-| terior, are spending a few days in| the city. Geo, A. Sweet, late manager of! ‘the G. T. P. Inn, has moved into} a flat in the Steele Block, Third Avenue West. FE. N. Clifton, late of Clifton’s | i bakery, left. on Saturday morning ‘for the interior where he ex- I pects to remain some time. | J. J. Carroll, G. T. P. agent Seattle, who aecompanied G. al A, MeNicholl on his Alaskan trip, left Monday morning for the south. Thos. MeMeekin, of the firm of Williams & MeMeekin, return- Monday from a combined and pleasure visit to Victoria and Seattle. T. P. constable, jreturned Sunday night from a lisip into the interior. He was jrather surprised to find that his shack near the Premier had such ed on business Vancouver, Jack Merril, G. la narrow escape from destruc- |tion by fire. | Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stirrat left ‘on the steamer Prince Rupert on morning for Seattle. Mr has been here for a week making arrangements for yeh starting of his dredging con- Jaock in connection with the dry | }Stirrat lor sO dock. Mrs. A. Campbell and family, who have been occuping the re- j}sidence of D. H. Morrison, Fifth } Avenue, for some months, left on {/Saturday morning for Aldermere | where they will reside. Mr. Campbell, who was formerly with ithe Georgetown Lumber |pany, has been located at Alder- Clothing House LEON WASHINGTON’S CASE WAS ADJOURNED Bail Was Asked for but Accused is Stili in Custody—Did Not Elect. Leon Washington, the colored man committed for trial on a charge of breaking Letour- neau’s tinshop: last came up before Judge Young yesterday afternoon. A. M,. Manson ap- peared for the accused and asked into week, for an adjournment, also for bail. His Honor agreed to adjournment and said he would consider the question of bail later. The ac- cused did not elect. No time has as yet been fixed for hearing the case. Sale on at Demers. See advt. on page 4. 247-49 Three of The Best ALL IN SECTION SIX Lot 33, Blk. 7, $2,950.00; only $950.00 cash. Lot 19, Bik. 21, $2,600.00; cash, 6, 12, 18 months. Lots 13 and 14, Bik. 000.00; good terms. Those who think it is impossible to make money in Prince Rupert real estate are not making any. H. G. HELGERSON, LIMITED 1-4 23, $4,- Ma | Mere fur some time, ? TAKE NOTICE that the partnership se heretofore carried on under the name of eT Tee 7 7 Re Oe Te te fT es ort —s Shepard & Jones, in the City of Prince Rupert, has been dissolve All moneys 5 ee RE SE EE EEE DEE TE FETE EOE OE OE OEE OE OEE 7 cE] owing to the former partn hip are pay- Sa able to William Wallace Jones. A Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 17th day of October, A. D. 1913, ¢ WILLIAMS & MANSON, Solicitors for William Wallace Jones , RIBBON SPECIAL SWEATER SPECIAL Oct 18-34 >. : ; . A shipment just to hand will Yards and yards of Ribbons, ai ae tas ‘“ Th D il N ” ye included in is sale. , regular 20 cts., sale Heavy knit manish styles e a y ews wa AVY anish styles ne 54 CLASSIFIED ADS. 4 PIICE oes essere eeeee 2c regular $3.50, for..$2.50 a ~ Regular $5.50 for..... $4.50 ~— A =__ hnntla ul umn a e ed A rs M NECKWEAR SPECIAL WE can rept your house Let us have the » . VEILING SPECIAL details. Pattullo & Radford 240ur 9 COMMENCES THURSDAY MORNING, OCT. 23 FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room; ry ‘ , C s of 5 3 ‘ modern; on Fifth Ave., close in. Phone Dozens of dainty Collar Owing to our ‘limited store space we are compelled to clear the J All newest designs and col- Green 338, 240-47 ¢ avery ¢C iv vile. |balanee of our Fall Stock to make room for incoming Xmas stock : POOL HALL for rent. Good proposition every conceivable — style. [bale ake room 0 g) s stock. orings; regular §0c-950. Obs ALIS fon cram oe ni yposition + y Below are some of the wonderful bargains that you should take 209tf A Sale price.........-.26¢ advantage of. Sale price...... .....25e A SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS TONIGHT } FOR GALE , TYPEWRITERS — Smith-Premier, 835; A > Oliver, 860; L, C. Smith, $65. Room 7, Smith Block.- Phone 131. 240tr . e. Me shook a ¢ rs PRACTICAL nurse disengaged. Apply 513 6th avenue E, 247-56 ) GENERAL servant. Apply Mrs. L. W. , SUIT SPECIAL COAT SPECIAL Patmore, 240tf WANTED-—A chambermaid at the Bay View 7 7 Hotel. 2970r + The entire range of Suits will iol Stina’ line we anaiauaeiuaken WANTED—Young man with some know! ; , 8 > we are overstoc dee : y Mr, MeLes 3 M® be inon this sale. We have every § gdge of cooking. | Apply Mr, McLean, ( reason to be proud of our Suits, 4 ‘ ~ ‘ es WANTED—Girl to mind baby about two rs i a and we must unload even at a hours. every Sunday afternoon. . Apply Mm the newest material, style an 528 8th avenue west. 246tF ™ colors, satin lined, everything to _ sacrifice, We have Coats in the WANTED Thoroughly ne amen to : 7 fc 4 8 collector, y aily News M® be desired in a Suit. 4 ¢ inl d Omice, 2461f . newest materia atest style an WANTED—Five or six room house 2 . j » ’ — » with a Regular $36.00 to $40.00. Sale bath and sewer aitachments, furnished DMO sss cree ekrte - $27.50 a la a or partly furnished. X 17, News Office. RK Regular $35.00 to $32.00. Sale way" Tuneh “egutiter, ABDI Wed rail POO... os o's 6 03.30.0001! ‘ 4 Lean, News Stand, G. T. P, Wharf, , E 9 . Regular price $15.00 to $45.00, 244 ® Regular $22.00 to $20.00. Sale WELL furnished rooms from $2.50; com- eee : : fortable sitting room; bath; électric r DYEGO ss oe sic's Stk baie eee . $16.00 Sale price....§$11.26 to $34.75 light. Norfolk Fooms. Phone Black , 329. 206 re ¢ FOUND " & mies ry POUND-—Fountain pen, Owner can have same by proving property and paying A for advt, Apply Daily News Office, 240tf * r LOsT. g Milli Special Dress Special sik Maa amen Plea LOST—-A bunch of keys. Finder please ry l Inery pecia IMPORTED TUNIC SPECIAL e pe return to News omen ofett O = As a special attraction we will ® All. our Millinery must be hese AND, EVENING GOWNS place a large assortment of oe nee sleare . ‘ices Wi 2 “hese beautiful Gowns ¢ Tunies are im- : wets > cleared and our prices will be Se s0WNS and lunies are m Dresses on sale. The different COWS fresh calved and coming in always r " po LNs i on f ported direct by us from Paris and in placing ; : on hand, and tuberculosis tested. John with that object in view. We i ine le 9 ais Fs Maps material, sizes and shades will Christy, cattle dealer, Collingwood West , hese on sale our intention is to let the ladies ; . : corner Carleton and Westminster Road: have Hats iu a great variety of of Prince Rupert know the quality of the enable us #0 meet all demands. bor "ee tak nese S° pest Van ror 2 r . . . ‘00 ast, * a styles and colors. This is # rare foods we carry. We do not expect to receive As no two Dresses are alike you 17008 ancouver U ' ; more than part of their eost at this sale st - meen nee a ro é i es . Pyey 5 & ' should come early to make your m® opportunity to secure your win- ; Price up to 860,00, This sale, it two selaatinn eee . P. O. Box 203 Phone 47 ea: EM coh ck ues Saeeys $18.75 and $22.50 rae P. ROBERTSON ; ’ Odd ends of Embrbidery Insertion, regular 10 Regular price $10.00 to $25.00, . Prices from,... ..$4.60 to $10.00 to 20 cls. yd., for, yard.............. Tre Sale price....,.$8.00 to $20.00 INGORPORATED AQOOUNTANT (Eag.) + x . CHARTERED SECRETARY clgetads GARE ah PREMIER HOTEL HAD A VERY CLOSE CALL Kitchen Caught Fire with Strong Wind Blowing—Brigade Did Splendid Work. (Held Over From, Yesterday.) For a few minutes on Saturday night it looked as though the Premier Hotel was doomed. Shortly after 9 o’clock the kitchen, which is in a section at the rear of the east end of the main build- ing, was discovered to be on fire and well under way. The hose inside the building was immedi- ately put in commission and did fairly good work although it was not sufficient to keep the fire from gaining headway. An alarm was sent in to the fire station and the brigade responded with its usual promptness. By the time they arrived on the scene the whole east side of the kitchen was ablaze. A regular gale was blowing at the time and for a few moments the situation seemed serious. With two good streams, in addition to the house hose, the flames were soon checked and in less than half an hour one would not have known that a fire had occurred. The damage was almost en- tirely confined to the kitchen, a little damage by water being done in the corner of the main build- ing closest to the kitchen. Carpenters were put to work on Sunday morning and had the damage sufficiently repaired to resume the dining room service on Monday morning. The fire brigade deserves much eredit for the excellent work done. Mr. Hannington, who has been acting manager of the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce since the transfer of Mr, Christie to Cranbrook, left yesterday morning for Yancou- Ver. He expects to be located temporarily at Vernon. Mr. De Gex of Ladysmith, has assumed the management of the local branch. TAXIDERMIST Animals, birds, fish kinds of game heads hides tanned and made into rugs and robes. All work strictly first A. MITTLER, Expert Taxi- dermist, 106 Main St., Vancouver. and all mounted; class. EARL GREY RIFLES WIN THE CITY CUP Wrest it From the Civilians Who Held it for Two Years and Nearly Owned It The yearly shoot between the Barl Grey Rifles dnd the Civilian Rifle for the City Corporation cup took place Mon- Association day. It was splendid shooting weather and yet for some un- accountable reason the scores were rather below the average, The cup was carried away by the Karl Grey's by nine points after some exciting episodes, At the 200 yard range the Earl led by seven points, and at the 500 they were leading by twenty points. At the 600, after six men on each side had shot, the Civilians were ahead by seven points, but when the re- maining two a side had shot the Earl Grey's had gained by sixteen points, thus wresting the cup from the Civilians by a margin of nine. The Civilians had won it for two and if they had succeeded this time they would have owned it. The gold medal for the highest was won by Pte. Averill, Capt. Partington winning the sil- Grey's years score ver medal and Pte, Little the bronze medal. The Earl Grey Rifles ended a very successful yvear, Lieut, Me- Mordie winning the Stork Cup for the best six scores made during the year, and Pte. Little the Leek Cup for’ the best six scores made during the year by beginners. The following are the scores made Monday for the City cup: Earl Grey’s Rifles. 200 500 600 Yds. Yds. Yds, Total Corp. Averill 33 32 33 98 Pte, Little 1 35 31 07 Pte, Matheson 31 33 30 o4 Sergt. Brown 32 30 30 oo Seret, Jack 33 a4 24 91 Lieut. MeMordle 30 3 29 or Pte. Hulme 31 23 30 &4 Pte, Russell 30 31 18 79 251 249 295 725 Civilian Rifles. 200 500 600 Yds, Yds. Yds. Total Capt. Partington 31 $1 35 97 b. Yelf a0 M1 33 o4 D. C. Stuart a3 30 a4 04 A. Hunter 31 a4 29 o4 W. J. Greer a4 31 29 91 J. E. Larkin 30 30 30 90 dD. Brown 30 20 a4 4 Kh. W. Cameron 28 29 15 72 244 236 236 716 Corporal Averill won the spoon given for the regular weekly handicap shoot. A general meeting of the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yachting Club will be held at the court house on Thursday evening at 8:15 to con- sider the question of decking the club house for the winter. Audits, Investigations, Adjustments, Liqui- dations and Assignments WATER NOTICE. Take notice that the. Prince BUpert Hydro-Electric Company, Limited, of Mon treal, Quebec, has filed with the Honor able the Minister of Lands under Part 6 of the Water Act a petition for the ap proval of their undegtaking in relation to the utilization of 1,500 inches of water from Thulme River, Quatoon Inlet, Skeena Water District, for power purposes, Application for the said water rights was made on the 20th day of September, 1908, by the Continental Power Company, Limited, which last mentioned company has transferred to the Rupert Hydro-Electric Company, thelr interest therein, Copies of the petition, plans and ex hibits for approve of the undertaking as required by Section 89 and Part 6 of the Water Act have been filed with the Comp troller of Water Rights and with the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objections to the application may be filed with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Bullding, Victoria, B. C Dated at Prince Rupert, 8. C., this day of October, A. D. 1913. THE PRINCE RUPERT HYDHO- ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Oct, 8, 15, 22 & 29. ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY HALL formerly Kaien isd. Gymnasium To rent for Dances, Public Meet- ings, ete. Particulars at hall or Secretary, P. O. Box 268 Prince Limited, 2nd 1 AM THE MAN WHO PUT SHINE ON SHOES The original Star Shoe Shine rémcved from Third Ave, around corner on Fifth St. Special Seats for Ladies TAXIDERMIST Heads, Birds, Fish mounted first class to reasonable prices, O. L. WINGERE! & CO. 844 Seymour 8t,, Vancouver, B, C, GEORGE LEEK Real Estate, tnsvrance and Loan Broker Notary Public. Rents and Collections Albert Block, 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert Between 5th and 6th Streets BROWN & BUTTERS — MINING ENGINEERS METALLURGY AND MINING GEOLOGY Res. Phobe Black 413 Box 126 Prince Rupert and Rugs order for F. M. CROSBY © Second Haid Dealer Wants to buy all kinds of Household Fur- niture, everything in the line of Mechanics’ Tools, Guns and Men's Clothing, Will call any time, Highest prices paid, Smith Blook, 8rd Ave., Frince Rupert, 8. OC. 839 Ord Ave. W. Phone Red 243 ; Wednesday, October 9 P 95 » 1943. Tyee Park Near Pring e IN 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS Rupert Apply Harrison, Gamble & Com FINANC IAL AGENTS Third Ave. pany Prince Rupert Silversides Bros The Up-to-Date House Decora. tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing, P aper-Hanging Our Specialties “Ye Olde Reliable" 2nd Street Phone 156 Green {Sree PACIFIC TRANSFER ¢O,. Furniture, Baggage, Piano Mov. Ing and General Cartage Phone 1 Office: Suite 9, } ederal Block Every man to his business I am an expert collect Let me look after your rented property or collections GEORGE LEEK 615 2nd Ave. Phone 203 HARLA S, BRYANT feacher Of MANDOLIN, BANJO AND GUITAR Flat 7, Clapp Bldg HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B, ¢ Phone 300 P, O. Box 1635 MEALS BY DAY OR WEEK At 118 8th Stree (FORMERLY B. C. CAFE Single Meals From Up HOME STLYE To those addicted to the use of Liquor & Drugs Latest and Best Treatment All desire and craving absolutely obliter- ated.. For Liquor in 1 to 2 days; for Morphine, Cocaine, etc., in 3 to 4 days No discomfort. Special study under man whose treatment is endorsed by physicians of the highest standing in the profession Confidential. References. In Prince Ru pert short time only. For further particu lars of appointment, address P. 0 Bor 1575, City. Pure Water NECESSARY TO Good Healt NOXALL JR. GERM-PROOF Filters Slip Easily Over tt Mouth of Any Fa Remove All Impurities Prevent Typhoid and Diseases Caused ¢ Drinkisg impure Water PRICE, $5.00 For Sale By HARRY HANSON SECOND AVE. ' in Operation at orme'é Seen mer .6e Drug Store n Roomed House @ near Neat Three- Fifth Avenue, the Hospital G. R. Naden Co, Ltd. vance Real Estate and Insuraa Second Avenue.