Tuesdad ; al 1 feed itself. vember 4, ivis, NOV a THER DEATH BLOW TO THAT RDEN “EMERGENCY” BUGABOO . BO N ANGELL DECLARES THAT THE DOMINION IS IM Seattle ‘renchy im GERMANY BECAUSE ECONOMIC CENTRE 1S FAR INTO Veen, N {Norman An- The Speaker contended that|been assured ; ’ cas “ssured a match with Joe! playe the grounds of the first | ‘ “The Great Mlu- {there 18 no nation in the world h FeGadi, Valec,’ #4 | Played on r « e fi veloped another thesis |capable doing this, with the al tee Ise, Who is now in| mentioned clubs: + af the Liberal Colonial} possible exception of the United] 0) "'® said he had received First Division the impregnability | States, ¢ ind it is precisely against THE PARRY NEWS FOOTBALL RESULTS IN THE OLD COUNTRY <= Results of the ‘Scheduted hime | in ee VAISE MATCHED AGAIN |This Time Canadian Champion Will Meet Azevedo. Seattle, Nov." 1.—Word was re- ceived in Seattle from Frenehy Vaise, the Renton boy, who is | lightweight champic London, Nov. i mn of Canada, | are the results of today’s. sche- stating that he had practically |duled football Following leagne games | an offer from Matchmaker Rohan eption that nofOf the Oakland Wheelmen cio i ys, based on thefthis possible ex: Bolton Wanderers 3, Sheffield ep countries had no} military measures had been | for the itch, which he accepted. ee N “aatle I economic centre, | taken it possib happened | Azevedo still to be heard from.| Burnley A, : eweas e nites 0, vereof paralyzes ajthat Germany conqui i Ganada| The bout probably will be a ten | Chelsea 3, ereeborouge ye | mkpeeey she would be unable to Gs rmanize| round affair, and will be sched- Everton 4, Bradfi oi . ty 1 7 Paris, he said,|/the country, just as } ind, be]|Uled for a date next month. | Manchester United 3, Liver. eucantaes his terms, but the|]said, failed to transf Quebec, ; ‘ | Pool 0. ® asce of Canada or Australiajand Germany would be so eXx- Cummings in Jail. i, Oldham Athletics 0; Aston Vit Sean the occupation of the/hausted by the conquest that she ; a ey ton North End 1, Totten before it could be al ral impossibility. “The notion tha Germany ]8rand larceny in connection Wien Tay 9 ) England three years|might conquer Canada in order|the Carnegie Trust Company aca 1 . 2 kl R "If j CK ! " ‘ - iy a00 men and £250,000,-|to feed herself is ridic lous. failure was recently upheld by| "re and «, a urn V ep the Transvaal and |concluded Mr. Ange!}] Germany|the state court of appeals was | e's... : ; Tas vie ion 0 an- _ unable to manu-|buys Canadian corn now, and she]committed to the Tombs prison | Westbromwich Albion 0, Man and ammunition,| would still have to by { Car today, and the execution of his} would it take an invader|ada were conquered. sentence of four to eight years} Second Division Canada with a popu-| “The of the conquest of|!n Sing Sing deferred for a week.| irpmingham 2, Lincoln Gity 0. times larger and|the British dominions is dus »|/Since his original trial and con-! Bradford 3, Leicester Fosse 2. inufacture arms and|the confusion regarding what the|Vietion Cummings had been at | Bristol City .1, Huddersfield would fall an easy prey to the This obviously was a|]Franco-Russian alliance: j conqueror could or ce New York, Oct. 30. Cummings, whose ¢ William J.| 9 onviction for| 2am Hotspur 2. Sheffield Wednesday Totten- chester City 0, vule do liberty under $60,000 bai! ae uld not , all. Town 0. Looks like just a casual, unimportant bend WEIRD EXAGGERATIONS ABOUT VANCOUVER IN NEW ZEALAND WRITER SAYS CITY 18 WORLD’S DUMPING GROUND, WITH MORE JAPANESE THAN WHITE MEN IN THE PROVINCE, or, Oct, 27. Bamresy, jin this der and are!/remarks as being the order of} world’s suicide in statements of a distinetly western country, are the dumping I there are libellous to|while men which has generally|there are nearly that Vangouver is th jand those who, like myself, have} Coventry City 2, West Ham Un- ground; that) closely studied the social happen-| ited 4, ; more Japanese than|ings here know that this is noth- Crysti al Palace 2, Plymouth in the province; thatling, that the orchestra has not} Argyle 2. | Clapton Orient 1, Barnsley 0. Financial Panic Renewed. Hisese 2, Hull Gity 4. seers ate | Grimbsy Town 2, Blackpool 0. Caleutta, British India, Oct. 30 Leeds City 2, Bury 1 The financial panic in Western| : Fulham 0 Notts County 4, India has been renewed. New| Stockport Wolver- In reality it is one of the most in things in razordom —the subject of basic Gillette Patents and the cause of the wonderful adjustability which is an exclusive nportant County 0, aera sae aes os | hampton Wanderers 0. Gillette feature. with 1eavy labilities, Severa Woolwich Arsenal 3 Notts fs s ; i banks suffered severely. because : ’ Gripping the blade close to its shaving . . | Forest 2. edges, the curved outer plate bends it down money. Commercial crash has! Southern League close to the toothed guard, and holds it succeeded financial panic, lawyers have wolves. and the! Norwich City 1, Bristol Rov- ravenousS/ers 4, This is but the prelude,| Watford ABSOLUTELY RIGID. This prevents the become vibration which makes other razors pull and 3, Merthyr Town 0. 9 sin aan | 200,000 Chir ©-leven commenced, and that trag- Reading 2; Svuthampton 0, in the holder, eh? for shave. Quite as important is the adjustability. Screw the outer plate up tight and it holds the razor edge right against the guard, giving a very light shave. the blade more and more “‘hold”, so that it shaves closer and closer. can get an adjustment which exactly suits his beard and skin—a thing he cannot do with any other razor in the world. The Curve that Makes the Difference cut unevenly, and is one of the chief reasons the velvet smoothness of the Gillette As you loosen it you give Thus every man Why not get an adjustable Gillette and say good-bye to your shaving troubles? Your Hardware Dealer, Jeweler or Druggist can show you an assortment— Standard Sets at $5.00—Pocket Editions at $5.00 to $6.00—Combination Sets at $6.50 up. the New Zealand|and that at the present time ly i till ‘ : . in 3 s a s still to come. Is it to be Gillingham 2, Swindon Town 3 | there are over 10,000 white men! wondered then that I a sane A ihe ; nz Cardiff nits { = GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR co. OF CANADA, LIMITED. . Ph , ; i eae North: ‘ton 2, Cs ; us and overdrawn | out of work. .The writer goes on| man in the prime of life, look with South End United 14, Exeter s Office and Factory—The New Gillette Building, Montreal. 502 ris that they oeer eee say: |hungry eyes for hard work at al-| City 0. 5 ee: rae ceed “The summer is nearly over,|most any pay in a country where Brighton and Hove Albion 2, Souaccnccuseusunenusseucuaeseusoesrcessessnescussssoosesnenssusuensues ot for the fact that}and people have been starving/it is no folly to be honest and! MillwaH Athletic 0 Tie i , se ; : wes ; : eS TN TEE Ta MENGE Ee ae ae EO New Zealanders ere around us all the time. Rogue | where starvation, riot, or eon-| Portsmouth 1, Queen's Park acl a! A nterested in Van- |theft, suicide and murder are the quest by Japanese will not per-| Rangers 1. — = = === | British Columbia the strictures passed, from some one who|the tly failed to make vas dat here, | the, order of the day, | still to come. meaning and winter|/petually stare me in the face?” | 5 oe © gs Honesty is a word} - ~——-+ Launch Aiice B for hire, Tele- Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. | phone Green 391, Davis’ Float. Adveitice Phone 4, tf 155-tf of which is little] There is little or no} in “The Daily News” iy ETE Wer. 4s “te MODINE G aesrcooemerase Care eG? hy 3 ar re \ an Sy ET yA C2E DY ROH EOE oI PRCA RAE VE HOME AC eo 5 PRIDE, NASH & CO. Temporary Premises, Third Ave- nue and Sixth Street, Next to the Cc. P. R. Offices. We have just opened up a large shipment of Ladies’ and Chil- Pa Doors Swing Open For Our Great Opening Sale Wednesday Morning, November 5 Flannelette in 27 inches Stripe Shirting in dark and light shades, strong and durable. Dark heavy stripes and checks, Ladies’ plain all wool Cashmere Hose, in all sizes; worth 40c, for Ladies’ Velour Waists, in dark shades and smart styles. Well Come in and look through our stock. Its completeness, newness, and perfection will delight you White Cotton, fine thread, with superior finish, 34 inches wide. dren's Coats ,about 300 in all, made. All sizes. wide, made of pure cotton. with no two alike. These are the 1 00 25c 10 15c ] Oc newest New York and Paris styles. \ e Cc Ladies’ Combinations, all pure Aprons for ladies in heavy Satin Underskirts, with good Pillow Cases, made of heavy Pure linen Table Napkins, Irish Heavy Dress Tweed for ladies’ silk face, accordion pleated wool, in very fine soft yarn, im- | stripe percale, well finished with | 68. colons cerise, scarlet, | cotton, large hem, 42 inches wide. | manufacture, size 22x22, per doz. skirts in fawn and green mix Ported from Switzerland. $2.75 large side pocket. 35c Paddy green, royal blue. $2.50 20c $2.75 tures, per yd. 60c INVITING GOODS AT INVITING PRICES! How is it that we can sell so cheap? and where to buy. We are under lig We buy for et cash. We know how t expense. Men’s black Cashmere Hose, English make, double heel and toe, all sizes, 25c Ladies’ Dongola Shoes, blucher model. These are made for easy wear. $3.50 Marathon all wool Sweaters for men, made of best English yarn in all leading colors. $5.50 Heavy ribbed Underwear, guar- anteed unshrinkable, made of pure Nova Scotia wool; all sizes. $1.00 buttons. $5.00 Gunmetal Shoes for tadies, high top with very fine finish; has 20 Girls’ Gunmetal Shoes, blucher cut, strong and durable, all sizes. $2.50 Boys’ heavy wool Sweaters, in Combination and plain shades. 75c Hundreds of our best bargains not advertised. i PRIDE, sneH & COF. ee a ee Heavy Shirts for men, in black stripe drill, very large and roomy. WMen’s solid leather Shoes, leather lined, box calf, blucher cut, sizes 6 to 11, $3.75 Men's Trousers, made of good heavy tweed, all large and full size. $2.75 cut, double sole, newest style. $5.50 Men's Gunmetal Shoes, blucher Boy’s solid leather Shoes, double sole, blucher cut, sizes 1 to 5. $2.45 It would take a whole paper to tell of all the wonderful Largains we have to offer PHONE 535 ry a vet erties ree ee Se Pa EPS a ene nn