THE DAILY NEWS iday November 7th, 1913 Fridays ° __—_ a : 5 NOTICES. LAND pURCGHAS 4 mine ai 1, Charles H, Flood, oc- me notice that ? intend to apply to spain ree miner of lands and works S yon, ommiry purchase the following yer ” fot Pyed Jand t a post planted at the defommencii’ Mor a Pp, L, reading Lot pormieast COMM’. 35, thence In @ northerly and fe ng we shore of Hastings Arm al oO T ea ee girectioh More oF 188 tO ey v Au gg chains vation No. 26, then 1 a jodiat erection 40 chains, then in a westerly qnectl yy) 80 Chains, thence east- youinerly deer the point of commence- ery 40 chiining S20 acres more or less peut, CHARLES. H, FLOOD, 4 June nh, 1919. Datel gs, 1918 Sept. 22, 1913, Be ana pistrict—District of Coast, greens Range 5. » notice that Dora L. Wright, of Take Or, Be Cy occupation married esl miutel io apply for pern.ission wollte tue following described lands; p purchawring at & post planted at the vommenrorner of Lot 424, Range 6, qullieay strict, thence north 20 chains coast riheast corner of Lot BOTY of east 20 chains more or Jess het DOU f Lot 6142, thence w west Mins uiore OF 1e88 to the shore wut voise Lake, thence westerly and Ot arly al id shore to the point of pouiber smelt niaining 40 acres mort coanenrcement, of 18° DORA L, WIUGHT, wed July Qist, 1013. pated Jury i, 1913—Oct, 18, 1913. pub. Aus sininpeetelaiedlglaiel am and District—-District of Coast, suet “ Range 5, tice that Cecil J. Crew, of ee | occupation banker, in- for permission to purchase jescribed lands: , ul & post planted one mile ne utheast corner of Lot 1380, ast District, thence south 2u west 40 chains, thence north nee east 40 Chains to point ange °, * chains, Henve Commencement, containing 80 ‘acres dl eer CECIL J, CREW. P. M, Miller, Agent, pated July 22nd, 1948 pub. Aug. 18, 1913——Oct. 13, 1913. District—District of Coast, ange 56. take notice that Louis Frank Banville, Prince Rupert, B, C., occupation rail- niends to apply for permission to the following described lands; encing at @ post planted about 20 Mile Post 76 from Prince i, P. Railway, on the south { ne track, thence east 60 chains, tence south 6 chains to bank of Skeena juver, thence following the river bank ip westerly and northerly direction to point of commencement, containing 20) acres pore or J€55. LOUISE FRANK BANVILLE, pated July i8th, 1913. pub, Aug. 18, 1013—-Oct. 13, 1913. Skeens Land east of sieens Land District —District of Coast, Kange & that Thomas 8. Crew, of occupauion genticman, apply for permission to pur- iowing described lands; og at @ post planted one half of the southeast corner of Lot , Coast District, thence west ice south 40 Chains; thence 18, thence north 40 chains to commencement, containing 32u Ur i055. THOMAS 8. CREW. ry. M,. Miller, Agent. 2ist, 10138. 8, 1913—Oct, 43, 1013. § more Dated July Pub. Aug. 1 Disirict—District of Hange 6. ) that Marion Waugh, ol Monirea Jue., OcCcupauion spinster, ib 5 y for permission to purchase scribed lands: g at @ post planted about a northerly direction from rher of Lot 6149, Hange t, Lakelse Valley, thence , more or less to south of Lot 6148, thence west 40 vce south 40 chains, thence east e or less back to point ol containing 160 acres more Coast, ement, MARIE IN WAUGH. Dated July 22nd, 10913. Pub, Aug. 18, 1918—Oct, 13, 1913. District—District Kange 6. that Arthur O. Crew, of occupation surveyor, in- Skeena Land of Coast, t notice ugiand, y for permission to purchase described lands; g at & post planted about 20 northeast corner of Wwe following Lotienciu borth It the Kunge 6, Coast District, thence chaius more or less to northeast ¢ f Lot $06, thence east 20 Chains, thence north 20 chains more or less to Shore of lake, thence westerly 20 chains more or less following shore of lakg to point commencement, containing #40 ures bore r ,ess. CREW. Agent. ARTHUR O, P. M.Miller, Dated, July 23rd, 194%. Pub, Aug. 15, 1918—-Oct, 13, 1913. Take notice that 1, William Macy, of Aujus, f ipation caterer, intend to “py lo lhe Hon, Commissioner of Lands aud for permission to purchase the Fo a lands; the | @ post planted on ts. T., L. Lot and Post nce southerly 20 chains of Goose Bay to 8, T. L. ling Bb2su-9529, the lirechomrr 20 chains, thence direction 20 chains, thence 79 Cigins to the point of commence , conlaining 160 acres more or less, WILLIAM MACY. Cc. M. F . Dated June 27th, eek Fipod, Agent Pub, July 28, 1913—Sept, 22, 1043. ba west hortherly NOTICE, ponliee '8 hereby given that pursuant to vod visions of chapter 115 of the Re- Sed Chapter of Canada, F, L, Wilson has “G With the Minister of Public coustructes oe of & work proposed to be Prince Roc on land in the Harbor of follows Uber) B. C., briefly described as 1077.68 po umnencing 859.3 ft, north and Cove’ (; '. east from the centre of Seal ‘rcle 4s shown on Plan 923, Prince Upert ( . west .daid Registry Office, being south- degrees Sublot 7, thence north 36 th, to ae iMnules 39 seconds west 760 arbor line, Thence south 36 ae- tloug 40 minutes 1 second west 370 ft. gees sy! Harbor line, thence south 36 de- W high witutes 99 second east 540 ft. Water more flak thence following high plan and i to point of beginning, with a tid has qeecription of said proposed site We foreg POStled & duplicate of each of tt Pringg ths ‘0 the Land Hegistry Oilice the Gove cbert B. C., and is applying to vovernor in Goeuncil approvai Whereor, Ullawa, Onk, Se ' +» Seplember 46th, 1013, MACDONNELL & HONEYWELL, W Sept, 29-Oct 97, 401 i= toa cecurs for WATER NOTICE, Application a On fora ne: Water wil) lice T British ; nse to take and use ‘© made under the Water Act ee Olumbia as follows: Sat Wor hatne of the applicant is B, CG. 9 Ss, Lid, PF, H, Mobley, agent. The addre Prince Rapoen a of the applicant is The sof River, © Hathe of the stream is Kwinitsa The stre : tain ‘© stream has its source in moun- River, flows ‘UO miles west of the Skeena Md enpties jh, ¢ Southeasterly direction Wie south tpatte, Skeena River about 4 4, The weal, Kwinl tsa Station, th stream onthe ‘8s to be diverted from ®t from mouth, South side, about 6,280 % The purnos Will be used yi Poke for which the water 6. The land mining and manufacturing, Le used On which the water is to Claiing oy, “escribed as follows: Mineral Ld ant loca the B.C. Salt Works “Olas Caled ac 2 id 176, Skeena Rivawacent to Lot 74 and as follows Ahtity of water applied for is Miners’ inches Welve hundred ‘ (1200) This no ice Was posted 6 on , cope Of September, ison Hon’ pursed, Of thls notice and an applica- Ments or yet thereto and to the require- OMee of th Water Act will be filed in the Rupert, ae Water Recorder at Prince the “said” Wa, PJeetlons may be filed with “OMptroley of whecorder, or wiih’ me ul dings, Victoria’ Br q ents, partiament Xu OD the 9 B.C. SALT WORKS, LTD. ; B W-Sept, 8 to Oot. gf’ Bi Mobley, Agent, The above novel and and found to be quit inexpensively adaptable to Canadian Further tests will be made before it is tried on the country roads of New British Columbia. NEW MOTORCYCLE TAXI SUITABLE FOR CANADIAN ROADS. constructed automobile outfit road conditions is being tried out on the roads wherever it has been tried, Los Angeles, Nov. 4.— Miss M. A. Burpee, who since last May has had charge of the Stewart General Hospital, left on the Thursday boat for Seattle, as the hospital closed yesterday for the winter, On Tuesday evening at the Northern Hotel a iarge number of her friends made up a merry party at a dance given in her honor. * cs . Sir William Mackenzie, presi- dent of the Canadian Northern Railway, is reported to have added to his many interests by acquiring control of the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co., own- ing what is stated to be the larg- est fishing fleet on the Northern Pacific and a large cold storage plant at Prince Rupert, B. C. . * . The Miner acknowledges the receipt of a bronze medal com- memorating a record made by the force at the Mount Royal tunnel at Montreal of the Canadian Northern Railway for driving 810 feet of hard rock heading in 31 working days. The donor was CG. G. LeBree, formerly accountant of the Canadian Northeastern Railway and now associated in a high capacity with the Macken- zie, Mann & Company forces at Montreal.—Portland Canal Min- er. FRATERNITIES BARRED Girl Was Forced to Walk Streets in Tights. Gloversville, N. Y., Nov. 3.— Because a handsome young wo- man of eighteen in the Glovers- ville high schoo! was required to walk down street attired in tights and an unwilling smile as a part of a sorority initiation, the board of education has issued an order barring fraternities and societies from the school, The embarrassing ordeal to which the young woman was subjected became known to her parents, it is said, and they com- plained to the board, ‘The ban on societies followed, Launch Alice B for hire. Tele- phone Green 391, Davis’ Float. then. is published. B. SMITH has a dry goods store in a cer- ‘ tain Canadian City. He does a good business, but wants” to do more. He believes that Advertising in his local newspaper is the way to get more business. So he advertises—every now and then. This is where our friend Smith is wrong—in advertising every now and He should advertise regularly—as frequently as his local newspaper If you are doing a local business talk over your advertising problems with the Adver- tising Department of this newspaper. If _you_ are doing a provincial or national business it would be well for you to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. A list of these will be fur- nished, without cost or obligation, by the Secretary of Canadian Press Association, Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto. f | i Smith says he wants to advertise regularly, but he can’t always find the time to prepare advertisements, which is true, for he is his own buyer, sales- manager, director of store service, credit man and half-a-dozen other things. What Smith should do is this: If he is located in one of the smaller cities, in which there are no advertising agencies giving a local copy service, and he has no one among his own staff qualified by instinct or experience to write the daily announcements, he should go to the publisher of the news- paper in which he means to advertise, requesting his help. In nine cases out of ten, the publisher, through his advertising manager, will be only too glad to give Smith the assistance desired. If Smith is located in one of the larger cities he should secure the services of a recognized advertising agency which will take over the work of pre- paring his advertisements. In this way Smith can be sure of having his advertisements prepared reg- ularly and intelligently, with no more trouble to him than the supplying of the information required by the writer of the advertisements. a8 So Smith can do more business, and more business means a larger income for himself, to say nothing of other gains that go hand in hand with the doing of bigger business. This man Smith---do you know him? Are YOU Smith? 1836 THE BANK oF 1913 BritishNorthAmerica TT Years in Business. Caprrat ano Surptus Over $7,690,000. The Convenience of a Joint Account A Joint Account may be opened in the names of two or more persons. Whichever one the bank can then deposit the joint funds or withdraw the cash needed. and trouble. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH It saves time | can most conveniently reach | KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY P.O. DRAWER 1524 THIRD ANENUE Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishes Stoves, Ranges Tinware HARDWARE. MONARCH MALLEABLE ™* “‘eice °°” = “The Shubert Shipper” Mailed Absolutely Free to Fur Shippers—Send “Shubert” name ona your postal teday You want this valuable publication—it is worth hundreds of dollars to you, issued at every change of the Fur Market, giving you an accurate and reliable report of what is doing in all the Markets of the World in American Raw Furs. | P. MARGETTS, MANAGER | PHONE No. 3 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors + PII AIA IAA AAAI AD AA AISI AA AIAD AA AA SAD ASIASSAISASASIISASSSSSSISSISSSSISIAISANE — VISITING CARDS BALL PROGRAMMES MENU CARDS BILLHEADS * 2 * ENVELOPES ‘ LETTERHEADS BUSINESS CARDS FOLDERS SHIPPING TAGS BLOTTERS STATEMENTS PRINTING Summer is over and the Fall trade has begun. To get your share you must have some sort of printed matter—a circular, folder, booklet or cata- logue. Be sure to have that work done properly. You would not send out a shabby salesman to represent you; then don’t make the mistake of sending out a poorly printed circular or booklet, We are QUALITY PRINTERS and can produce a piece of printed matter that you would be proud Try us. Phone 98. of and which will get results. DAILY NEWS JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT pe NS 155-tf r * EOI III OI III IA IAAI AIA AAAI IAI AIA IS IAAI AAAI AAASAAIM | + <-% saeetgras RS we ie RENIN ST te