Thursday, Oe THE DAILY NEWS Ober 23 —_— 6 —_—_—. » 1943. TCA Double Weekly Servic e ats oy. THE SOUTH sae y the splendid steamer, Xela PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victor) Mondays.and Fridays at 9 A : Fer Stewart on Thured For Granby Bay on Satur ; Ime ‘ ™ MORE DETAILS OF DISASTER TO ZEPPELIN WAR AIRSHIP SEVENTH OF THESE GREAT WAR MONSTERS THAT HAVE BEEN DESTROYED SINCE THEIR INVENTION BY THE VETERAN SOLDIER-COUNT. —— 4 THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. United States and Mexico: Weekly, Daily, $8.00 per year. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance, All Other Countries: Seattic on aye atsaim cays at 42 p, mM. $2.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. Berlin, Oct, 18.—In regard to|The L-2 was the latest and larg- Meinentn Weekly Service Between Victoria, Vay, my HEaD OFFICE the disaster to the war airship|est of the new craft designed for ound BAEUGAyS Ot SPM Ae eae Lea rince Rupert vig a L-It yesterday, experts say the|'he German navy, It was about Harbor, leaving Prince Huper t on Wedneatane st’, Masset ue 1 Naqutt Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C, Telephone 98.) °° xe “1500 feet long. RAILWAY SERVice P.M ten ICES AND AGENCIES catastrophe was probably due to The Zeppelin airships have Train No, 2 leaves Prince Rupert, eastbound, ; 4 F 4 a i : d Saturdays ° Wednesdays BRANCH OFFIC the collection of an explosive/peen singularly unfortunate ever Tickets on sale to all points ast ii pt re New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New/mixture of gas and air in the/since their invention by the aged the — TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY system tion with ; : Raa) : ie atid Sie y Steamship Lines. all Atlant York City. tunnel running inside the airship|soldier-count, Seven of them eamship IL oa sida Wikia: thaerva: \tlan ‘ : i » ap re , B, x- ; ’ Se tion, etc, apply + Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. and connecting the three gon- irk been PC be ralin’ t wisi ie siseee A. DAVIDEON nen S _—— i id k ilding, as hie sphaps fas ex. | 0205100 or wreck. Ee Ce Prince Rupert London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Gra Trunk Building,|qolas, which perfiaps was ex It and VI, Deutschland I and II Phone 269 Trafalgar Square. ploded by the backfire of a car- and now the L-4 and L-2, the Steamers Prince John ang Prince att Ib TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract |hureter or eh ‘ a from a |first big airships ore aire be —, ication. magneto, mae ould acco German navy, have met with dis- ' : ‘Littl NEW rates on appl ; ‘ _ |for the rapidity of the destruc-|agter in this way B.C. Coast steamship Service | c S 4 eh Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in tion of the balloon. The airship e) Sar ARIA uh vi re Maga: Cy ! ; . i ‘ —— zines case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. carried two tons. of gasoline. Oontdeehes on Ohureh Unity. ae I Newspapen marge: ols Reoubis Baron von Bleut at a late hour a FAMOUS SAFETY | © GARS ro S :: PROM DAILY EDITION adi > Thursday, Oct. 25, “* Ithis afternoon was still alive. New York, Oct. 18.—Four aT TTT | 2nd Ave _B D edgy —————— —— em oo A director of one of the avia-|clergymen, representing the Pres- PRINCESS rtal ate SPEED | Mice LITTLE SENTIMENT try seems mild and inconse- tion companies at the Johannis-|byterian, Congregational, Metho- LINE ait aie SERVICE at IN BUSINESS quential compared with the!{hal aerodrome was an eye wit-|dist and the Disciples churches, C O A 4 The arg ! ont used by many French invasion now menacing| ness of the disaster. He described|were appointed at a conference] SAVED FROM THE GALLOWS Ph anid een Bg aos Canada. The dual language|]it as follows: yesterday to go abroad in Janu- Few “condemned to be hanged” Princess May et szonserve 28 € » B i tose & arias i ae ays - ai i a Le ve 4 p tne tion of Premier Borden’s naval PONY eo ae Carer te tee? and, ‘when I was in my. ome ab jut 500) ary to enlist the support of ae have attracted such all Gana- southbound, Saturday at 9 New Wellington Coal, Best on th tbittion “eatld ataptaliy no election is at hand, all con-|yards from the scene of the acci-|conformist ehurches in Great disn-attention- in tecent: yaese a m Cain contributio ¢ srially ‘ bis a : ai en ahi amit tae bea “ nifat ea . nae ah . P ae ° . injure Ganada’s credit in Eng- demnatory resolutions, from! dent wh n T was startled by an Britain to join the movement for &s that‘of Charles Gibson, a J.G. McNAB, General Agent ‘Phone 116 Ro mT ; AY t be fallacious the lodges. But what is dualjexplosion of extraordinary vio-{a world conference on church Toronto, sentenced to be hang- Ichi 8 hdl ei c fash daak eitty eight per language compared with dualtience. My first. thought was that/ unity. ed at dawn Thursday, October —— en xy the fac é 3 or ys . ; sday, Oc ifaiandnennieteennteenen aac sein | ’ : habiliments? an aeroplane had landed on the ies piel : il ; cent. of the New Zealand gov- 4 : ; wees. ‘ 4 : 19th, for the murder of Her- ‘| SMIT a ernment loan of three and a The dual language we ecan,/roof of my building and that the Resignation Not Confirmed. man Rosenthal, All the high- UNION $5 COMPANY OF B.C Ltd P < MALLET half millions sterling was taken] @ccording to the familiar form-|gasoline tank had exploded. lS dk nedela sofabed him a 00 . U, Vo THIRD AVE oY by the public in England. As] Ula of the preamble, view with] “I rushed to a window and/ Montreal, Oct, 18.—It is re- trial; the Dominion cabinet ares, |] Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and fi compared with this 45 per cent.| alarm. But what world can/saw De See en Sane ported here, but so far no COn-| (oo% up the case and said the WINTER SCHEDULE tinsis’ an Metal Work hon of the reent Canadian loan was portray the feelings with which|and plunging toward the earth./firmation is obtainable, that last sentence was just and the Ad- STAT = as ave. tas st e y | - Ciree aaa orig ne a ‘a wi view the dual skirt?]/The outer covering had been al-j night at a meeting at St. Jerome Se ae yee asd Twin Serew Steamer ! t 7th and Sth Sty ee taken by the public. There is} We Will view the & a meeting ; ministrator of Ganada, Sit ae? ‘ Z . : Pos The German peril, the navaljready burned off and the inner|/Hon, W. B. Nantel placed his c Unde tak. Selenide ’ ail little sentiment in business. ‘ as ; ' Charles Fitzpatrick, signed the “Vy lhalla”’ . 5 emergency, the high cost of|balloonette containing the &aS|resignation before his constitu- death warrant. ‘When there § S ‘6 h | h oa) | alnalia’’ of S.H. & ER, living, all sink into insignifi- | had disappeared. ents and that it was accepted and E ; ? lar sy eWe’ e 0 sin | SCANDINANIAN Soctery WHEN THE WOMEN ; ; ‘ , bar , : came a wave of popular sym- cance at this portentous reve- “The naked aluminum frame-|that Hon. T. Charles Casgrain pathy with petitions contain- - | Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday 1 WEAR THE BREECHES. lation of the French prophet.|work with its long\centrepieces,|will succeed in the cabinet and ing 60,000 names, and tele- PT eb p.m. In the hall at 319 ard Ave. Britannia rules the waves, Of course the law can be in-|its interlaced ribs and its taper-jwill run for election in his divi-! rams and letters from all FOR VANCOUVER , r — Srd Ave. near 6th j but France rules the fashions, mas a can be oe Tie tate eet or sion. over Canada, asking for a com- 9 Wie | D. ©. STUART and when a visitor from Paris,| applied. Pulpit and press can] taining the cE Oth tae ee ore ores mutation of the sentence. At . M. Wednesdays who speaks with authority as| make themselves heard in con-|bow foremost. When the skele- WEATHER REPORT 2 o'clock Thursday morning, a ene Accountant a designer of women’s cos-| demnation, but this does not|ton of the immense craft struck Pie EH few hours before the time | 908 2nd Ave. Phone 289 fumes, “aays that in the near relieve the general feeling of|the heavy gondolas buried them- Furnished by F. W. Dowling, set for the execution, the act- FOR GRANBY BAY iia wisps ia future they will wear trousers helplessness before the threat- selves in the ground, Observer. ing Governor-General signed ‘ ; the civilized world must sit up| ened French revolution. Following shortly on the dis- sa ere eee the order commuting the sen- SA, &. Tuesdays Alas, M. Manson..B. A a and take notice. That he pro- It is no occasion for jocu-]2ster of September 9th last, when| For id hours pstars 5 mh tence to life imprisonment. W. E. Williams, B.A, LL3 nounces it (or them) ‘“trou- larity. The calamity may come . abnilar craft vast: aupenee Baromeat cae - ny Ser er ear OnE aS | WILLIAMS & MANSON sairs’’ may lessen the shock, at any time. The destruction the navy as L-4 was destroyed in arometer, reduced to sea pn : but there is no doubt but that of cities, the fall of empires, }® hurricane with the loss of fif- | level on atte 9 6 Mee Haile $0.31 S. S. PRINCE GEORGE R St hi A | arristers, Solicitors, Eto, he means to inaugurate the| and the collapse of land booms,|'e® men, the news of today’s| Highest temperature..... io IN AT EARLY HOUR ogers Steamship Agency te teer ; genuine, double barrelled ar-| all have been attributed to ex-|°@tastropae has caused conster-| Lowest temperature...... 42.0 Second Ave Phone 1416 j } ticle. tremes and extravagances in nation in aeronautical circles,|Rain ........ [vccecccees 38 . AWG Helgerson Block Rupert, B ¢ i Attention was diverted, it is} fashions. But the convulsions —— = ————-— | Saloon Passenger List Was Very | —————_—_____________ said, from the attack of the| of -history in fashions have Good One for This Season ein allies in Turkey by a rumor| been of small amount compared of the Year. ‘ HAYNER BROS. i that some of the advanced| with that now menacing fash- ~ UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMERS women of the Empire had de- ionable civilization. Will the Those who regularly meet the ) p : PAG Ory Faneral Directors termined to wear skirts. But bomb explode or will the dan-]- G. T. P. steamers on Wednesday ‘ 7% > . 28. re s ik p remier’s . : . eee this violent outrage on the es ger pass like the premier’s and Saturday mornings were tablished customs of the coun- emergency? FLUNG APPLES AT THE JUDGE'S HEAD DISAPPOINTED AT NOT BEING HANGED given a hurry up call yesterday morning when the steamer Prince George sounded its siren at 8:20, forty minutes ahead of time. For this season of the year there was a very good passenger list, over forty saloon passengers Members P.R.L. Vintners Association PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX || Owned and Operated by the Grand Trunk Pacifie Ry. Geo. A. Sweet, Manager WINDSOR HOTEL Corner of First Ave. and Eighth 8t. E. L. FISHER funeral Director and Embalmer REASONABLE Phone 356 HT CHARGES 2nd &t., cor. 2nd Ave OPEN DAY AND NI Militant Suffragettes Denounce |Convicted Man Carefully Prepar- with the usual number of deck W. MH. Wright, Prop. vad the Sentence of Eight ed for Execution Not passengers Following is the See eS ooooreehs ’ e Bs ri } POPPE LLOLEEET Months’ Imprisonment. Knowing of Delay saloon passenger list: HOTEL CENTRAL Po igo ; 8. B, Adams, L. Young, Charles Fisst Avenue and Beventh, Bt Glasgow, Scotland, Oct. 16.—] Kansas City, Oet. 18.—No one Miller, Miss J. Oye, Mrs. W. H. Weta 9 Tgeorsy 7 ae rien ort Wal Two militant suffragettes, Mar-|iook the trouble to tell Wesley Wright, R. E. Richardson, Otto ~ garet Morrison, an artist, and|Robinson, a negro under sen- Crowder, W. F. Zwick, Mrs. H. KNOX HOTEL i 5 Mrs. Smith, a physician, were tence of death for the murder of Kottke, Albert M. Stewart, Mr. First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS Wy A ' {his wife and stepdaughter, that and Mrs. L. W. Reilly, E. Millich,|| £¥ropean Plan, Rates 50¢ to $1.00 ¥ se ance . , spday 4 ’ t t BS. hi. . a -? ’ , ) RIAL ANNEX ” eqplonbed hare: yesterday to eight he was not to be hanged today, D. Maskoviteh, Dr. Ferguson, er & Besner, Props. } T ‘ months’ imprisonment for at-|the date originally set for his ex- George Pealo, R. E. Jackson, Fred ae ee ee A launch : gov tempting, on July 24, to set fire}ecution, so he made all prepara- Springsteen, J. Kisling, J. Alli-|} 4 ¥- Rochester Fo \Geaey,. | ment slip | Kdw to the residence of the late Sir|tions for the ordeal this. morn- MONTCALM THE NEXT POLITICAL BATTLEFIELD. son, Mrs. L. R. Ruddick, P. Gar- Third eee Mata nik avery “te particular John Muir, former lord mayor of ing. : Mr. La Fortune challenged Mr. Sevigny to c@ntest Montcalm. His land, E, L. Young, W. J. McInnis, Seventh Streets | apply t Ciarnenle . Glasgow. The gaunt black, 6 feet 2 in- challenge was accepted by Mr. Sevigny and both members |Mr. and Mrs. James Hislop, W. J.|| European Plan, 60 to $1 Per Day & Co., Phone 5! Ave There was a wild scene in court|°hes tall, unnerved, but deter- ‘have resigned their seats for the new battle. Barclay, Mr. Walsh, Mr. Strach- PREMIER HOTEL when the judge pronounced the sentence, Irate suffragettes hurled vegetables and apples at the judge’s head and sang the **Marseillaise.”’ Three women were arrested. Died at Port Simpson. mined to be brave, dressed him- self carefully, and, sitting on the edge of, his: cot, waited for the death summons. After an hour a deputy mar- shal appeared and the negro in a quaking voice asked: “Is you about ready, boss?” == : EEE LUMBER an, M. M, Colquhoun, Mrs. L. Beckwith, Miss L. B. Liepse, Mr. and Mrs, T. F. Constantine, J. 8. Gaa, Miss Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. James Gilmour, H. Romano, Mr, and Mrs. D. W. McLeod, J. D. Pitchford. American and European Plan F. W. Henning, Manager ROYAL HOTEL Corley & Burgess, Props. Third Ave, and Sixth St. ‘European Plan Steam Heated BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., POP LILL OL OL LOLS Ce eee eeeeeneeentent LUMBER COAL “Ready for what?” W. H. Montgomer returned LIMITED “For the—for the—for the— BUINGLES, FOUCDINAS, GASH, GOGHS Monday on the tle May Second Ave. and stxfh st. - Line of News has just been received of|'uh hangin’ ?” Dee, ae from Vancouver where he was a en are i Complete ~ ae ee a hes Risking ning apa aaoale mary then ex- PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. witness in an action for damages || ppwog rupert importina co. ||| BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES or npso n October th.! plaine at an appeal to the su- F against th ba ae. es in tes Deceased, who was nearly 18]preme court fad acted as a re- First and MoBride Prince Rupert . ve g 5% edad Recrael, Sts. \} WESTHOLME LUMBER C0., Limited years of age, was a son of Peter|prieve. Robinson seemed a little PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers, B, C. Sale on at Demers. See advt. Phone 7 Phone 186 . Wright of Port Simpson. disappointed. on page 4. 247-49 . Se re ae itt as eee Scoop Was Hungry Enough to Eat Most Anything Drawn for The Daily News Dy “Hop WONDER WHAT THE PRICE OF EAGLE /- EGGS |S TODAY? OW WELL IF £ CANT SELL IT ICAN EAT iT!