_ Ladies’ Rain Coats $8.75 TO $27.50 $8.75 TO $27.50 are here for your inspection, at prices ranging from $8.76 to $27.50. Hooded Rain Capes for children, in sizes 22 inches to 84 inches. Prices $2.25 to $3.75. H.S. Wallace Co., Ltd. DEPARTMENT STORE Third Avenue Prince Rupert DO NOT FORGET The "To Be Held in the Catholic Hall WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5TH AND GTH Sale of work. Tea and refreshments served afternoons and evenings. Progressive day evening. Drawing of all prizes and dancing on Thursday Everybody welcome and admission free. Westholme Orchestra Will Play Wednesday and Thursday Evenings. whist begins at 9 o'clock sharp on Wednes- evening. rai its kind published “The Shubert Shipper” Malled Absolutely Free to Fur Shippers—Send “Shubert” your name on a postal today You want this valuable publication—it is worth hundreds of dollars to you, issued at every change of the Fur Market, giving you an accurate and reliable report of what is doing in all the Markets of we eWorld | in American Raw Furs. [a. B. SHUBERT, LUMBER SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. First and McBride Prince Rupert PHONE 26 Yard at Smithers, B. C., Branch SSS TORK’ ei TOVE Poca) FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Established 1908 Read The Daily News _ 2 SEE ee SETS ‘ me mr si * THE NEWEST STYLES AND NEWEST MATERIALS IN : } passengers x enter. gir] Miss Muriel Patmore tained a number of her friends on Saturday evening. * * * Mre. W. O. Fulton left on the Princess Sophia Saturday to visit her former home at Vernon. Jack McDonell, of the Inginec: Hotel, Hazelton, arrived in the city by last night’s train, + * 2 James New- southbound Princess Be- H. were Mason and among the on the, atrice, . oO. Thain, ‘mine Juneau, was among the south- bound passengers on the Prin- cess Sophia on Saturday. manager al The engine and boiler to be in connection with the post excavation arrived on the Beatrice on Saturday. uses office Princess . . who has been at the cold” storage on the Princess Be- Vancouver, en route to F. F. Shearsmith, employed plant, left atrice for Liverpool. Kk. Johnson of Aldermere, one of the well known old timers of Prince Rupert, arrived in the city by Sunday evening's train. . . ° Mrs. ‘T. W. Arnott of Hazelton left on the Prineess Beatrice this morning for Vancouver, en route | to Ontario. * R. The Princess Beatrice, which left for the south about 10 o'clock this morning, loaded tons of frozen fish at the cold storage seven |} duty paid for THE DAILY NEWS JAG UU UU GUL UU UU ROU UUU UU UGE UUIUUGUR ILU.UR Re Local and Personal PIII IIAIIIIAIII IIIS SISSIS SASS SISISSISSSSSISSSASSASSASSSSSISSSSACSNC J. W. Patterson of Kitselas : . was among the arrivals by last night's train, * * * Titus was among the south- bound passengers on the Prince Rupert this morning. * * * Miss Chapman left for the south this morning on the steam- ship Prince Rupert. + * + J. W. Horne left by the Prince Rupert this morning, en route to his home in Galifornia after spending a week in the city. * * . Miss Dudsie Dugin left the Prince Rupert this morning after spending several weeks as the guest of her bother, Hugh Dunn. * * . D. A. Rankin, railway tor, arrived from the interior last night’s train and left for south this morning. * * * and Mrs. L. Bullock-Web- left on the Prince Rupert this morning on an extended visit to Vaneouver, Victoria and the Okanagan. on contrac- on the Mr. ster * William MeDonald, who in- terested in several coal prospects in the interior, left for the south this morning on the Prince Ru- pert. Is * H. McRae, * * who has been en- gaged with Mr. Williams in the construction of the new Premier Hotel for some months, left this morning for the south. . * . The customs oftice for the port Prince Rupert reports total the month af Octo- of plant. ber as $47,728.70. The returns * * for October of last year were A bellboy at the Empress Hotel only $42,986.47. in Victoria was winner of a wore tm $34,000 prize in the last Salmon The steamship Henriette, which sweepstake. The last number iNjis due the early part of this a syndicate of 100 tickets sold in week, is bringing a shipment of Prince Rupert drew $567. Five|j},mber and doors for the Prince tickets was the largest number Rupert Lumber Co. A full cargo sold to any one purchaser. |of lumber is also expected here SA unaadate |} within the next ten days for the The following are booked for) same company, the shipment be- passage On the Princess May to-| jng loaded on one of the large day: W. E. Dunkle for Juneau,| seows formerly carrying lumber Miss Annie Wilson for Ketchikan | to this port from Ocean Falls. and A. Holmes and Mrs. 8S. E iMr. A. J. Burroughs is now in Bimley for Juneau. ithe south arranging for these Meigie i ee | shipmnets. Mr. Oppenheimer, a wealthy; ti Ree mining man from Butte; Mon-| Conrad Wawrecka, who has tana, who is interested in Rocher) been working a number of claims de Boule mines at Hazelton, ar-|on O'Donnell Creek in the Atlin rived from the interior last night, | district, went south on the Prin- leaving for the south this morn-|cess Sophia on Saturday. In the ing. | early days of the Atlin camp he Tee ;}operated a brewery there. He The unloading of steel rails|reports that the creek is staked from the Santa Rosalia will be| from one end to the other and completed tonight. From here;has no doubt as to the richness the steamer will go to San Fran- lof the gravel. A number of min- cisco, where it will load a cargo\ers made as high as $40 a day for Atlantic ports. {during the past season, 1836 THE BANK OF 1913 BritishNorthAmerica TT Years in Business. CAPITAL AND SuRPLUS Over $7,600,000. The Convenience of a Joint Account A Joint Account may be opened in the names of two or more persons. Whichever one can most conveniently reach the bank can then deposit the joint funds or withdraw the cash needed. It saves time and trouble. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, MANAGER | | | | | } | | | Advertise in The Daily News LOOK AT THIS! 2 eee Lots 5 and 6, Block 14, Section Price $10,000 $5000 cash, and balance in 2 years 1 and Apply Harrison, Gamble & Company FINANCIAL AGENTS Third Ave. Prince Rupect | GENERAL “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT for rent 254-257 UNFURNISHED ROOMS 433 7th Ave. E. ROOM AND BOARD for one or two gen- tlemen in private family. Close in. Mo dern house. Box 84, Dally News. 256-258 THREE with bath. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Furniture of 5 room modern flat, or will lease reasonable. P. K. Har ris, Angle Appt, 6th and Fulton, Phone Green 258, 254-1 MOVING PICTURE Outfit for sale, Our complete outfit including Motiograph machine with steroptician. Sets of films, slides for illustrated songs, etc. Portable stand, Rewinder, Banners, Sil- verold Screen never been ‘used, and first class light making outfit. All nearly as good as new, Cost the owners over $1000. Will sell for $400, suas ihe out- fit for @ new town, Aad trave ke Eos great mone Apply ‘Po. Prince Rupert. Greenfield, WANTED servant. Apply Mrs. ov Ww Patmore, 40ur WANTED-—-Girl to mind baby about two hours every Sunday afternoon. A 528 8th avenue west, aaah WANTED-—Five or six room ae with bath and sewer attachments, furnished or partly furnished. X 17, News Ofice. WANTED-—Man and wife 10 manage rail- pes. lunch counter. o's. w ee me iy News Stand, G. 2441 FOUND FOUND—Fountain pen, Owner can have same by proving property and paying ve evs. Apply Daily News Office. LOsT. Lost—A bunch of keys. return to News Office, Finder Fhepee 246tr FOR A TAXI Phone ° 75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO Co. Mond: ! ay e? November 8: BELLA COOLA HAS A PRETTY BIG FLOOD Streets Were Completely Inun- dated and Citizens Washed From Their Feet. Incessant rain at a time when considerable snow covered the mountains accounted for the most serious flood that the oldest settlers in Bella Coola have ever known. On Wednesday morning the water in Necleetsconnays River and neighboring streams commenced to rise rapidly, until by 3 o'clock large streams were running down the main streets For a while it looked as though the threatened flood would be averted, but the rain descending with renewed vigor soon caused the water to again rise, for a while at the rate of several inches per hour. By 6 o'clock the flood was at its height. The Necleetsconnay River seemed to have almost changed ils course, pouring vol- umes of water into the town, which was soon immersed to the depth of over two feet. Much damage to property was sustained. The water entering the warehouse of a local mer- chant did damage to the extent of several hundred dollars, while the same party's residence was also flooded to the depth of sev- eral inches. Many exciling incidents were witnessed, A horse and wagon conveying two men engaged in transferring women and children to safe quarters was washed a distance of some forty yards, finally becoming jammed in a pile of logs, and it was only after great difficulty that» the men and horse were extricated. The damage can easily be esti- mated in the thousands of dol- lars.—Bella Coola Courier. Birth. TMeniseans \t “the Prince Ru- pert General Hospital, on No- vember 2nd, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. J. aD IE eo a son, ~— TAXIDERMIST Heads, Birds, Fish and Rugs mounted first class to order for reasonable prices. O. L. WINGERE!I & CO. 844 Seymour St., Vancouver, B. C THE RELIABLE PLUMBER HARRY HANSON 138 2nd Ave. Phone DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Out-of-Town Work Hotel and Restaurant Work Tenders on New Work Plumbing Insured from Frost Work Done Promptly and Guaranteed at Reasonable Prices One Trial Will Convince You GEORGE LEEK Real Estate, insurance and Loan Broker Notary Public. Rents and Collections Albert Block, 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert Between 5th and 6th Streets McCaffery & Gibbons Section Lot 6; block 10, $1400, half cash, balance arr. . Lots 43-14, block 10, 84500; terms, Lots 44-45, block 19, 82500, easy terms, Lot 123, block 20, $850, $437.50 cash, bal. G.T.P. Section 5. House and lot 24, block 14, Bor- den St., $4200, $1500 cash, bal. 1 and 2 years. 6 rooms and bath. House and lot 35, block 22, $3,- 150, $650 cash, good teftms or monthly 4 rooms and bath. Lot 24, block cash, bal. payments, 37, $1200, and 2 years, Section 7. Lot 8, block 26, $600, $535 half cash, bal. 1 year. Lots 23-24, block 31, $2250, $1,- 000 cash, bal. easy, Lots 1 and 2, block 39, 1-3 cash, bal. 14 and 2 years, Lots 7-8, block 45, $700 each, % cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18, Section 8. Lot 4, block 25, $700, 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 42, Lot 14, block 25, $525, % cash, bal, 6, 12 and 418, Lots 23 a nd24, block 32, $1500, 1.3 Gash, bal, 6, 12 and 48. Lots “0-41, block 39, $1200, 4% cash, bal. to suit. Lots 50-54, block 46, $750 each, terms, FARM LANDS Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Southbound Passenger List. Following is partiat the bound by morning: a list of passengers south- the Prinee Rupert this K. I. Birnie, H. Titus, Miss D. Dunn, G, MeG, Robert. son. Mr Beer, Collingwood Schreiber, E. W. MeCulla, Dr. Ewing, Mr. Oppenheimer, W, Se. lick, L. J. Kennedy, J. W. Stewart, B. B. Kelliher, Mr. MeFarlane, H. M. Pratt, H. McRae, J, Bradwig, William McDonald, EK. Beeck, W. Dispres, Tom Foster, Miss Chap- man, D, Rankin, J. Scott, J. Kane, D. Woolsey, J. BE. Austin, R. Ed. wards, W. Horne, Mr. and Mrs. Bullock-Webster. saloon J. Woman’ s Work The London male | prisoner who went on a hunger strike is now in the hands of the under taker, and it is understood that hunger striking will hereafter be regarded.as woman's work. IN THE MATTER of an Application for the issue of a fresh certificate of title for an undivided one-half interest in Section 10, Township 5, Queen Charlotte District, No, 3329 C, Satisfactory proof of the loss of the above Certificate of Title having been furnished me, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it ts my intention to issue at the expiration of one month after the first publication hereof a fresh Certificate of Title to the above mentioned lands in the name of C. B Strong, which Certificate of Title was Is- sued on the 12th November, 1897, at 11:40 o’clock A, M., a8 No, 3329C Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B. C., 27th October, 1913. w-4t H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. Animals, birds, fish and all kinds of game heads mounted; hides tanned and made into rugs and robes. All work strictly first A. MITTLER, Expert Taxi- dermist, 106 Main St., Vancouver. class. 1 AM THE MAN WHO PUT SHINE ON SHOES The original Star Shoe Shine removed from Third Ave. around corner on Fifth St. Special Seats for Ladies P. 0. Box 203 P. ROBERTSON INCORPORATED ACCOUNTANT (Eng.) CHARTERED SECRETARY Audits, Investigations, Adjustments, Liqui- dations and Assignments Smith Block, 3rd Ave., Frince Rupert, B. C MAJESTIC ROOMS Steam heated, comfortable rooms from $3.50 per week up OVER MAJESTIC THEATRE Phone 69 3rd Avenue PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. Furniture, Baggage, Piano Mov- ing and General Cartage Phone 1 Suite 9, Federal Phone 47 Green Omice: Block business. | Let me proper ty to his collector. rented Every am an expert look after your collections. * GEORGE LEEK 615 Gnd Ave. Ave. Phone 203 HARRISON W. ROGERS man or Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. 0, Box 1635 MEALS BY DAY OR WEEK At 118 8th Street (FORMERLY B. C. CAFE) Single Meals From 35c Up Phone 300 HOME 8TLYE 215 Second Avenue Phone 4% WILLIAM T. HOUSE B.C. Land Surveyor New Westminster, B.C. PRINCE RUPERT 240 Columbia St, E. P.O, Box 518 BROWN & BUTTERS MINING ENGINEERS METALLURGY AND MINING GEOLOGY Res, Phone Black 413 Box 136 Prince Rupert F. M. CROSBY ea. | Wants to buy all kinds of Household Fur niture, everything in the line of Mechanics’ Tools, Guns and Men's Clothing, Will call any time. Highest prices paid. 830 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 243 PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Dealers in FEED SEEDS HAY TIMOTHY OATS CLOVER WHEAT ALFALFA CORN ETC CHICKEN FEED A’ SPECIALTY McCaffery & Gibbons Mail orders promptly attended to i9tg, IN THE SUPReme Ccourr a COLUMBIA THE MATTER ACT BEING VISED STATI AMENDING ay TER OF THE AND COLD Notice is OF BRITigy IN OF THE HAP TRY th WINDING Up 144 OF THy nu CANAD A AND ‘N THE MAT TORAGE co nUP ERT FISH hereby ¢ LOMPANY, Ltp the 7th day Novernhenett | have tizeg 10 o'clock in Ps A.D 1949 + bers at the Co; rt at m us ham : €, Prince p ©., a8 the time Nd place “Nee Rupert, B. ment of Permanent on € Appoint the Melal Lig npa PRINGH above The ¢ redit pany are ( ed day of Novens names and add of their debt and addresses on to the Co nt "7 tad. the ane! I Fish and Cola « : 1 | ¢ a and if so 0 req rere C Mpany, Limit irom t hl 1 iw Solicitors to ¢ € lebts of uit 7 he Drove Court House, : , time as Mm l or ed made named lefault f corte fre m the benefit or Will be exelyg before ANY distribytios WATER NOTICE Take notice that the Prip r Hydro-Electric Compa I treal, Quebec, has filed able the Ministe of the Water yroval of their nd rt the utilization of 1,! from Thulme River, Quat Water District, for powe Application for 1 aid was made on the 20th da 1908, by the nt I j Limited, which last mentioned con has transferred to the Prince 4 Hydro-Electr! Cor Y interest theretr Copies of the petit plans ar hibits for appr 1 of t fertakin required by Sectior Water Act have troller of Water & v Water Recorder at Prince Rupert Objections to the apy filed with the Comptr Parliament Bullding Dated at Prince Ku day of October. A 191 THE PRIN‘ RUPERT ELECTRIC CO., LTD 15, 22 & 2 Oct. 8, WATER NOTICE. "For a License to Take and Use Water Notice here mer f Goose Ba i license to take and water out of I in a wester land and empte the head f san be used f i" verted at about t leserit 4 Hastings N i rhis notice w the 14th da ipplication w Water Ke ler a Objections ma Wate He ! of Wat Rig Vict Mw; ¢ i Oct 30 i i CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS al clair Ptarmigan miner dt Skeena Mining Divisior f assia trict Where located About x back from the mouth of Falls k Bay Observatory Inlet Take notice that I, Wu k Pree Miner's Certificate N B4 tu agent for Wm. RK. Lord, t Oat tificate No. B70101, and I Coates, Free Miner’s Certificate N I od sixty days from the date ti apy to the Mining Kecorder f a LE ale Improvements, for purpos i ing a Crown Grant of U y all And further take notice that 4 der section 37, must be thé issue of such Cert ale ments Dated this 24th day Sex A 1013 CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Ground Hog, M ta Goa miners! claims, ate ing Division of Cassiar D Where located At $ back from the mouth of ra k Observatory Inlet, Take notice that Pree finer’s t ing as agent f Miner's Certificat Coates Free Mine 77639, and Wh h Certificate B43 nte hy . the date hereof, | I . ~ Recorder for 4 ert i , ments, for the f Crown Grant of Us And further tak der section 37, ™ fore the issue of provements. add Dated this 24th day of él ‘ 1913. ee Land District Range Take notice that Eugene Ret Rupert, B, C., oceupation ¢ a apply for permission to purchas lowing described “Jands Commencing at & post f oer of chains south of the no rtheast - ae S. E. 30045, thence Db rth 40 cha oe wesl east 13 chains more peyne bi boundary of John Mc K ch € By tion, thence south 1 a : to Jobn Mckechnie s thwe : thence east 20 chains, € chains, thence west to the east boundary ¢ point of commencel acres more or ‘les Skeena of Pri intends the fdl- nz, anted about #0 or less to whe re m w of " RENZ hart, Agel. JENE Lep H August 22nd, Sept, 22, 1913 Dated Pub, Skeena District Charlotte Take notice that I, New York, N. Y., ! Pe torney, intend to apply f Ss eee prospect for ¢ | and pe ate under one hundred ah , a land on Graham Island, I ’ follows: Commencing centre of Six (6), Land Herber : Parson cpa 4 at Section h Graham Islan¢ chains, thence east f north forty chains chains to the point HERBERT By ( a quarter Thitty u Septey ber Dated Oct, 3, 1913 Pub, To Rent on Neat Th ree-Roomed House Fifth Avenue, near the Hospital G. R. Naden Co. Ltd | Insurance Real Estate an Second Avenue.