—_——$—$—$———————————— THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HEaD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. rates on application. Contract DAILY EDITION Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1913. THE WEATHER VANE MAY BE OVERWORKED The introduction of a debat- able political question by Sir Richard McBride in his speech he earned considerable hostil- ity from his own federal lead- ers by doing so. Later on when he found that it was desirable in the interests of his own po- weekly illustrated “Canada,” which The news- paper called is gives the of the to ac- published in London, following history in view total loss whieh likely crue to the shareholders: 1910 Sir Doughty, M. P., who is, of course, an au- thority on North Sea_ fisheries, paid a visit to British Columbia at the request of Earl Grey to re- port on the fisheries and the manner in which they might be developed. At the close of the following year (19141) the com- pany now under notice was formed, the capital being £250,- 000, half in 7 per cent. cumulative participating preference shares of £1 each and half in deferred shares of £1’each. The prefer- shares were offered to the is In George ence THE DOUGHTY FISHERIES AND HOW THE CAPITAL WAS SPENT SECOND ARTICLE FROM “CANADA” GIVING STILL MORE RE- MARKABLE FACTS IN THE GRIEF HISTORY OF THIS BRITISH COMPANY. THE DAILY NEWS pany’s position was so bad that when the receiver and manager was appointed on August 13 last, one of the reasons urged for his appointment being that the com- pany was in urgent need of £5,000 to pay wages and another £10,000 to deal with this year’s salmon pack. The receiver, of course, is merely concerned to recover, as best he can, the money pro- vided by the debenture holders; he is not interested in the con- tinuance of the company, or in the losses of the shareholders; and as he has taken possession of all the company’s assets there are no funds for continuing its existence, or even for terminat- ing it by means of a liquidation. Case for Board of Trade. This appears to us to be a clear case in which the board of trade should intervene, and should in- Insane King Deposed-: Munich, Bavaria, Oct. 30,—A bill authorizing Prince Regent Ludwig of Bavaria to bring his regency to an end and prociaim himself king of Bavaria in place passed today by the lower house of the Bavarian diet. American Marries Duke. Geneva, Switzerland, Oct, 30. The civil marriage ceremony be- tween Miss Nancy | Leishman, daughter of John Gg Leishman, former American ambassador to Germany, and the Duke of Groy was performed today by a magis- trafe in the town hall of the vil- lage of Verserx. This weather promotes » Coughs ! ) Those who have trouble in ) shaking off a cough should . note that Mathieu's Syrup of Tar aud Cod Liver Oil not Q only soothes the irritation cf the bronchial tubes, and promptly stops the cough, but being asplendid tonicand healer it soon enables the system to permanently throw off the cold and restores the mucuous membranes to their normal healthy condition Hart Blook Tuesday, Novem ber 4, 1913 If you are planning a trip for Chriat or to Eastern Canada or United Stato ‘a 5 try, bear in mind the Grand Tryp) Marge 4 Cour q ‘ ink $T , RUPERT AND PRINCE GEORGE |.) “ERS Prince and Seattle and the Grand Trunk Raliway Chicago to the principal Bastern ejtjnc SPECIAL CHRISTMAS ATLANTIC sai Are now to hand und we can quote tion with above and any Atlantic stearye) Call on us for rates and reservations ee le des HAS {y aY System , LINGS lowest ratas ALBERT DAVIDSON, (,.,..... Prince Rupert — B.C. Coast Steamship Service ST. ANDREW'S PRINCESS LINE SOCIETY Hi ot Kaien Isd, Gymnasium } 40 rent for Dances. py) FAMOUS emma SAFETY flings, etc. pay out ie ‘ hans Gannata n< 7 a All or WO LUIE A |Secretary, P. 0. Box 20 SPEED SERVICE al La CP dW CDA L = Princess Sophia before the Canadian Club at litical prospects, to allow Pre-|public and were fully subscribed, Ottawa seems to have occa- mier Borden to look after the|{hus producing a nominal capital|sist upon an enquiry into the Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and New Welli : sioned no end of newspaper naval policy of the Conserva-|of £125,000. It appears, however,|circumstances of the company’s Cod Liver Oil has won, by southbound, Saturday at 9 1 _ mn ee Best on the comment, and drew more at- live Party. he began to waver.|that calls were in arrear at the|birth, life and death. When the Golan Cans mictielee tor ri | Phone 116 oS tention to what Sir Richard He did not see things in the]elose of 1912 to the extent of|high flown promises made in the , coughs — 35c large bottle, J.G. MCNAB, General Agent | Rogers & Black said than might otherwise same clear light that he had]oyer £3,500, so that the actual] prospectus are recalled it is » sold every where. ee been the case. In regard to the] viewed them before, And dur-|eash at the disposal of the com-jastonishing that a concern of | $ J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop., . ree —— —— | latter the Vancouver Sun finds ng the past six months his|pany was over £121,000. Of this|this kind, which has for its chair- ; i lg gage oe Binge UNION $s COMP f | SMITH & MALLETT peal that the views of that gentle- opinions have been in a state]¢25,000 was handed over to the|man one of the best known fish-]| ¢ Seats at the oor tan Uy ANY OF B. uv, Ltd THIRD AVE ; EAs on political ae a Sheet il aaativ Gy RNG Hl vendors in i aaa for the prop-Jing experts in the world, and] 2, {p7is}and fis pains wat cant NLU ee ; | Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Ki undergone many changes, anc 2y now see o have har-lepties acquired. whose managing director is a] % 2-1-3 Sheet Metal Wort * as they exist at present they dened again. But they offer a Lavish Expenditure. son of the same expert, should] Q.AaAAARRA RiP and oe am Ne Workshop . a a al ‘ Fan < ara 7 nas ’ : ey 4 sant Ta ‘ me 174 2nd Ave. bot. 7th and 4 ff ee ee 4 Labels bh Bee tet tta omtiaey ae ae It will be seen, then, that the have been‘ailowed to fal! into the —— I'win Screw Steamer —- a e they were w he n he first under- raat sh ‘iis He working capital available was hands of debenture holders with- “Val i $$$. took to advise the public. At ard is all for contribution. He} ot ¢96.000, and out of this a]in twenty months of its coming ‘ eet | alhalla’”’ of S.H. & EF, oe a vee phos aah ode ee ts pols es aan ve aum of £9,000 was.to be paid to into existence. iS. Chelohsin (SCANDINANIAN Society a Ce { avy. » want- shic e CE defenc Mave ; The circumstances whic “0 os ; anadian a a real Se se lac the Sieapibe ee Sir George Doughty and his son The circumstance whi h we Meets every 2nd and dth Tuesday at} wt bi ht ahah oi : wciba t the D ini i saint i tr ub for special services to be rendered have detailed in last week's issue ; ——_—_— p.m. in the hall at 319 8rd Ave. y 8 s gover 2 8 ) 1e OMINLO é s *¢ - £ ~s ’ ras . » ondient aise rowtn > stein , hin his hinds His anxiety is during the first year of the com- Br cath ait { he a ver > 4 > < « : *e | ’ ; \s 4) a 6 BOGE) Wer rd chap ; r . oe a have the privilege of returning Besner & Besner, Props. {| PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS- whole of the original working fish ladder at the outlet of Mezi- hi if Thi 1 |i || x a capital having been exhausted an- adin lake, returned south to anything unsatistactory. his |: *. Seepeaeeencgrapetotnersnceterprenerrnsinen aver i TRIAL ANNE other £90,000 was provided this] Vietoria on the Thursday boat. protects you against any possi- 3. ¥ en oe casey 113 A launch leaves the govern year; and it is an astonishing Robert M. Stewart, president bility of loss. yy wun ate. Between Sixth anc | ed slip for Port Edward fact that within three weeks ofjof the Stewart Land Co., Ltd i . ‘ | Seventh Streets | : : lore Aes ’ ” , avery day For articular the second issue of debentures,]}was an arrival on the Prince 0 yourel ed * ee | European Plan, 60 to $1 Per Day pub “a Harrison, Gamble RE iz representing an amount of £50,- George and will spend a week + er PRRSR EROS | . Sey & Co Phone 541, 3rd Ave. 000, a receiver and manager was|{here before returning next Thurs- that will make the power of iH] PREMIER HOTEL Me ment accurate, reliable and s ly Market Re appointed, who took possession day to his home in Victoria. this organization do your bid- American and European Plan aie — “The Shubert Sh ” of all the company’s property on} While here he expects to spend ding. Send for our Gift Book F. W. Henning, Manager Mailed pper behalf of the debenture holders.|Sseveral days at.the work of the —order your gilts from it. penniity Bree SS uy tetas "eat The appointment of a receiver]Portland Canal Tunnels, Ltd. diaat’ eeeena eles | ‘ U M B You want this valpable publication—it is worth hundreds of practically brings to a close the The Prince Rupert Board of ° Third Ave, and Sixth St. Seen ee ie atnaatite me ivan hed ke batts working of the company on the]Trade has completed arrange- Ryrie Bros eee es C all Markets of the World in Pence nom old lines, but it would be noth-|ments with the financial assist- vig > O A L Write for itnow—it'sfree oa jing, short of a scandal if the}ance of the city council for the Limited, | BEAVER weennens LIQUOR CO., eS neal {A. B. SHUBERT DEPT. 52: atte as shareholders are deprived of theJinstallation of a permanent ex- Canada’s Largest Mail Order i Second Ave. and sixth St. d opportunity of learning how the|hibit of minerals, agricultural Jewelry House | Phone 102 re f —_— — _ —— £90,000 working capital and thejand fisheries products of the ‘ eis. is | Complete Line 0 £90,000 raised on debentures|north. In connection there will ore PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., ’ UPPLIES ; 9 e ° e ° have been entirely exhausted|be maintained a bureau of infor- LARE RYRIG, Boer Tepes, LIMITED BUILDERS 5 @ ews or rtistic rin without any profits accruing. mation similar in charactrcr to TORONTO - ONTARIO Fraser oe sts WESTHOLME LUMBER (0., Limited Another point for enquiry is{those at Vancouver and Victoria. 1 | Phone 186 how it comes about that the com- Portland’ Canal Miner, Sania eae —=— 7 a S is.a Dipl ic Mili coop is.a Diplomatic Militant 0 Drawn for The Daily News by Fag 4 OW JOY~ SCOOP AND THE BOSS HAVE. GOT A REAL. A PIECE \F THEY HIKE IT FROM NEW YORIK To WASHINGTIN - YOB-25° Bucks “ -MD, ©) 1413 - wre -sYNw- PALS