November 10, ivi 3 Monday, THE DAILY NEWS ese Toe Z = —_—_—— = ae SNE OF RESCLUE-wHeRE cCeNe ao cone & SIDE MAID-OF-THE=MIST LANDING wags MAN W o. 3 E-LINE SwAm out WHERE LANGAARD BEoan aT TD CRIPPLED MOTOR Boat _HIS PERNLOUS TRIP THROUGH = r Fe THE RAPIDS ee Fe ad hiner — Se Ande i FALLS 1! HOW PETER W. LANGAARD FLIRTED WITH DEATH BEFORE THE MOVING PICTURE MACHINES youtle Oe eS ree : ot This diggran HON the Niagara Gorge leading to the famous whirlpool x ; a 3 f the Mi 7 fas | Dies eee ene « have Jost their lives. Qn October 23, Peter W. Lan- : the a = ; I _ in re pe ue (ust lian side in a sma motor boat as a subjeet for the moving picture men. hroug 1 | T gsi doe feos ~ were) passed into the whirlpool, where driftwood clogged the propellor. Repeat- a drawn, © We centre aoe | ach time g | body he managed to keep the boat from be- down O01 a8 The strain, which la d several hours, was exhausting to both men and spectators. As darkness eel car saan Ee ene wore ao across the whirkpool . A crowd inbering a thousand had gathered, when Fred Pp {f Niagara Fa a, mtario, volunteered | with Out with a life line Lied to his wrist. After two attempts he reached id held its side as rescued and rescuer were slowly pulled ashor: th the line attached to him. ee LAND PI RCHASE NOTICES. that 1, Charles H. Flood, miner, intend to apply to} iouer of lands and works purchase the following planted at at a post the of A. P. L. reading Lot 2 , thence in @ northerly 4 og we shore of Hastings Arm 0 chains m or less to the Tac-U-An salah ie 1) No, 26, then in @ india girection 40 Chains, thence in @ tion 80 Chains, thence east to the point of commence aly 4 chains ment, containing 320 acres more or less JHARLES, H. FLOOD pated June 27th, 1943, pub, July “28, 1913-—Sept. 22, 1013. Skeena Laud District District of Coast, | hange 6. that Dora L, Wright, of b. C., occupation married | tw apply for permission following described lands; yencing @t & post planted at the ner Of Lot. 421, Mange 6,/) thence north 20 chains to nortieast corner of Lot 3, thence east 20 chains more or less o we boundary Of Lot 6142, thence south 2 hains more or less to the shore of Lak Lake, thence Westerly and southerly along Said shore to the point of cmmencemeht, containing 40 acres more i E DORA L, WRIGHT Dated July 2ist, 1943. Aug. 18, 1013-—-Oct. 13, 1913. age: L District—District of Coast, Kange 5. Take 0 e that Cecil J, Crew, of Ports Wales, occupation banker, in rend. ipply for permission to purchase | Li ug described lands; i at & post planted one mile itheast corner of Lot 130, ad i District, thence south vw ba ther west 40 Chains, thence north re: 4 © east 40 chains to point { men containing 8U acres CECIL J, CREW. P, M, Miller. Agent ‘ 22nd, 1913. AUB 8, 1¥15-—Uct, 13, 1913 keeua La District—District of Coast, Kange 5, Take notice that Louis Frank Banville, f ice Kupert, B. U,, occupation rail au) i to apply for permission to uw « tue following described lands; al @ post planted about 20 Mule Post 76 from Prince i Hallway, on the soul thence @€@si OU Challis, chains Ww bank of Skeena following the river bank in northerly direction to point ement, containing 20 acres LOUISE FRANK BANVILLE, Sih, 1013. 1015 Oct. 13, 1013. District—District of ange &. Thomas, 5. giana, occuUpsuonh gfelliemanu apply for permission Ww pur wing described lands; 4 post planted one the southeast corner of mst District, thence west suulh 40 Chails, thence hails, thence north 40 Chains i Auk Linehocement, containing J2) Coast, cha Land Take not ¢lbury bu bat Crew, of} hall Luli chalis, Luchce THOMAS 8 Y. M, walec JU vist, 1¥4s, Pub, A 1918—uUct, CREW. Miller, Agent 13, 1913 Meas La L ict—-District of | hiaguge 6, Mike I thal Cuasi, Waugh, < Spilster, ib purchass Marion upalion peruiission to rived iands; at & post planted about Law ba "not lhuerly Girection [ruil law rher Of Lot 6149, Kang Lakelse Valley, Uielce baits, more or jess to south 6145, thence west 41 th 40 chains, thence east less back t point of Llaining 160 acres more fs MARION WAUGH. ma hec , 121 "ub. Aug Vis bet, 13, 1013. Mecha Laud District—District of Coast, Kiange 6, take nol that Arthur O, Crew, of Vides, Kigia occupation surveyor, in us WO Gpply for permission to purchase ‘OHOWihe described lands; WHINCKCLUE 4 & post planted about 20 Mas Horii tue noriweast corner ol wy evo, ange , Coast District, thence oe *V Cialis more or less to northeast coo we 8 thence east 20 chalis, a rps hains more or less to © OF lake, thence Westerly 20 chains bint Ur lowing shore of lake to TES Lore oencement, containing 40 or ke AnH My 0. GREW. Dated M.Miller, Agent. ated, J rd, ah rub, Aug, 18, 104% Oct. 13, 1913 von, jlotce that 1, William Macy, of : upalion caterer, Intend to e nt orks fa Hon, Coramissioner of Lands ; for permission to purchase te Comme Geseribed lands; m uenCLag al a& post planted on the bu theast rher of §, L. Lot and Post long the sh, ocnce southerly 20 chains pt andi hore of Goose Bay to 8. L. Da Wester: (CAding SO280-0529, thence bat th : Girection 20 chains, thence si 9 hatin direction 20 chains, thence to the oe point of commence OnWining jess. 100 acres more or WILLIAM MACY, C. HU. Flood, Agent. 1013, 1Visd—sept. oe nerenen NOTICE, Dated J . ube 27th "Ub. July 98. 49 1913. 22, Notice | we pt ised hereby given that pursuant to ch Ns of chapter 445 of the Re- posit mes ter of Canada, F, L., Wilson has ork “c With the Minister of Public steer’ “i Of & work proposed to be Bice T, on land in the Harbor of bllows “Pert, B, C,, briehy deseribed as 077.68 f, Tamencing 859.3 fT, north and Ove Cire east from the centre of Seal hubert (ang, SHOWN on Plan 928, Prince ¢ a Airy OMice, being south mit UbDlol” 7, thence north 36 | ‘illes SY seconds west 760 m itis Thence south 386 de- id harhne 1 second west 370 ft, Pants line, thence south 86 de- high: y es UteS 59 second east’ 546 ft. Mer mark to tek, thence following high in and desem hah! Of Deginning, with @ Md has depos PUOH Of sald proposed site le foregoing iy Guplicate of each of Hupe 1 ‘he Land Registry Omee Governa, B. (., and is applying to hereof 'n Gouncil for approval ) thaw *uante September 16th, 1948. INNELL & HONEYWELL, Soli 22-Oct 97,4 N-Sepi, rs for the 913. Applicant. _ LOS ANGELES WATER AND POWER SYSTEM COST Tk TY MILLIONS TWO DAYS’ CELEBRATION OF TURNING ON THE WATER SUP- PLY AFTER EIGHT YEARS OF LABOR IN BRINGING DANIELS OPPOSES OLD WARSHIP PLAN Was Proposed to Use Them for Hospitals Instead of Ex- perimental Targets International JOHNSON LOSES THE | | IT FROM SIERRAS. Los Angeles, Cal., No { eastern edge of California. Gen- Having accomplished the feat of|eral Adna R. Chaffee lifted the bringing its municipa water | gates which turned into the mon- supply through conduits a dis-|ster San Fernando reservoir a tance of more than 250 niiles,| flow which assures to the city a j}Los Angeles began two days of|supply of 260,000,000 gallons of festivities today in celebration of | water every twenty-four hours. its achievement Tomorrow the celebration will Thousands of citizens weht oul|be continued, the climax coming |this morning to the head of San| with the dedication of a fountain | Fernando Valley, twenty-three|costing half a million dollars to | miles north of the city, and saw|commemorate a work that en- cascading oul of the mouth of| tailed eight years of labor and an the Los Angeles aqueduct @ ¢rys-| expense, including a project to tal flood drawn from the heights! develop 47,000 horsepower, in ex- of the Sierras which rim thelcess of thirty million dollars, HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE: Colored Boxer Boxing Commis- sion Takes Action on the Paris, Nov .6 At a meeting of Washington, Noy. 6th—Shop-!the International Boxing Com- worn, frayed ou n the edges|mission in Paris last night the and otherwise useless battie-|world’s heavyweight champion- ships that Uncle Sam has discard) chip was declared vacant on the ed should me be used as sal grounds that Jack Johnsens tariums for tubercular children |conviction in the American in the opinion of Secretary Dan-j|courts and his repeated refusal iels for the navy Department. He cs fight. is not impressed with the plat ie Delegates from the United “ta- put forward by a number of phy- |¢ Belguim and Switzerland sicians and endorsed by the | were present and the action tak- Fourth International School of|en had the approval of the Eng- Hygiene that the world warriors |lish section of the Union. of the sea be used for this put- | . meses isles pose, | DID WELL ON VACANT LOT. In this Daniels has the sup-] —_—— port_of Surgeon-General Stokes, That the efforts of The Miner who says that the old warships|early in the spring in calling at- could not be put to worse use.|tention to the possibilities of the Far better be that they be|cultivation of vacant lots has sed f targe practice,” says|been prolific of good was demon- Dr. Stokes strated by Dan Davis, who stated sec i Daniels points out|that he had earned $150 in grow- hat the sle ge quarters are al-jing potatoes and garden truck wa below decks, are cramped)this seasor In the office of The d art ehted and venti-|Miner there was exhibited last ited Besides this the vessels }week a splendid specimen of tur- are damp below decks from the}nip, grown from Suttons seeds, mois the hull besides samples of Ashcroft and ee Peachblow potatoes. The speci- Something in, a Name. mens were sent down by the pa- —_—— per to Mr. Tomlinson, provincial The Irishman had had a seri-|horticulturist at Prince Rupert, ous accident and had been hustled|for examination with a view to oY to the hospital to be operated | ascertaining a remedy for the upon As he lay upon the bed|defeets caused by worms in the he beckoned to the nurse and|turnips, and particularly in their said weakly: | destruction of radishes and other “ll not be operated upon by}reots. Mr, Tomlinson has been that docther. Ye must find an-|always anxious and ready to as- other one.” sist the truck grower and farmer “Why? remonstrated the; with advice as to destructive in- nurs “He's one of the clever- lsects, etc., and the class of seeds est surgeons living.’ suitable for different localities. “Mavbe,” was the reply, “but Portland Canal Miner. he has an unlucky name, I} lianas ~bidinesiiiiaals heard them say his mame was | It was cruel the way they kick- Docther Kilpatrick, and, ye see,/ed Boss Murphy's dog around in me name's Patrick ey York last Tuesday CANADIAN PACIFIC GRAIN ELEVATOR A Grain elevator of the Ganadian Pacilu which has within the last few days the ground, contaiming about voo,0l grain is being shipped quickly to ay ‘ T TRANSCONA, MAN. Railway at Transcona, sunk about 20 feet into 10 bushels of grain. The oid frost and rain, | mended | licence | preparing of the legislature which opens on QUEBEC'S PLAN TO. GO DRY BY DEGREES Licenses Not Granted for Fixed Amount but on Percentage Basis Nov. 6. abolition of bars in collection of revenue, not by of licences for a fixed ount, but on a percentage and the reduction of licences the cities and towns of the vince, it is stated, in the report commission, Lomer Gouin liquor question in Quebec, and which the The g hoteis, Quebee sale which Sir to consider November 18 will consider. Leg- lislation dealing with these points inter- is expected to esting struggle provide an in the House. HER WELCOME TO AMERICA Here’s welcome, Mrs. Pankhurst, Though with candor we must state That we've barred our doors and windows, And have put on armor You say you won't be militant While you are with us here, But we're not taking chances On a brickbat in the ear! basis, in pro- will be recom- the appointed by the Is now session plate! McCatfery & Gibbons SECTION 1. Lot on Second Ave., $6,000.00; % cash, bal. arr. Lot on Third Ave, Block 35, $5,000.00; 1-3 cash, bal. 6, 12 and 48. SECTION 2. Lot 6, Block “410, $4,400.00; % eash, bal. arr. Lot 123, Block 20, $850.00; $437.50 cash, bal. G. T, P. SECTION 5. Lots 3-4, Block 5, $5,500.00; $2,- 200.00 cash, bal. good terms. House and lot 21, Block 14, 84,- 200.00; $1,500.00 cash, bal. and 2 vears. Lots 5-6, Bloc 81, $41,100.00; $400.00 cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18 Lot 24, Block 87, >4,200;00; $535.00 cash, bal. 1 and 2 yrs. House on Dunsmuir St., between ith and Sth avenues, modern, $4,000.00; good terms, SECTION 6. Lot 27, Block $3,500.00; % cash, bal. 1, 2 and 3 years SECTION 7. Lots 23-24, Block 29, $2,000.00; $800.00 cash, bal. 1 and 2 years. Lots 23-24, Block 81, $2,250.00; $1,000.00 cash, bal. easy. Lots 1-2, Block 39, $2,500.00; cash, bal. 1 and 2 years. SECTION 8. Lot 44, Block 25, $525.00; cash, bal. 6, 12 and 48. Lots 23-24, Block 32, $1, 4-3 cash, bal. 6, 12 and 48. McCaleny i Gibbons 4.3 M% 500.00; WATER NOTICE. Application for a license to take and use Act water will be made under the Water of British Columbia as follows: i. The name of Salt Works, Ltd,, F. H. Mobley, agent. 2. The address of the applicant Prince Rupert, B. C. 3. The name of the stream is Kwinitsa The stream has its source in moun- miles west of the Skeena direction River, tain range about 5 iver, flows in a4 southeasterly and empties into Skeena River about mile south from Kwinitsa station, The water is the stream on the south side, about feet from mouth. 5. The purpose will be use The land on w be used is described as follows; claims owned by Lid., and locatec Lot 75, Skeena River, the applicant is B. C. is to be diverted from 5,280 Mineral the B. GC, Salt Works, adjacent to Lot 74 and | radual | the | the am- lessly. is this: There is a man who makes shoes for children— and sells them to stores all over Canada But he is only just learning how It was this way: Brown—’phoned to him and asked him to buy some underwear for little Brown. Picture Brown now among the throng of mothers at the ‘* Children’s Underwear’”’ Underwear for a child of six. What on earth does he know about Children Underwear? For lack of anythin % asks: ‘‘Is this good quality P”” and quite conclusive: ‘‘It’s peed a well- advertised line. Brown pays his money and goes home, quite satisfied with his purchase. people buy. His wife—let us call her Mrs. counter. He asks for He looks it over =. better to say in € answer is short That short word says ev Now what bothers Brown—a manufacturer of shoes, How would it affect the shoes if the salesman said urchase of a child’s hey’re Brown’s’’? Nobody knows Brown’s shoes. Brown doesn’t advertise. The name Brown signifies nothing when used in con- nection with children’s shoes. persuasive wiles to induce people to buy them. The salesman must use all his . Shoes as with less effort ? The point is—If the name Brown was as synonomous with Children’s “Blank’s”’ is with Underwear, wouldn’t Brown sell more shoes If you are doing a local business talk over your advertising problems with the Advertising Department of this newspaper. national business it would be well for you to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising mew A list of these will be furnished, without cost or obligation, by the Secretary of Canadian Press Association, Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto, If you are doing a p or for which the water is mining and manufacturing. nich the water is to 7. The quantity of water applied for is follows: Twelve hundred inches, as miners’ (1200) 8. This notice was posted on shee ground 13 on the 6th day of September, A copy of this notice and an applica- tion pursuant thereto and to the require- ments of the Water Act will be fied in the office of the Water Recorder at Rupert, B, C. the said Water Recorder Compirclier of Water Rights, Bulldings, Yistar, Bb. B. C. SA oats WORKS, 1 TD, ey, Agent. W-Sept, 8 to oo” 6, 1048. or with Prince Objections may be fled with the Parliament r 1836 THE BANK or 1913 BritishNorthAmerica TT Years in Business | CAPITAL AND SuRPiUS Over $7,600,000 | Teach The Children | The Value of Money If your children learn, while growing, not only how to spend money wisely, but how, by self-denial, to save some- thing for the future, you will | havé started them on the road to financial success. Opena Savings Account for each in the Bank of British North America, and encourage them | to add to it regularly. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, MANAGER t + Fie asta nme are mys sn > —hStnae aeompeeter eee etm mae or Pe fy You who Live far Out of Town \. IAAI AAAI AIA AA IAAI IAAI AIA IAAI AIA CAN BUY SATISFACTORILY FROM HENRY BIRKS AND GONS, LTD. THROUGH THEIR WELL ORGANIZED MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT Our Illustrated catalogue will be sent to any address in British Co- You will need this catalogue in making your If you wish to send gifts to friends in the East choose from our catalogue and we will have tnem delivered from our East~- instructions. Our new store, which will be opened to the public about Nov. 1st, is one of the largest and finest in ine world, and he largest and best equipped in Western lumbia free upon request. Christmas gift selections. ern stores according to our elegraphed America. Write for our catalogue today. Novelties. Henry Birks G Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director It represents our large stock of Diamonds, Jewellery, Sliverware Cut Glass, Art Goods, Leather Goods and VANCOUVER, B.C ENVELOPES LETTERHEADS BUSINESS CARDS FOLDERS SHIPPING TAGS BLOTTERS VISITING CARDS BALL PROGRAMMES MENU CARDS BILLHEADS STATEMENTS BOG OOOO OOOO O OOO OUO OOOO GUO UU U UU UCU UL. UCL CCE PRINTING Summer is over and the Fall trade has begun. To get your share you must have some sort of printed matter—a circular, folder, booklet or cata- logue. Be sure to have that work done properly. You would not send out a shabby salesman to represent you; then don't make the mistake of sending out a poorly printed circular or booklet. We are QUALITY PRINTERS and can produce a piece of printed matter that you would be proud Phone 98. of and which will get results. Try us. DAILY NEWS JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT FOO OOOO IK ike