THE DAILY NEWS resday, November 44 tg = 1943 S————— — Decorations for Princess THE DAILY NEWS HARRY THAW ORDERED BACK London, Nov. 8.—King George THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA lnas conferred the decorations of eae TO THE MATTEAWAN ASYLUM. i ss oi THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | Andrew of Greece, in recognition ose ihiesaledpin. nbcie of her services in nursing SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico:|@OVERNOR OF NEW HAMPSHIRE HONORS REQUISITION OF wounded Greek soldiers during Daiiy, 50¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, NEW YORK STATE—HABEAS CORPUS PROCEED- the recent war in the Balkans. $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. ste — — ‘ Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. Concord, N. H., Nov, 8.—Goy- it will be necessary to amend the HEaD OFFICE ernor Felker today honored the|petition accordingly, requisition of the state of Naw Thaw was not present when ; traditi fu _|Governor Felker announced his York for the extradition o arry decision to the attorneys repre- If you are planning a trip for Ch, or to Eastern Canada or United States , the south try, bear in mind the Grand Trunk ste ve Old Cour 7? IK A RUPERT AND PRINCE GEORGE y, NERS PRINCE and Seattle and -the Grand Trunk Raijy Chicago to the principal Eastern ejtjoc SPECIAL CHRISTMAS ATLan Are now to hand and we can quot tion with above and any Atlantic «st, ay System | Paily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. BRANGH OFFICES AND AGENCIES TIC SAILiINas ~~ K, Thaw. senting the fugitive from the ‘ es : . : | Call on us for rates and reservations New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St. New The case is now transferred|state of New York at the capitol. rs York City. automatically to the federal|/He will remain here in the or ALBERT DAVIDSON, «; Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. courts, where a writ of habeas oe ot aie oy oundteg Hart Block Pr Lond England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building,/corpus on behalf of Thaw is}, Na ieee as : ‘nee Rupert ondon, san 5 ’ . mae the federal proceedings. Trafalgar Square. pending. is ati : 1 > 2 . aea te 20; m m | Sens TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract The governor based his deci- WEST COAST PATROL Re e ber : ST AN ’ ; rates on application. sion-on the indietment returned eects Mother this B.C. Coast Steamship Service : DREW'S SOCIETY Hill ‘ , . Jagains| Thaw in New York Coun-|Two Whaling Steamers Chartered - if b ill greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in , ; ° ormerly Kaien tsd Be ee et Sars , , which charges him with con-| for Heavy Weather Service. Christ |'T ‘aaa case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. ty, which cnarge: : ee ristmas |To rent for Dances. p mi spiracy to escape from the insane Vioraiie t's nasty wlll FAMOUS a SAFETY ee bic, Part . ae ; f s ; a + Mey ictoria, Nov, 8.——harl) ; ISecretary, P.O ic at ur Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1913 |asylum at Matteawan, N., Yo, to woak, it is ‘sthead: two of the little R MTN | ary, Box 248 DAILY EDITION a se a Oh: Be” War committed after wbnling stella ari; outfit and C of course, arced P ESS PACIFIC SPEED ns Se ais ie ech whe Meas a {his second trial for the killing) 36, erews preparatory to start- Revere ete ew 4 LINE waLAvay SERVICE |) DANGER OF SPLITTING ; Ef Mae” Subsidy foatincs Off of Stanford White. Thaw made iat Oiit” to “Suttol the comet of too busy to write—she i O A L TION SPOILS. the interprovincial conference) yi, sensational flight on August], ".. ts NEGUNNGI TS cakes 4 ah » shat cha overlooksit—it isa way mothers PROTEC . ; were adopted it would work out/)7 anda few days later was ar- British Columbia under charter h tut th b : Princess May, Southbound, Saturday In making upon the federal) oy out as follows: te d ia a ti mgt eee to the marine and fisheries de- ave, but there can be no pos oA. M. |New Wellington Coal. Best 7 , a8 sar Coaticook, Canada, ; . : | Seal. " government the formal demand) pf, Island....... $ 135,000|"" wane: tudes announced! Partment. According to the re- sible excuse for neglecting her Princses Wenieiod, SeUth, Sunes, Fas st on th, ca . Big i ‘ s e ys $ : ti 8 ary ti . iM. that 10 per cent. of the customs| Nova Scotia ...... 910,000] they would immediately file an}? t, it is most like ly that the at Christmas. 8P Phone 116 Rogers & Bh ; i sed New Brunswick 650,000 : ; te vessels sent to sea will be the J.G. McNAB, General Agent th and excise receipts be passe axe , ya ners amendment to their petition for ‘ rat ai Send h hi his Chri no : / ; QuehBO Voss wks 3,705,000 ; pe: i lr ll ., | Blue and Brown, The whalers end her something this Christ- ~ along to the provinces in addi- Ontari . 670.000 a writ of habeas corpus, applica- will be kept under the direction mas. It doesn't make any dif a Piva ese Vas 4,670, : > eehhia jan i . - f BR tion to the grants now made to oF ae ake 000 | Hon for which was made soon] + tha fisheries officials all f h SMITH & MALLETT ; oi Be Peirce tefarieie sf. 9 aa after Thaw was arrested in this} /). Be hs erence how much you pay— UNION SS. COMPANY OF B C Ltd provinces out of the Dominion’ saskatchewan ..... 910,000] tate aftershis. deportation from|' 1rough the winter, and will be fash show eeré-sn8 thasight:ta ; .u., THIRD AVE ny soviINne re ay ohh . fe pate or ‘elease as §& f 3 avy ‘ ° Seen | ing, He 1 Steamfi treasury, the provinc¢ jal ne oe : a ws : tee redid Canada. The original petition ee eaten a shen tie selection, Pictaré to you t Stes a wae miers place themselves in the ritis lolumbia.. 720, was based on the allegation that]: : ; ae , eRe Ith She eh die -alh WINTER SCHEDULE } ; : e or i , Se “ling in the spring. self her pride when she shows | | Office: 3rd Ave, Workshey osition of seeking to make a Thaw was indicted for conspir- : ‘ | | Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and sth 3 IR ins ese Total ia sss sess $13,235,000] oy by the Dutchess County grand etn her friends and yours your gilt ‘Rtn Rhee Mhamer 2S Ode rcs ete tie tedaay: ———0 — tatty, aud tt @ayye NEPOTISM Sa a ss —— f Christ 8 ; : es are ing the governor’s decision on orget Christmas. 6 ©. 2 |*Valhalia”’ of S.H. aries of a protectionist policy.|OF BOWSER. the question of extradition. Be-|Tried to Shoot Police Inspector ‘ : eWe e 0 sin tos & EF, The most unanswerable It is a matter of regret that|jaise the extradition has now at Regina. There are hundreds of articles (SCAN DINANIAN Soctety) charge against the Borden the appointment of Frank been granted on the strength of emia. in the ® Ryrie" Gift Book that . ee Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday ath government is that it has col- Bowser, brother of the attor-J/ihe New York County indictment Regina, Nov. 8.—Frenzied at would gladden Mother's heart. Pym te She hall at S19 ard Ave lected through the medium of ney general, to the positiom of , the thougt f faci other i FOR VANCOUVER a a a ; ta y & I 1e thought . ¢ acing another She will appreciate the fact that 7 the tariff fifty millions of chairman of the Burrard pen- a term in prison, Alfred Belcourt, ift f * Ryrie’s."" 2 P. M. Wednesdays BD. C. STUART dollars more than is required insula joint sewerage commis- alias D. J. Duval, u ticket of leave TON ee eee uct L Accountant to conduct the business of the sion should have been made, man, attempted to shoot Inspector “ . Sree country, which it dignifies by says the Mining Record of Gleadow in his private office yes- Seat rete FOR GRANBY BAY 809 2nd Ave. ah Phone 280 the name of a surplus, and Vancouver. This is a_ posi- terday morning. Belcourt and the t Dook—to-cay. PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©. every doliar thus taken is a tion to which a technical man Edward Sich, another convict, 8 A. M. Tuesdays lala Ae ‘ pen were rounded up by Inspector R B | Alex. M. Manson, B. A Gleadow and Detective Toop, and yrie ros. W. E. Williams, B. A, L Lt when searched at the police of- Limited, WILLIAMS & MANSON fiee they disgorged a surprising ’ ; * i ; Canada’s Largest Mail Ord ‘ | rs, Ete. amount of stolen goods. The Seis Hatin 2 Rogers Steamship Agency ge eee nd pebble police believe that these men MONEY TO LOAN burden upon the industry of alone should have been ap- the Dominion of Canada. To pointed, and the appointment split among the provinces any should have been made from part of this tribute will not among civil engineers’ well relieve the burden, although it posted in sanitary engineer- may have the effect of giving} ing. The scheme will cost ; some provincial parliamen- millions of public money and have been mixed up in the recent same P RYRIE, SesTre wg a esate Pane 358 2 ei eh tarians the feeling that they} every precaution should have series of store robberies. ee Be Tee PES ote tel A COOD Bldek Prince Rupert, ht a are partners in the crime of been taken to have that money icncnessalpceisiai blige TORONTO $ ONTARIO bss al a 7 7 protection. expended to the best advantage. NOTED EXPERT IS DEAD 10 ; HAYNER BROS. 5 > Sir William Preece, the Father of — Hotel : flirector eer aces ave SRA Wireless Telegraphy ' 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone Nef London, Nov. 6.—Sir William - Church Services - EEE KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY hi . ) ‘ (Ayres) q i ' Henry Preece, known in England SSS ana sia Members P.R.L. Vintners Association | : THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1624 PHONE No. 8 as the “father of wireless tele- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH inet SHER : sraphy,”’ died here ay, aged 80 Services every Deneny i Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass Revert aoe re \oday, aged ee eo eee Regn WINDSOR HOTEL E. L. Fl Plumbers’ supplies Plate Glass Mirrors years. Sir William introduced Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. Corner of First Ave. and Eighth 8t, Funeral Director and Embalme Paints HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges both the telephone and the talk- REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., PasTon W. H. Wright, Prop. CHARGES REASONABLE Oils Tinware ing machine into England anc eae. ilk NGAGE FLAT 2nd 8t., cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 34 4 £ t ngland and » CHURCH y tn Maa Varnishes Graniteware was we pasate ¢ ian devides eee yiney. BArzia ava oS siete, OPEN DAY A T s : connected with the telegraph anc Services every Sunday at 11 First Avenue and Seventh St. MONARCH MALLEABLE The ‘* Stay Satisfactory telephone. For several years he ee ae — European ‘and American Plan Range. was the engineer in chief and el- Bible a _ et Peter Black, Prop. < ectrician to the British post of- sta oe } FOR A TAXI! 4a ee fice and president of the insti- THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH : KNOX HOTEL ; tution of Civil Engineers SIXTH AVE. AND gta aw. Jes Ave, a ae rr cree F ’ ’ Services every Sunday at } european Plan, Rates 50c to ; | Te | ’ ESA am. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday i Per Pay | ‘- School at 2.80 p.m. | Besner & Besner, Props. | Ph 75 i ° Acquitted of Murder REV. MR. DIMMICK - PASTOR one ae 9 Welland, Ont., “Nov. 6.—An- a | = ere: 0] 0 e un toino Faulo, who was charged ST, ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH J. Y. Rochester V. D. Casley || Se with murder sonnectio 3 Cor. Fifth Ave. and Dunsmuir Place EMPRESS HOTEL PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 00. at a rin connection with Morning prayer, 11. Even- Third Ave., Between Sixth and ae. TO SPEND YOUR HOLIDAYS the shooting of Venecenzo Ferese ing prayer, 7:30. Sunday Seventh Streets poccccncerieint ae If so, you can make your journey at minimum expense and foes oe last og pon iy bait a atat ee ee ee ae oy . av bio was acqul > v 1e ury ji 1e t 11 a m., lig E more enjoyable and more comfortable by joining the ees secicainas” ve laak ond thi Sunday at 8 PREMIER HOTEL B E R ; oe r wT a. m. . eee PERSONALLY CONDUCTED ALL - EXPENSE TOUR night. Faulo admitted the shoot- REV. G. A. RIX : necron American and European Plan L U M j Leaving Vancouver December 7th ing, but claimed the two men had ——_—_—__—— 9. Wie Cronning, Menaeer Leen ee a Fare includes all expenses incidental to tie journey. The attacked him and threatened to THE eALyANOR ae CITADEL Se C O A L 73 > ; as Nee 7 yi ake his ‘ Granville Cour of party will travel by special train, via Chicago and Nia- take his life. eusden’ amtben ee. 94 Coihaer a tain, tae. f gara Falls to New York, there connecting with var- _ a. ™., 3 and 8 p.m. Sun- Third Ave. and Sixth St. | ious steamship lines. Women Police in Victoria han ateat dermions’ Mon. European Pian Steam Heated ie tae j , j o Jictoris y oneal y ‘e. day, Wednesday, Thurs- . If interested, let us tell you about the trip and expenses. Vi toria, Noy. 6. -Two police Gay’ ond aecaraay, eniuie o. Reading mista ans ye. ae : CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RY. Connaught, from_ sketches|ards, and Miss Macdonald, a Some eee, weed wan ose : made at the wedding of his son|graduate nurse, were the = ap- o8 ays from 2 p. m. to TRY A “NEWS” WANT | Prince Agthur of Connaught. |pointees. ei Seca i ° Oh! From Providence, U. B.---B. U? ae Drawn for The Daily News ?% GUY OVER THERE PARDON MAM-YOUR SS > Ss SSS Ss (0 POOR HICK” ACTS UKE HE /\FACE IS FAMILIAR- = : = ft WHAT TOWN ARE “OU FROM ?