ATION que otTY AND NORTHERN in BRITISH COLUMBIA ianoeeT o1noue ae | + = »48, iv, 2 NU, $< PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1913, — URTHER DETAILS OF LLOYD GEORGE LAND ) SCHEME-TWO HUNDRED MINERS ARE ENTOMBED NEXT MAILS From south Princess Sophia ........45 Friday For Soutn Prince George... .ccsisioes Friday al PRICE FIVE CENTS NXIETY OF ENGLAND OVER SITUATION IN MEXICO So ag SECURE | to The Daily ie tondon, Oct. 23. Lloyd-George the greatest surprise further details of the rnment land scheme. The {his speech yesterday in- that he prevailed with the ind overcame the oppo- moderge right to pursue his his own way. It is npleted plans were Thursday, and that presage a general er than 1915,.when, ! government he people of the section, the “id the co f on home We ! achieved that These e Liberals do not believe PARTY IN A party of wealthy Eman an prismen arrived in the city lb 7 o'clock last night on the} i Adventuress of New of the party, a Chicago million- Borden are Harry Francisco and R. Scientific Museum ty. Another mem- the party, William Brown left the yacht at a couple of weeks! th My ef s f New York (¢ k Island L r home, although an Premier Borden, sa cousin of f Canada, with its dis- y, has been ecruis- \laskan waters for the nths. The party ha purely pleasure iress, search of big game. ‘he intention also £0 Whales the boat being special whaling arrived too late wt to ith a it, Dut they to pped w he season indulge. in’ this would} lteed minimum wage shi disestablishment and|traton. electric jwireless set. | NYD-CEORGE’S LAND SCHEME IS CREATING MUCH SURPRISE D CABINET’S APPROVAL TO PURSUE HIS PLANS IN HIS OWN WAY—UNIONISTS MAKING PREPARA- TIONS FOR EARLY ELECTION. home rule will be sacrificed the altar of land reform, But the Unionist organizers are considering the possibility of an early election and are prompt- ly making preparations for it. They are making the most sweep- ing proposals, consisting of the appointment of land ministry Lo take over the duties of the ex- isting agricultural boards, land valuation, the work of the local government boards, hpusing ar- rangements and = generally to handle all land questions are forecasted, as well as a guarane and affores- is an state on a scheme the full The whole effort at securing ,control of an existing monopoly. HICAGO MILLIONAIRE AND THE CITY TODAY ETURNING FROM THREE MONTHS’ TRIP HUNTING FOR BIG GAME IN ALASKA—YACHT CAME FROM BOSTON. game rather the north, successful three cari- game. made Jeport. They report ldifficult to get in nevertheléss they were in capturing six bear, bou and lots of smaller While in the north they their headquarters at Duteh Harbor in Alaska. They also spent a good deal of time in the of Kodiak Island. Adventuress left Boston i3th last, sailing Straits of Magellan of Captain Charles Spark and a crew of six men, She a two sticker, 101 feet over all and 75 feet on the water with draught of 11 feet, of the semi-knockabout equipped with an 80 horse- Frisco Standardg engine five horsepower #tandard for electric light and anchor hoist. The yacht is also equipped with a one k. w. Spepnine to Captain vicinity The on February through the i «charge is line, She a is type, power and a engine “(Continued on page 4) BRITAIN AND UNITED STATES AT OUTS REGARDING MEXICO ONDON NEWSPAPERS FEAR SERIOUS EMBROILMENT BE- TWEEN THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE TWO COUN- batntatict* cancel *pecial to The Daily News.) London apers he wel, .23,——-THe news~ Son oe are awakening to Soteae:, i ‘oe of an embroilment iat a3; 'e United States and as ‘ritain over the Mexiean ao teas Pall Mall Gazette Savi mr man is evidently a ce ri ‘iderstanding between he ae and the United This a (he Mexican erisis. SH ge speedily be removed. age ® elements of danger in ‘uation whieh may easily Bore o nes, i mn Majestic Theatre TONIGHT LAST TIME Cine'’s Mast Lerpiece WHEN WOMAN LOVES 3 Reels) . M irvellous Photoplay oOMDined with Artistic Acting PATHE’s ANIMATED — GAZETTE A " Extra Good Film ‘NChiding with a side. Splitting nedy BILLY's PIFE DREAM dImission 10¢ and 15¢ Wrrrreooons. Meeroocoocoos ON BOTH SIDES. strong feelings on both of the Atlantic.” Other Mewspapers express similar fore- bodings, and the mystery sur- rounding the possible policy of the two governments is strongly commented upon. United States Ambassador Page yesterday had a long interview with the secretary for @foreign affairs, at, which believed that the Mexican was fully discussed. arouse sides is it situation Washington, Oct, 23. The state department officials decline to discuss in anys way the en- quiries made yesterday by Am- bassador Page in London in re- spect to Great Britain's attitude as fo the Mexican situation, It is generally believed here that this government is awaiting the result of the presidential election in Mexico on the 26th before making any definite move in the matter, Mexico Gity, Oct, 23,—Two brothers of the late President Madero vere arrested at Monterey yesterday, charged with complic- ity in a conspiracy to turn this city over to the revolutionists on the day of election, 1S AGAIN RELEASED Sylvia Paikhuret Does Another | Hunger Strike Stunt Special to The Daily News.) London, Oct, 23.—Miss Sylvia Pankhurst was released fromm Holloway jail yesterday, on a li-} cense from the home secretary.| She is much enfeebled and ema-| ciated as the result of a hunger strike of a week’s duration. SCOW NEARLY UPSET LEFT AT UNION BAY) Shipment of Lumber for West-| holme Lumber Co. Came Near Being Lost. The steamer British Columbia arrived in port about 7 o’clock this morning with a mixed cargo, including a shipment of coal for the G, T. P. The steamer was in charge of Mate Hewison on ae- count of the illness of Captain Foellmer, who is confined to his home in Vancouver. On the trip up from Vancouver the British Columbia had in tow a scow loaded with some 300,000 feet of lumber for the Westholme Lumber Co. |The scow started leaking so badly that it had to be left at Union Bay and the lumber will have to be transferred to another scow. The mate reports that the secow fisted so badly that he could see right under the bot- tom of it. By careful handling he succeeded in getting it safely into Tops Bay. G. T. P. BRIDGES SUFFER FROM HIGH WATER Piles Knocked Out of Position by High Water and Debris—No Train Before Saturday. As a result of the damage done to several of the trestle bridges along the line of the G, T. P. yesterday morning's train . has will be the in- morning. Mehan seri- been cancelled and there no passenger train for terior before Saturday General Superintendent reports that while no very damage has been done number of the bridges over streams flowing into the Skeena have been slightly damaged by the high water and the debris brought down. New piles must be driven in several places before these will be safe for traffic. At noon today al! damage had been repaired as far as Mile 79, where the Shames River bridge is out of commission. Beyond this bridges at Lorne Creek and Phil- lips Greek are slightly damaged. Night and day gangs are at work making the necessary repairs as fast as possible. It is hoped the line will be in shape to operate Saturday's train. a the ous British Naval Officer for China (Special to The Daily News.) Pekin, Oct. 23.—The Chinese government has decided to ap- point a’ British naval officer as advisor of the admiralty ,and the officer chosen Rear-Admiral Ohristian, at present attached to the home fleet at Davenport. is TWO HUNDRED MINERS CAUGHT BY EXPLOSION |\Some Few Mangled Bodies Re- covered — Little Hope of Rescue Entertained Special to The Daily News.) Trinidad, Col., — Oct. 23.—Two hundred miners are entombed in mine at Dawson, New Mexico, according to reports late last night. A great explosion Oo while the men were at a here Dawson, N.M., hundred feel of progress was made during the night by the rescuers working in Mine No, 2, in their fight against the debris which choked the é¢ntrance to the mine. a | ) the exhibit. of the Domin- . : oo . ig came ues x iy ) oe sonia alates” oe: = : se mo) RELIANCE FISHING COMPANY W. Stennett of Victoria of the Alliance Fishing Company, has been in the city for two weeks awaitng the arrival. of a couple of the com- pany’s fishing boats, which are to be operated from Prince Rupert during the winter months. Mr. Stennett has had a very extensive experience in the fishing busi- He came to British Colum- bia a number of years ago from Grimsby, England. Speaking of the fishing industry, he said he had seen Grimsby grow from a very small town to a city of 80,- 000 people, all in a few years as a result of the one industry. From what he has seen and heard George manager the last ness, TWO MORE BOATS ENGAGED IN LOCAL FISHING INDUSTRY OF ANY OF VICTORIA WILL OPERATE TWO LARGE BOATS OUT OF HERE—ONE BOAT NOW IN WITH CATCH. of Prince Rupert he is of the opinion thal even a greater fu- ture is in store for this city. One of the company’s boats, the Allianee If, arrived in port yesterday afternoon with 25,000 pounds of halibut, representing about two and a half days’ fish- ing. The other boat, the Reli- ance I, that the company will operate out of here is now on the banks and is expected in at any time. The Reliance No. 2 is of the twin screw type. She is equipped with two 64 horsepower, four cylinder Automatic engines and a five horsepower Fairbanks as an auxiliary. She is over 100 feet long and schooner rigged. EIGHTY PLAYERS ENGAGED IN Daughters of the Empire for the of holding an auciion tournament, which was all those who partici, be one. of. the most pleasant and successful fune- tions of the kind ever held in Prince Rupert. There were over eighty in attendance, with twenty tables occupied. The contest last night was the first of a series of two evenings. The next will be held at the resi- dence of Mrs, L. W. Patmore next Wednesday .evening, when all purpose bridge voted by pated to DAUGHTERS OF EMPIRE HOLD AUCTION BRIDGE TOURNAMENT CONTEST FOR THE H. S. CLE- MENTS TROPHY AT THE HOME OF MR. AND MRS. WESTENHAVER. Through the kindness of Mrs.|beautifully gowned women and J. D. Westenhaver her. spacious|well groomed men. home on Fifth avenue was Four hands were blasied at thrown open last night to the|each table, the winners progress- ing five times. Following is a list of those present besides the host and hostess: Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs; Tite, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Manson, Mr. and Wrs. Burritt, Mr. and Mrs. Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. McClymont, Mr. and Mrs. Patmore, Mr. and Mrs. Cade, Mr. and Mrs. McLennan, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Naden, Mr. and Mrs. A. McDougall, Mr. and Mrs. Vance, Mr. and Mrs. Stork, Mr. and Mrs. Carss, Mr. and Mrs. Philpott, Mr. and Mrs. Halsey, Mr. and Mrs. players are expected to be present at 8:45 sharp. A charge of one dollar is made for all those who} are taking part, the proceeds be- ing added to the treasury of the} Daughters of the Empire. The} trophy is a beautiful silver photo frame donated by H. 8. Clements, with such an assemblage of| ae ” LAST RIVER STEAMER | Steamer Dawson men Buoked Rapid. Current for Whitehorse Last Saturday Noon. —The last from Dawson Oct. steamer this year for Whitehorse sailed at noon vesterday, when the Dawson, | Captain Bloomquist, of the White headed upstream with Dawson, Pass Line, passengers. The Casa, of the same line, sailed the day before, carring 150 passengers, includ- ing Dr. Alfred Thompson, M, P. for the Yukon; Frank Nolan, manager of the N. A. T. & Ty; H. H. Waller, former stroke of the Washington crew, and later acting recorder in the Shushanna and H, BE, Morgan, recorder in the Shushanga, | The side stream company’s last steamers this year for White- horse sailed > Thursday morning with a full list of passengers, in- eluding. Captain Sid Barrington, manager of the line, and his brother, Hill - Barrington, and Colonel Barker, Dawson manager of the Northern Navigation Com- pany’ 8 traffic. SAILS FROM DAWSON = L. W. Kergin, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Clements, Mrs. Craig, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Tre- mayne, Mrs. Reddie, Mrs, Angus Stewart, Mrs. Peters, Mrs. Wright, Miss Thompson, Miss Milligan, Miss Grant, Miss McIntosh, Miss Ellet, Miss Johnstone, Miss Carss, M. P. Miss Sylvia Jenns, Miss Kathleen The gathering last night was j|Jenns, Miss Beckwith, Miss Phe- one that would do credit to al lan, Miss Chapman, Miss Martin, much larger and older city than | Messrs. Holtby, Crew, Blaine, Prince Rupert. The large and | Peters, Butler, Doig, Garde, Pat- tastefully furnished drawing |tullo, McFarlane, Dr, McNeill, room with adjoining, rooms pre-|Linnell, Harris, Jardine, Crippen, sented an animated appearance | Taylor, Vidler, Wilson, Purdy, Newcombe and Mortimer. Elite Dancing Academy. Dancing lessons will be given. in the McIntyre Hall every night the week. Instructor, M, M. Cooper, Subscribe for the Daily News. $ Auction - Sale FURNITURE, FIXTURES, STOCK AND BUILDING Bankrupt Property of the Prince Rupert Fish & Cold Storage Co. Limited SATURDAY, OCT. 25, 1913 | At 2 o’Clock P. M. Sale to be held on the premises at the corner of Third Avenue and Second Street. Any person desiring to inspect the property before the sale ean do go by apply- | ing to the undersigned, : The highest or any bid not neces- sarily epee > eS Continental Tn Bt Provisional a