rs ~ ff ———)) LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. } e % f Mrs. P. I. Palmer left by the Prince Rupert this morning on a | short visit to Seattle. i * * * fe J. MeLeod left this morning , for Vancouver en route east to his former home at Kincardine, Ontario. 1 ee NS aes J. L. Mitchell, representing a: Stewart & Mobley, returned last | | Ladies’ Suits Nine of them left—all new Fall , Sizes. To be Cleared ont this week at cost. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Dry Goods, Crockery, Etc. ae Third Avenue Prince Rupert night from a business trip to the interior. eoeeesSe J. E. Bennett and H. H. Finlay left last night on the’ Princess Beatrice for Vancouver en route to Sydney, Australia. . * : E. Liebert, who was in the em- ploy of the Prince Rupert Fish & |Cold Storage Ltd., left this morning for Victoria. Co., Walter Owen, chief of provin- cial police deft for Hazelton this |morning in connection with the j}Union Bank robbery case. | . * . | J. H. Gurrie, Geo. Cassels and D. G. McKay were among the |southbound passengers on the Princess Beatrice last night. Alex. Reid, who interested jin a townsite at Fort Fraser, ar- rived in the city last night and | hott this morning for Vancouver. | * W. W. Wrathal, photographer of Hazelton, and K. L. Rauk, one fof the proprietors of the Omin- Is feca Miner, are paying a_ visit to j the city. : oe he | Mrs. J. G. McNab and little }daughter left on the Princess So- /phia on Saturday for Walla Wal- TORK’¢ a ELL | iVJTOVE a FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Established 1908 Going To The Old Country TO SPEND YOUR HOLIDAYS i If so, you can make your journey at minimum expense more enjoyable and more comfortable by joining the PERSONALLY CONDUCTED ALL - EXPENSE TOUR Leaving Vancouver December 7th Fare includes all expenses incidental to the journey. The party will travel by special train, via Chicago and “Nia- gara Falls to New York, there connecting with = var- ious steamship lines. If interested, let us tell you about the trip and expenses. Call on or address CITY TICKET OFFICE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RY. Prince Rupert. B. C., or A. W. Nase, Com’! Agent, 443 Hastings St. West Vancouver, B, C, i, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RY. KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O, DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 8 Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Paints trad f the wonderful rich d f Varnishes Graniteware posses BULKLEV VALLEY ' and also the surrounding mini MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ “S21Ss:*"«°" sua mie R ” | All other cities and towns In the ange. Bulkley Valley will be tributary i to HUBERT. All branch lines % from the main line of railway will 5 — start from HUBERT. lla, Wash., where she~ will visit le ifor a few weeks. | * * * W. E. Davidson, representing Smith, Davidson & Wright left }for the south this morning after |making one of his regular visits to Prince Rupert and district. * * | Mrs. J. G. ong the -southbound passengers jon the steamer Prince’ Rupert lthis morning. She intends*spend- McLennan was am- jing a few weeks with friends in | Portland. ee |} Charles Cornell, of the Robert Hamilton Co,, Vancouver, agents for all kinds of heavy machinery, left for the south this morning after a short business and pleas- ure trip here. * Cc. Carmenetta, an oflicer in the Italian army, returned tast night from a few days’ visit in the in- terior as far as Smithers. He left this morning on the Prince Ru- pert for Victoria. * * - F, Landes returned last night from a trip to Hazelton where he purchased five well-trained sleigh dogs which he will use for transportation of into Chisana. Mr. Landes expects tl leave for the new diggings in the course of a few weeks. * * . Frank Engler, the well known Porcher Island rancher and land staker, was taken to the hospital this morning in a pretty serious condition. For some months he has been suffering from a huge growth on the neck. His condi- tion will be carefully diagnosed this afternoon. HUBERT of supplies line in the new city on the main G.T.P. Railway Central BRITISH COLUMBIA is so strategically located that it is in the centre of and coinmands the The townsite is ideally located in a bend of the Bulkley River and * LUMBER SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. First and MoBride Prince Rupert PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers, B, GC. is free from swamps and bog, with magnificent natural drainage. The first offering of town lots is now open to the public. HUBERT has behind it the same organization, the same systematic development, the same liberal ad- vertising that placed FORT GEORGE on the map and kept it there. Trains are now running to HU- BERT, and the G. T. Station is built, Write or Call for Maps, Plane and Photos. Agents Wanted Everywhere. Read The Daily News Natural Resources Seeurity Company, Ltd. Joint Owners and Sole Agents FORT GEORGE and HUBERT townsites : REPORTS CONFIRMED HEAD OFFICE Vancouver Block, VANCOUVER, B. C. THE DAILY NEWS Monday, November 17 7 ‘ — Large Mineral Deposits Near New Town of Hubert The grub- it. by B.C.,, Nov. reports several ths ago in reference to the rich mineral deposits close to this city are being fully verified by competent engineers . Goal, iron and copper have been located in large commercial quantities. The Copper River district to the south has a very extensive area of cop- per, running from 3 to 24 per cent, The loeal fields cover an area of several square miles and from the analysis which has just been taken is especially adapted for steaming purposes. The iron of the hematite variety and under the Bessemer lim- Hubert, enthusiastic stakers published mon- is comes it. Local residents are enthusias- tic with the of an extensive development of the mi- neralized area, and are predict- possibilities ing a record breaking develop- ment for this town. Owing to the topography of the Bulkley Valley, practically all the branch roads which will necessary Lo open up this new territory will radiate from Hubert. Mr. John B. Rittenhouse, econ- sulting mining engineer, of New York city, has just completed an extensive examination and very enthusiastic, especially about the iron deposits. The Lren Mines, Limited, a Prince Rupert Corporation, has already been organized to conduct large de- velopment operations. Large monied interests have already acquired holdings, and as as the numerous reports are now in compilation are cepted, the development will on a magnitude duplicated in but few parts of the country. be Is soon which ac- be Drill Hall for Victoria. Nov. Victoria, 13. Tenders have been invited by the Domin- ion government authorities for the construction of the new $250,000 drill hall in this city, announced G. H. Barnard, M. P., today. The new hall is to be erected at the corner of Bay and McBride streets and will have accommodation for three regi- ments of full strength. Geo. Leek has gone on a busi- ness trip to the interior. HAVE YQU REGISTERED Holders of of sale who can produce a re- agreements ceipt for 1913 taxes in their own name are entitled to register for the voters’ list any time up to November 30th inclusive. Both the agreement of sale and the tax receipt have to be pre- Don’t forget .to register. . Time expires Nov. 30th. sented at the city Industrial; Sites With Rail and Water Transportation Apply HARRISON GAMBLE & CO. Financial Agents Third Ave. Prince Rupert F. M. CROSBY Wants to buy all kinds of Household Fur niture, everything in the line of Mechanics’ Tools, Guns and Men’s Clothing. Will call any time. Highest prices paid. 839 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 243 TAXIDERMIST Animals, birds, fish and all kinds of game heads mounted; hides tanned and made into rugs and robes. All work strictly first class. A, MITTLER, Expert Taxi- dermist, 728 Helmeken St., Van- couver, B.C, 5, Lot Block 18, Section 5 PRICE $5,400 | Terms : $2,700 cash, balance 2, 4 and 6 months, interest ~e 7 % APPLY Harrison, Gamble & Company FINANCIAL AGENTS For Sale| WERE AFTER BOWSER Broke up the Attorney-General’s Meeting Saturday Night (Special to The Daily News.) Nov. 47th.—The Conservative meet- Vancouver, Ward Three ing at which Hon, W, J. was the speaker, was broken up Bowser the Socialists. A suffragette also took the op- portunity of advocating the “vo- men’s cause, The sang their battle song and heck- led the Attorney-General, taking exception to the action of the Government in the enforcement of law at the coal mines. Saturday night by Socialists Changed Venture Schedule The steamer Venture will leave here tonight for Granby Bay and every alternate Monday evening at the same time, a change in the schedule made to get the} mail here as early as possible. | On alternate weeks she will leave on Tuesday morning. 80 as | | | , ; : wi : ge | F., V. Clark left on the Prin- cess Sophia on Saturday for To- for a couple ronto, to be absent of months. NOTICE. . : The committee on night sehools 18 to meet tonight at 7:30 in the city reading room 269 | “The Daily News” } CLASSIFIED ADS. | FOR RENT | — | modern | omfices. | 260 front room in Westenhavers’ NICELY apartment, Phone Red furnished over 183. | FOR SALE Two pool tables. F. M 3rd Avenue 262 | FOR SALI by, 839 FOR SALE—Canadian Home contracts, number 16 and 17 Fifteen instalments paid Send offer to P. 0 Box No 60, city 266 Cros- | 267 | Investment 268 COWS fresh calved and coming in always on hand, and tuberculosis tested. John} Christy, cattle dealer, Collingwood West) corner Carleton and Westminster Road. | Phone Collingwood 46 RK. Post Orr Collingwood East, Box 20 27 ice )-tf] WANTED | “an week 309 the Phone day or Blue WANTED Miss M 269 WANTED—-Girl to mind baby hours every Sunday afternoon. 528 8th avenue west. WANTED-—Five or six room house, with) bath and sewer attachments, furnished X 17, News Office. Sewing by Washburn about two) Apply | 2461 | or partly furnished, WANTED wages $30.06 Young woman to wait on table; month with room Apply Supt. Prince Rupert General Hospital 2601f WANTED—To buy a 30 ft. cabin cruiser gas boat with heavy duty engine Name | price and equipment in detail in reply Apply Box 87, Daily News. 263-68 GOOD general servanw wanted; 835 per month. Also nurse girl wanted Four help employed, Mrs. L. W. Patmore 258r | SECTION 1. Lot on Second Ave., Block 7,| $6,000.00; terms arranged. Lot on Second Ave., Block 9, $10,000.00; $3,000.00 cash, bal. arranged, Lot on Second Ave., Block $10,400.00; $4,000.00 cash, bal, arranged, or, Lot on Beach Place, $3,500; 1-3 cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18. SECTION 2. Lot 6, Block 10, $1,375.00; $675.00 cash. Large lane corner on Moresby Ave., $2,500.00; terms arr. Lot 123, Block 20, 8900.00; to G. T, month, $100.00 eash, $400.00 P., balanee $15.00 per SECTION 5. Two modern houses, splendid lo- cation, good terms. Lots 5-6, Block an ideal apartment house site, $7,000.00 terms, 97 27, Lot 18, Block 27, $41,400.00; $500.00 cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18, Lot 24, Block 28, $81,175.00; $400.00 cash, bal, 6, 12 and 18. Lot 24, Block 37, $1,500.00; terms arranged, SECTION 7. Lots23-24, Block 29, $2,000.00; $800.00 cash, bal. 1 and 2 years. Lot 8, Block 26, $600.00; % cash, bal. 4 year. Lots 1-2, Block 39, % 00,00; 1-3 cash, bal, 1 and 2 years. SECTION 8. Lot on Hays Cove Avye,, 2,5 Block 5, $700.00; 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12. Lot 41, Block 25, 8525.00; % cash, bal, 6, 12 and 48, Lot 8, Block 31, %600,00; % cash, bal, 6, 12 and 18. Lot 50, Block 46, $750.00; 4-3 ‘ash, bal, 6, 12 and 48, Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Farm Lands Third Ave. Prince Rupert | 4t-w }a@ fresh } chains jing ing in the water near here, morning the body was identified | by some of the crew of the Prince |, Rupert who said that he was stowaway on the ship and landed here a aveek ago. to be the wild) man for whom a search party was” sent out Saturday. a He is suposed on Another boy found another dy- namite cap Thus another boy fingerless on his onee good right hand. The thoughtless exact an awful toll for their ac- tions. is NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. notice that the Vaughan & Youngman, ness as tobacconists Prince Rupert, B, C., has been dissolved and the business will in future be carried on by Charles L. Youngman CHARLES L, —_— IN THE MATTER of an Application for the issue of @ fresh certificate of title for an undivided one-half interest in Section 10, Township 5, Queen Charlotte District, No, 3929 C, Satisfactory prvoof of the loss of the above Certificate of Title having been furnished me, NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that it ts my intention to tissue at the expiration of one month after the first publication hereof Certificate of Title to the above mentioned lands in the name of ¢, ° Strong, which Certificate of Tithe was is- sued on the 12th November, 1897, at 11:40 o'clock A. M., a8 No, 3329 C. Land Registry OfMfce, Prince Rupert, G., 27th October, 1913. wet H, F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. Take partuership of earrying on busi on Second avenue YOUNGMAN Skeena Land District Range V District of Coast, Take Edmonton, intends to apply for chase the following Commencing at a4 notice that Herbert W. Alberta, occupation Lees, of gentleman, permission to pur described lands: post planted on the northeast corner of a bay a little to the eastward of Skiahl Bay, Stephens Island, on the foreshore and adjacent to the ap plication to purehase lot of I kW Beavis, thence north twenty chains, thence west twenty chains, thence south twenty thence east twenty chains follow the shore line to the point of com mencement ind containing forty acres more or less LEES Beavis HERBERT W Agent, L. R. W 12th, 1913 1913-——Jan Per His Dated October Pub, Nov. 10, 1014 GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Department of Agriculture Office of Assistant Horticulturist New Court House, Prince. Rupert Phone 534 Information or advice freely Write or call. A. H. TOMLINSON Horticulturist given. Assistant THE RELIABLE PLUMBER HARRY HANSON 2nd Ave. Phone 489 DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Out-of-Town Work Hotel and Restaurant Work Tenders on New Work Plumbing Insured from Frost Done Promptly and Guaranteed at Reasonable Prices Trial Will Convince GEORGE LEEK Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker Notary Public. Rents and Collections Albert Block, 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert Between 5th and 6th Streets 138 Work One You Office 606 3rd Ave. Phone 93 PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. General Teaming, Safe, Piano, Furniture and Baggage Moving Carefully and Promptly done. Storage and Forwarding Wood and Coal P. O. Box 203 Phone 47 P. ROBERTSON INCORPORATED ACCOUNTANT (Eng.) CHARTERED SECRETARY ° Audits, investigations, Adjustments, Liqui- dations and Assignments Smith Block, rd Ave., Frince Rupert, B. C. MAJESTIC ROOMS Steam heated, comfortable rooms from $3.50 per week up OVER MAJESTIC THEATRE Phone Green 69 3rd Avenue Every man to his business. | am an expert collector. Let me look after your rented property or collections. GEORGE LEEK 615 2nd Ave.. Phone 203 HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B, C. Phone 300 Pp. O, Box 1635 MEALS BY DAY OR WEEK At 118 8th Street (FORMERLY B. C. CAFE) Single Meals From 85¢ Up McCaffery & Gibbons HOME STLYE ere aie Pitta STRANGE CASE AT GRANBY | IN THE SUPREM ‘oe COLL iB OF BRITISH Body of a Man Found Floating in!’ RHE MATTER OP Ty the Water VISE SYA AAP TER 144 Gp OING ‘ciicmalbacd AMENDING Ache ny! OF THE , fp! IN Granby Bay, Nov. 16, The} Hes D STORAGE c, in body of a man, without a stiteh | mental 1, : of clothing, has been found float} ci. ‘ British ¢ WATER NOTioE. For a License to T Nott i j), Ake and Use mer, of , Biven that yowvater, license to take « water out re in & West Mand & the x sed f verted at al described I Hastings No, ¢ ; rhis not was ¢ . On the 4th day application Water | Objector ; be Water | Water Oct, 30-N a CERTIFICATE oF IMPROVEMENTS, _ Ptarmigan minera Skeena Mining trict Where lor from the mouth of Observatory Iiniet Take notice that Il, Wu Miner's Certificate No, | agent for Wm. RK. Lord tiflcate No, B70101, i Miner’s Certificate’ No, Sixty days from the dat to the Mining Kec ler Improveme r the ing a Cro\ And fur t der section 37, the issue ments, Dated this 24th day vig, of { f September, a, p —— CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS, Ground Hog, M itain mineral claims, situate | ing Division of Cassiar D Where located Al from the mouth of Fa Ubservatory inlet, Take notice that | Free Miner's Certificate ing 48 agent for Miner's Certificate Coates, Free Miner's 77639, and Wm Certificate B43s3e the date hereof, t Recorder for a Cer ments, for the pu Crown Grant of the And further tak der section 37, m fore the issue of provements Dated this 24th day of September 1913. Ske 4 La I Take 1 Prince | lor, t ‘ lease the ‘ mn : east ! Bank Trap ba i i fifty-thre north ‘and 1) cha $60, and north t chains t Isiand, tt thence nort east tweuty (2 ‘ the shore f lowing th cotamencenic acres more t Dated 27th Cctol Pub, Nov 17 ! ‘ Skeena Land District—District of Cosh lange Vv Take notice that Eugene Renz, of Prine Rupert, B, C., upation cook ds apply for permission | iowing described land Commencing at 4@ post J chains sou'h of the pb S. E, 30945, thence nort! east 13 chains mort boundary of John Mck tion, thence e I to Jobn Mcke thence east 2 A chains, thence west to the east boun j point of commenceme acres more or icss EUGENE RENZ. H. D. Lenbart, Agent August 22nd, 191 Dated . Sept. ivi Nov Pub. 22, 2 Skeena Land District—District of Queel Charlotte Islands Take notice that I, Herbert Parsons, New York, N. ‘ 5. A ps torney, iptepd to apply prospect form coal and under one hundred 4b land on Graham Island, follows: Commencing at 4 centre of Section Six (6), Graham | chains, eee e : hens north forty chains, tence: chains to the point of beginning is ZRBERT PARSONS, Locale ad C p, Nuter, Agent 1913 27, quarter 4th, Dated Septem Got Pub, Oct. 3, PRINCE RUPERT FEED 908 Third Avenue ba a a Dealers 10 FEED SEEDS HAY TIMOTHY OATS CLOVER WHEAT ALFALFA CORN ETC : 1 CHICKEN FEED A spRcIALT ttended Mail orders promptly @ Rd $9,000 % casi, badal months G. R. Naden Co, Ltd. “0 ind Insuraner 8 Real state Second AV enue