November 8, 19 13 THE DAILY NEWS gaturday, eS y Ww xp puRCH ASH NOTICES. LA} : ae “ F that 1, Charles H. Flood, oc- Saxe notice HN os, intepd tO apply to ypavion (ree signer of lands aud works Oy yon. COMMIT purchase the followig » permiss'™” fo 7iped land: 4 post planted at the Momence ot A. P. Ly reading Lot _ thence in & northerly prtheast © porter” 9 god Post shore of Hastings Arm girection jess to the Tac+U-An sg cpains Mm » No. 26, thence in @ jpdian Tee ion 40 chains, thence in a westerly OF sv chains, thence east- gounerly a to the polut of commence- any 4! were , jv acres more or less. wei, ** ARLES. H, FLOOD, . 1913. pated Jun sepi, 22, 1013, pub. duly 4 eect —" tand pistrict—Distriet of Coast, greens 1a! Range 6. L I that Dora L. Wright, of fake ert B. Gy occupation imarried to apply for permission followimg deseribed lands: 1t a post planted at the f Lot 421, Hange 6, thence north 20 jortheast corner 1 20 chains more or Jess f Lot 65142, thence more or le88 Ww the shore vee, thence westerly and sid shore to the point of plaining 40 acres more chains of Lot DORA L. WIUGHT ated July 2ist, 1013, parewsug. 18, 19138—Oct, 13, 1913, m I } District—District of Coast, am Range 5. that Cectl J. Crew, of , occupation banker, in- r permission to purchase cribed lands; a post planted one mile jutbeast corner of Lot 1i38u, ast District, thence south = 2 « thence West 40 Chains, thence north pence east 40 Chains to point mummencement, containing 80 acres pore of Jess CECIL J. CREW. Pp, M. Miller, Agent. pated July 22nd, 1913. pub. Aus 18, 1918—Oct. 13, 1913. District—District of Coast, Range & rake notice that Louls Frank Banville, : prince Rupert, B. C., occupation raii- rosder intends to apply for permission to pase Wne following described lands: yencing at & post planted about 20 st of Mile Post 76 from Prince Pp. Ratlway, south rack, thence east 60 chains, $ 5 chains to bank of Skeena pence following the river bank in ny snd northerly direction to point mencemeut, containing 20 acres pore or less. LOUISE FRANK BANVILLE. Dated July 18th, 1043. pub. Aug. 18, 1913—Oct. 13, 1913. skeena Land on the Listrict—District of Coast, Range 6. that Thomas 5, occupation geutieman, apply for permission to pur- iowing described jands; ug at @ post planted one ball 1 of the southeast corner of Lot , Coast District, thence west thence south 40 chains, thence asi $y chains, thence north 40 chains tw commencement, containing 320 r 1055. THOMAS 58, CREW. v. M. Miller, Agent. 2ist, 19143. 18, 1013—*Oct. 13, 1913. Sieena Land Crew, of notice acres ore Aug. District—District of Kange 54. Take gotice that Marion Waugh, of m ‘ y vccupauion . spinster, ib jends lo apply for permission W purchase Jescriped lands: g at & post pianted about ) @ hortherly direclion [rom corner Of Lot 6149, Range Lakoise Valiey, Wiehe 4 more or less to south Lot $148, thence west 4 oce south 40 chains, thence east Coast, wig 40 cha e or less back to point ol commencement, containing 160 acres more a MARION WAUGH. sted July 22nd, 1913. ub, Aug. 18, 19138—Oct. 13, 1913. fieena Land District—District of Coast, Kange &. lake police that Arthur OU. Crew, of bogiand, occupation surveyor, in- Devizes, ends lo apply for permission Ww purchase we [ g described ijands; y al & pust pianted about 20 of the portheast corner ol 6, Coast District, thence s more or less to bortheast r of 1 506, thence east 20 Chailis, tence north 20 chains more or less Ww shure ab thence Westeriy 20 Challis wy ts jicwing shore of lake Ww v yvencement, containing 4 ’ jess. ARTHUR O, CREW. Pr. M.Miller, Agent Daied, July 23rd, 1913. i Aus Ss, 1948—uct, 13, 1913 Teke"h e that i, William Macy, ol Auyus, b upation caterer, intend to uo) lion, Commissioner Of Lands abu rh r permission to purchase tbe ‘ é rived lands; e g at & post planted on the I rs. T. L. Lot and Post ence southerly 20 chains song f Goose Bay to 8. T. L ‘ eading 85250-9529, thence & Wes recon 20 chains, thence thence a6 ruby y direclion 20 chains, — > to the point ef commence me ing 160 acres more or less. WILLIAM MACY. Cc, HM. Flood, Agent. Dax 27th, 1943. Pub. July 25, 1913-—Sept, 22, 1043. NOTICE. is hereby given that pursuant to nus of chapter 4115 of the Re- “hapler of Canada, F. L., Wilgon has ed with the Minister of “ Public “4 plan of @ work proposed to be wecled of Jand im the Harbor of ‘Aupert, B. G,, briefly described as funencing 859.3 ft, north and . east from the centre of Seal © 4s shown On Plan 923, Prince ' ) Kegistry Office, being south- vier Sublot 7, thence north 36 1ules 39 seconds west 760 ine, Thence south 36 de es 1 second west 370 ft, r line, thence south 36 de- ‘ules 69 second east 546 ft. © mark, thence following higi: point of beginning, with a } fol 1077.68 f ( I ‘pion Of said proposed site } ed a duplicate of each of ule in the Land Registry Uilice 6 eaeene rt, B. C., and is applying to Ravens hor in Council for approval awa Ont. September 16th, 19138. ( Oona é, HONEYWELL, j Solicitors r tb i . 29-Oct 87, aoa @ Applicant. ee W-Sept WATER NOTICE. aoe 4“ for @ license to take and use Brive, made Under the Water Act “SS Columbia as follows: “athe Of the applicant is B, C, : ld. FP. H. Mobley, agent. Prince } Pre of the applicant ts . 2 ae of the stream is Kwinitsa “e stream has its source in moun- Ul S miles west of the Skeena i bupne, 2, & Southeasterly direction at J ‘nto Skeena River about 1 4 \oln Kwini tsa stetion, ater is to be diverted from u ine south side, about 6,280 vecd Whose for which the water ; pi / is nining and manufacturing. he at ‘and on which the water 18 to ; Gescribg a as follows; Mineral . by the B, C. Salt Works, ye - Caled adjacent to Lot 74 and ; -KO0Ra River, SUGnlity Of water applied for is I'welve hundred (1200) ches the éty a tlee® WaS Posted on the ground oe ony of September, 19136 tion pursnoy,? 5 notice and an lica- ents of yet ythereto and to the require. : " Water Act will be filed in the © Water Recorder at Prince Bid W Objections may be Nled with Comptrolien Of wecorder, or with the sulldings, Victor a Riguts, Parliament B.C. SALT WORKS, LTD. W-Sept, 8 to Oct. ors Bi geobley. Agent. ; SPLENDID NEW CENTRAL Y. M. C. A. OPENED AT TORONTO RECENTLY Vancouver, Nov. 4—Lieut. Col. ment, Vancouver, Nov. 4.—New York capital has been raised for the completion of the Portland Canal & Northeastern Railway, according to reliable information Several hundred thousand dollars were invested in wharves and a dock at the head of Portland Canal, just in front of a town- site adjoining which Sir Donald and associates purchased but did not place on the market for reasons of their own. The railway was constructed on Stewart, a standard gauge for a distance of. about fourteen miles to the confiuence of Bear HKiver and It was said during of construction Bitter Creek. the early that it was a part of the scheme stages to give the Canadian Northern Pacific Railway a northern out- let and feeder and if was to be continued through the Peace River country and connect the Canadian Northern at monton. Now word comes that further construction has been financed the Mor- by Sir Donald through gan Banking Corporation of New Yor and work is to be contin ied for about a hundred miles to tap the anthracite coal fields of Groundhog Mountain, which sey have*® pro areas of eral expert geologists nounced as anthracite larger extent of character from indications Pennsylvania fields. From al! the information ob tainable this line has been fully financed and will be a rival route as good and as the CONFLICT OF AUTHORITY AS. TO THE TROOPS AT NANAIMO ACTING PREMIER BOWSER ORDERED THEM TO WITHDRAW BUT LIEUT.-COLONEL HALL PAYS NO HEED APPEALS TO OTTAWA Hall, of Victoria, who summoned] {ime sent the Colonel formal no- his forces, in the middle of an : August night and went to tenes CONOR Et ae imo to quell the riots of striking the last day in which the citizen miners, now refuses to quit the| > ldiers in the strike districts field. would be paid for bearing arms. A few days ago Hon. Wm. J Aside from the development Bowser, acting premier and at-| today, it is said that there has all torney general, acting on the ad-Jajonge been a great deal of fric- vice of police officials and of Col.|{jon between the chief officials Roy, D O. G., the highest officer}of the government and the head of the militia department in B.C.,| of the militia in the field. notified Col. Hall that, as all the} ‘Twelve hundred soldiers were danger of further trouble in the|eatied out originally, and main- coal mining regions appeared tO|{taining them has been an ex- be at an end, practically all Of | ceedingly expensive operation. the troops should be withdrawn.) Special steamers were often re- Up to date Col. Hall has shown| quired to execute military tac- no signs of coming in from the lties under cover of darkness and field. In fact, it is stated today|Col. Hall kept a special train that he has telegraphed the mi-|ready with steam up and with a litia department at Ottawa, go-|Maxim gun aboard fer a_ long ing over the heads of the officer | time. commanding in British Columbia | During the first month follow- and acting premier’ in making!ing the riots, the military occu- his protest to the militia depart- | pation of the district cost the jpublic purse nearly $100,000. NEW YORK CAPITAL TO AID THE PORTLAND CANAL LINE WILL BE EXTENDED\TO GROUNDHOG AND CONTINUED TO PEACE RIVER COUNTRY, FORMING OUTLET FOR CANADIAN NORTHERN. | from which point which has been received here. | 7 is expected he will reach the This railway was started nearly Pacific Coast soon after the re- three years ago as a private en- turn home of Sir Richard Me- terprise of Sir Donald Mann. Bride: |Manager of Stewart Land Com- with | 4g8er Rd. | pany and the Light & Power Com- |pany, leaves on next Thursday's |boat for Victoria, en route to his jhome jwhere he will spend a six months’ |vacation, It to the Hudson's Bay railway scheme, which contemplates a Northern Atlantic outlet for the One of the finest of its class on the Continent. It was built at a cost of nearly three-quarters of a million dollars, through subscriptions of the citizens. It is one of the most modern buildings on the continent. e Hon. Mr. Bowser at the same prairie wheat by way of Hudson’s Bay. Sir Donald Mann was recently in New York, and a few days ago came westward as far as Calgary, he turned back. From a conversation with a railway contractor who is closely in touch with the Mackenzie & Mann railway projects it inti- mated that Donald will take up with Richard another bond guarantee such back of the Canadian Northern Pacific and the Pacific Great Eastern projects. 1s sir Sir as 18 BACK TO OLD COUNTRY pany Left for Manchester Walter G. Broad, who has for the past year been the local man- of the Stewart Land Com- at Manchester, England, time he has been home since foot in Ganada seven years ago. Mr. Broad as secretary of the Stew- art Genera] Hospital, the Stewart Fire Department, the Stewart Lawn Tennis Club and as a mem- is the first he set ber of the Citizens’ Association executive has actively identified himself with the upbuilding of the town and distriet and will be vreatly missed by his many friends Portiand Canal Miner, Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Phone 4, tf | OLD HAZELTON NOTES. me ts mes es eh suddenly while posed to have been the cause of heath. son, A called range a Ross cup series. railway of of the temporary blockade on the Skeena week, art, charged Large. The defendant was bound over to keep sureties for $500. to the completed. much easier. day out the grade between the town and thp ferry. ot faeces Constable S. M. Grant, who has made many friends in this district, deserved. Indian, died Thursday night, Nine-Mile Mountain. A hemorrhage is sup- Louis Angus, an on hunting on Hazelton io hockeyists are organize the league meeting is to be the near future, to ar- schedule for the Dunean pre- paring for sea- in Price, who handles the mails to the satisfaction concerned took advantage Ernest all to visit Rose Lake this * . * In the police court D. L. Stew- of Woodcock Prairie, was with assault on H. P. the peace, giving The road from the ferry railroad station has been The grades are now The road crew to- begins work on the new road through the reserve, cutting new having proved himself a capable and conscientious of- ficer, has been offered the tion of Chief Constable at berland. His promation is posi- Cum- well . * . Lem Hellas and Bill Watson, Kispiox ranchers have completed a graded wagon road from the government road to their ran- ches ,a distance of 314 miles. They say if the road was con- tinued tb the lake it would open up a nice section of the Valley. —Omineea Miner. Purchased by Royal Bank: The shareholders of the British Guiana Bank, at a meeting held at Georgtown, Demerara, decided to accept the offer made by the Royal Bank of Canada to pur- chase the assets and business of that bank. ‘The British Guiana Bank, which has been established since 1836, has branches at Georgetown, Demerara and New Amsterdam, Berbice. The capital of the bank is $926,520; reserve and undivided profits, $282,- 475.37; total assets, $3,680,000. Two Newspapers at Smithers. The Smithers Tribune made its appearance the first of the month, elaiming that it is the only paper printed and published at Smithers. The Smithers Re- view has .been published for weeks, but was printed at Old Hazelton. The Tribune is a spicy looKing ‘sheet and is well patron- ized by advertisers. Premier Borden Goes South. New York, Nov. 4.-——-Right Hon. RK..L. Borden, premier of Canada, accompanied by Mrs, Borden, ar- rived here today on his way to the south, The to do more. then. is published. B. SMITH has a dry goods store in a cer- tain Canadian city. He does a good business, but wants He believes that Advertising in his local newspaper is the way to get more business. So he advertises—every now and then. This is where our friend Smith is wrong—in advertising every now and He should advertise regularly—as frequently as his local newspaper Smith says he wants to advertise regularly, but he can’t always find the time to prepare advertisements, which is true, for he is his own buyer, sales- manager, director of store service, credit man and half-a-dozen other things. What Smith should do is this: If he is located in one of the smaller cities, in which there are no advertising agencies giving a local copy service, and he has no one among his own staff qualified by instinct or ex write the daily announcements, he should go to the publisher of the news- paper in which he means to advertise, requesting his help. out of ten, the publisher, through his advertising manager, will be only too glad to give Smith the assistance desired. If Smith is located in one of the larger cities he should secure the services of a recognized advertising agency which will take over the work of pre- paring his advertisements. In this way Smith can be sure of having his advertisements prepared reg- ularly and intelligently, with no more trouble to him than the supplying of the information required by the writer of the advertisements. So Smith can do moré business, and more business means a larger income for himself, to say nothing of other gains that go hand in hand with the coing of bigger business. This man Smith---do you know him? If you are doing a local business talk over your advertising problems with the Adver- tising Department of this newspaper. If you are doing a provincial or national business it would be well for you to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. A list of these will be fur- nished, without cost or obligation, by the Secretary of Canadiam Press Association, Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto. rience to In nine cases Are YOU Smith? prime minister said they were on a vacation trip and would spend several days here before continuing their journey, 1836 THE BANK OF 1913 BritishNorthAmerica TT Years in Business CaPiTAL AND SuRPLUS Oven $7,600,000 Teach The Children The Value of Money If your children learn, while growing, not only how to spend money wisely, but how, by self-denial, to save some- thing for the future, you will have started them on the road to financialsuccess. Opena Savings Account for each in the Bank of British North America, and encourage them to add to it regularly. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, MANAGER KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 8 ’ HARDWARE Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors ares. Ranges Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishes ‘* Stay Satisfactory Range.’’ MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ your today You want this valuable publication—it is worth hundreds dollars to you, issued at every change of the Market, giving you an accurate and reliable report of what is doing all the Markets of the World in American Raw Furs. Write for «free A. B. SHUBERT, Inc., ier ———— DAILY NEWS |i} | JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT ae) { + ! FORA IA IAA A AAA AD AAAIIIIA ISI SS IAAIIISIISISISSSSIASSIIIAISISIAL ¢ ae : at es i saunsinad i cece ENVELOPES LETTERHEADS BUSINESS CARDS Summer is over and the Fall trade has begun. FOLDERS To get your share you must have Some sort of 5 printed matter-—a circular, folder, booklet or cata- oe SHIPPING logue. Be sure to have that work done properly. TAGS You would not send out a shabby salesman to o 13 q BLOTTERS represent you; then don't make the mistake of | 3 VISITING CARDS sending out a poorly printed circular or booklet. , { i. BALL We are QUALITY PRINTERS and can produce a sini ie hail piece of printed matter that you would be proud i of and which will get results. Try us. Phone 98. } MENU CARDS ¥ BILLHEADS . 7 STATEMENTS iS * + eww —— FAI IOI IAI AA AAA IAA A DAA AIA AI AAD AAA AA AAAI AIAAAIAIN