a aergeany k= THE DAILY NEWS M t mday, November 10 » 1943 ——$— ——————— ——— ae = THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUSLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Aid Asked for Eskimos. Washington, Nov. 4.—Captain | Ballinger, of the revenue cutter | Bear, at Nome, wired to Wash- | ington today asking for $2,000 to aid the Eskimos in the vicinity SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: of ee who woes severely Ee peaane ; ae for ( ; | fro » rece storm. wr to Bastern Canada or ed Stat. Ne Daily, 50c¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, | ft m the recen oy bas in mind the frend r ST te | - Satis he, aa rs oy as Put Ea $2.00 per year. Ail Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. The trouble with some would- RUPERT AND PRINCE GEORGE MERS PRINGE Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. |be generous men is that they al- and Seattle and thé @rand Trunk Metiway is HERaD OFFICE }ways leave their money at home Chicago to the principal Baste; ay System on ; in their othe? clothes. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS aTia : Paily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. tia sialied ta Mikael shan NTIC SAILINGS aan ser Are no ® han fecan quote BRANCH OFFIGES AND AGENCIES tion with above and any Atlant New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New Sunday'sSermon spill Call on us for rates and reserva York City. ai. ALBERT ; | DAVIDSON Seattie-—Puget Sound News Co, é by Coughing ¢ | London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, ¢ eee seo bnen 4 Hart Block iin Rabe Trafalgar Square. before leaving for church will @ | eens: , ¢ check that service spoiling ¢ | TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract ; cough. 3 i. rates on application. This preparation acts as a Y | j j ST. ANDR , ‘ ; Ly tonic as well as a cough cure @ | BG. Coast Steamship Service OCIETY Hl Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in ¢ and its use soon enables the A ; case of nou-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. oynald to throw off all signs ; Gee y Kaien Isd Gymnasium ot cold. | 0 ent ia j TED SEE EOE ne ae “Ty ¢ Keep it in the house ; \} FAMOUS lena SAFETY ings, et hor: DAILY EDITION aniGggpD Monday, Nov. 10, 1913 et — large bottle 35c at all dealers i Secreta B ee ee ry 4 a ree J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop. 9 PRINCESS lal aly SPEED | FIRST GREAT LAKES WRECK OF THE SEASON. ae oke, P.O A PACIFIC . PROPOSAL TO RAISE sary that it should be convert- ee LINE LoL SERVICE |) SINECURE SALARIES. ed into a channel for making|With the coming of rough fall weather the grain boats and ° aches nt usp ever ; (. O A L oi : ne its occupant quickly rich. schooners on the international Great Lakes are having the © Mathieu's Syrup. 2c Box af (14 Powder @ | The proposal of the premiers sy ; ; —_———0-———_ usual rough time. After four days buffeting about on Lake v i 4 Princess May, Southbound, Saturday | of the provinces at their Ottawa IT LANDED RIGHT Ontario, the schooner Sligo, shown above, was abandoned by ODO-VEOD 6-DO DO SO DOD 8 A. M. |New Wellington Coal, Best on th conference that the salaries of BETWEEN THE EYES the crew, who were rescued by the life saving boats off To- ois Princess ane, on Sunday, ho Coast » lieutenants governor s ° . s : or 19 Agen | os ea a eg nie The total vote of Greater ee J.G.MCNAB, General Agent =|" me 116 Rogers & Blac » re 26 5 ’ a snouic . ‘~ y —— ————— be increased i one 1a 10u New York last Tuesday, with eae mot And favor with the federal) onty six precincts out of its SP SEE ees ane Ane SEED Pe 1,780 ‘missing, sito Mitchell, OM COMING NION §.5. ONT OF ; F Utd oo te a tion that they should be styled cas eau ti f lJ és THIRD AVE Serie Fusion 333,142; McCall, Tam- : Plumbing, Heating, Steamfit “governor” instead of lieuten- : sue hae , »* nfitting ang ants governor is too much many Democrat, 224,412, and WINTER SCHEDULE a Sheet Metal Work 09th f vmial Ianinlial 90 22 " € : ard Ave, , Americanized Canadian nomen- Russell, Socialist, 30,336. Tam- GEE od dee bet sam Working le “p ) 1 » -eate t y s receive aj 7: ST ae Ww Ss »w Steamer eat te oes ati ated ao oe be ee QUESTION OF THEIR LANDING IN THE THE PROVINCE CONSIDERED Twin Scre eam : = ahs ‘ nition: of li sutenant for ie Ganeeaeiy of New York SY CON TION COLL. SEUNEVARY AND S80- | 9 Te a Va ee 4s RETARY OF STATE FOR INDIA. ‘ ‘Valhalla’ of S.H. & EF governor is so much coveted has been buried beneath an Be Read to eid in | ' by politicians that those who avalanche of adverse ballots, Senden tian. tinct i ‘sali de Afri gle Age ENR a Ae 8, A y (SCANDINANIAN Society are not satisfied with their and although the tiger has not oe a. ees 3 -jAn ery oe BA ae ee ee Enjo —_— | Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at§ free residence and good solid been killed its claws have been|S8tood that Mr. Lewis Vernon/that serious consequences to the J 'v | FE . p.m. in the hall at $19 ard Ave salary, or who find they can- neatly clipped. The public|Harcourt, the colonial secretary,|Empuire threaten unless justice is Christmas FOR VANCOUVER | —_ — not make ee meet, hag om one of eae ce a and the Marquis of Crewe, ree. | 2 P. M. Wednesdays BD. C. STUART give place to those who are een 1oroughly vurned, 16) secretary of state for India, are Secretary Harcourt is especi- . me | Satan eet ve hate. Hy: Se pee) ene See eee amen, noe Oe” now considering the Canadian |aNls attacked for shirking the LAN your sift - giving age | — pense gubernatorial honors al trate itself before its idol, as are Base r te: A <7 toy 3) this year on a sensible, FOR GRANBY BAY | 900 2nd Ave. ete Phone 280 any provincial capital, and it has a so many times. ae for " a Ge eer the cine: bites peg: Bical Eo, in ata ° | PRINCE RUPERT. B. 0 some of whom would jump at Even the Democratic press,|regulalions aflecting 1e an- |} é e amename Oo . 0 pies | 8 A, M. Tuesdays Sees = the chance of being appointed which was more or less allied}adian immigration of Hindus with | South Africa law to recognize the oe fer the Rytie | Alex. M. Manson, B. A to the position were no salary with that organization because|a view to effecting a stoppage e, {legality of monogamous Indian ift Boo at Just res hour or lel W. E. Williams, B.A, LLB attached to the office. of its ostensible connection|by friendly arrangement with the |'™arriages celebrated a: cording to two spent in looking through WILLIAMS & MANSON As a rule, the position is a with the politics of its party, |Indian government, on the ground | |Hindu and ee peoeees rikes it will solve your gift problems, . Barri Sol reward for political services in most cases abandoned it to|that the Hindus are non-assimii- | |Mr. Harcourt suggests that this not only for Christmas, but for Rogers Steamship Agency eee -endere » party having » vengeance of the ie.|able with the Canadian popula-;™ay mean the legal recognition ° i MONEY TO LOAN rendered to the party having the vengeance of the multitude. pol ch the g year the appointment in its girt and The responsibility of its meth-|tion. of polygamy. The Indians reply Second Ave. Phone 116} Box is a sort of crowning stone to ods for the orgy of corruption The embarrassing position of|that although both — religions You intended doing this last a . ____ | Helgerson Block I LB a political career prior to final and crime; its tyrannical as-|the British Indians in South sanction polygamy, only 4 pet year, but each day put off “un- Be aed ps Se - “a. retirement either into private] sumption of dictatorship; its|Africa is regarded as a potent,Cent. of ee eee til to-morrow.” The result was life or some snug permanent vaunt that governors, legis-|object lesson on the folly of re-|Pols6aimous. that Chri i 4 HAYNER BROS. government appointment which lators, councillors and civic |peating the blunder in Canada. eae: = t Chnstmas came and went, , UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMER is next door to a sinecure. The| officials were nothing more|The. Hindus now in London met INFORMATION WANTED not merry but unhappy, because () f ‘ ree if Funeral Directors office is a necessary one, ac- than its messenger boys, were|]yesterday and organized a strong id ; you had so much to do at the ] 1 Srd Ave. near 6th St Phone Nell cording to the Canadian con- pills of too bitter a quality to}agitation to assist their fellow Any person having seen cor last minute. | stitution, but it is not igre be swallowed. countrymen’s resistance to the|heard anything of Fred Hucker, ra ae a law in South Africa. The leader|please send information to~Ann Your gifts did not represent || Members P.R.L. Vintners Association et of the movement, Gokhale, has|Hucker, Ketchikan, Alaska, Box your tastes—did not satisfy you I now returned from Bomhay and|73. Other papers please copy. in any icular. You paid WINDSOR HOTEL E. L. FISHER predicts that the fiercest struggle 4t- the 5 ded | Corner of First Ave. and Eighth St Funeral Director and Embaimer is impending to prevent the — — more n you inten -—went W. H. Wright, Prop. CHARGES REASONABLE dominant Dutch party in South Mrs. Pankhurst ceased to be to all the bother and expense 2na eon oe te Batesnss Africa from crushing out thelinteresting to the people of the of parcelling and mailing them. | HOTEL CENTRAL _ a Indian community. A move will|United States the moment the If any of them went astray you | Pirst Avenue and Seventh St Acieckoia ea be made at the next session ofjauthorities Jet her in, If the had t d the] } European and American Plan ore 4 ad to stan e¢ loss, Peter Black, Prop. See ecnnrsetetten the vice regal couneil at Delhi|government had kept her out the | a demanding that the Indian gov-|people would have wanted to Profit by this experience—get FOR A TAXI 9 ernment send a mission to South | hear her. the “ Ryrie” Gift Book early KNOX HOTEL 1] ee : 7 First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth 1| en S u ers up EaaTS Mioedyiee. grt “= _ Order your gifts from it and European Plan, Rates B0e to $1.00 | order early. We will send i} Besner & Besner, Props. Phone 75 50c and 75c per pair. They will sell fast ‘ ; them for you—pay all charges | a —assume all risk of loss or | J. Y. Rochester “Vv. D, Casley We have just received a shipment of ong 0 e un ry damage. This will leave you | Ae tie aera, PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO. * i} a een & °. 9 . hrist: | Seventh Streets eoeee Leckie s Boots TO SPEND YOUR HOLIDAYS thee to enjoy your Ohsistmas as European Pian, BO to 61 Per Day || — If so, you can make your journey al minimum expen it should be enjoyed. Just put , you ¢ ake your journey % oxpense FOU’ BO¥S -& OMLDRES more enjoyable and more comfortable by joining the your sey - rhe PREMIER HOTEL L U M B E R post card and sa n Amert PI shied PERSONALLY CONDUCTED ALL - EXPENSE TOUR Book.” It will , rE ie ot te Seer Leaving Vancouver December 7th ; or.49 * a Ladies’ Dancing Shoes Fare includes al! expenses incidental to the journey, The er ROYAL HOTEL ( OM A L party will travel by special train, via Chicago and Nia- ‘ Gostey ‘ Burgess, Prope. in pink, white and black gara Falls to New York, there connecting with var- R B Pe ey oe wae , a , . European Pian Steam Heated ious steamship lines. yrie ros. and If interested, let us tell you about the trip and expenses. Limited, BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., | Complete Line of oe eee Canadefo Longest Mail Order Second Ave, and, Bixth Bt BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES} CITY TICKET OFFICE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RY. Jewelry House Phone 102 MBER CO. Lit e Prince Rupert. B. G., or JAMES RYRIE, Pres. = ere ro WESTHOLME LU ae ] J a» (Cl % re hhe tines & log HARRY INCE RU i“ Phone 186 THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES A. W. Nase, Com’! Agent, 443 Hastings St. West ee eee LIMITED 2 Vancouver, B. C, TORONTO - £=ONTARIO Fraser ana Sixth Sts. amen Third Avenue Prince Rupert CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RY. ci Phone 7 TRY A “NEWS” WANT iD — iano ae ae There Are Highballs and Highballs Drawn for Daily “Hop ——— | The News by COME WT ME- MY GENERAL AND I WiLL B= SHOW YOU PRESIDENT B= WALSON TAKING @ HIGH BALL! Whi > FORTY Ln _ oes am aoe WE LIVE T0 LEARN | NEVER AGAIN. | WILL Z KID WITH | | ONE. OF THOSE MALITANTER®?: | |