October 30, 1913 : phursday — pURCHASE NOTIGES. paND hd si that |, charles H, Flood, oc- abe notice Pune? mend wo apply ao Run (ree, Weiuner of jands and works oe Hol Nae jo purchase the rollowiig missed i ved ae at a post planted, st the panel’ of A. BP. L, reading Lo tpeast Ore. thence in @ northerly , 2132-90" shore Of Hastings Arin jong Or less to the Tac-U-An more in No. 26, thence in a eserva 40 chains, thence in a ae ti ns hains, thence east- rece en he polit Of commence- wy 40 chal’ gud acres More oF less, fe ena CHALLES, HL, FLOOD, g june 27Uh, 1919. wy tone pe yuly 28, 1949 ept. 22, 4 pub, ul) conti —~ 4 pistrict—District of Coast, seeend Lane Range 6. pora L. Wright, of v., oecupation married apply for permission wing descriped lands; ,s post planted at the Lot 421, Hange 6, thenee north 20 Challis wast corner Of Lot chains more or less Lot 6142, thence r jess to the shure thence Westerly aid hore to the point of taining 40 acres More DOA L. WIGHT wa july 21st, 1913. Dated ie ys, 1013—Oct. 13, 1018, pub, © rn supeinentennibiiagdies eo and District—District of Coast, gueens LA Range 8, potice that cecil J. Crew, of Texe jpauion bunker, in- yr permussion tl purchase ibed lands: st planted one mile st corner of Lot 180, strict, thence sBuUuL Zt tau cheius, Whence uorth e cast 40 chains Ww point t, containing §8U acres CECIL J, CREW. Pp. M, Miller, Agent. 1913, Oct. 13, 1913. pated July 220 1 pub. Aug. 1 — yistrict—District of Coast, Kange 5. Louls Frank Banville, syeens Land [ L ce tbat sree Rupert, B. C., occupation rail- Oe niends 10 apply for permission to ale » following described jands: roment al a post planted about 20 vee east of Mile Post 76 from Prince hupert 7, . Rallway, On the south side i ibe track, thence east 6V Chains, thence south 6 chains to bank of Skeena [ wing the river bank ip wmence 0m nd northeriy direction to point wumencement, coulaining 20 acres gore OF 139. LOUISE FRANK BANVILLE. pated July 181n, 1913, y py Aug. 18, 1913—Oct, 13, 1943. fheens Land District District of Coast, nange vo. fake notice that Thomas 5, Crew, of febury, & ccupalion geulieman, ipiend for permission to pur wing described jands: 1g at @ post planted one ihe suutheast corter of Lui Wence West thence ww halt ust District, soul 40 chains, orth 40 Chaitis p scement, containing 32U “ r ies 1HOMAS 8. CREW i. M. Mijier, Ageut 2ist, i¥43. 18, 1913—Uct, 13, 1913. e t—District of Cuvast, Marion Waugh, vl paliou spitster, in permission to purchase ed lands: % post piauted about rimerly direchou [rol ker of Lot 6149, Nabge Lapcist Valiey, Welt re or jess to south ias, Whence west «av 40 chains, thence east less back to polnt of ulaining 160 acres lore MARION WAUGH 1, 19438. Oct. 13, 1913. District of Coast, 6. District Nange that Arthur OU, Crew, of and, ceupation Burveyor, ih y lor permission to purchase lescrived lands; § 4} &@ post planted about 24 ibe portueast Curuer vi Coast District, Weve less Ww uoriieast b¥o, lbence east 2U Challis, 20 chains more or less Ww ence Westeriy ZU Claliic liowing shore of lake Ww iwement, Containing 40 feena Land ANTHUR O, CREW. I M.Milier, Apent, ivis Pub, Aug, 15, ivis—Octl, 13, 1914. Wulam Macy, vi imtead tu Lauds List hat I, palol caterer, minissiouer Of tiissiolb tuo purchase ribed lands al 4 pust planted on ti is. 1. Lb. Lot and ust southerly 20 chains we Bay wo 5S. T. L BU-9OZY, Uiedice i Chailis, thence lipechun 20 chains, thence the point of Commence iov acres more or less, WILLIAM MACY, \. , Flood, Agent, y7th, 1943. ivis—sept, 22, 1913. LS NOTICE. Gu bUing Joe oh 20 Notice is here by given that pursuant to We provisions y chapter 115 of the Ke- Vised Chant me nutes of Canada, F. L. Wilson bas sed with the Minister of Public 4 pian of & work proposed to be ng Goh jand in ‘the Harbor of ‘ ne %, B. C., briefly described as ,ollluencing 859.3 ft. north and - ©ast Trom the centre of Seal “shown on Plan 923, Prince istry Uflice, being south thence north 36 harbor tes 3Y seconds west 760 16 re Thence south 36 ae ie bald hart 65 1 second west $70 ft. 43 root line, thence south $6 de 0 high wilinutes »¥ second east 546 ft, Water wt Wark, thence following high bf t bat bolt Of begining, with a \ PMR Of said proposed site legoine in yt Guplicate of each of 6 ih the Land Kegistry UlMce ice Kupey ; Governor mF C., and is applying to “ounch for approvai NaWa, Ont, Sept oak 3 MAC DUNN: raber 16th, 1013. ; ani » & HONEYWELL, W-Sept, 99 oe 97 aoe fOr the Applicant, WATER NOTICE. APplication for Mer Will be mat ‘leense to take and use O British ee made Under the Water Act { “<7 Solumbia as follows; Sul: Waka te of the applicant is B, G, 2 The — F. Hl. Mobley, agent, Prince py ooress Of = the : we Rupert, Bee applicant is The be River, eae f the stream is Kwinitsa t eirean , Wo range about nee tS Source in moun- Miles West of the Skeena Southeasterly direction keena River about 1 Winltsa station, 8 to be diverted from South side, about 6,280 for which the water ; Hinting 4nd manufacturing. ; water is to 48 follows: Mineral tits and locased + Ball Works M75 Skeens Rivewacent to Lot 74 and be ’ ows entity of Water applied for is Welve hundred (1200) no, HOWs in 8 in eMpties Inte i from ‘ arte Watley 1 Pah On the rom Mouth, The burpose Used jg and oT 4 tol ming rs jltiches us ibe ge QOUCe wag? p< » aca dty of Sebianinoe” {pt geToune iA copy Of thls notice and an applica tts Of ‘the wate and to the, require- of wat Act will be filed in the onset Recorder at Prince 4 Watee* “ons may be fled with ar Kecorder, or with the letoria, e Aights, Parliament * C. SALT wy W. By py YORKS, LTD, Sept, 8 to Gen. ah g obley, Agent. QUEEN FUTURE DEFENDERS OF THE EMPIRE BEING INSPECTED BY MARY 7 The dukes DUKES RUSHING TO PICK UP THE GAGE OF LLOYD GEORGE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND OFFERS DEER FOREST OF TWO HUN- DRED THOUSAND ACRES FOR FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAN D POUNDS the government to do what Mr. TO STEWART The season's work on. thej roads and trails throughout the large district under the charge of Road Superintendent C, J. Gill- ingham is rapidly nearing a close and most of the camps have already been closed, A complete summary of the work iccomplished the past season is inavailable at this writing, but generally speaking over one hun- dred miles of new trails have been constructed in the immediate vi- einity of Stewart, including the new trail-to the Groundhog dis- | trict, besides the work that has been accomplished by the ener- getic superintendent and his dif- ferent crews at points as wide | apart as the Groundhog, Granby | Bay, Kincolith and the head of Alice Arm, which sections are also. within Mr. Gillingham’s sphere of influence, and come out of the Stewart vote for roads and trails, At home repairs and extensions have been made to the Salmon river, Marmot river and Glacier creek trails. A substantial start has been made with ‘a wagon road up Bitter creek, and the grade on the main trail altered and lowered from American creek to the Bear river pass, From Meziadin lake the Stewart- Groundhog pack trail (the main artery into the new coal fields the Govern- a total dis- has been finished to ment Telegraph line, tance of 62 miles from the head of the lake, and a_ substantial bridge is now under construction to cross the Naas river. A trail was also constructed from the heart of the lower section of the coal area westward to meet this main trail at the Telegraph line The last of the main line was | pushed through by Foreman | Skeen FARM LANDS PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 London, Oct 2 are taking up Lloyd George’s|Lloyd George condemns the duke challenge in fine style. The Duke/for neglecting to do, namely, of Marlborough’s favorite pose|grow corn and repopulate the in the picture papers just now is|glens. as superviser of ploughing at This,” says the duke, “is Blenheim Park, where he i8 putt-|cheaper than land can be bought ing under crop a thousand acres|in any ecountry named by Mr. granted by the grateful nation to|Lloyd George and hardly above his famous fighting ancestor two|the price of prairie land in Can- hundred years ago The young) ada.” Duke of Sutherland, writing to Of course, should Mr. Lloyd the Daily Mail, offers the Chan-|George accept, as he will not, the cellor of the Exchequer his 200,-|/Duke would put the resulting 000 acres of highland deer forest) £400,000 into six or seven per at two*pounds an acre, to enable|cent. Canadian investments. SUBSTANTIAL BRIDGE OVER THE NAAS CONSTRUCTED AT A COST OF FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS MADE Bulkley Valley NOW COMPLETED Fred Sloat and a force of 114 men. At the Naas river, at a point 52 miles from Stewart, Foreman Dan McPhee and a crew of a dozen ygmen are still busy completing the erection of a most substantial bridge costing some $4,000 and being 320 feet in length. A new bridge, owing to a washout, had to be constructed ai Surprise creek and this work has been in charge of Foreman Louis Anderson. Besides th main trail some 39 miles of new trail connecting the Groundhog pack trail with the Kitwanghar trail, which goes south to Hazel- ton, has also been completed, and innumerable installed along this route. It is now pos- sible to go direct from Stewart to the Groundhog coal areas and also direct to Hazelton.—Port- land Canal Miner. is bridges TELLS OF NEW STRIKE W. M. Elliott of Nome Enthusi- astic Over Flat Creek. Seward, Alaska, Oct. 27.—In a letter received today by J. GC. Tolman, William M. Elliott of Nome tells of a new strike in the Nelehina district on Flat Creek, paralleling Crooked Creek, which shows coarse gold to a width of 650 feet. Elliott is enthusiastic over the prospeets of the new camp. It may be more blessed to give than to receive, but in most cases the average man would = rather pose as the catcher than the pit- cher. Launch Alice B for hire, Tele- phone Green 391, Davis’ Float. rn strong mouth le a depth of 200 feet drill hole sunk this spring. is completed a charge of mite will be exploded bearing other presence gagement is Nell Fletcher, daughter of Sena- tor’ Fleteher of Florida, and Li- onel Smith-Gordon, the only son of Sir Lady Smith-Gordon of Aldershot Lodge, near Salisbury. THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT AND NEW HAZELTON BOOM Recent Visitor Says Forces of In- dustry Are Centralizing in These Cities. Vancouver, Oct. 27. After making a lengthy trip embracing Prince Rupert, Hazelton and a number of the other points on the G. T. P. coast section, Mr. Wil- liam Watson of Seattle returned to Victoria last night. He de- clared that a number of Seattle people are largely interested in the development of the northern country, and he went in there with a view to finding what pro- gress has been made and what the prospects of further develop- 1ent are within the next year. Mr. Watson is of the opinion that the city of Prince Rupert and the city of Hazelton are bound to undergo great. changes in the near future. The forces of in- dustry, he says, are now central- izing there, and the cities and the country surrounding are in for a spell of great activity. In the course of his travels he saw a number of agricultural speci- mens from the country to the north and was greatly pleased with them. STRUCK OIL AT LAST But Is Was Where They Did Not Expect It. In drilling for coal on the Arm- and Morrison property bout twenty-two miles from the of the Yakoun River a irge pocket of oil was found at in the new The oil flooded the core barrel, but was not in sufficient quantity to prevent further drilling, which will another drill hole dyna- in the release for the be feet. continued ,200 When oil any The not strata to wells in the vicinity. of petroleum was uspected in this region, though found in other places on Graham Island. BOUT IS POSTPONED Leach Cross Backs Out of Meet- ing Willie Ritchie. New York, Oct. 27.—The ten round bout betwéen Leach Cross and Willie Ritehie, which was to have taken place. here next Wednesday, has been postponed to November 10th because Cross injured a ‘muscle over his ribs. A specialist, who examined the fighter today, said the hurt was not serious. @entenced for Life. Edmonton, Oct. 27.—Jose F. Lopez, the slayer of John Fred- erickson at Tete Jaune Cache last July, will spend the re- mainder of his life within the walls of the Alberta’ penitentiary. He was convicted Saturday on the charge of manslaughter, and previous to that was found not guilty of murder. Anglo-American Engagement London, Oct. 27.—The_ en- announced of Miss Lionel Smith-Gordon and epee rst are GLISH {32 LACE MADE made by the cottagers BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Our Laces were awarded the Gold Medal atthe Festival of Empire and Imperial Exhibition, Crystal 1971, UY some of thiehend.mede Pillow Leoe, it heats MANY times jonger than any mechine-made variety, and parts quite eo sic of distinetion ‘to the possessor, at the sawe time will lece- Lace 1} ia deep Lace for every purpose een be obtained, and within reach of the most modest purse, however small, is @ support to the industry, Collare. cream, Plastrons, Jadors, ekes, Fichus, 66 Berthes Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Camisoles emire Sets, Tre-Cloths, Table Cen- tres, D'Oylies, Mats, Medal: tions, Quaker and Peter Pan . ts, ete., trom Se 31.25 wp to 5 155-tf —IN THE— a Valley easy terms. Nechaco Valley Fort George District IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, WRITE TO — Mrs, RUPERT Armstrong, Olney, Bucks, England. Limited — VANCOUVER, B.C. | CaA~Y RWW, xz ~ - If you are doing a local business talk over your advertising problems with the Advertising De- partment of this news- paper. If you are doing a pro- vincial or national busi- ness it would be well for you to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. A list of capable adver- tising agents will be sent you on request, without cost or obligation, by the Secretary of Canadian Press Association, Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto. mY Z me | ae 3 od tae — — 2 a OF BAGDAD b ti 4 ; N lt. ake are few people who do not know the story . iE: of the wonderful carpet on which the owner had 'O Ai but to sit, wish to be at some place and, lo! % 4h immediately he found himself there. .S ff Some agents of this nature would be appreciated. by many a manufacturer in jumping the demand for his product into a thousand places, a thousand miles away from his factory. Apparently to such a man there is no means of “getting there” and placing his name and his goods right into that territory, except by slow, laborious bit-by-bit acquaintance- ship—and mouth-to-mouth testimonials. , But he has overlooked the modern Carpet of Bagdad. It is Newspaper Advertising. Fanciful! you say? Did you ever hear of Edwards’ Soups? Well, the genial old cook who forms the trade mark just jumped right from Ireland to a thousand places in Canada in a week—on the Carpet of Newspaper Advertising. Ever hear of Tillson’s Oats? The “braw Scot” who stands ‘ant for this product stepped over night, as it were, from a small ma it town in Ontario to practically every town and village in Nps Canada. ; j : ; Wrigley’s Gum—Sunshine Furnaces—Comfort Soap—all have v ig i taken advantage of this Modern Carpet of Bagdad—Newspaper x i Advertising. > i 4 TO THE q ‘ees MANUFACTURERS OF CANADA: Vie i If you have a name and a product that you wish placed in demand throughout Canada, take advan- tage at once cf the modern carpet of Bagdad— Newspaper Advertising. ; v : QRrer- Ar ee ‘ , SWAVAVANM LYSE SVMAVaAaVAGA tt CERTIFICATE OF iMPROVEMENTS. Ground Hog, Mountain Goat and Eagle ——— a mineral Claims, situate in the Skeena Min- ing Division of Cassiar District. Where located: Observatory Inlet. Take notice Coates, 77639, and Wm. the date hereof, Recorder for a Certificate of ments, that I, agent for George Rudge, Certificate No. B33997; Free Miner's Certificate P. No. for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the And further take notice that action un- der section fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- above claims. 37, must be commenced provements. Dated this 24th day of September, A. D.| 1913 CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Ptarmigan mineral claim, situate in the | Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar Dis- trict. Where Improvements, ing a Crown Grant of t And further take notice that action, un- der section 37, must be commenced before | the Assue of such Certificate of Improve- ment open this 24th day of September, A. D. Ss. 1ocated: Inlet. Certificate No. B43839, acting Certificate No. D77639, for the e above claim. About six miles back from the mouth of Falls Creek, Goose Bay, | Wm. T. Kergin, Free Miner’s Certificate No. B43839, act- ing as Free Miner's 3. . Kergin, Free Miner's Certificate B43839, intend, sixty days from to apply to the Mining Improve- About six miles back from the mouth of Falls Creek, Goose Bay, Observatory “ Take notice that I, Wm. T. Kergin, Free Miner’s agent for Wm. R. Lord, Free Miner’s Cer- ticate No, B70101, and P. C, Coates, Free Miner’s sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of purpose of obtain- intend, Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range-V. sche WATER NOTICE. Take notice that Eugene Renz, of Prince Rupert, B, C., occupation cook, intends to apply for permission to purchase the fol- jowing described lands: Commencing at a post planted about 20 |chains south of the northeast corner of c, | 8. E. 30945, thence north 40 chains, thence D | east 18 chains more or less to the west boundary of John McKechnie’s pre-emp- lion, thence south 20 chains more or less nydtte daN® clans amnd” of ro-Electric Com; , of Mon- treal, Quebec, has filed with the Honor- able the Minister of Lands under Part 6 of the Water Act a tition for the ap- proval of their unde ing in relation to the utilization of 1,500 inches, of water from Thulme River, Quatoon Inlet, Skeena “ Water District, for power purposes. Re aee Application for the said water rights Mi was made on the 20th day of 5e| teBbor: ete 1908, by the Continental Power Company, Tee Limited, which last mentioned company to John McKechnie’s southwest corner,|has transferred to the Prince Rupert y thence east 20 chains, thence south 20|Hydro-Electric Company, Limited, their ab chains, thence west 33 chains more or less | "terest. therein. rae 8 ° Copies of the tition, plans and ex- ty be- | to the east boundary of §S. E. 30945 to the | hibits for apgeaY of the undertaking as : |;point of commencement, containing %0)reguired by Section 89 and Part 6 of the i acres more or less, ater Act have been filed with the Comp- * EUGENE RENZ. H. D. Lenhart, Agent. Dated August 22nd, 1913. Pub. Sept. 22, 1913—Nov. 17, 10913. trolier of Water Rights and with ie Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, ’ Objections to the application may be fed with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Building, Victoria, B. C. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 2nd day of October. A. D. 1913. x THE PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO- r ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 4 Oct. 8, 15, 22 & 29. a Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands. Take notice that I, Herbert Parsons, of New York, N. Y., U. S. A., Occupation at- lorney, intend to apply for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under one hundred and sixty acres of | land on Graham Island, B. C., bounded as follows: Commencing at a quarter post @ e centre of Section Thirty (30), Township Six (6), Graham Island, thence south forty |chains, thence east forty chains, thence north forty chains, thence west forty chains to the point of beginning. qeRaErT PARSONS, Locator. Advertise in y Cc. P. Nuter, Agent. ie The Daily News , 1913. | Pub, Oct. 3, 1913—Oct, 27, 1913. + as ~ III PAA IAI AIAAI AAA AAI SAI A AA AAAAAIA ASA SAI AAS ASAI ASASAASASSSASSSASISISSSISISANC PRINTING || ENVELOPES ‘ LETTERHEADS > % BUSINESS CARDS Summer is over and the Fall trade has begun. | ip t To get your share you must have some sort of 4 FOLOEM P printed matter—a circular, folder, booklet or cata- 18 SHIPPING logue. Be sure to have that work done properly. TAGS You would not send out a shabby salesman to BLOTTERS represent you; then don't make the mistake of j 4 VISITING CARDS seuding out a poorly printed circular or booklet. , } ‘| BALL We are QUALITY PRINTERS and can produce a , 4 piece of printed matter that you would be proud " pRoemAaEns of and which will get results. Try us. Phone 98. M4 MENU CARDS 9 BILLHEADS ; " THE eo: ™~" | DAILY NEWS |i} | JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT JO oon