T! i) 2 mm) SCRE IED ——— a (EODETE) This is not one of those Bogus Closing Out Sales. : business. rsday, October 23, 1913, } al SATURDAY ab E EUS EE E.8 Be THE DAILY NEWS ua ee CT i Ta Ta Doors Open 8 A.M. DPR hr hha. ree Pe aT IDOE See) —— AT THE —— ACME CLOTHING HOUSE COMMENCING SAT. OCT. 25, AT EIGHT AM. PREC PEPEE PPE eee MONEY REFUNDED | IF NOT SATISFIED 2S eae eee eee Every Article in our Store during this Sale will be a Genuine Bargain. reliable brand goods for men and boys in Northern B.C. Semel .. We Are Offering . . Some of The Bargains | Money REFUNDED} Circumstances compel us to raise money, even if we have to sacrifice our best season's Our Stock is complete with the largest assortment and most \IF NOT SATISFIED BOYS SUITS AND — The very latest Ne York models and patte : be rth in Suits and er aie Styles Buster Brown, «Russian, Nor folk, double breasted. 2 and 3 prece, Sizes 20 to 38h. $4.50 lines for.........$2,95 $5.00 lines for.........$3.25 DBO eee Pee ee $3.35 $6.00 lines for.........$3.95 $6.50 lines for.........$4.25 $7.00 lines for...,.....$4.40 $7.50 lines for....... . $4.85 $8.50 lines. for......... $5.25 $0.00° lines ‘for..:...... $5.95 $10.00 lines for........ $6.35 MEN’S SUITS AND OVERCOATS Our stock consists of the very latest shades and styles. and double breasted in tweeds Single and worsteds, serges, etc. Sizes 34 to 48, $12,00 lines. for...:.... $7.95 $15.00 lines for..:.;.... $9.95 $18.00 lines for....... $12.95 $22.00 lines for....... $14.95 825.00 2inesetor....... $17.35 $28.00 lines for....... $18.95 $30.00 lines for....... $19.95 Every Suit and Overcoat guaranteed a perfect fit. SLATER SHOES Everybody knows this fa- mous Shoe—quality the best. We have all the latest styles in lasts from C to double E. Sizes 5 to 14. $4.60: lines: for: VFy5~%.%s $3.85 $5.00 lines for. -s...... $3.95 $5.50) lives. forjecks sass $4.35 $6.00 lines fori. 2aeis $4.95 $6.50 lines for......... $5.35 $7.00 ‘lines: for 72 83 $5.65 87.60-lines. for. F2...403: $5.95 The regular price stamped on every pair. MEN’S PANTS We have over 1,000 pairs to choose steds, serges, corduroys, Macki- naws. a 2.50 2:75 iv $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $5.50 $6.00 $7.00 from in tweeds, wor- RAINCOATS Every Raincoat sold in our store is absolutely guaranteed waterproof. Our stock is com- Sizes 30 to 48. " plete in men’s and boys’. Sizes WIT. 0.9 ajeca ers $1.35 22 to 46. linge f66.:5 0°. 66 es $1.45 Mneevitor. 3c $1.65 $7.50: lines: for. 2.64237: $5.95 1inBS Or. 4. . soe $1.85 $8.50 lines for......... $6.45 lines _for........% $2.15 $10.00 lines for........ $7.95 lines for......... $2.85 $12.00 lines for........ $9.95 foes ite > be Re $15.00 lines for....... $10.95 a ye $3.95 $16.50 lines for....... $11.95 ame fne << $4.15 - $48.00 lines for....... $12.95 lines for......... $4.95 $22.00 lines for....... $14.95 SPECIALS IN MEN AND BOYS’ FURNISHINGS -) doz, men’s soft fur felt Hats, reg. $2.50 to $3.00, ~~ $1.45 sale 40 doz. boys’ Eton Caps, in all shades; your choice 15c. 100 doz. Poker dot Handker- chiefs; while they last Be. 10 doz. boys’ pull over Sweaters, pure wool; worth double 55c. 10 doz. men’s tweed Shirts, reg. $2.50 to $3.00; sizes 14, 14%, 15, 17. Choice $1.65 {0 doz. men’s soft coat Dress Shirts, reg. $41.25, sale price bok 65c. The pinete is only a few of the Bargains---hundreds more like them. Every Article will be marked in plain figures red tag indicates Sale COME EARLY The Acme Clothing House 2nd AVENUE wr Ne natcy op; 8) vow DY " g, DRE varie f.Ney POCCOOOSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ZEAE: Zerker e ao Price, one price to all. Ty STORE CLOSED | FRIDAY To Arrange Stock OUR GUARANTEE---Your money refunded as cheerfully as we take it from you for any unsatisfactory purchase and AVOID RUSH, STORE CLOSED FRIDAY To Arrange Stock ? ae OE Ri coeur ee ee are ae eee para’ Sar oe oe per eres pet Re Ria tek eal z tag BAR ea coat eee eg oie eee See oI a a oy recs cD Se Stein rem tae : : : = DR ee