_ LangesT CIRCULATION NEXT MAILS a _THE AILY NEWS ("== a | ge a val yee 271 exec RUPERT, B.., WEDNE cate He AMERICAN ENVOY MAKES LITTLE PROGRESS WITH REBELS.--STEF ANSSON PARTY NOT LOST CARRANZA DECLINED FURTHER scthoneine peassany HINDUS OF NATAL DECLARE A Mr. McNicholl’s Promotion Does PARLEY WITHOUT RECOGNITION | nee GENERAL STRIKE IN DISTRICT I G. A. MeNicholl, who was re-| cently promoted from the post. | __ oLaiImS THAT THE UNITED STATES MUST FIRST RECOGNIZE | Lion of superintendent to that of | STRIKE 1S ‘ACCOMPANIED BY RIOTING AND THE BURNING OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL REVOLUTION BEFORE FUR- colonization and industrial com- | SUGAR PLANTATIONS — IMPERIAL INTERFERENCE THER STEPS CAN BE TAKEN missioner, returned this morn-|} iS CALLED FOR ; : —— ing from a_ trip to Winnipeg, | —— --— | Special to the Daily News) to internal and international re-|where he went for the purpose (Special to The Daily News.) |attempted to cross from Trans- Nogales, Nov. 49.—Another lations with Mexico, of getting instructions as to his Durban, Natai, Nov, 19.-—East|Vvaal into Natal. nference and another failure} << new duties. His many friends I i i eonferen : ndian residents N io agree on points at issue re-| Nogales, Nov {9.—Francisco | here will be glad to learn that his oo . ig i a as — wie London, Nov. 19.—The situa- aylted yesterday from the con-|Escudero, Minister of Eoreign| Promotion does not necessitate | . Se aie s mi ve" | tion in Natal, arising from the ference of President Wilson’s|relations in the Carranza cabin- removal from the city. For some | is accompanied by rioting and/ agitation among the Hindus, is envoy William Hale and Francis-|et, yesterday afternoon asked time at least he will make his | the burning of sugar planta-|arousing racial as well as a feel- «) Escudero, the constitutional-!Mr. Hale, President Wilson's en-}| headquarters here. tions. The police force is insuffi-|ing of intense hatred for India. ist, the minister of foreign rela-|voy, to present his credentials a sme yer soya 6 cient to deal with the rioters and|O¢ = the leading gt eid tions, who represented Carranza.|before continuing the further}! Gays Im hegina, the nhead- white women ¢ ildre vo i [ers here says: “The Imperia The final outeome, which must|/conference which has been under quarters of A, E. McMaster, for- ‘ n % ee eee interference in colonial affairs is he decided within a day or two,|way informally for several deys merly general agent for the G.T. a, state of terror, Troops have justified by the Imperial agency : made more uncertain by the|This means the demand for U. 8 P, here. He reporis that Mr. Mc- been wrdered to the affected dis-|employment of foreed Indian la- ement that Carranza is | recognition of the constitutional] Masier is gaining the same pop- . reels. One hundred and fifty|bor in the mines of Natal, and ‘ creparing a manifesto setting|/revolution before continuing the ularity in the prairie city which JOHN PURROY mi EL thousand Hindu workmen have/that clearly justifies such inter- : ; 1 his position in regard both | parley. he won here by his courteous TOMELL AND MINS. HITOHELL quit. ference. Never in the history of é treatment of all those having] The new youthful Mayor of New York and his bride of four The ill-feeling among the (ast|our relations with India has Bri- business with him. , years. She says they have been so busy since their wedding |™4ians is considerably augment-|tish authority put upon our In- Mrs. MecNicholl accompanied that they haven't had time to get a honeymoon. ed by two incidents. First the|dian fellow subjects greater hu- Mr. McNichol! on his trip east. death from flogging of a coal|miliation. Grave fear felt here 7 aE ad ee ail REL ea ae EP : —— | mine laborer in Dundee, North|that the people of India will re- , GONE TO TERRACE KISPIOX WAR RECALLED Ladysmith. Second the arrest of|sent the action of Natal by de- sean nee two thousand East Indians who|monstration riots.” ! Missionary Will Look After the npeeene Fe Se eeren. eee ! ey : Whites. CATS) aa Presbyterians of that . e LARGEST LOSSES WERE SUSTAINED BY KELLY, DOUGLAS CO., ig otoerhl aaa TI Fie ie! gee Paya GAULT BROTHERS AND THE DAVID SPENCER yes ae to up Daily hte: Mr. Price of Vancouver, who COMPANY, LIMITED. W. Scott. who has just come Winnipeg — Solemn requiem with others has some extensive ° ; ; ’ mass to memory of Louis Riel. ; ; . io cas out from Belfast, arrived in the land interests in the Bulkley Val- 7 I ver, Nov. i. ire,; tion to these firms, Gault rOS.,1 4 . ca cute oO ‘ igs re 7 if . ry ‘ ginating on the fifth floor. of | n the adjoining building, lost il oe hana alee 0 : ne f a New York—Hon. Clifford Sif- perigee UNS ee eee an ee } storey annex to Kelly,| heavily through smoke and water, zoos F - ere: he: will ets sere ton won the blue ribbon for qual-_, terior. Shortly before leaving enone Do & Disnmaae"s watelenise| while David Spencer, Ltd., occu. i ratat' re ae eos ified hunters at the Horse show.| Vancouver he received a_ wire CLAIM THAT EVEN IF VESSELS WERE ORUSHED 18 THE 10f bia eit) ‘ i avi , Ltd., ians 0 iat district. Mr. Sco s 5 : Wa street early yesterday|pying the basement b®neath| quite familiar with conditions in — : stating that the Indians in the THE PARTY eee niline, eeu haladin eee InN morning completely destroyed| Gault Bros., suffered heavily also.| ppitish Columbia, this being his Birmingham, via — Forty-|Kitwancool Valley had driven out tte building, which was occupied| How the fire, which was first] cacone ; crn em “|three men imprisoned in mine atja party of surveyors who were : ; : sinht Gaandais “ied: andl notiiel by au anataebe 06:6 Gi. ta.. ots sip a my - pina — Acton following an explosion. All|doing some work for him there,| ‘Special to The Daily News.) {aboard the Alaska, near Circle, { ; } ! . Seo 8 ¢ excelle singer ¢ . Y ‘ ed damage estimated at|R. switching engine, got a start si) Zo “ Seana sainitle ye the bodies recovered. |It is reported that the Indians of Ottawa, Noy. 19.—Little cred-|dated as late as November 10th e & > > act 5 ) to ance is e , , ; : half a million dollars.}is a mystery iti eostednal talaat atithia-tdlberind _ that district are decidedly op-jence 15 placed by the naval de-|jast. He is in charge of the The brigade was occupied for The principal losses were sus-|town Ottawa—By-election in South | posed to white people going in. partment in the newspaper Te-| .outhern party expedition and he , tere hours before an 4 by Kelly, Douglas & Com , Lanark secand week in Dec em-| They have even been so bold, it|Ports from Seattle indicating the ethe C di h i i fire ympletely axtticeuished.| ae Gault Sint iene ae David i TREE Shins ber. Col. Balderson is the Lib-|is said, as to threaten te drive| Probability of the loss of some of | 997" “YS ee ee aes : tn oda coe Dis Kale es ti a 7 sea will THREE CONVERTS eral candidate, and Dr. Hannah,|/out “Bob” Jennings, the road} the ships of the Stefansson ex- aska and Mary Sachs winter in : fnndey moti caeic atthe! a! “Reeehes St athe meeeee ee Conservative. |superintendent, Referring to the|Pedition, indeed the feeling of the| Collision Point, Alaska. Heavy 2 < 1ur uv Q « CYibe several days fore ¢ e ite | ‘+ : : ois oat cheval al Miah abaaied hae la toccente “of thatloas dan: be'de. The Result ot Sunday's Sermon matter this morning, Mr. Jen-|department is that “All is well." }ice conditions prevented further f Sa “5 pei ean one ees ates | “halkeaea on Ns Tomere. Seattle—With only five dis-| nings said that he would show|Even if the ships were caught injadvance eastward. “All well.” however. are @umniie Sitinad : SS ahaa eikas ee co rs a par ae co senting votes the American ‘don | ae when the time comes|the ice and crushed the men Karluk did not reach Herschel - att Wimaaa Th, Tidakid boteoved 16 fie a conservative call. one : Se PA rae aaa eration of Labor in convention! whether he would go in or not. would have Jiltle trouble in reach Islands. She was last seen off : a enpdhiatilideauid Rae 1-1. nan eley i News| passed a resolution demanding |The affair recalls the ‘war of the|imgé shore, possessed as they are|Flaxman Island on August 14th. . mbbhinery Imperia ae f bia this morning that Rev. Mr. Kerr’s |exelusion of Asiaties and literary |Kispiox,” when a number off every convenience for travel|The whaler Elvira was crushed ! h Goan paints et Ae ae fap ien, a a, 0 tT Obt ee on Sunte aerate tests for Caucasians. |Prince Rupert braves shouldered|D the ice, including dogs. and sank off Humphreys Point, +s PAINS, +) “iN | avid Spencre, Limited 45,000| been the means of making three ps PRE Si aie, aaa pis eae September 13th. The Belvidere Laine ani.’ ‘Lanter 0. ae ear ee 6'000 : |their rifles and marched to the ; ji 7 tea sg — if s : i Varnish Co ieooo converts to the Roman Catholic London—Lord Lansdowne, the| front. The department has received a]was caught off Icy reef but is pas ts Be ms ak m5. ‘Gal Onta Lamy and Lantern ( t 909 Church. She said she was One|jeader of the House of Lords,} sanas message from Dr. Anderson|apparently safe. a ig ha wis \Nieholls & 15,000} 0f those who had won a prize at|said Unionists are ready to give} First eek Storm ES 4 Shae am sii tang Jlarke & Clarke | & Stewart 25,000 the recent bazaar and that the|eonsideration to government’s | a - 1 vlowe stationers; while the | Cham ve [reverend gentleman would know|proposal to exclude Ulster from sie es as xe, $s PRINCE GEORGE BAYLEY-SMITHERS CONTEST ‘ wi f the basement was occu- Making an aggregate loss of iis th ans converte att att _ Ral rines upert is today having |Ow, Jose tc nett ; pied by Kelly, Douglas, In addi-| $467,000. Ri eee ee ee jits first snow storm of the sea- PASSENGER LIST| Wit! Box Fitteen Round Bout i errs See json. The ground is covered to a Next Wednesday Night i - . Assizes Fixed MINERS TO BE TRIED | depth of almost an inch. At an —_—— : i] DIPLOMA FOR ouR SALT MORE STEEL COMING ————- early hour this morning there G. T. P. Steamer Brings in an ol aie ‘ Biss } Joe Bayley, the former light- ! — _— W. E. Burritt, registrar of the AT NEW WESTMINSTER was an electric storm, a most un- increased Number of Pas- eight ch ; ived th y Mme Awarded by the Vancouver Ex-|On British Steamer Bonaventure |Supreme Court, received a wire ts usual occurrence on this portion sengers this Morning weight ¢ BADIM: arrive 8 e nibition Benestation. vee OS ee er ett hit eer Application for Change of Venue of the Pacifie coast. ee steamer Prince George this morn oe Ei te 5 Q » f . »xt € “ Z 2g nT > . rv 3 3 > or 2 ’ 2. wf . . aes ; 2 eg tating Lee Bs — e From Nanaimo Granted by "> Owe, The G, T. P. steamer Prince ing, accompanied by his brother “I. Frank Mobley, president of News has been received ¢ be held at rince uper lave Justice Murphy. Island Has Shifted George arrived a few minutes|Thos. Bayley, and his sparring the British Columbia Salt Works | arrival at Vancouver of the Brit-]been fixed for W ednesday, Dec- nN — ahead of time this morning with] partner, Gyclone Scott. Since at Kwinitsa, is in receipt of a lish steamer Bonaventure, 3,064 ember 10th, Sie Mais 45.—Those Newcastle, Nov. 415.—Strange|a larger PARSON ESS list than for his arrival articles have ben sig- diploma for an exhibit of salt sent|tons, from New York with a large Dries miners, who, as a result of po behaviour on the, part of Mc- several weeks, Te, SOMmner Me ned for a fifteen round bout be ; ata : ; et Work for Married Men re bie : P°-|Kean Island is reported by the}so had a eargo of 30 tons of eae oe the Vancouver Industrial and | « argo of steel. Her cargo for this cf lice court convictions following) master of the steamer Queen | freight. tween Frank Smithers and him- Agricultural Association. With|port amounts to 2,500 tons and Victoria, says 415- In orderjthe recent strike disturbances in}]Maud, which arrived here yes- Following is the saloon pas-|self. The contest will take place the exhibit was sent an analysis|consists of 5,100 rails, 3,250]/to provide work for more married|and around Nanaimo, are await-|terday from the Columbia River|senger list: al the Westholme Theatre on of the salt but the judges|bundles of splice bars and 1,300/ratepayers, City Engineer Rust}ing trial, will come before the|@nd Seattle. For no known rea- T. Dravenstoff, wife and Wednesday evening, Nov. 26th, probably made one of theirjof structural material. The]is discharging all single men in|Ney Westminster assize court,|80", according to the captain, |child, G. O. Knight, M .T. Michels Bayley Will train at the Wind- OWh = before awarding th Sn av niure, which is 420 feet|the employ of the city as well as This was ordered by Mr. Justice the little island has shifted four-|M. Hudson, Mrs. Buckingham, | 50° Hotel gymnasium this even- “liploma, which ig for saline | long, sailed from New York onjall living outside of the city Murphy, who vostaraany heard an| teen miles east of its proper lo-|Miss J. N. Night, Cyclone Scott, | m8. Properties, quality, purity and/August 22 and called at Coronel, |limits: It is intended also to application ‘eg change of venue|Cation as indicated in the admir-|Joe Bayley, Thos. Bailey, J. G, Sn rareeenererne Specific gravity, |Buenaventura and La Union, employ men in shifts of tWO]|fpom the County of Nanaimo. Mr. alty charts. Heal, Jr., M. T. Harrison, James Notice to Eagles ! weeks each in order to find em-|,4 punbar Taylor, K. G., for the ————_—___—_——— — Rutherford, E. Peoples, C. fT. A meeting of the Fraternal Yeeeen ployment for a@. many of the | crown, and Messrs. Arthur Leigh- Measles Rage in Alaska Ackerman and wife, Clifford Ae-|Order of Eagles will be held in married residents as possible. ton, Israel Rubinowitz and J. W. Os Bae Ee kerman, E, W. Kay, W. W. Burge,|the K. of P. Hall at 8.30 o’clock | This applies particularly to the} pep, Parris, counsel for the ac- Washington, D.C., Noy. 15.—|]Wm. Purcell, J, R. Matthew, J. A.}on Wednesday evening for nom- city laborers and not to the me-|.used, admitted the necessity for|Final instructions were telegra- Thorne, A. N, Glanville, F. W.j ination of officers. Refreshments M] RESS HE chanics. some such action, ‘The latter,|phed by Acting Commander Em-|Bardwell, C, MeMillan, C, A. Gra-jwill be served during the even- ———_ however, were strong in theirjery of the revenue cutter Rey-|ves, Mrs. Pitchford, R. Megger,|ing. 270-2714 Stout Breaks Hunger Strike objections to New Westminster,}enue to Captain Woodbury, in| Wm. Scott, J. Stewart, Geo. A. TO-NIGHT... claiming, in a series of affidayits,}¢ommand of the northern dis- MeNicholl and wife, J. Balfour, ~, ES Dublin, av. 15.—The forti-|that the farming elass, from|trict at Seattle, regarding relief H. Asher, Harry Moon, L, D. Wil- tude of a_ strike leader named| which the jurors would be drawn|to be sent to the inhabitants of liams, W. Middleton, Mrs, James TENDERS WANTED We present a magnificent wild animal picture from the Mullen, who has been on a hun-}jn that district, were antagonistic |Kodiak Island, Alaska, where an|Martin, J. Serl and wife, Mrs. A. Selig Studios ger strike in jail here, collapsed|to the miners as a body and those|epidemie of measles has devel-|B. MePharlanee, A. J. Morris, J. Tenders will be received up yesterday when he was left alone|who stand indicted might not re- | oped. Daniel, Mrs. W. H, Vickers, till noon Saturday, Novem- ¢¢ e in his cell with two bottles of cewa a fair trial. Sak lee Fe Mrs, 8. Smith, H. Vv, Scott, G. F, ber 22, 1913, for the pur- am a . eC 1 stout within easy meee) The a ei Calgary's ‘Population Waynes, Miss E, A, Froud, Dan chase of all or any part of 9 prisoner lost ings Rie eripiog North by. Bpokane Calgary, Nov. 45.—That the/Anderson, W. Ross, Carl John~ the stock and merchandise 9 the contents of both bottles. eee population of the city of Calgary a a connor *Re es a and fixtures belonging to epee The steamer Spokane north-|is now 90,324 is the estimate of }>!epherd, Mrs, h, he, Williams, A. the Allan Photo Co,, now Jingle Pot Coal bound took on fifteen passengers|a directory company whieh bas|@randeau, Mrs, Donald and child,|§ jocated at Haskamp Build- t last ight f Keitchik i book It W. A. Dunlop, B. M. Browne, J dA 8 : be — rere Jast night for etchikan,|just issued a new book in this} 4 ; - MM. BP Br ws ing, 2nd Ave, Stock can (in Two Parts) Lindsay Transfer Go, beg to|Juneau and Skagway. The fol-|eity. The book contains 57,349 Penny, J..L. Yarborough, inspected by making ar- This ‘ig @enanadi ; Stor wild ana announce that they will receive | lowing is the list: Peter Clegar-|names, and by using the multiple aeicieiiatiahaiatesrenersnisleecvehe rangements at the office of sletuing dal lera xs considered even a grea asia on Friday another large consign. | ski, Krank L. Landes, L, Hotton,|4.75, which is stated to be a very St. Andrew's Society the Continental Trust Go., - _ ian the Selig Gos * ALONE IN THE : ment “ Lg old hee Jingle|R. Widing, Lewis J. Manles, Thos|conservative one, the popula- The regular monthly business Lid,, Assignees. ‘hich was shown in the Empress Theatre some weeks Pot coal. This is the best quality|Ridley, Jacob Shaw, John Brown,|tion is stated to be 90,324, meeting of the St. Andrew's So- ago, ” coal being offered for sale in M. Dremick, B, Dremick, Mike a ‘ciety will be held in the Society's CONTINENTAL TRUST CO., LTD. Prince Rupert. Phone orders to|Fisher, R. R. Jones, Fred Watt, Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners.| rooms, Second Avenue, on Friday Assignees Prince Rupert ereorece, 145. 270-273|P. W, Gorman, John Donegan. | Phone 4. tf jevening at 8 o'clock,