November 14, 1vi3 — — THE DAILY NEWS 4 . 3 er “a ee Rees eee * = ee —_— wm paNd pyRCHASE NOTICES. at m pal Be renee ee — — , | | a ™” 2 ° a charles H, Flood, oc- intend tw apply to per of jands and works purchase we’ fullowilg a post planted at the fA, Po reading Lot ihence in @ northerly Spore of Hastings Arty jess to the Tac-U-Ab \o, 26, thence in @ a go chains, thence in @ n 80 chains, thence east- he point of commence- acres more or less ey HARLES. H FLOOD. 7th, 3. e ivi3—Sept. 22, 1013. t—-District of Coast, Hange 5. 1 Dora L. Wright, of c., vccupation married apply for periiission swing described lands; 4 post planted at the Lot 421, HKange 4, ice north 20 chaits theast corner of Lot chains more or jess ja of Lot 6142, thence more or 1e88 to the shore Lake, thence westerly and y said shore to the point of t plauing 40 acres more DORA L, WRIGHT, ly gist, 19138. "ae. 1913-—Oct, 13, 19143. pistrict-—District of Coast, Kange 5. that Cecil J. Crew, of s, occupation banker, in- r permission to purchase rived jands; y al & post planted one mile southeast corner of Lot 1380, i t District, thence south 2 e west 40 chains, thence north I east 40 chains to point ment, containing 80 acres There is a man who makes shoes for children— and sells them to stores all over Canada But he is only just learning how people buy. gnbence aes cme fe TERMINAL ELEVATOR AT PORT ARTHUR, BUILT ON SAME PLANS AS THOSE ADOPTED FOR SP OGY, PRINCE RUPERT TERMINUS i is wi It was this way: His wife—let us call her Mre. pated July 22nd, i0t3. ug. 18, 104 -Oct, 13, 1913. ates hie gre 0 rove! ne elevator or ¥ ur one { ¢ ] ; . pe eect a et 2 Pegi : r — " : a9 6? rt Arthy one ¢ % finest and most imposing ele- Brown—’phoned to him and asked him to buy some and District—District of Coast, Store et WOENM. s situated on the waterfront, midway between Port Arthur and Fort i a ea 5. madi seaieiih William, in what is known as Inter-city. It is said to be the largest grain elevator in the underwear for little Brown. » notice t anville, ne T ‘ 4 . vg i ake D Co occupation rail: world. This elevator will be open for operations shortly. Picture Brown now among the throng of mothers at rince * ds 1 apply for permission ¥ ey" Volowing: described Janda: the ‘‘ Children’s Underwear”’’ counter. He asks for g at & post planted about 20 “22825 2 NO QUESTION AS TO DESTINY ee oe ae ; te ade! pane Mate of Grosser Kurfuerst Pro- Underwear? For lack of anything better to say he y and no erly rPecuol a -oe ’ $ . a ee AND D OF THE DOMINION a asks: ‘‘Is this good quality?”’ The answer is short ye seu alee uae WT } ihr ian biden 5 and quite conclusive: ‘‘It’s Blank’s’’—naming a well- advertised line. That short word says everything. wed July 18th, 1913. Pub. Aug. 18, 1913—Oct. 13, 1913. BT TOME, MES Spangenberg, first officer of the ~ bE, ST ATESMANLIKE EXPRESSION OF OPINION IN LONDON BY isiteamer Grosser Kurfuerst, was Brown pays his money and goes home, quite satisfied os Land Digiier = Perwet of Coast, THE FORMER EDITOR AND CHIEF OWNER OF promoted today to a captaincy in with his purchase. ake notice that Thomas 8, Crew, of MONTREAL HERALD. jrecognition of the rescue by him- bury, Eugland, | OCC ees gentiieman, —_—_—__—_—— self and his men of 105 passen- Now what bothers Brown —a manufacturer of shoes, apply for perinission to pur- ‘ . ¥ wing described Jands: Mr. J. 8. Brierley, late president (pire, but how that duty may best/gers of the steamer Volturno, is this: How would it affect the purchase of a child’s encib, ta St planted one half ’ c i he southeast corner of Lot}and chief owner of the Montreal! be performed. which burned at sea. shoes if the salesman said “* ey’re Brown’s”’ P wee *t ange 6, Coast District, thence west : “This marks a long, long step bs fe hence south 40 chains, thence]|Herald, who, with his family, is ' : “ Pees ete Nobody knows Brown’s wn ’ ‘ |e Sat * ogame sneer uaining he paying a long visit to the British |" advance. It was all-important May Punish Brokers. y shoes. Bro doesn’t advertise. Fi ee oe THOMAS 5. CREW Isles and is at present in London lthat Canada should be made to London, Nov. 6.—After further The name Brown signifies nothing when used in con- a Pp, M, Miller, Agent. ( F ‘|think upon the subject, and even consideration the Stock Exchange nection with children’s shoes. The salesman must use all his ated July 21st, 1913. when asked by a representative Aug. 18, 1913—Oet. 13, 1913. lif we deplore the failure of par- committee yesterday came to a persuasive wiles to induce people to buy them. — ———___——/ of “Canada” as to what, in his} : definite decision concerning the : é liament to agree upon a policy ; eo ee District of Coast.) judgment, was the measure of the|o¢ naval defence we should rec alleged improper dealings in The point is—If the name B ’ ‘ange 5. of naval de 2 » sho 2c i eae i — rown w i i make notice that Marion Waugh, of|deyelopment of the imper ial idea aa tes the fact that that failure American Marconis, This is sub- Sh “Blank’s’’ i - are Syacnce with Children’s he notion thet | Maree asm, in a at that failure!) Fi. aonfieuietion at nest Mae 10€8 as ank’s’’ is with Underwear, wouldn’t Brown sell more shoes sppiy for permission to purebase}in the Dominion since he was|has caused a searching of hearts hig arate pi with less effort P escriped $ day's eeting and it is expecte ing ot a ee nted about) last i England fo vears ago land a study of the problems of 1 = and it is expected at a post pla ast in nglan ur years ago,} if the decision is confirmed that ) @ hortherly direction from e ira . e¢ € ‘ la 2 ruer of Lot 5149, Range} replied that he was positive there mpire that is an invaluable pre- If you are doing a local business talk over your advertising problems with the Advertising official announcement will be Lakelse Valley, thence jliminary to the laying of the Department of this newspaper. If you are doing a provincial or national business wore 0 ss , f en a great strengthe r | : ade on Tuesdé s free i os more of, oe to x ase had been a great strengthening | +. gations of a national policy. m ide on Tue day. It is freely it would be well for you to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. said that yesterday's decision in- A list of these will be furnished, without cost or obligation, by the Secretary { : ene yf the public sent ant t | ‘ uth io chains, thence sass of the publi entiment in favor |Our policy will be more ard ite l, containing 160 acres more of imperial unity. MARION WAUGH., volved several members and in- cluded exceptionally severe pun- ishments. Canadian Press Association, Room 503, Lumsden Building Toronto. “y S Mr. B |by reason of the throes ofthe na- 4 " n one sense,” said Mr. rier- tion at its birth. There is now ley, “this sentiment may be said ied July 22nd, 1913. no vestion ir Canad: as to the @. Aug. 15, 1003-—Oct..43, 1913. add*thida . idle tok ieee : 10 que; 1 Canada as t a ja a bee " ( oe d, ‘ well as destiny and duty of the Domin- aa se eua Land District—District of Coast,;Strengthened, during these four ion. The only point at issue be- ——_____—— ange 5, rears “ior to 7e took our Z a eae t Take notice that Arthur O. Crew, of years. Prior to 1909 we took ‘ ur | tween the political parties is as i 1836 THE BANK OF 1913 if es, Lngiaad, occupation surveyor, in-|relations to the rest of the Em- |, th for hict Neel ds lo apply for pertaissiggeto purchase a ; Lo 1¢ form which our partici- } following described janaes pire as Doing as. mucha part of | pation in the responsibilities of BritishNortl A e ° puMNencing at & post planted about 20) the scheme of nature as our * WS the northeast corner of jempire should take.” ) A j l p06, Rang &, Coast District, jipence three meals a day. They were as | ; SECTION 1. j ou W oO 1ve ar ulo own bh 20 chains or B. oO . Lac > 4 ° Mee tS gas thence east 20 chaims,|they had been during the lifetime | Lot on Second Ave., $6,000.00; % TT Years in Business we of lake, thence "westerly #0 less 'Olof most men, and gave us no ENGLAND WINS FIRST cash, bal. arr, CAPITAL ane GuarLue Oven $7200.00? re or jess foll ' Lot on Third Ave., Block 35 CAN BUY SATISFACTORILY FROM HENRY BIRKS AND SONS, LTD. following shore of lake to}concern. Then came the German ws neement, containing 40 scare and the proposal that Can- INTERNATIONAL GAME eet 1-3 cash, bal. 6, 12 Teach The Child n THROUGH THEIR WELL ORGANIZED MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT es more or i¢ess, ARTHUR 0, CREW. ada should undertake some —— ‘ Be a wala PM , Agent. ee ate of responsibility for Ireland Defeated by Two Goals to SECTION 2. The Value of Money Our Illustrated catalogue will be sent to any address in British Co- Pub, Aug. 15, 1943-—-Oct, 43, 1913. Jnaval defence. At once a new} Nil—Results of Scottish Lot 6. Block 10. $4,400.00: 1 = ee ea oe ak = aie ease ere i ’ | ’ » O8, U0; 2 i “ : ristmas gift selections. you wish to gifts to in yok Bc saat tes canna intend oflissue was projected into the League Games cash, bal. arr. If your children learn, while choose from our catalogue and we will have tnem delivered from our East~ ply to the Kon, Commissioner of Lands Canadian political arena, and Lot 4123, Block 320, $850.00; growing, not only how to ern stores according to our elegraphed instructions. Our new store, WwOres rmission 40 purchase the) +... that time to this it has, al London, Nov. 10.—In the first 437.5 ‘ ‘ ‘ie 5 : which will be opened to the public about Nov. 1st, is one of the largest es d lands: ron at as, al- , $437.50 cash, bal. G, T. P. spend money wisely, but how oe p : g at a ‘post planted on the}most without exception, held the international amateur football pe 0 y y> , and finest in the world, and he iargest and best equipped in Western u er of &. T. L. Lot and Post — t . : le i SECTION 5 by self-denial, to save some- America. ? nee southerly 20 chains | centre of the stage. The very di- | same of the season played in ° . “post read Goose Bay £2.9- Az.0c | Visions of the parties on the sub- England. Ireland was defeated by |Lots 3-4, Block 5, $5,500.00; $2,- thing for the future, ree will sie tan pall ‘Seta pa to corm tome er Goods “a eaGing 35280-9529, enc : : ’ ’ . > ey os lirection 20 chains, thence | ject of defence have tended to|England. by a score of two goals 200.00 cash, bal. good terms. havestartedthem ontheroad | pac ng e ” riheriy direction 20 chains, ence | i hsins to the point Panes quicken the controversy over im- to nil. In the international hoc-|House and lot 21, Block 14, $4,- to financial success. Open a | cea walaec ane te88.| herial topics. Men who never|key match between England and 200.00; $1,500.00 cash, bal. 1 Savings Account for each in .. H. Plood ‘at. rave a thought to the 1s Germany the former were vic- and 2 years. ej sas Pub aul £71 101 oe, ae of ae a scnakl ibs ime verelamais with the long end of a|Lots 5-6, Block 34, $1,100.00; _ a ¥ pra a Henr Birks & ons imited ad, suly 28, “Sept, 22, . | — . 0 ’ 00; : | S j — out of the Empire, or to the|mine to nil score. $400.00 cash, bal. 6, 12 and 418. A + ones ge them y 3 NOTICE. means whereby their wheat was —— Lot 24, Block 37, $41,200.00; to add to it regularly. JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Notice is hereby given that pursuant to| Siven safe conduct across the Scottish League Resuiis £535.00 cash, bal. 14 and 2 yrs. ec fprauas hcg tie Ste her] ALlentic, are now debating, not| Motion 2, Aberdeen 4. | + |Honse on Dunsmuir Sty between) PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH Gun Teorey, Menesing Director VANCOUVER, aapler Of Canada, F, L, jilson has . ac . 2 Pe, rarieionians ov, am1uto AC- 4 1 anc oth avenues, ar } posited with the Minister of Public sie Tack of 00r COW iene shaatiais. 2 $4 000 00; Soot tert ia P. MARGETTS, MANAGER | S 7 $4 plan of a work proposed to be - Tot se 4 Oo: ~ Daglinke HEnICTIA Lik ares : Se a - siructed on land im the Harbor of Ayr United 2, Partick Thistle SECTION 6. Serer —— oe REDO, B. C., brieNy described as 4. Lot 27. Block 7, $3,500.00; % + 73 §: Commencing 859.3 ft. north and Jueen’s Park 0, Celtie 2. oO wi, oc i, 309,000, ee 148 fh cant ine 839.8 Te, Bore rae eens Perk OMe eo hat 4. 2 and eee * FOI I IRI IIIA DAI I IIIA DI IISA ISIS. e oe toe “ shown on Plan 923, Prince Clyde 3, Third Lanark 4, ash, bal, 1, 2 & 3 years. ! Tt Land Registry 4 ° 7 ar Mt corner ‘Subiot” 7, shenge Morin , 36 Rangers 3, Dumbarton 4. SECTION 7. rr Ses 13 minutes 39 seconds west 760 Falkirk 4, Dundee 0. . 7 : arbor line, Thence south 86 de- thar ; learts of Mid Lots 23-24, Block 29, $2,000.00; 7 Ong saig wnules 4 Second west 370 ft. Hibernians 1, Hearts 0 a $800.00 cash, bal. 4 l2y : * ay a ee line, thence south 36 de- lothian 2 0.00 cash, bal. 1 and 2 years. x D heh a tttules 59 second east 546 ft. ™" x ,0ts 23-24 glock & $2.25 : teh water mark, thence following high Motherwell 4, Kilmarnock 0. Lots i, Block 34, $2,250.00; * an bad ae point of beginning, with a St. Mirren 0, Raith Rovers 4 $1,000.00 cash, bal. easy. y Me deposits uaa ro oead ee e , Raith Rovers 4. |rots 4-2, Block 39, 82,500.00; 1-3] # t Prine see, (% the Land Registry Omce cash, bal. 1 and 2 years. f daeentbert, B. Co, and Is applying to November Rod and Gun. sh, bal ; ryart x ENVELOPES rhmd Counc for approval Rod and Gun in Canada for SECTION 8. = "MACDONA ee 1088 November (publisher, W. J. Tay-|Lot 44. Block 25, $525.00; % 7 LETTERHEADS Sept, 29-0c8 gy ttors for the Applicant. lor, Ltd., Woodstock, Ont.) sus- cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18. BUSINESS CARDS Summer is over and the Fall trade has begun. , a —_ tains its reputation as the lead-|Tots 23-24, Block 32, $1,500.00; To get your share you must have some sort of WATER NOTICE. a ty een try devoue 1-3 cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18. FOLDERS printed matter—a circular, folder, booklet or cata- — ) le nterests ¢ sports en. Applicat : : : : . Rg for @ license to take and use Big game hunting in British Co- : t SHIPPING logue. Be sure to have that work done properly. fh wil De made under the Water Act lumbia is deseribed in several s British Columbia as follows: umbia is deserihed in severa TAGS You would not send out a shabby salesman to | The name of the ap Bate is aD well written and illustrated ar- : ult Works, Lid, F, H. Mobley, agent. ticles. ‘A Labrador Room” is BLOTTERS represent you; then don’t make the mistake of * The address of the : Cs lescriptiv 4 abrs . ino Z ‘ : . 2 p rin f applicant is descriptive of a Labrador fishing : Ce we - villnes! “My Visit is an Alberta > VISITING CARDS oe . . er silat senate ae ver ame of the stre iw m Nanas re J y A Fang gah ea as ite deme ene | rapper details a successful r BALL We are QUALITY PRINT RS and can produce a Riv vay Ut © Milles west kee t > ng inae 46 : : bi, 8 Ita souuneasterty"durection _ er a i ap pee ee 30 * PROGRAMMES piece of printed matter that you would be proud Mile south Skee 0 ee ne from ¢ ) r.6con- . (South trom: Kwintise wma COR RE rt ad e169 * of and which will get-results. Try us. Phone 98. the sre’, Water is to be. diveried from tains some valuable information MENU CARDS feet roan qt ite South side, about 5,280 |for the hunter of big and small 8 he a saat ; oa ny = Wil pe 2@. Purpose for whic . game; “When Riley Tied Hanlan (ey sed 1s tnining and. manufacturing, Raper analpir 9 a ny * BILLHEADS be used, land on which the. water. 13 6. |is by way of variety and is remin- THE Talus owned by thee, Howe, Mineral liscent of the famous Barrie re- + STATEMENTS y Long. gi! cuted adjacent to Lot 74 and lgatta, when all the world’s big x a8 fo)) we quantity of water applied for is | scwllers had a tryout for the Whiners’ \jrekng 2 WelVe hundred (1200) championship. The regular de- 8. This notice |partments are well intai 0 the 6th day oye posted on the ground . ; partments are we maintained. 3 f Septe J . uct oA copy iy oi. ptt eet Tare ns. \¢ \ $$$ J Oo B P RIN TING DEPART ME NT ents of the Watee Po end, t0 the require- gore } Sam Agee, a colored youth of Mee o er Act Ww ; Rupert B the Water biconee — prince IN FUR COATS | Dawson, has gone outside to take the ssiq’’ G3, Objections may be fil bh LATEST . rears’ rse i Compr tie ater Recorder, 72 Bled wie ja three years’ course in Booker f Buildings, Vittonyeg? Rights, Parliament) This is of seal with beaver cufts|T, Washington's college at Tus- . B, C SALT WORKS, LTD. the golden brown of the lat- kogee, Alabama. He was one of + ROOT IAA AAA AAA AA AAAIN + “Sept. 8 to Oot ora By honley. Agent. ter forming a rich contrast. | Dawson's crack hocky players, { ° — +!