, ao ay yy es “a . Hs a. re res rs ae A + THE DAILY NEWS — » Nove vember ii, i943 Tuesday Better Than Wealth is perfect health; but to enjoy good health it is necessary first to get rid of the minor ailments caused by defect- ive or irregular action of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels,—ailments which spoil life, dull pleasure, and make all sufferers feel tired or good for ‘nothing. sPILLs ° (The Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World) have proved themselves to be the best corrective or pre- ventive of these troubles. They insure better feelings and those who rely upon them soon find themselves so brisk and strong they are better able to work and enjoy life. For that reason alone, Beecham’s Pills are Worth a Guinea a Box directions with every box are very ble—especially to women. Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. Sold everywhere in Canada and U. 8. America, _In boxes, 25 cents, Prince George That the expert land buyers of the country are confident of the future of Prince George was fully demonstrated at the recent auction held in Vancouver and Edmonton. These experienced investors purchased over $2,000,000.00 worth of Prince George property. — The demand for property in Prince George is very keen. Many turn- overs are being made daily at handsome profits. OUR THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE OF THE SITUATION We know the situation thoroughly, and are in direct touch with all Our property has been carefully selected and we are seli- The increasing demand it will pay developments. ing it at a slight advance over the auction prices. for this property is bound to assure investors quick profits. you to write us at once. Prince George Investment Co. 601 Dominion Bidg., Vancouver, B. C. How do you do each bake day. Do you get per- fect bread with every batch ? No question about it if you use MY flour. They test ROYAL STANDARD over at the mill by actual bread making with various wheat samples, Only grain that makes delicious bread is pur- chased. That’s why ROYAL STANDARD is so uniform. ASK YOUR GROCER — Vancouver Milling & Grain Co., Ltd. VANCOUVER - NEW WESTMINSTER - NANAIMO . VICTORIA LUMBER SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. First and McBride Prince Rupert PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers, B. C. your name on a postal teday You want this valuable publication—it is worth hundreds of ‘dollars to you, issued at every change of the Fur Market, giving you an accurate and reliable report of what is doing in all the Markets of the World in American Raw Furs. Write for it—now—it’s free A. B. SHUBERT, Inc., fxm SA (1) 1.0 il Phone Your Drug Store Wants to Us _THE REXALL STORES sree Delivery from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. TWO BiG STORES Cc. H. ORME Phones 82 and 200 The Pioneer Druggist LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. The police commissioners meet at 8 o'clock this afternoon. noron The steamer Venture from Vancouver arrived at 8 o'clock this morning and Jeft shortly af- terwards for Granby Bay. a ee A man named Drayman was fined S10 this morning for dis- orderly conduet. Another man named Olisky paid a #5 fine for the same offence, | * . ” \ report has reached the city ithat a well known resident of the linterior has been sentenced to SIX months’ imprisonment for keeping a blind pig at Decker Lake. NO INTENT TO STEAL ACCUSED WAS DRUNK Charge Was Altered and Accused Paid Fine for Being Drunk The small sum of one simo- /leon caused a lot of trouble at the Central Hotel yesterday and a police court case this morning. Martin Hanson was charged with the theft of that amount from the room of one of the chamber- maids. According to the evid- ence taken, the accused went up- stairs in the hotel and asked one of the maids for Charles Oleson, the bartender, He then asked the maid for a handkerchief and they went into her room where she gave him one. He handed her a dollar but she would not accept it. They both left the room but when the maid went back later she found Hanson there. He had a dollar in his hand and a leather purse on the dresser was open. The maid called Mrs. Oleson who took the bill from the man and put him out. Some time later the maid again found Hanson in the room when the porter was called and he was put out. From further evidence taken il was plain there was no intent to steal and that the man was drunk. The charge was changed ac- cordingly and a fine of $10 was imposed. DUBLIN IS GROWING - LESS PURELY IRISH Social Life Very Much the Same as in Larger English Pro- vincial Circles. During the last twenty or thir- ty years Dublin has gradually grown less purely Irish, less na- tional in its tone, than of old. Formerly the average citizen, whatever his view of the Union, regarded Dublin the capital; today he considers it provincial, says the London Times. Social life in Dublin now very much like social life in the larger Eng- lish provincia! circles: il is more or exactly copied from the London model, The ordinary Dubliners of the better class take their amusements from London and arrange their festivities on English lines. The young men and maidens dance the same dances, to the same tunes, that are popular in London; those who aspire to culture eagerly de- vour the works of the fashionable English writers of the moment, and flock to the theatres that, with one exception, of which the average citizens knows little and cares less, provide London plays. And yel in this atmosphere there has grown up a society—small, but not exclusive, only neglected ‘—that as distinetly Irish, as intensely national, as any that Dublin has ever known. The nucleus around which this soci- ely has come into existence is twofold; on the one hand the Irish literary revival, and on the other the agricultural move- ment, of which Mr, George Rus- sell and Sir Horace Plunkett are the leaders. as is less is PRINCESS SOPHIA HAD | A HEAVY CARGO The C. P. R. steamer Princess Sophia, which arrived from Van- couver at one o'clock yesterday afternoon, left for Skagway and Alaskan ports shortly after noon today. The steamer was held here discharging an exceptional- ly heavy freight cargo, over 450 tons, The cargo included cem- ent for Bates & Rogers, cattle for P. Burns & Co., and lumber for the Westholme Lumber Co. County Court The regular sitting of the County Court opens tomorrow at the court house’ at 10 o'clock, None of the cases fixed for this court will be heard as those who are interested are not ready to proceed, A number of applica. tions for naturalization will be considered, His Honor Judge Young will proceed, umforl vershoes Rubbers and Over-Stockings in One. Rasy to put on and take off, Fit well —Look well—Wear weil. All sizes for women and children Buy them and protect yourself an: family from winter ills. Canadian Consolidated Rubber Co Limited, Montre:! FERDINAND IS AFRAID Czar of Bulgaria No Longer Pop- ular with People Bulgaria, Nov. 8. getting King uneasy Sofia, Ferdinand his throne, according to a During to consulted the 1s about report here, his visit Vienna, Ferdinand Emperor and the Austrian for- eign minister about revision of the peace treaty, urging that ot- herwise his position would be imperilled. It is certain Bulgaria ts re- the King for for- another sentful against cing the country war which ended so disastrously for Bulgaria. The doors of the royal palace at Sofia have been billed “For Rent.’ into Comprehensive Exhibit The Grand Trunk Pacifie will participate this vear in the Uni- ted States Land Show to be held in the Coliseum, Chicago, from November 20 to December 8. For thi® purpose the company have secured a large Space, covering an area of 1000 square feet, In which they will install a com- prehensive exhibit of the natur- al resources of the three prairie provinces Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan and Alberta, as well as an exhibit from British Columbia, the feature of the latter being mineral products and fruit from the territory adjacent to the rail- way skirting the Skeena river and the exhibits depicting the devel- of the agricultural lands British Columbia, in situated the Nechaco and Bulkley Valleys The tire exhibit will be embellished with handsome photographs made from direct tak- en this year by the official photo- opment in Central which are en- negatives graphers of the Grand Trunk Pa- cific, who covered the route from Winnipeg, Manitoba, to Prince Rupert, British Columbia, thro- ugh the Canadian Rockies via the Yellowhead Pass, down the Fra- ser River to Prince George, B.C., through the plateau and valley lands of Central British Colum- bia, and down the Skeena to the Pacific. Thousands of interest- ed people will view this splendid Canada _ will advertising collection, and valuable re. ceive result. as a ANNOUNCEMENT The undersigned begs to an- nounce to the public that he has taken over the Clifton Bakery which in future will conjunciion with Knott’s Bakery All under one management. The continued patronage of all customers of Clifton’s Bakery is cordially solicited. FRANK KNOTT. be run in The purity and fragrance of Baby’s Own Soap have made it a universal favorite. Its use is beneficial to any skin, 4-413 Albert Soaps Limited, Montreal, Industrial : Sites With Rail and Water Transportation Apply HARRISON GAMBLE & CO. Financial Agents ‘ Third Ave, Prince Rupert CONNAUGHT PRESENTS Proceeds of Exhibition Go to the Weish Disaster exhibi- wedding Is London, Nov, 8—The tion of the Connaught presents closed last night, It estimated that fifty thousand people visited the exhibition, The relatives of the victims of the Welsh pit disaster have alreads received two instalments of £14,- 000, proceeds of the exhibition, and it is expected that the third nnd final instalment will be lar ger. Visitors paid one shilling each to see the presents. PARK HUNTER KILLED Refused to Stop Shooting Squir- rels in the City Park Mo., refused Nov, 7.—C Lo he cease Kansas City, Riney, who command that in the park, was shot and killed obey a today by Frank Robinson, a spe cial officer, in Swope Park. Rob inson saw the man shooting squirrels, Growing Beef on Graham B. A. Milliard of disposed of a steer Ibs. last week The beef was excellent and show ed what Island can do as a cattle raising Bay, boo Kundis weighing to local people Graham country. Vancouver Election Vancouver's civie élections will instead date if the which = the determined to take place on January 1 of the customary charter amendment city council has ask for comes to full fruition. “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT NICELY furnished front room in mode apartment, over Westenhavers’ office Phone Red 183 eaotr POR RENT The building at the corner of Srd Ave, and 2nd, whole or part fine location for grocer or butcher store See George Leek 263-6 FOR SALE POR SALI Two pool tables, |} M. Cr by, 839 3rd Avenue 26 WANTED WAITRESS wanted at Vienna Cafe 258-62 WANTED—-Girl to mind baby about two hours every Sunday afternoon. Apply 528 8th avenue west. 246tr WANTED-——Five or six room house, bath and sewer attachments, furnished or partly furnished. X 17, News Office. WANTED To buy 4 30 ft. cabin cruiser gas boat with heavy duty engine Name price and equipment in detail in reply Apply Box 87, Daily News 2¢ os GOOD general servant wanted; #35 per month Also nurse girl wanted Four help employed Mrs. L. W. Patmore 2o5sU LOST. LOST omice | Finder Friday purse please night in front of the post card case and issors phone Blue shooting | with | 3 Dressmaking and Millinery Dainty Evening and Waists Gowns Xmas Orders With Your Early Place By Day or 217 Ninth Ave, E. At Home Phone Blue 339 ~~ 215 Second Avenue Phone 43 WILLIAM T. HOUSE | | si | MISS F. B. EASON } | B.C. Land Surveyor 240 Columbia St, E. BROWN & BUTTERS | MINING ENGINEERS METALLURGY AND MINING GEOLOGY Res, Phone Black 413 Box 136 Prince Rupert P.O. Box 518 F. M. CROSBY Second Hand Dealer Wants to buy all kinds of Household Fur- niture, everything tn the line of Mechanics’ Tools, Guns and Men's Clothing. Will call any tims. Highest prices paid. 838 Srd Ave. W. Phone Red 243 For Rent Modern Five Room House on Water St. $25.00 per month APPLY Harrison, Gamble & Company FINANCIAL AGENTS THE WEATHER. Furnished by F. W. Dowling Obserevr For 24 hours ending 5 a.m.,, to | reduced Barometer sea | LOVGL:...9 6506 Weviviest nave die 430 30.054 Maximum temperature 46.0 Minimum temperature 40.0 Precipitation Weeks Pay for Lauder London, Nov, 8.——Harry Lay der has entered into an engag: ment with the Glasgow Pavilio: management to make his fir appearance there after his world tour, His contract calls for the payment to him of the unpreced ented salary of $5625 for one week's performance, Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Phone 4, tf | I f |) the issue of @ fresh certiNeate of title for! han undivided one-half interest in Section | 10, Township 5, Queen Charlotte District, | | No. 320 c. Satisfactory proof of the loss }« e yove Certificate o | been furnished me, cy ae NOTICE I8 HEREBY GIVEN that it ts |my intention to issue at the expiration of | one month after the first publication hereof | 4a fresh Certificate of Title mentioned lands in the Strong, which Certificate sued on the 12th } 11:40 o’clock A, M,, as No. |} Land Registry Omce, |B. C., 27th Octéber, 1913. | wat H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. to the | name of C of Title November, above was is- | 1807, at 3329 C. Prince Rupert, i ; Skeena Land District—District Range V j Take notice that Herbert W. Lees, of } Edmonton, Alberta, eect gentleman jintends to apply for perm m to pur ¢hase the following deseribed lands Commencing at a post planted on of Coast j hortheast corner of a bay @ little to the eastward of Skiahl Bay, Stephens Island ;on the foreshore and adjacent to the ap plication to purchase lot of | Kk. OW Beavis, thence north twenty chains, thence west twenty chains, thence south twenty chains, thence east twenty chains follow jing the shore line to the point of com menecement and containing forty acres more or less HERBERT W. LEES Per His Agent, L. BR. W. Beavis Dated October 12th, 19 Pub. Nov it 191 Jan i9t4 = GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Department of Agriculture Office of Assistant Hortieultur New Court House Prince Rupert Phone 534 Information advice freely Write given, or call A. H. TOMLINSON Assistant Horticulturist Heads, Birds, Fish and Rugs jmounted first class to order for reasonable O. L. WINGERE! & CO. 1844 Seymour St., Vancouver, B,C | ~ THE RELIABLE PLUMBER HARRY HANSON 139 2nd Ave. prices, Phone 489 DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Out-of-Town Work Hotel and Restaurant Work Tenders on New Work Plumbing Insured from Frost Done Promptly and Guaranteed at Reasonable Prices Trial Will Convince GEORGE LEEK Real Estate, insurance and Loan Broker Notary Public. Rents and Collections Albert Bloék, 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert Betwrorn Sth and 6th Work One You Streets Office 606 3rd Ave. Phone 93 PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. General Teaming, Safe, Piano, Furniture and Baggage Moving Carefully and Promptly done Storage and Forwarding Wood and Coal P. O. Box 203 Phone 47 P. ROBERTSON INCORPORATED ACCOUNTANT (Eng.) CHARTERED SECRETARY Audits, Investigations, Adjustments, fiqui- dations and Assignments Smith Block, 8rd Ave., Frince Rupert, B. C. MAJESTIC ROOMS — Steam heated, comfortable rooms from $3.50 per week up OVER MAJESTIC THEATRE Phone Green 69 3rd Avenue Fivery man to his business, I am an expert collector, Let me look afler your rented property or collections. GEORGE LEEK 615 2nd Ave. Phone 203 HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B, C. Phone 300 P.O, Box 1635 MEALS BY DAY OR WEEK At 118 8th Street (FORMERLY B. C. CAFE) Single Meais From $5c Up “e IN THE MATTER of an Application for| G. R. Naden Co. Lid GILLETT EATS 'S 255 bint’ NOTICE oF DISSOLUTION it-w HAI WATER NOTICE For a License t bein, se to Take and Use Water. Hasting \ rhis notice on the iu ipplicauion w I Water Kh j i Oct. 30-Nov. 8-1 =e{"____======_=w CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Ptarmigan minera claim Skeena Mining Divisior trict Where located Abou from the mouth of Falls Observatory Inlet Take notice that 1, Wm. T. k Miner's Certilicat ‘ ba 4 agent for Wim. I tillcate No, B70101, an 4 Miner’s Certificate ‘ ry Sixty days from the to the Mining Re d ale Improvement for the be ing ¢ i der sec 1 37 the issue of such ments Dated this 24tl i913 CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Crown Grant of the alm And further take | e tha der section 7, U fore the issue provements Dated this 24tl ivis. sKhena Distr hang Take notice that Eug I Hupert, B,. ( ‘ upa apply for permiss iowing described | 1 Commencing @t 4 | planted about chains ? x 3% e Land thence east hains, thence we to the east bounda point of mu acres more ¢ Dated Pub Skeena Land Dist Charl Take notice that |, New York, N. Y I torney, intend t prospect for coa under one hundr i ixty & land on Graham Island, | L follows - nost at Commencing at 4 ques ue ’ wnsb eentre of Se ion " . for Six (6), Graham Isia en . chains, thence east fort nen, oe north forty chain t e ow " chains to the poin bes - aa HERBERT PANSONS, Locate By P, Nuter, Agent Dated Septem be iu 13 Pub. Oct, 3, 191 0 2 ’ —— PRINCE RUPERT FEED Ot 908 Third Avenue Dealers ll FEED SEEDS HAY TIMOTHY OATS CLOVER WHEAT ALFALFA CORN Ere CIAL] CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALT attended Mail orders promptly en To Rent ee on Neat Three-Roomed House Fifth Avenue, near the Hospital 10 Real Estate and Insurane Second Avenue Third Ave. Prince Rupert HOME BTLVE