possT OIROULATION WEXT MAILS : in THE OFF" $e From South 7 ¢ COLUMBIA Prince George...... ».. Wednesday eo 4 For South yy —————— Chelohsin. ...eeecee ... Wednesday ys A Fe = eee ie ee —— — = —==—_ = cies ——— a IV, NO. 298 ESB i PRINCE RUPERT, B. 6., TUESD AY, NOVEMBER 4, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS ———— a nner eeees ea eres ee — AMERICA’S ULTIMATUM TO DICTATOR HUERTA--NEW DISTINCTIVE PLATFORM FOR LIBERALS ——————— FEARS OF COAL SHORTAGE ARE GREATLY RELIEVED NE WILL SEND ITS ENTIRE OUTPUT TO PRINCE RUPERT AND NORTHERN PORTS. — Se = —— ee —Eeee ULTIMATUM OF UNITED STATES DISTINCTIVE LIBERAL PLATFORM HANDED TO “DICTATOR” HUERTA BLOOD THIRSTY RULER WILL HAVE TO BE GOOD NOW OR TAKE A BIG LICKING FROM THE BIG UNITED STATES ARMY. Ottawa, Nov. 4.—The Ottawa Free Press, the Liberal organ of the capital, is out with a strong appeal to the party to adopt before next session a distinctive platform comprising the following planks: JINGLEPOT MI kaon The i| famine in this city, | the larger mine owners gbich has pri vailed for the lastiand the Jingle Pot because the An increase of the British preference to fifty per cent. (Special to The Daily News.) Huerta must resign the presi- » wer days, was relieved}latter settled with the strikers, cic ‘itv. Nov. 4 j;.|deney of the republic of Mexico , the arrival of the|fearing that the other mines The abolition of all duties on food. me tico CNA “NOvy ta aoe ithe a , i ; . 4 a British Columbia with a]would do everything possible to A free dinner t matum has been received from without loss of time; that he leg 3 q ! e able. . ; must not leave as his successor full cargo, about «00 tons, of jinjure their trade in the larger Aboiits sis dues the United States government and| Ganeral Blanquet, formerly min- imp coal and 260 tons of steam|market at Vancouver, decided to Olition or material reduction of a uties on all machinery used in the production of $/was yesterday duly presented to} jter of war and now alleged vice wal. It is specially gratifying to | look to Prince Rupert where they foods. the minister for foreign affairs.) president; nor must he leave as tnew that the lump ¢ oal is of the | he ive made satisfactory arrange- The appointment of a permanent tariff commission. This ultimatum from Washing-|his successor any member of his: very best quality, as good as any|ments with Rochester & Monroe ton was cabled to the American|Ofticial family or any unofficial that has ever been shipped here.|to handle the bulk of their out- charge d'affaires, and acting un-|member of any coterie whom he The shipment is from the eee ott ia han as der instructions from the state|Mmight be expected to control. pot mine | Another full cargo will be here ie = ‘ by _ | department he executed the com- Up to this morning President ba 1 v6 ne pt me plontpr jen i en Columbia in about OBJECTIONS T0 SITE TAMMANY FIGHTING ‘CONSERVATIVE VOTE mission wtih due promptitude. Huerta had made no answer to ritish imbis onversé | twe seks. The ‘ : , : cs : sith a “News” representative last | ea pt FOR LONDON OFFICES IN NEW YORK CITY | VERY MUCH REDUCED The document states that|this sweeping ultimatum. nigt iid that the pé@ople of} Plenty of Coal Now. Bs ati ue Prince Rupert need have no fears} The Bertha, of the Swan Navi-} Large Petition Cabled to Borden | Boss Murphy ‘Declares Tiger Will | Peel By-Election Sh Shows Immense SOUTH BR E ofa coal famine this winter as) gation Co., arrived yesterday with| against Westminster Site for Win by Hundred and Fifty Gains Made by the Liberal ihe entire output of the Jingle; 600 tons of coal for the West- Dominion Offices. Thousand. Candidate. Pot \ be shipped north,|holme Lumber Co. The Jeannie Ee ee ie not a pound of it going to Van- | of the same line is expected today Special to The Daily News. | Special to The Daily News. Special to the Daily News) BORDEN T0 CHANGE HIS POLICY In explanation of this!or tomorrow from Seattle with a taah N j : aie Maca Ne ks ‘ ; oa : | pampton, Ont.. Nov oe J the Foellmer stated that|similar quantity for Rogers & sondon, Nov. 4.—The Canadian | New York, Nov. 4.—The city] ‘ roe : acu der mec ee ee Hare is siderable bad feeling! Black Associated Press learns that a} campaign that closed last night peer by-election for Peel) WILL NOW FOLLOW LEAD OF AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND petition signed by every Canadian| was one of the bitterest boar Peete oa eae eve meres AND DROP SCHEME OF CASH SUBSIDY TO IM- — _|tive, defeated the Liberal candi- PERIAL NAVY. agent general and also the lead-| fought here, replete with slander)qate, A. H. Miller, by a majority ; SECOND DEBATE BY COUNCIL ing bankers and financial houses|and recriminations of the most jof 375. The seat was vacated by Ottawa, Nov. 1—The ilies the sanded bases at. Halifax aad doing Canadian business here|violent description. It is Ba: SO aeteene Re ticaes. oa bs ment, as a result of the decision | Esquimalt at once as a prelimin- OF THE SEWER TAX QUESTION will in a few days be cabled to|ally admitted to have been Cael eaily, The aasecation ne of New Zealand to follow the|@?¥ to a permanent declaration Premier Borden‘urging him to|liveliest campaign in a genera-|,; a Ot seat iN ae ifpalic it aie sain _ \of a Canadian naval policy. jority at the last election was 700.|Australian lead in regard to es- : 3 reject the Westminster site for} tion. The fusion followers are] : tablisl os Siena ig It is probable that a vote of a ablishing a local navy, and alsO}ten or fifteen’ millions will be RECOMMENDATION OF FINANCE COMMITTEE THAT TAX BE |!!!@ Dominion offices. It declares) confident of vietory today, and so| WICTORIOUS EVERYWHERE |4. 4 result of the South Bruce|asked during the coming session STRICKEN OFF AND NEW TAX START FROM the site unsuitable but expresses | @re the fammanyites. In an in-| Sees election, where the naval policy|for coast defences, with partieu- JULY FIRST IS ADOPTED. no opinion regarding Earl Grey's terview last aight Charles Mur-| New Zealand Football Team Again} \..~< made the chief issue, is al-|lar reference to Halifax, Quebee Aldwvoh scheme phy, the leader of Tammany Hall, | Unscathed. ready considering the abandon-|and Esquimalt. To this neither The city couneil had a brief |derman Naden and others had ap- fs biti er oie ee oe eas re re ae “h sa aa ments of the contribution pro-|Liberals nor Nationalists could session last night, the only sub-|peared before the council asking WI: DY OU 1088s ORE AURET On Ane BDCCIAE 10 MO Hany. ows) vosals entirely. well take exception, and at the ¢ the wiping off of back!that these taxes be taken off, and ON FIRE SIX WEEKS fifty thousand votes. s wisn yh ; roa Pes eon ; The belief in government|same rea it cies be giving an é ' g > reme rere ermeé fade oe ee |New Zealand “/ ack ootba ircles aan 4% r . ‘ : - y oa epee Oe - afb eeg ee Ans Teens on Steamer Templemore, Which Was - — lseath iaalaatod the aiimeasiin tae Se ae _ ; aft weir ” 2 ae faa rs coe hee least 684.50. his. we ebate at/stating thi was. will- ahasdoned kt: Son. ed aunia’ it thilte dni tke parlia , yee 8 . anuar’ Mr.j/something at once toward pre- is eeting but was post-j}ing to pay the tax. If we could | La ican ail igh sae es " Borden will have a new emerg-|paring for the larger policy of poned for a week for further con-| legally collect the tax this year Sey . Sa ee p DRIVES Icy | PLSyere COE 4lency naval policy to propose.|@o-operation in imperial naval Che finance commit-|why was the same tax last year Special 0 The Daily News. jsingle goal. It now seems up to|This will be the strengthening of dadenas. i r ef n favor of the wip-|illegal? The city solicitor had Boston, Nov. 4.—The fire which | jthe United States to produce a ff i that the sewer tax be/ distinctly advised last vear that|forced the abandonment at sea of| team that ean score a goal PBL ETT EE ESE EL, TE OTR She dab tame, they were collectable and now he|the steamer Templemore was against them. They have so far FOUR WV Mil [ LION D ILLARS HAVE I \lderman Kerr objeet- | advised that last year’s taxes|subdued yesterday, but the vés-| nore pepproonks % ee at ed an amendment that| were not sel is only fit for the scrap heap. | placed in the field Rerernet them. es be collected from The mayor said that in the - ———— Se ee BE FEN SPENT ON LOCAL ROADS took the sewers | absence of the city solicitor he j ] Le Ee eee ote cnatent tne ovis, | FORMAL OPENING OF CLOSE CHECKING IN a dment, not Mr. Peters tae eee DEPARTMENT STORE: BASKET BALL GAME) .um rerorren BY PROVINCIAL MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS Beaty tax CEE [aie a vohay: thecehawalbtaksthia —— BUT HOW MUCH OF IT MATERIALLY AIDED THE Le under the offoumstances, jyear and what the committee this |e stio “invited to Visit @ride,| Bankers Defeated Men’s Own in DEVELOPMENT OF THIS SECTION? and seconder of | year recommended. the Fourth Game of the Me amendment had arrived at Alderman Naden replied to Al- Nash & Co.'s New Store Series , : oo n Se : i. ‘ ‘ ‘ ied t ih a conclusion in view of the|derman Kerr that what he did Next C.P.R. Offices Victoria, Noy. 1.—The gigantic |gram of construction carrie ou report of the city solicitor, read|say before the council last year Petree) | The fourth game in the bas- sum of $4,000,000 has been: ex- a yas ponon: Dae St at ae al the last meeting. If the|was that he had paid sewer rates Be erent. of , considerable tag) ketball league this season was pended by the Provincial govern- ti a fet sone watutandinge amendment carried the city would| right along and had the receipts terest and importance to Prince |played at the Skating Rink last}ment upon road extension and Shplage year was rapidly increas- oe sp ce an to een a SN ee perdboygualyee ERC householders and CS night when the Men’s Own went improvement work. within the ing, owing to the additional mile- ene aa 1e C1 eae! ie Sd ‘on ta- otis thie Flis the formal opening tomorrow down to defeat at the ‘hands “OF boundaries of British Columbia}/age, and to meet new conditions ow bank a aa Or G 7 i pneu wee nc eekanE andes of the new departmental store on j the Bankee The pRshe al half/during the past season, accord-|which have arisen within the S cathaanai ild not legally bern P ayacates the matter|/bird Avenue, in the premises one bei oe. a ree the ing to a statement just issued past few years. Masoy Kerr replied that the, upon its merits without raising formerly occupied by the Prince Phroust a the " ss aie =} beg wer me Geparing?s ones of Upon bridges, which are gen- tly solititor had sseeteiat ex as questions, and he did| Rupert Hardware & Supply Com- . i " i = > pot neat 1 " a anes ston pea “54 aoe olasgee under ike: Ses pressed the opinion shat os personé " : Pa ‘ ee “ng ely aa tents ae public works. There is now injing of road improvements, the te collaptabie. ° Bask: Game ie "i i Oeimext to the OF ee jscoring were limited. Not @/hand the sum of approximately/sum of $900,000 has been ex- able, Last year Al- (Continued on page office, )The proprietors of this jsingle man was ruled off for}g400,000 for maintenance during|pended by the Provincial works new establishment, Pride, Nash jrough play. There was a go00d|(he winter months. There are in, department this year, with $50,- THE FAITHFUL DOG ARRESTED WITH OVER & Co., who are operating the lar- jattendance of spectators who0lexistence at the present time in|000 for wharves, and $70,000 for gest store in Stettler, Alta., ave were pleased with the splendid | (he province 14,000 miles of roads|road location work. On road COMMITTED SUICIDE $1, 300 ON HIS PERSON come to Prince Rupert with the exhibition of the game. Adair and trails. machinery, of which the most up - utmost confidence In the future Carss acted as referee. The line- “This has been an exceedingly|to date types have been secured, bebiis'ta ea onto “ea haan tl of the city ard they are starting up ne ” foHows: | nneenG eck busy year for the department,” the expenditure was $100,000. rainenke ont of Same Express | Police Took Man in 9 out with a definite policy, namely, Bankers — Vidler, hon re, Has-| said Deputy Minister W. W. Fos-|These sums are included in the Ong Before Killed Night Under Influence of to give the people of this city lett, Cameron and Purdy. ter today in discussing the pro-|grand total figures. His Little Master. Liquor. prices and service equal to what Men's Own — Shrubsall, Bar- create Seer can be obtained in the large de- rie, Davis, Weston and Corkill. *w York, Nov, 4,—Buster, a dio brown and white mongrel, 1 Silled yesterday afternoon When he deliberately Jumped in f ront of “ speeding express train Of the he Long Is land Railroad as it Passed , 1 over the Montauk avenue Srade crossing in J Jamaica, where his Months before, on his fifth irthads th lay, his little master, Elmer TOOk, had been killed. Accord- in '0 children of the neighbor- hor ~ oti committed suicide. hag aivarpinn’ on Buster, who Nal, fond oo a lively little ani- lo show sig OF performing, began “very day, ae ofa broken heart. the ‘ts tail limp and nose Would eat ene the little. dog | lauk ay Stowly out to the Mon- pears aoe Crossing and sit for by iver the trains speed them as he ee or barking at fore his | been his Custom he- Master's death, The second time withig a week the local police have probably been the means of saving men under the influence of liquor from losing a good sized wad, Last night they took in charge a man named T, Widen, who had on him about $380 in cash and a draft on the Union Bank for $1,000, He had been working on railway construction in the in terior for about a year. He was assessed a fine of $5 this morn- ing. Left Sailor Behind. One of the members of the crew of the freight steamer Santa Rosalia, which took its departure this morning, celebrated the event last night by indulging too freely in the cup that inebriates. This morning he was fined $5 in police court and in addition was left behind. He will be sent south on the first boat to Union Bay. partmental stores in other cities. The stock is all new, a large part of it being shipped from Eu- ropean markets direct to Prince Rupert, and it has been carefully selected to suit the needs of this particular locality. In the near future a grocery department will be added so that nearly all the ordinary purchases for the home can be made under one roof. Mr. Pride, the member of the firm, is in charge and ex- tends a cordial invitation to the public to visit the store tomor- row. The chief end aimed at on the opening day is that the pub- lic may acquaint themselves with the quality of the goods handled, the various lines and the reason- able prices, senior Eason has resumed and millinery residence, 247 Blue 339, 258.59 Miss F, B, her dressmaking business at her Ninth Ave. E. Phone LORD AND LADY SEYMOUR Lord Edward Seymour and Lady Seymour, formerly Miss Elfri- da Adelaide de Trafford, of the manor of Creston, Lancashire, landed recentiy at Quebee on the Canadian Northern liner Royal Edward, and proceeded to the old Wilson farm at Er- indale, which Lerd Seymour purchased a year ago, and which is being converted into a beautiful estate. Erindale society is puzzled just how to me \ the bride, but they plan to give her a hearty welcome to her Canadian home. The couple will likely tour Canada from Halifax to Victoria, NEW ZEALAND STRIKE Eight Hundred Special Constables Sworn In. (Special to the Daily News) Wellington, N. Z., Nov. 4.— Eight hundred more special con- stables were sworn in last night in order to help keep order fol- lowing the strike of the long- shoremen. Otherwise the strike situation remains unchanged and the cry of the starving is heard everywhere, Mayor Morley Not to Run. Vietoria, Novy. —Mayor Mor- ley stated today that he did not propose to stand for re-election al the first of the year, It is un- derstood that he.will favor the candidature of Alderman Glea- son, although he refuses to say so definitely. Alderman MeNeill will run for re-election, PICKED TEAM DEFEATED Frizzell’s Team Wen at Empress Bowling Alleys Last Night. In the return game at the Em- press bowling. alleys last night Frizzell’s team won from a picked team by the score of 2319 to 2199, On Frizzell’s team Ken Rood made the high average of 179, while A, Ackerberg made the highest score of 203. The next game will be between the Bitch- ers and Sash and Door Factory teams On Friday night. The score last night was as follows: Frizzell’s-— ist 2nd 3rd Total J... WORD oies ess 125 171 168 464 A. Astoria ..... 117 134 134 385 T, Rorvik 156 108 156 420 Ky OOd Ve a'cs' 74 187 176 537 A, Ackerberg .. 203 167 143 513 Grand total... 775 767 777 2319 Picked Team—- 181 2nd 3rd Total A, M, Hempel... 163 178 135 47 D, Robertson ., 124 184 134 442 B. Mulvaney’... 141 147 125 413 W. O'Neill - 103 131 119 53 J, Keefe .....,. 187 157 171 15 Grand total... Tis 97 684 2109 SANTA ROSALIA TOOK DEPARTURE TODAY Will Coal at Union Bay and Take Cargo at ’Frisco and South American Ports. The tramp steamer Santa Ro- salia, of the Maple Leaf Line, which last night finished un- loading 4,300 tons of steel rails for the G. T. P., sailed this morn- ing for Union Bay,, where she will coal. The steamer will pro- ceed from there to San Francisco, loaded. Thence she will proceed to South American ports for cop- per ore to complete the cargo. The steamer will then sail for European ports, The unloading of the rails here occupied eight days, over 500 tons per day, The steamer left here for the south without a local pilot.