~ : , 3, 1913, ~ monday, November LAND pURCHASE NOTICES. Charles ML Flood, uc- intend 0 ply to r of lands an yse the following - e that |, Tike Pee miner, Pan, COMMIS OT cl she Hofryigsion 1 P! for Fined land st planted, at the gesermnencing at Pb, L, reading Low vu sorner OF / ad herl ast corel ‘thence in & northerly wortpost $937 be ‘snore of Hestings Ate on . ess -U- apa more No. 26, thence in a jinn server, 40 chains, thence in @ ly dire’ x) chains, thence east- yout 20) direction in” point of commence. 0 chins 320 acres more or less ely De eee CHARLES, H. FLOOD, » 7th, 1913. pai 98, jgi3-—-Sept, 22, 1013. pub. maine TS pistrict—District of Coast, sues Land Range 5 » that Dora L. Wright, of rake notice [*'c,, occupation married prince MUP is to apply for permission ond, io the following described lands; p purcnase ig at a post Planted at the Contato of Lot 424, HKange 6, guineas! vet, wmence north 20 ¢hains fast Dies to northeast corner of jot gore Fee east 20 chains more or jess ai, whence Cary of Lot $142, thence st 1 yw less to the shore ins more south 20 chia ke, thence Westerly and Lakelse ba said shore to the point of goulberly & yotaining 40 acres more | pent, Cou puomencemenl, or 1035. DORA L. WRIGHT, » Gist, 1913. Pare ie 18, i913-—ct, 18, 1913: —— Land District District of Coast, ; pueens Range 5. ice that Cecil J, Crew, of Y fake NOWWGles, occupation banker, tn- petal apply for pertuission tu purchase ud iowihg described lands; | a post planted one mile theast corner of Lot 130, thence soulllh zy commencing @ the 80U guth of Vast District, ange * oe West 40 chains, thence north coains, teNvence east 40 chains to pout , commencement, containing 80 acres aoe or om CECIL J, CREW. Pp. M. Miller, Agent. July 22nd, 1913. pate sus. 18, 1913—Oct. 13, 1913. oa Land District —District of Coast, Range 5 that Louls Frank Banville, > Rupert, B. C,, occupation rail- 4 oor tends i apply for permission to chase the following described ijands: g at a post planted about 20 Shee Take notice commencin ehuins east Ol MuUe Post 76 from Prince fupert, O. T. FP. Railway, on the soutb t thence east 60 chains, soe of the track, : grace south 6 chains to bank of Skeena purer, thence following the river bank ip a westerly and northerly direction to point x commencement, containing 20 acres gore or less. LOUISE FRANK BANVILLE. ed July 18th, 1913. ey Aus, 18, 1¢13—Oct. 13, 1913. F icnenaenheeeninet teens Land District—District of Coast, Range 6 Take notice that Thomas 8, Crew, of fewury, England, occupation genltieinan, apply for permission to pur- fouowing described lands: ncing at & post planted one half 1 the southeast corner of Lot , Kange $, Coast District, thence west us, thence south 40 chains, thence thence borth 40 chains to w souls y chains, of commencement, containing 32 pore OF i¢ss. THOMAS 8, CREW, P. M, Miller, Agent. Dated July 21st, 1913. pub, Aug, 18, 1913-—-Oct. 13, 1913. Sieeua Land Disirict—District of Coast, ange 5%. Take notice that Marion Waugh, of Que, occupation spinster, in- apply for permissiog to purchase wing described lands; neng at @ post planted sip a northerly direcuion from about 90 soulowest corner Of LOL 6149, Hange st Disirict Lakeise Valley, Lience eri 40 chains, more or less to souln boundary of Lot 5148, thence west 4v ibence south 40 Chains, thence east wc S$ 1K or less back tw point of ommencement, containing 160 acres more a less. Dated July 22nd, ub. Aug. 15, 1019 Cd MAIUUN WAUGH, 1913. Vet. 13, 1013. fees Land District—District of Coast, Hange &. Take notice that Arthur O, Crew, of deviues, LOgiand, occupation Surveyor, in- ads 0 apply for permission Ww purchase ibe following described lands; Commencmg al & post planted about 2u shuns norin of the portheast corner of Lot $96, Kange 5, Coast District, thence south 20 chains more or less to horthedst corner of Lot 596, thence east 2U chains, thence horih 20 chains more or less Ww shore Of lake, thence westerly’ 20 Chaili> more or less following shore of lake to point of commencement, containing au ures ore ur ess. CREW. ARTHUR 0, P A . M.Miller, Agent. Dated, July 23rd, 1913. Pub, Aug, 18, 1913—Uct. 13, 1013. Take notice that 1, William Macy, of Anya, B. L., occupation caterer, Intend wo ply to the hon, Commissioner of Lands sod Works for permission to purchase the folowing descriped lands: acing at A post planted on the orner of 5. T. L. Lot and Pust jets thence southerly 20 chats tong the shore of Goose Bay to 8. T. L. St reading SS2au-9520, Usence terly direction 20 Chains, thence Ma tortherly direction 20 chains, thence ‘Si 20 chains to the point of commence containing 160 acres more or less. WILLIAM MACY, Cc. H. P . Dated June a7, 118, Flood, Agent Pub, July 28, 1943 See ee 1913. NOTICE. Sept, 22, oe is hereby given that pursuant to provisions of chapter 115 of the Re- Wied Chapter of Canada, F wc 4, F. L. Wilson has waited with the Minister of Public construct bilan of & work proposed to be Prince oo Ob Jand in the Harbor of follows Upert, B. G., briefly described as 1077.8 pe ommencing 859.3 ft. north and Cove Cir ‘. east from the centre of Seal Rupert toe 4 shown on Plan 923, Prince West cod Registry Omlce, being south- degrees je", Sublot 7, thence north 36 L ack Minutes 39 seconds West 760 Sees 4¢ or line. Thence south 36 de- tong at minutes 1 second west $70 ft. Frees {40 Harbor line, thence south 36 de- W high wipiautes 59 second east 546 ft. f mark 1 mark, thence following high on © point of beginning, With a de “ription of said proposed site e foregoine eet 4 duplicate of each of ut Prine’ ns in the Land Registry Oftice Govern B. C., and is applying to thereof’ or in Council for approval Ottawg mwa, Ont., September 16th, 1913. ’ ACDONNELL & HONEYWELL, W Sept, 20-008 97 aoe SOF tbe Applicant. WATER NOTICE, = Application Water wit) Te 4 license to take and use ot bri made under the Water Act a Columbia as follows: A A nblans Of the applicant is B, C. : » Lid, Fo, Mobley, agent, The address of the applicant ti is ACE Kupert, B,C, The name of the River os stream is Kwinitsa aoc ‘ream has its source in moun- River, «1, me UtS miles west of the Skeena 40d tmpins in a southeasterly direction Wile south 1 ‘to Skeena Hiver about 4 The ane KWinttsa Station, the Stream for the 's to be diverted from et from south South side, about 6,250 The Will be sed ot Pose for which the water 1 is Tit a 6 The Mng and manufac be used ts ang on which the water ist Chait scribed ay TH ral | Lid, ap ned by the B.C tes Works | Lats 0Caled adjacent te > ‘a 7%, Skeena Wivadacent to Lot 74 and w Gu ‘ is foll fart ancy of water applied for is MOGs ineheg | ¥elVe hundred (1200) s. Thi the lee Was poste » ED M Oth day or wep ated on (he ground lou’ pursue) Of tus notice and an applica- Ments or ihe wilereto and to. the eeiiice aMieg the yer Act will be illed in the “ter Recorder at Prince : . { " the sala’ yy ater icaions May be fled with , ‘corder, or with tb warts ne + Victoria, i Nights, Parliament » © SALT Work , Wes nes \KS, LTD, Sept, g to Oct? of i Mobley, Agent, ’ . THE DAILY NEWS — yy | VOTE FOR HUERTA (= —— D pe LJ JK. | q eS 7 Gen, Huerta ELECTION METHODS IN MEXICO. “This is my scrutineer. I am not going to offer you any bribes. has orders to shoot any person who does not vote for me — But. my scrutineer of the fiinding charred derelict told today on th Dutch oil steam longing to the A um Company, tl of the Standare Charlois sighted October 417th. not damaged by the engine room, In the crews’ completely unrec Rotterdam, Oet. FULLY EXPLAINED. The sinking, 30, of the Volturno of Charlois, storv! was the be- 1e arrival er merican Petrole- | 1e Duteh branch 1 Oil Go, The the Volturno on Captain Schmidt had not heard of the burning of the vessel and thought it possible that there might be survivors on the derelict. A boat was lowered under the command of the first officer, who stayed all night a short distance from the wreck. | At daybreak the Charlois’ sail- ors boarded the derelict, which] exhibited a desolate spectacle. | Flocks of sea birds were hover- ing, shrieking, over the black- ened hw. The decks were bent and twisted in’ aH directions from the heat, while down in the} hold the cargo was still smould- ering. Flames still came from the forecastle and stern. Appar- the flames was mess room ‘ognizable. HOW THE VOLTURNO WAS SENT TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA REASON NONE OF THE WARSHIPS COULD DISCOVER THE DERELICT AND DESTROY IT IS AT LENGTH a& HAZELTON MINING NEWS) ? Rocher de Boule mines are to be connected with Skeena Cross- ing by telephone. . . > companied by Hugh Macdonald, who has been working qn his group of claims atl season. Before departing, the first of- ; ere S ficer of the Charlois decided to George E. Neilson, of the Sil- sink the wreck as it was alyer Island group, returned yes- position dangerous to naviga-|terday from the property, ac- tion, 04% * He had tubes and _ seacocks Large quantities of supplies opened so as to let in the sea and cause her to slowly sink. The derelict time, PRINCESSES ALL AGREE Brussels, | nounced Louise tine, daughters ently the only part of the ship Leopold, have decided to end the litigation over their father’s estate by ac- the | cepting men found four charred corpses;posed by the ministry. One\on both sides are arranging the Charlois When | no, men - wreck on October 18th at 10 a. m. jand half an hour later the oil + 'tanker parted company with the Voltur ast in | Daughters of Late King Leopold to End Litigation. Oct. 3¢ that Stephanie of with the the comp the the ).—It and late left the seen the *t was still floating, but was certain she would sink, the |Charlois’ crew state, a short is an- Princesses Clemen- King will be freighted to Manson Creek by toboggan during the coming winter. A contract has already been let for 14,000 pounds for the Kildare Co. s = Manager G. H. Graham, of the Hudson's Bay Co., returned yes- terday from Babine, having suc- ceeded in getting the last pack train of the season through to Babine post, with H. B. Co, freight. it Will Be Guest of Honor. Toronto, Oct. 30.—Sir Wilfrid Laurier has accepted an invita- tion to the Literary and Scientific Society of University College to be its guest of honor at the open- ing meeting to be held late in No- vember or early in December. INFORMATION WANTED government romise pro- Any person having seen cr Counsel |heard anything of Fred Hucker, please send information to Ann Yj 1 ( Though they to the people. prototypes of When To the Manufacturers of Canada Each day sees more articles given publicity in the newspapers. Are your products and your brand still in the valley of obscurity, or are they blazoned fires were the great advertising mediums of their age. could not advertise merchandise, they advertised the things of most vital interest Placed on the summits of high hills, bearing a message to thousands of “readers,” they were those modern fires of Twentieth Century commerce—the “‘beacon” fires of News- paper Advertising. __ The advertisements appearing in the newspapers “im” today are shining lights in the world of commerce, flashing out news and informa- tion to a waiting world. the modem manufacturer lights the Beacon Fires of Newspaper Advertising he places his message before the people in a way that will impart knowl- edge, beget appreciation and win preference for his goods. Who can fail to see any day the gleamiug messages of “Magic Baking Powder,” “‘Standard Ideal Ware,” “Sunlight Soap,” “Gillette Safety Razors,” ‘‘Penman’s Underwear,” ‘‘Infants’ Delight Soap,” and many others ? If you are doing a local business talk over your advertising problems with the Advertising Department of this newspaper. If you are doing a provincial or national business it would be well for you to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising A list of these will be furnished, without cost or obligation, by agency. forth by the beacon fires of advertising on the high the S y of Canadian Press A Room 503, Lumsden hill of public favor ? Building, Toronto. ® of the dead was a man of stout) final, details, whereby each of|Hucker, Ketchikan, Alaska, Box build. one of the others appar-|the princesses will receive $4,- 73. Other papers please copy. ently a boy, | 400,000. 4t-w om eee sre > + FER II RII RII IAD AIS IA AAAI SAA A ISI IIIA IA IAAI ISIASISISISSSSSSS ISIC + eS | ~—_ : * : ENVELOPES * LETTERHEADS 5 i / he Fall de has begun. BUSINESS CARDS Summer is over and the Fall trade 8 To get your share you must have some sort of FOLDERS printed matter—a circular, folder, booklet or cata- SHIPPING logue. Be sure to have that work done properly. vaes You would not send out a shabby salesman to r BLOTTERS represent you; then don't make the mistake of | : , . i { VISITING CARDS sending out a poorly printed circular or booklet. * BALL We are QUALITY PRINTERS and can produce a ¥ i dana piece of printed matter that you would be proud proa of and which will get results. Try us. Phone 98. MENU CARDS 7 : BILLHEADS , * . HE ee DA I L Y N E W S ¥ JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT * »* x | q apn + Kaelin ui 2g 8 NG, PIN ry meme eee ere Looks like just a casual, unimportant bend in the holder, eh? In reality it is one of the most important things in razordom —the subject of basic# Gillette Patents and the cause of the wonderful adjustability which is an exclusive Gillette feature. Gripping the blade close to its shaving edges, the curved outer plate bends it down close to the toothed guard, and holds it ABSOLUTELY RIGID. This prevents the vibration which makes other razors pull and ek The Curve that Makes the Difference cut unevenly, and is one of the chief reasons for the velvet smoothness of the Gillette shave. Quite as important is the adjustability. Screw the outer plate up tight and it holds the razor edge right against the guard, giying a very light shave. As you loosen it you give the blade more andrmore “‘hold”’, so that it shaves closer and closer. Thus every man can get an adjustment which exactly suits his beard and skin—a thing he cannot do with any other razor in the world, Why not get an adjustable Gillette and say good-bye to your shaving troubles? Your Hardware Dealer, Jeweler or Druggist can show you an assortment— Standard Sets at $5.00—Pocket Editions at $5.00 to $6.00—Combination Sets at $6.50 up. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED. Office and Factory—The New Gillette Building, Montreal. a