THE DAILY NEWS ENGLISH HAND-MApE LAG MADE BY THE COTTAGERS OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. This is the old-fashioned lace made on the cushion, and was first introduced into England by the Flemish Refugees, it is still made by the village women in their quaint old way. awarded the Gold Medal at the Festival of and Imperial putibitee, Crystal Palace, LONDON, ENGLAND, for general excellence of Empire and poral UY some Of this hand-made Pillow Lace, it lasts MANY times longer than machine made variety, and imparts an air of distinction to the possessor, at the same time supporting the village’lace-makers, bringing them little comforts otherwise unobtainable on an agricultural man’s wage, Write for descriptive little treatise, entitled “The Pride of North Bucks," containing 200 striking examples of the lace makers’ art, and is sent post free to any part of the world, Lace for every purpose can be obtained, and within reach of the most modest purse, pes ar : : ina < n \. 8, Every sale, however small, is astrons,Jabots, Yokes, Fichus, Borthes, Hand. a support to the industry. kerchiefs, Stocks, Cami- & soles, Chemise Sets, Tea - Cloths, Table Centres, D'Oylies, Mats, Medal- lions, Quaker and Peter Pan en ai from 25c., a $2.00, 0 ap to $50 06 in 3 Pell ba lace oor. inser- ton from 10c., 450. yard. IRISH CROCHET. Mrs, Armstrong havi over 100 Irish peasan girls connected with her industry, some beautidul ex- amples of Irigh aa made laces y be obtained, Kilwork being sold direct from the lace-makers, both the workers and customers derive great advantage, STOCK—Wheel Design. 14 in. deep.) a Price Bo. each, (Half shown.) DAINTY HANDKIF—Wo, No, 910,—Lace 1} in. deep. No, 122.—80c, per yard, hi Mrs Rupert Armstrong, Olney, Bucks., England FOR BRIGHTNESS si 4 AND LIGHTNESS, USE BLACK =) KNIGHT | | No Dust THEFF. DALLEY & LTD. HAMILTON, Ont. A PASTE No Rust NoWasTE VeVi lath Sei OF TAR & COD- » Sha xo) Cures Coughs Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar & ‘Cod Liver Oil ' is a great Tonic and not only stops a cough but enables the system to throw it off. There should be a bottle of it in every home. Large size bottle 35¢. Sold everywhere. SHERBROOKE Baby’s soft skin is the test of BABY’S OWN SOAP— and its constant use in thousands of nurseries is satisfactory proof that its fragrant lather helps and whitens the most delicate skin. No imitation has all the merit of BABY’S OWN SOAP. 3413 ALBERT SOAPS Limited, Manufacturers, MONTREAL, Ee Read The Daily News } age (TOCAL NEWS ITEMS. | eoesese Walter Owen, chief of provin- cial police, left by this morning's train for Terrace. + * * Albert Davidson, general agent G. T. P., left for the interior by this morning's train, * * ’ Harry Evans, the piano tuner, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning. * . * H. D. Robinson, of the Rupert Marine [ron Works, left by this morning's train for Kitsumka- lum, * * + J. L. Mitchell, representing Stewart & Mobley, Ltd. left for the interior this morning on business. Cee @ Mrs. Roberson, wife of Captain Roberson of the steamer Henri- ette, returned this morning from a visit of several months in Eng- land. * * * firm of for this KF. M. Reynolds of the Collart & Reynolds, agents Fort George real estate, left morning to open a permanent office in the new town. * * . Dan Dempsey, superintendent of track laying on the Prinee Ru- pert end of the G, T. P., left for end of steel this morning after spending a few days in the city. + * * Moya Bailey is the winner of the prize offered for the best es- say on Prince Rupert written by members of the fourth class in the public school When the an- nouncement was made the other members of the class joined in heartily cheering her success. > * * His Honor Judge Young, W. FE, Fisher and W. J. Jepson left this morning for Hazelton in connec- tion with the trial of a contrac- tor named Klimpel, charged with obtaining money under pre- tences. The trial will take place tonight after the arrival of the train. false BARBER SHOP FIRE CAUSED MUCH ANXIETY With Terrific Gale Blowing Fire Started in a Fifth Street Barber Shop H. days St. who a couple of barber shop Louis, ago opened a door and an entrance was easily effected. The alarm was turned in at 8.55 and the brigade res- ponded with its usual prompt- ness. In a few minutes the fire was extinguished and liltle dam- had been done. Mr. St. Louis thinks the fire started by a cur- tain being blown against the stove as he closed the door going out. On account of the gale that was blowing at the time there was considerable anxiety until the fire was under control. With any kind of a start the whole busi- ness section of the town might have been wiped out, fierce was the gale. so Baptist Services Services at the Baptist church will be held tomorrow at 414 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The subjeet for the morning discourse will be “The Revealed Gospel” and for the evening “The Price.’ Both services will be pastor, Rey. W. W. Wright. Tact is an art of appearing ig- norant in order to avoid seeming impertinent, * ARGAINS Lot 57, Block 20, Seetion 2, 0 13th street; natural basen Lot 40, Block 22, Section 5, on $1,600; $400 cash, 6, Lot 5, Block 3¢ in; $750, one-half cash, 23 and 24, Bloek 16, on 41th Ave. Lot 35, block 39, Lots sect section 8, Marine and Other Strong on Fifth Street, in the old Star shoe shine parlor, built a fire in a small stove this morning and| started out for breakfast. Shortly afterwards a passer-by noticed that the place was on fire and turned in an alarm from Box 12 at the corner of Third Ave. and Fifth Street. Fortunately Mr. St. Louis had forgotten to lock the taken by the new} Sa $1,050 pair, $350 cash, 6, $550, BROTHERHOOD GIVES CALLIES A DUSTING Score Was Fifteen to Six but the Callies Were Not at their Full Strength In the basketball last night the Brotherhood had by far the best of the Gallies, 15 to to 6 being the The Callies played well but had not their full strength out and in arena resultant score. they this way the extent of their de- feat is accounted for. At half time the game stood 5 to 4-in favor of the Brother- hood, but in the matter of play the Callies were value for quite a few more points. From then on, however, the Callies fail- ed to deliver the goods and their opponents continued to pile up the score. Ralph Rogers was the outstanding man for ot victors, while Sam Currie and J. H. Kelly were the best men on tha Callie side, both playing a strong game, J. G. Scott refereed the game to the entire satisfaction of both sides, while Adair Garss assisted as umpire. The checking was close at times but no player was ruled off. The teams as follows: Brotherhood—Ives, Mobley, Rog- Johnston and Blythe. Callies—J. Ha Kelly, 8S. aurrie, McClure, Brown and Campbell. SHACK WAS LOCKED VAG. IN POSSESSION Off on Suspended Sentence Will Now Serve Thirty Days the wind blowing a gale and the rain coming down in torrents it is not a pleasant ex- perience to be locked out of one’s lodging quarters. This, however, was the experience last night of the oecupant of a shack back of the Houston Cafe. It was night for main out of doors, was reported to the on forcing an entrance into the shack found comfortably tucked away for the night a man named Geo, Smith. On taking him to the police station it was found he was only a week or so ago let off ona were ers, With so the matter police who on a suspended = sentence charge of vagrancy. On appear- ing before the magistrate this morning he was ordered to serve a term of thirty days. Smith, who has been around the city for a few weeks, about 60 years of age. is Methodist Services. the second “Life's being The given the of At the pastor will sermon mn Burdens,” “Other evening chiefly to following service: service the on subjeet Burdens.” will be service of song, the morning preach his the People’s series service a being order Miss M. Eason and Congregation Organ Voluntary Doxology choir Hymn Prayer Anthem—‘“‘How Long Wilt Me, O Lord? peeeee Carl Phueger Scripture Reading Hymn Announcements and Offering “Father Eternal’’,....Bach iss C, Eason Thou Forget Solo Gounod Brief Sermon vreae et Anthem—"‘The king of Love My Sbepherd BOs 50 ..Harry Rowe Shelley All Love Excelling” Steiner Waddell Batten Duet-——“‘Love Divine Robt Merryfield and Mr. “Peace and Rest’,... Mr, E. V. Ling Benediction Mrs. J. I Solo. Presbyterian Services “Sports and \Gambling'’?>’will be the subject of Mev. F. W. Kerr's address in the Empress Theatre Sunday evening. 0 ,OD have or } After a man and woman {been married as many as four i five takes great per- lsonal eredit patience and ' forbearance, ' years each for UPERT EALTY —— IN n 2nd Ave., rent; $2,000, facing directly up Terms arranged, + 8th Ave. and Thompson street; 12 and 18 months, ), Section 8; a fine 7 close level lot on 441th Ave., 6 and 12 months. ion 8. Two exeellent view lots 12 and 18 months. $50 cash, $20 monthly. WESTENHAVER BROS, Agents for the Liverpool, London & Globe, st. Paul Fire and Board Fire Insuranc e Companies no} a human being to re-| Pastor LADIES? MUSICAL CLUB | ORGANIZED IN CITY Pleasant Mour With the Oid Masters at the Home of Mrs weno Yesterday Musical Club, the of the organizations for improvement and enter- the seeond time Mrs, Wes- The Ladies’ newest mutual tainment met for since its inception at tenhaver’s residence — yesterday afternoon, when the members spent a delightful hour with the old masters.