. November 19, 1943 LAND pURCHASE NOTICES. e that I, Charles H. Flood, oc- cequuer, intend to apply to sioner Of lands and works purchase the following rake nol! spauon free Cupar. comin! we | th) for permissio geserived (4 at a post planted at the commence ot A. BP. dy reading Lot porwmeast 5, thence In & northerly gad POSS Sg shore of Hastings Arin qirectiol oa » or jess to We Tac-U-An gg chains ce ition No, 26, thence in @ india Fee ecuon 40 Chains, thence in a@ westerly Ur ctiun SU Chains, thence east gouinerly 5 ‘ns wo the point of commence erly 10 niug 820 acres nore or less met, HAKLES, H, FLUUD, ed June 27th, 1049, pub. Jt 5 1919—Sept. 22, 1913, ub. monnacnpeespacnsecbasialiied oe wud «District—District of Coast, skeena Kange 5, tbat Dora L. Wright, of b , vecupation married neods t apply for periiussion - » following Geseribed lands: ig at & post planted a@t the er of Lot 421, Hange 6, thence north 20 Challis northeast corner of Lot ist 20 chains more or less jary Of Lot 5142, thence i west’ t w " chains more OF less to the shore sou Saceist Lake, thence westerly and of La » along said shore to the point of wamencement, conaimng 40 acres more count or ess DORA L, WRIGHT, pated July 21st, 1013, mul Aug. 18, 1913—Oct, 13, 1913, Si sons Land District—-District of Coast, Kange 5. that Cecil J, Crew, of \wales, occupation banker, tn- y for periiission to purchase Il jescribed lands; x at @ post planted one mile utheast corner of Lot 130, ( t District, thence suuth xz e west 40 Chains, thence north uce east 40 Chains to point ent, containing 80 acres pore OF CECIL J. CREW. Pp. M, Miller, Agent. pated July 22nd, 1913. Pub, Aug. 18, 1915—Oct. 13, 1943. Land District—District of Coast, Sheena Hange & fake noice that Louls Prank Banvilie, of Prince Kupert, B. C., occupation rail- oader, Intends 1o apply for perimission to yrenase the following described lands; pu ucing at @ post planted about 20 4! \ of Mie Post 76 from Prince fupert, U. T. BP. Railway, op Me south sie of the track, thence east 6U chats, thence south 5 chains to bank of Skeena juver, whence following the river bank ip 4 westerly aod bortuerly direclion to pulnt of commencement, Containing 20 acres wore oF Jess. LOUISE FRANK BANVILLE, Dated July 18th, 10138, pub, Aug. 18, 1913—Oct. 13, 1013. skeena Land District—District of Coast, Hauge 6, Take notice that Thomas 8, Crew, of T ry, bogiaud, Occupation gentieman, s w apply for permission to pur- fouowing described lands: The visit of Sir Rickman G. He visits the leading hospitals. all but alone in his profession. His surgery such operations as amputations and so on, and uses the knife in thickness of a hair between life and death. Ke ~ YP fram 77 gentll Sm. RG : GODLKE ; & HONORARY SURGEON I ORDINARY 70 LUIS [IAJESTY WHE FING. A BIG FIGURE IN THE WORLD OF SURGERY in the realm of medicine and As diagnostician and operator, Sir Rickman stands most technical in the world. He spurns Godlee to Canada is an important event Wednesday, THE DAILY NEWS a —~-—_—--— — I ennai eH FRB he | é B85 Np coer sees Y PB» Dr. HAMILTON. RESIDENT OF THE <>. ACADETIY of IDICNEs <= cases where there is a ig 4t &@ post planted one half { the southeast corner of Lui r iess, THOMAS 5. CREW. Pr. M. Miller, Agent. $s more Dated July 2ist, 1913. pub, Aug. 18, 1943——-Oct. 13, 1913. cena Laud Disirict——District of C i, f rf | ae uae 8. | BASIS OF STRUGGLE TO SAVE CLARKE FROM EXECUTION— | lar ey ot FE oo ge A Eg PRISONER AT WESTMINSTER NOW BEING SOUGHT " aph iy ‘ror peruuission to purchase jiowwe descriped lands; gucencug at @ post planted about v.90 Cha ib @ Bortwerly direction [rum bwest corner of Lot 6149, Kange i ict, Lakelse Valley, Uietice 4ius, tuure or tess to suull Lot $148, thence west 46 e south 40 Chains, Unence east bains jore or 1e388 back Ww point voi oumencement, contaming 169 acres more r less MARION WAULGH., Dated July 22nd, 1913. Pub. Aug. 18, 19138—Oct. 13, 1913. keena Land District-——District of Coast, hange 6. Take notice that Arthur O, Crew, ol Jevizes, kLugiand, occupation surveyor, in- nds to apply for permission to purchase ¢ following described dands; Commencing at @ post pianted about 20 haus gorau of te northeast corher ol J , Kange 6, Coast District, Whence chaus mere or less Ww bortheast rher of Lot 696, thence east 20 Chailis, bence nora 20 Chains more or less ww wore Of lake, Whence Westerly 20 Cialis or less following shore of lake to commencement, containing 4V es more or less, ARTHUR 0, CREW. Pr. M.Millier, Agent. Dated, July 23rd, 1913. b, Aug. 18, 1013—Oct. 13, 1013. Take notice that I, William Macy, ol t , occupation caterer, intend to e Hon. Commissioner of Lands for permission to purchase the Jescribed lands; cing @t @ post planted on the i corner of 8, T. L, Lot and Post thence southerly 20 chains e shore of Goose Bay to 8. T. L Post reading J525U-0529, thence Sierly direction 20 chains, thence O 4 doriberiy direction 20 chains, thence asi 20 chains to the point of commence Meal, containing 160 acres more or Jess. WILLIAM MACY. Cc. MH. Flood, Agent. Dated June 27th, 1943, Pub, July 28, 1913—Sept. 22, 1913. NOTICE. the provisions of chapter 115 of the Re- Nised Chapter of Canada, F, L. Wilson has Geposited with the Minister of Public pWorks @ plan of a work proposed to be Coustructed on land im the Harbor of } (ilOWS: | Commenciig 859.3 ft. north and Cove ones east from the centre of Seal Rupert lam 4s shown on Plan 923, Prince Weel puitd Registry OMce, being south- gree ue! Sublot’ 7, thence north 36 ne. > ‘3 Minutes 39 seconds west 760 grees Harbor line, Thence south 36 de- ding 4), minules 1 second west $70 ft. grees jy Darbor line, thence south 36 de- 1 ingly iiiaules 59" Second east 546 ft, 6h Waler mark, thence following high the fore Ri ‘1g in the Land Registry Office “i4Wa, Ont, September 16th, 1943 MACDONNELL & HONEYWELL, 20-Oct 27, 1913 WATER NOTICE. Appli 1 7 : an “Hon for @ license to take and use ; Br “Ul be made under the Water Act ‘ish Columbia as follows: . 1 ‘he naiwe of the applicant is B, C. \ 3 Vorks, Lid,, F. H. Mobley, agent, ~ Nupert, B, GC, : rhe © of the stream is Kwinitsa tn range ‘ream bas its source in moun- Hiver, 4 - Ut S mifes West of the Skeena and bmaptiis ‘h @ southeasterly direction Wile sou ‘nto Skeena River about 1 ‘ The ; om KwWinitsa station, We strean on thee to be diverted from et front ay, south side, about 6,280 * The p Wil’ be ined urpose for whieh the water 7 rhe] 5 inining and manufacturing. te used ‘nd on which the water 1s to vseribed 48 follows: Mineral ‘ by the B. C. Salt Works, ted adjacent 7 cena Alvee to Lot 74 and an NUGUULY OF Water applied for is Din \ 'welve bundred (1200) | 1 : it ce f ‘ } the att t Was posted on the ground | te Acoor ney Of Sepiember, 1913 on | ther this notice and an applica- | Wents Of the tereto and to the require } j Water Act y j lice of : Will be filed in the Rh ipert, B the a ater Recorder at) Prince sild” Wat /bjections may be fled with | lop Wkeh Recorder, or with the 7 Nights, Parliament B.C, SALT WORKS, LTD, W-Sept, 8 to oct off Movled, “ot S822 DID FRANK DAVIS CONFESS THE MURDER OF ARCHIBALD TO DEAN cons muss 2 tanya ran LIBERALS INSIST ON EDUCATION BY STATE of Education of Every Manitoba Child. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Prince Rupert, B, C., briefy described as w Dian ener to point Of beginning, with a aud has depeei nee of said proposed site bosited @ duplicate of each of at Prin ; he te e Rupe rt, B, C., and is appiyiog to thereot, sor In Couneil for approvai W-Sept, Solicitors for the Applicant. May 28th of this year. Dean, -recently acquitted at the New Westminster assizes on a charge of being implicated in the great robbery from the Bank of Montreal in that city, is being diligently sought for by private detectives in Seattle, to which place he is believed to have gone following his liberation from the penitentiary On his discovery may rest the life of one of the two young men now occupying minster, having been convicted of the murder of Police Constable/has not given up hope that he|ment of a compulsory education It is alleged that while Dean and Clarke and Davis, the two condemned men, were together in the New Westminster jail await. | BY DETECTIVES. Vancouver, Nov. 45.—Charles|ing trial, one of them, Davis, it | take place next vear, the Mani- is said, told the story of the | shooting of the policeman to Dean. What this story was Dean and the man who told him alone | know, but in the hopes that it favored Clarke, and was a con- fession on the part of Davis that he fired the fatal shot, Clarke's friends are of the opinion that Dean's story might be used in his favor in the event of a new tria being granted. Mrs. Behrens, | cells in the “death corridor” of|Clarke’s mother, who is convinced | the provincial jail at New West-|that the policeman did not meet his death at the hands of her boy, James Archibald in Vancouver on will yet be saved from capital | law. punishment, and her friends are} anxiously aiding in the search|tial part of the education of for Dean, who may be abie to tel! a story that will change the sen- tence imposed upon her son, STEFANSSON MAY BE His Vessel Being Discovered This Winter blonde Esquimo, and his party her since she is. probably lost whereabouts being discovered. Great Lakes Disasters wrecks. LOST IN THE ARCTIC. | Workhouse Sentence Pronounced Whalers Say There is No Hope of Seattle, Nov. 18.—It is believ- ed that Stefansson, the Arctic explorer who discovered the are lost. His steamer the Kar- luek, was last sighted off Flax- man Island on August 14th, and as nothing has been heard from with all her people, An exten- sive search was made for the vessel and the whalers now say there is no possible hope of her Ottawa, Noy, 18.—-The marine disasters on the great lakes is being subjected to a thorough inquiry by a government com- mission, which is probing cer- tain aspects of the recent WHAT ONE WINK COST On New York Flirter New York, Nov. 13.—On evid- ence that he had winked at a salesgirl in a Sixth Avenue de- partment store, Daniel Sager Was sentenced to 20 days in the workhouse yesterday. Two of ten other men arrested on charge of flirting were sentenced to 30 days each. Discord in Royal Family. London, Noy. 17.—Continental despatches tell of discord be- tween Prince Hite! Fritz, second son of the Kaiser, and his wife, who was Princess Sophie, the Duchess of. Oldenburg. They were married in 1906, It is now said they have actually separ- ated and that the princess has gone lo America, In Honor of Dead Sarnia, Nov. 18. — All the steamers passing this port are | With a provincial election due to ;}amendments. BARRIEAU MATCHED Winnipeg, Man., Nov. 15.— toba Liberals tonight met to hear their leader, T, C. Norris, repre. sent the party’s policy on which the 1914 election will be fought. The policy, as presented by Mr. ————— ~- uD | Hi i" As children, our first de- mand is for nourishment; our second for facts. All through life we go about searching for information. We make a new acquaintance; but before we will accept him as a friend or invite him to our home we ask for facts about him. We visit a foreign land; and from the moment we step across its border we are asking questions— searching for facts. We are asked to try a new food product; isn't it instinétive with us to ask at once: “Who makes this new article >” “How is it made > what goes into it ?” “Ts it worth the price charged for it ?” Facts—we are simply hungry for them. Strange, isn’t it, that we should so often have to search for them ? Odd, that some manufacturers still withhold the facts about their product. Not always because they are facts to be ashamed of-—for there are many worthy articles yet unadvertised, But it will not be so much longer. The fact-hunger of the human race is becoming keener and keener. The more facts we get, the keener our relish for more of them. Soon it will be impossible to sell a man or a woman anythin until everything has been told about the goods that can be told through Advertising. The public has discovered that Advertising tells much-needed facts—, that, in fact, Advertising satisfies fact-hunger. If you are doing a local business talk over advertising problems wit Advertising Department of this newspaper. aa bape If you are doing a provincial or national business it would be well for k ge to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. A list of these of Canadian Press inti furnished, without cost or obligation, by the (10) Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toscan, pee Norris, places the education question in the fore, advocating: 1836 THE BANK OF 1913 | 1. The maintenance of na- ;| tional schools in their complete integrity. 2. The repeal of the Coldwell 3. The enactment and enforce- 4. Making English an essen- every child in Manitoba. 5. A state university. Mr. Norris also advocated a system of agricultural credits, in sympathy with the movement in that direction in Saskatchewan, and strongly favored hydro-elec- tric development along the lines of the system carried out by the Ontario government. _, WITH CALIFORNIAN Will Meet McCCarthy in a Fif- teen Round Bout at Van- couver Next Month BritishNorthAmerica| TT Years in Business, CaPiTal AND SunPius Over $7,600,000. | | A Service Business Men | Appreciate | The complete and valuable service rendered by the Bank | of British North America has | secured and retained the accounts as well as thecon- | fidence ofa goodly proportion | of Canada's prominent busi- ness men. The same service awaits you, whether your account be large or small. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, MANAGER ———— , Popular Christmas Gifts * sms wc CHAIN OR FOB Our illustrated Catalogue represents many fine grades in these lines. WATCHES for men and boys, In a great variety of styles, but all war- ranted to be reliable time keepers. We have many fine grades in men’s Thin Models, as well as in models especially intended for Doctors, Mer- chants, Ranchers and Lumbermen. WATCHES for ladies in the newest popular case designs. Our Cata- logue shows a very fine line of Bracelet Watches. The Bracelet Watch is now the most fashionable with ladies of all lands. IN FOBS AND CHAINS we offer the most commendable styles in vogue and our Catalogue illustrates a very representative display of our stock. See pages 21, 22, 26, 40 and 41. Do not leave your Christmas orders too late. Buy before the rush of the season begins. The last two weeks are always full of hurry and worry. Buy from our Catalogue representations at once and benefit by our moderate prices. Henry Birks & Scie Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C — Vancouver, Nov. 13,—It was announced today by Bert Hal- + PIAA AAIAAAAAA AAAI AADAAAIAAIIAAA ENVELOPES LETTERHEADS BUSINESS CARDS FOLDERS SHIPPING TAGS BLOTTERS VISITING CARDS BALL PROGRAMMES MENU CARDS BILLHEADS STATEMENTS ° PRINTING Summer is over and the Fail trade has begun, To get your share you must have some sort of printed matter—a circular, folder, booklet or cata- logue. Be sure to have that work done properly. You would not send out a shabby salesman to represent you; then don't make the mistnke of | sending out a poorly printed circular or booklet. We are QUALITY PRINTERS and can produce a piece of printed matter that you would be proud of and which will get results. Try us. Phone 98. DAILY NEWS JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT ] EI III IOI tok