THE DAILY NEWS ——————— Your Comfort Grey Blankets, from $3.50 a pair up White All Wool Blankets, $4.50, $5.75, $6.75 to $10.50 a pair Fawn Blankets, $6.75 to $9.75 a pair i Hudson’s Bay Point Blankets, $6.75 to $9.75 \par ' Cotton, Wool and Eiderdown Quilted Comforters, $1.75 to $30.00 each H. S$. WALLACE CO0., LTD. Dry Goods, Crockery, Etc. Third Avenue Prince Rupert [ LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. } Mrs. H. F. MeRae will receive tomorrow afternoon from 4 to 6. ne. ae H. F. MeRae left by this morn- ing’s train on a business trip to Hazelton, A. J. Morris returned — this morning from a business trip to Vancouver. * Mr. and Mrs. Archie MeDoug- all returned this morning from a short visit south, * . Mrs. W. H. Vickers and little child returned this morning from an extended visit at her home in England, ~~ * Froud, who has been Vancouver for Miss F. A. visiting friends at la few weeks, returned this morn- jing * > * W. A. Dunlap, who was engag- i in transportation on the Naas during the summer, returned \this morning from a short visit | south, | e280 The following are booked for passage on the Venture today: M. C. Harrison, C. R,. Blood, J. M. McDonald, B. F. Lea and George McPhail. Frank Stevens, a freighter from the Bulkley valley, was successfully operated on for ap- pendicitis at the general hospital ~ — ==-Prince George—=> That the expert land buyers of the country are confident of the future of Prince George was fully demonstrated at the recent auction held Vanceuver and Edmonton. These experienced investors purchased over $2,000,000.00 worth of Prince George property. > f The demand for property in Prince George is very keen. Many ‘turn- overs are being made daily at handsome profits. DUR THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE OF THE SITUATION We know the situation thoroughly, and are in direct touch with all developments. Our property has been carefully selected and we are seli- The increasing demand it will pay ing It at a slight advance over the auction prices. for this property is bound to assure investors quick profits. you to write us at once. Prince George Investment Co. this morning. | *. . . F. Landes left last night on the steamer Spokane for Skag- way en route to Chisana. He took with him ten dogs for transpor- tation of his supplies over the trail. orth J. C. Shepherd, superintendent for Foley, Welch & Stewart, who has been recuperating from a severe attack of rheumatism, re- turned this morning. He is |oox- as well as ever. = * * Davidson, Py 2B agent, announces that on Friday of this week, heated car for perishable freight will run weekly to Smithers. Later as the traffic heated cars will * ing quite G. gceneral starting A. a be on inereases more added. * be * 03°38 Os Lucy Island under date that during storms the lighthouse construction, to withstand Ouellette, keeper of lighthouse, writes of November 144th some of the recent waves washed the windows. The solid however, seems able the heavy strain. “CHILD OF THE DESERT” Showing Wild Animals in their Native Jungles Some weeks ago the patrons of the Empress Theatre were thrill- 601 Dominion Bidg., Vancouver, B. C. ed bv a Selig film called ‘‘Alone ‘ in the Jungle,’ which up to that ZY \time was generally conceded to Be ae ar be the greatest of all such films. Wen’ igs 3 fee EPA SPE But now comes one that breaks its record, entitled “‘Wamba, the Child of the Desert.’ This is by 7 If You Are Thinking of Spending Your Christmas at Home 4! Permit Us to Tell You About Our “" PERSONALLY CONDUCTED ALL EXPENSE TOUR Leaving Vancouver December 7th ‘and travelling by special train, via Chieago and Niagara Falls to New York, there connecting with the various steamship lines. All railroad and steamship transporta- tion, berths, meals and hotel expenses included in your ticket. A choice of various steamship lines is offered. For complete information call on or address CITY TICKET OFFICE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RY. Prince Rupert. B. C., or A. W. Nase, Com’'l Agent, 443 Hastings St. Vancouver, B. C. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & 8ST. PAUL RY. West the same firm and is also in two parts. The narrow escapes from dhe various wild beasts roaming at large and seeking whom they may devour are of thrilling in- terest apart from -the education- al features of the pictures and in viewing them one cannot fail to be impressed with the great cost and the great personal bravery at which such living pictures were secured, information Bureau Perey F. Godenrath, who will have charge of the information bureau that has been inaugurat- ed by the Board of Trade, is bus- ily engaged getting things in shape in the Westenhaver block. The spacious premises have been re-decofated and are being fitted up in such a way that the LUMBER SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. First and MoBride Prince Rupert PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers, B. C. exhibits of the varied resources of the distriet can be seen to good advantage. Hard to Size Up She stood at the bar of justice, A creature wan and wild; In figure too young for a woman, In feature too old for a ehild. “You ean't tell anything about ‘em in these skimpy gowns,” marked the judge. re. HAVE YOU REGISTERED KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. ore HARDWARE MONARCH MALLEABLE 3 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies ** Stay Satisfactory Range.’"’ Holders of agreements of sale who can produce a re ceipt for 1913 taxes ‘in their own name are entitled to register for the voters’ list any time up to November 30th inelusive. Both the agreement of sale and the tax receipt have to be pre- sented at the city hall. Don’t forget .to register. -Time expires Nov, 30th. TWO THOUSAND BANK Clerk of Police Board St. Andrew's Ball Leading social event of the year in St. Andrew's Society Hall Friday, 28th November at 9 p.m GRAY'S ORCHESTRA (4 piece) REFRESHMENTS Gent's Tickets $2.50 Ladies free Tickets to be had of Messrs. C. H. Orme, Williams & MoMeekin and McColl & Robertson Industrial ; Sites With Rail and Water Transportation Apply HARRISON GAMBLE & CO. Financial Agents Ave, Prince Rupert $ Third F. M. CROSBY | Wants to buy all kinds of Household Fur- niture, everything in the line of Mechanics’ Tools, Guns and Men's Clothing, Will ca)! | any time Highest prices paid, 839 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 243! ~ TAXIDERMIST Animals, birds, fish and all kinds of game heads mounted; hides tanned and made into rugs! and robes, All work strictly first | Class, A, MITTLER, Expert Taxi- dermist, 728 Helmeken St., Van- FREDDIE WELSH TO | Commencing at a quarter post at the| centre of Section Thirty (30), Township) Six (6), Graham Island, thence south forty | chains, thence east forty chains, thence north sore chains, thence west forty chains to the point of beginning. HERBERT PARSONS, By Cc. P. Piet Dated September 4th, Pub, Oct. 3, 13—Oet. Locator. Agent, 101 a7, 1913. . HUBERT ae of the main line * Hallway in the new the city on GTP. Central BRITISH COLUMBIA is so strategically located that it is in the centre of and commands the trade of the wonderful rich and proven agricultural lands in the famous BULKLEY VALLEY and also the surrounding ‘mining districts. {| All other cities and towns in the Bulkley Valley will be tributary to HUBERT. All branch tines from the main line of railway will start from HUBERT. {| The townsite Is ideally located in a bend of the Bulkley River and is free from swamps and bog, with magnificent natural drainage. { The first offering of town lots is now open to the public. { HUBERT has behind it the same organization, the same systematic development, the same liberal ad- vertising that placed FORT GEORGE on the map and kept it there. Trains are now running to HU- BERT, and the G. T. Station ie built. Write or Call for Maps, Plans and Photos. Agents Wanted Everywhere, Natural Resources Security Company, Ltd. Joint Owners and Sole Agents FORT GEORGE one “user townsites EAD OFFICE Vancouver Block, VANCOUVER, B. C. couver, B.C. THE WEATHER. Furnished by F. W. Dowling CLERKS FOR CANADA: BOX AT MONTREAL ayo Only Fifty Were o Advertised for in| Hopes to Matoh Him With Some For 24 hours ending 5 a.m,, London, but Former Number | of “ ae of dice oo Wednesday, Nov. 19, 1913 } we ts o rovinoe Applied. | 9 Barometer reduced to sea de 4 FONT ss heads 6 -dinle buebet 8 0-6 29.209 London, Oet, 16,—Oceasionally Montreal, Noy, 15.—Freddie| p{ighest temperature 38,0 something happens which demon-| Welsh, -the English lightweight | Lowest temperature 33.0 strates very forcibly how great an champion, will very NOMS aPC Ui foe ss sig hind bach a obaaia 1.54 1 » Montres very 8s ‘thy. ‘ attraction Ganada exercises not seen in fontreal ery shorth oon | Welsh is known .as one of the May Move. to Hamilton. only over the minds of the agri- best lightweights in the world, | : 7 ulturist. but of other classes ; ; : Hamilton, Ont., Noy, 17,—It is c ’ ‘ “ls arre re are ’ y ¢ ; son + and arrangements are being al rumored: that ox-Governor Foss Here is a case in point: tempted whereby he will come to ; raptin f sared in ’ of Massachusetts will make good Bt) een. ANP aye Montreal to box. Manager Geo. | 11, threat that he would move | j ‘ su "la ; .' e "Ot t ; Ove this a London daily newspaper fr) Kennedy of the Canadian Athletic , sisiaedaiertn ahs ito “Canaa ve ; . sialic }rne f g i yanads fifty clepks for, Canadian banks.|/q)4p stated that efforts were be- |!" g ple 1 rs » 9 000 applica | is stated he has purchased a In three days over 2,| applea=)ing made to have the English . oa The rate of large tract of land in the West tions were received. ao ee boxer visit Montreal, where he |). 4 far ” 3 4 a vear ; ; x nd, wages offered was S400 a year) il) he matched with some of the | for eastern points and 8600 @) Host lightweights on this side of = year west of Winnipeg for men the water. who had not had any experience Sele akauls in banking. For those who had Progress of Quebec Bridge the wages were $700, with $200 more if the clerk was sent to the Ottawa, ‘Nov ait. with awa, ! ‘ f S beat England structure of the Quebee bridge Of course, cletr ad ois ng ysis hasbeen completed: save for the are Tig @ “well (paid ( aie Ur) pointing of a couple of piers and) GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH ery ae bagh to attrac i ~~ * the erection of steel on the north COLUMBIA the scale of wages offeret n in Canada . ti i not, however shore has started. “This will 1 Department of Agriculture lanadé 5 : ; cessitate the use of an immens oe 2 } . wholly a question of wages, enn waling *dbmrinine B60 Ticoved Office of Assistant Horticulturis rather that there is such a gen- tha walle: eva obeliia abut Halt New Court House, Prince Rupert ‘ S ¢ we ap. i a a eral belief in the greater oppor Se wiiitn citation ‘ Phone 534 ‘ . & 5 tunities available in Canada, Information or advice freely aa given Write or call BLUEBEARD 1s QUILTY “ Th D il N ” A. H. TOMLINSON Ghicago, Nov 15 Henry e a y ews Assistant Horticulturist Spencer, confessed slayer of Mrs CLASSIFIED ADS. Mildred Allen Rexroat, dancing teacher, was last night found] _ ea LAND CLEARING guilty of murder by a jury at FOR RENT Peter Nelson is open to take contracts Wheaton, a suburb. US aE et tap : for clearing land in and around Terrace — - FOR RENT—Four room flats, Beach Place | *!*0 cordwood for fuel, etc. Terms, etc Building, $18 and $20 per month, See! on application Last of Centre Street McCaffery & Gibbons 270-27 PETER NELSON, TERRACE, B. ©. jonrmeie=s “an oan SRE NICELY furnished front room tn modern; -—— ose The work of tearing down the apartment, over Westenhavers omices THE UP-TO-DATE one ec t t building on Centre Street until ie so pee HAIRDRESSING PARLORS recently used as general offices FOR SALE ei eh cy CD eee SURG Mecem GORD sR RR a eeeheodemmll 211 Third St. I Strictly rs las onward march of progress Gen-| COWS fresh calved and coming in always | Work Strictly First Cia : on hand, and tuberculosis tested, Joh Switches f All Kinds and Hair Goods 4 tre Street has been completely Christy, ‘cattle dealer, Collingwood West Sr etait annihilated to make room for corner Carleton and Westminster Road ‘ Phone Colling od ‘6 KK. Post OTFtee the large palatial hotel and other] coilingwood East, Box 20 270-1 THE RELIABLE PLUMBER improvements planned by the G, _ TP WANTED HARRY HANSON — a aan a ~ Z zy 139 2nd Ave. Phone 489| |. | POSITION WANTED b stead ¥ ne DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE | man Box 88 ,Daily News 71 Out-of-Town Wofk | WANTED—Sewing by the day or week Hotel and Restaurant Work | Miss M. Washburn. Phone Blue 399 Tenders on New Work | 260 Plumbing Insured from Frost | Work Done Promptiy and Guaranteed atl WANTED—-Girl to mind baby about two Reasonable Prices hours every Sunday afternoon Apply One Trial Wall Convince You 528 8th avenue west. 246tf WANTED-—Five or six room house, with bath and sewer attachments, furnished GEORGE LEEK or partly furnished 17, News Office WANTED—Young woman to walt on table Real Estate, insurance and Loan Broker wages $30.60 month with room. Appl Notary Public. Renta and Collections Supt. Prince Rupert General Hospital . 269tf Albert Block, 2nd Avenue GOOD general servant wanted; 835° pe Prince Rupert month, Also nurse girl wanted Four 2 y i help einployed. Mrs. L. W. Patmore Between Sth and 6th Streets 258tf skeena Land District—District of Coas:,,) Office 606 3rd Ave. Phone 93 of Tar and Cod Liver Off “Range V A tonic as well as a Take notice that Eugene Renz, of Prince PACIFIC TRANSFER C0 Rupert, B, C., occupation cook, intends to . cough cure. apply for permission to purchase the fol-| ow) earmin Sat Pian auhere. ‘owing described lands: } Gener eaming, pate, ano, Large bottle 35¢. Sold ¢ Commencing at a post planted about 20 Furniture and Baggage Moving chains sou’h of the northeast corner of : 5 “© 5 , N V $. E. 30945, thence north 40 chains, thence) Carefully and Promptly done % east 13 chains more or less to the west | MATHIEUS SYRUP boundary of John McKechnie’s pre-emp- | Storage and Forwarding Wood and Coal tion, thence south #0 chains more or less 7 to 6«6John)6MeKechnie’s southwest corner, Le a ol thence east 20 chains, thence south 20/|P?. 0. Box 203 Phone 47 COO LIVER OIL chains, thence west 33 chains more or less) lto the east boundary of 8, E. 30945 to the P ROBERTSON | point of commencement, containing ¥v0 e res more or less | $i: ee bites EUGENE RENZ INCORPORATED ACCOUNTANT (Eng.) H. D. Lenhart, Agent. CHARTERED SECRETARY POLICE UNIFORM OVERCOATS. Dated August 22nd, 1913. ; Audits, investigations, Adjustments, Liqui- Tenders will be received by the under Pub. Sept. 22, 1913-—-Nov, 17, 1913 dations ond Assignments. signed up to 2:00 P. M., Friday, November —_—_--——— — 28th, 1913, for the supply of six. (6)|Skeena Land District—District cf Queen | Smith Block, 3rd Ave., Frince Rupert, B. © overcoats f the Police Department Charlotte Islands. Overcoats to be of the same color as the rt Parsons, ti nniforms now worn, Samples of cloth to neta te wate gente = sathons at- | be submitted along with tenders. Full} tomey, intend to apply for a license to | MAJESTIC ROOMS particulars from the Chief of Police prospect for coal and petroleum on and | The lowest or any tender not necessarily | under one hundred and sixty acres of | accepted land on Graham Island, B. C,, bounded as|Steam heated, comfortable rooms 270-71 ERNEST A, WOODS, follows: from $3.50 per week up OVER MAJESTIC THEATRE Phone Green 69 3rd Avenue to his collector. rented business. | Let me property Every man am an expert look after your or collections. GEORGE LEEK 615 2nd Ave. Phone 203 HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Phone 300 Pp, O. Box 1635 MEALS BY DAY OR WEEK At 118 8th Street (FORMERLY B. C. CAFE) Single Meals From 35c Up HOME STLYE For Sale Wednesday Novem} Vem er Tit tT Sixty Thousand tra . Raw Furs Why nt yo vey prices and ex you? We Pay highex Tine) t n and wendy in Canada HALLAM'S S TRAPPERS Fron h and English f GUIDE > Ah “dam en tinps te ees, ant Raw For | , minute” ABSOLUTE ad ( = J JHN HALLAM, Limited il TORONTO IN TI BE IN TH A j vi I AMEN AND U iii I AN | Tk jnental ‘1 t } corpora ty cut } Br icla 1 ia lupe Fi ‘ Limite i distri \ rringe I ha Vovembe if CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS, Ptarmigan mir ate in Skeena Mining Division Cassiar tal trict an Where located About six a ‘Trot the m [ Falls eek x f bag |Observatory | + OOS Bay, Take notice tha Wi ¢ Miner’s Cert 1 x { Perel, Pree agent for Wm. KR. | sha Ulicate No. B70101, au yates, Ps Miner's Cert | is sixty days [rom ca to the Mining Ke r ny Improvements, f pury rol, ing a Cr ura the above clan And further ta Vt action, us der section 37, m befor the issue 8U ments | Dated this 24th da }1913 | | CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS | Ground Hog, c } { 4 4 bagi tin nera lain. ‘ Skeens Ated ig DIV Assia q | Wher i § back m s¢ Bay, | } Inlet Tak e tha Kergi,| | re : 43839, act-| ing a Az i Mir t 4 ’ ale h 4 yo, DB a W bers i ale Da ve dat Mining rd dupruve t purt aluing § row i: t } ak a 24% Au - = dn SAece i a Tak a, Prince I * ase t n ue Jeast : |} Trap Ba sud jrirt 7 ru 4 7 “a jisia lea ‘ } I ha | bate | l N SRE 1 i ast Tak I " Edmont Au oan niends to a : hase the f the Comme! the northeast off eastward ' oe on the for W plivat t ence Beavis, the t went west tw w- ehain th 0 ing the s&s! acre mencemen more BES Per Hi 0 Dated October | 1944 Pub. Noy. 1 ! ———»«< PRINCE RUPERT FEED 00. 908 Third Avenue Dealers 10 FEED SEEDS HAY TIMOTHY OATS CLOVER WHEAT ALFALFA CORN ETC »CIALT! GHICKEN FEED A SPECIA w Mail orders promptly attended =P YOURS A A Lot 5, Block 18, Beetion 5 eee PRICE pelt 5,400 $9 000 $ $9,000 | Terms: 82 nd cash, balance 2,| 4 cash, bata i ind: 6 months, interest month ca 1% ILot 22 ! APPLY den Co, Le Harrison, Gamble & Coagan|6- | K. Na va ina FINANCIAL AGENTS Ts de Third Ave. Prince Rupert | menor