NT . A LAnaneT CIRCULATION NEXT MAILS in THE CITY AND NORTHERN Preni Gouth BRITIGH COLUMBIA Vetare. 24i0t es ea oa Tuesday ~ For South. | VOMURS isl iis: tp os Wednesday a - ti : , Yel bray, / ys SERRE > Mase in, y ? sues — —= Ss ——————— voL, IV., NO. 276 PRINCE. RUPERT, BkC,, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1913 3 PRICE FIVE CENTS ae vee a . a — $$ __.__—_ — —— —- ——— ———____ —— . . ‘ neil aaa ———_———— D a — —— —— SL ———— — ———— = — VICTORIA HALF BACK KILLED ON F OOTBALL FIELD---TUG ESCORT AND BARGE GEORGIA SAFE © has fallen div aim of the stables scattered over im the of the That search their Hel bank robbers. man appears to be th m the the affair brought down by from passengt 1 Vé sterday’s s dead, train. The shot through a pot shot in refused to stop. lead man is supposed railroad contractors New Hazelton. He warding his empore ta He house chum believed irily has to the special con- } coun- New | he} nocent and probably de the meagre reports of} the New Hazelton | yp his tr vic- the a special constable who at him when the} to who has been working in disappeared | a week him unbalanced a pay check | PROBABLY DEMENTED MAN SHOT DEAD AS ONE OF BANK ROBBERS iT 18 SAID HE WAS CHASED BY HALF BREED SPECIAL CON- STABLE, WHO SHOT THE MAN DEAD NEAR SKEENA CROSSING. coming to him from the com- pany. On Friday night a half breed constable named Edgar, located at Skeena the bank saw 4a cross the He ordered him to stop but the man took to the woods. | The following morning the | const able, with assistants took ail and after following | him for hours finally caught sight of the man. They again ordered him to stand but the man ran on, | The constable land the first shot was fatal. | When the train left New elton yesterday the body had not brought in but it was tho- that the dead man was the who disappeared a week be- and had been wandering in woods ever since. | special |} who has been | Crossing watching for | robbers | bridge. man ' raised his rifle Haz- been lught pone fore the NE TEMERE DECREE HAS RUNG THE DEATH KN REV. FATHER BUNOZ DEFENDS HIS CHURCH LAW—REPLIES TO CRITICISM OF REV. F. W. KERR—WHAT ABCUT THE TEA PARTIES? anyone I sh Cx by the If they Ne Temere do | would like I will expand that re- all of Canada United States. The death rung by the This was a point- Rev. Father Bu- ecture night on of the Ne Temere ply to. the eriticism of Church made by Kerr week prev- vorce is t by last Cat} F, W one he Bunoz said he ap- proached the subject with reluct- for while he was always fad to explain the doctrines, the and ‘lureh, this was the first time he | te gal and the children of the un- bh ee been called upon to reply to} jon have all the privileges of the iticism from a christian Pulpit rhe criticism had been i Dad taste and unprofessional. ‘0 far as the church was con- cerned it was like a pellet thrown | “ainst the rock of Gibraltar. Sar a ; ; Prince Rupert is a community of | ! many ¢ reeds and no creeds, with m various nations and ‘Many languages, Anyone who Would break up the good rela- | "Ons existing between the var- US elements in the city is not Working for the good of the city. What has the R. G. echureh done Prince Rupert to cause reli- ‘nimosity? The priests are busy to bother with the he £lous t 1a Majestic Theatre Peper ee eee oensational Attraction TONIGHT AND. TOMORROW — : : Path (the “g Marvellous Color Photoplay Ever Seen at Majestic Theatre) Entitled “IN LOVE AND WAR” (Two Parts) Essanay Photoplay “THE MOVING FINGER eeult of Taking the Wrong Course The R uytagraph Spectacular Display we LADY AND THE GLOVE" parade the Count’s infatuation ‘td she throws her glove Publigiy se tone ee He recovers it, More deserving wena” —? Concluding with a Most lrys Comedy Entitled WIDow CASEY'S RETURN” Exciting know of a home ylumbia that has been to} jaws of the R. C.} MO non nooeneornneenreereneet, recone peaeeaeee neni Se L OF DIVORCE They preach of the pride, jeal- business of others. }of God and the precepts ichurch, against evil, ousy and other vices, and explain the virtues. The Né Temere is not new. It was first made by the Council of Trent 300 years ago and it has been in existence in Quebec ever since the colony started It is not a decree to over-ride the civil law Many prominent Protest- ants have defended it and want it applied to their own denomina- tions. “The marriage Itholie outside the Ca- clause relating to of Protestant and the church,” said |Father Bunoz,” applies solely to ithe internal legislation of the fehurech.”’ A marriage outside is A priest will respect such, \é a union. But a civil marriage is null and void according to the sacraments of the chureh. Has the church the right to leg- lislate for its own members. Mar- riage as a sacrament essentially belongs to the church. “It is not right to so often ¢all jupon the iaws of the land in re- j land. jnot ligious matters. Our statesmen should be free to devote their talents to civil matters and not be worried with church affairs, The church should look after its own interests. The policeman is not the guardian to the road ta Heaven, nor the jailor the keeper of the key to the Home of God. Let us breeth freely. Give us only necessary laws and let these be well observed, “The Catholic church is teach- ing that the bond of matrimony 1s cannot be broken asunder, How ean that church break up the home? She is working for the unity of teh home,” The speaker recited instances where he refused to marry cou- ples because he*laeked informa- tion concerning the parties In one instance, and because in an- other one the party had been d.- vorced, yet the papers the follow- ing day announced a very pretty wedding. Touching raffles the question of asked “the on the lecturer of tickets for a doll is adapted to our methods and desires for making charity, If “The selling author of the friendly criticism to be consistent, He recalled|- one raffle which was not connect ed with the Catholic church, SOHN PHOLDER. ~ SEC'Y CIWC SECRETARIES COMMITTEE. RICHARD S CH.L.95 SECRETARY SHORT BALLOT ORGANILATION NEw City é +9 HON. G.POWERS 9 CENSUS BUREAU Whole of Canada Not in Favor of | Irish Home Rule (Special to the Daily News) London, Nov. 23.—Speaking here on Saturday Bonar Law, leader of the Unionist party himself a former Canadian, took exception to the statements that were made by John Redmond, the leader of the Irish party, that the whole of Canada favored Home Rule for Ireland. PANAMA TOLLS FIXED One Dollar Twenty Per Ton the Rate Agreed On (Special to the Daily News) Washington, Nov. 23.— The Panama Canal tolls have been fixed by the administration. They are placed at $1.20 a ton. CARRIED SACKS OF GOLD Steamer Spokane Transferred Valuable Mails Here This Morning An armed guard escorted a wagon load of mail taken off the steamer Spokane to the post of- fice this morning. The mail con- tained five sacks of gold from Alaska to Vancouver by regis- tered mail, The Spokane brought down a big cargo of mail from Alaska and that portion con- signed to Vancouver was trans- ferred at this port, through the post office to the steamer Prince Rupert. ‘The transfer was made before daylight. There were 21 passengers on the Spokane for Prince Rupert and 150 passen- gers for Seattle, Yale Defeated by Harvard (Special to The Daily News. Cambridge, Mass., Novy, 24. Harvard universily has won the annual rugby match against Yale university by a score of 15 to 5, The match was watched by an immense crowd numbering 47,- 000 people. Basket Ball Callies vs. Bankers at the Au- ditorium tonight. Game called m 8.15 sharp. Admission 25c. ee ee can point to two in a tea party, Yet I would not outlaw the tea party.” Father Bunoz ‘spoke over an hour and the enlarged church was filled to the doors. you can point to an evil in it I BARGE GEORGIA SAFE. Sixty Families are Homeless in | Adrift in Queen sen Charlotte Sound | Rescued by ss. Chicago and Govt. Boat Estevan the} and | Leard the barge, for while she a stout craft there was. ¢ danger of her going ashore. The tug and barge NEW VICEROY OF INDIA and Succeed Lord Hardinge (Special to The Daily News.) New York, Nov. . 23,— aa earner renee ers. There is also a realistic and the domes- tic part of the drama is as full of droll action can To an exerucial- Thanhausser comedy Man,” evéning/s entertain- manage- good MONDAY A | WESTHOLME SPECIAL! P A Three Reel BEAUTIFUL SCENERY ISTIC Also the Fine No Advance in Prices WONDERFUL FEATURE MOTION At SPECIAL!! PICTURES ND TUESDAY the OPERA HOUSE SPECIAL!!! “The Heart of Kathleen’ Spee Irish Story i EXCITING SITUATIONS—REAL- SHIPW RECK Thanhauser Comedy “WILLIE THE WILD MAN” Admission 10c and 15ce (Special to The Daily News.) Victoria, Nov. 24.—By a grev- ious chance the victorious tour of the New Zealand All Black Rugby team has practically end- ed in a tragedy. The team had played all the coast universities, and in but one one or two iustan- ces had these teams bees able to at all. The New Zealand after playing here was to play at Vancouver on Tuesday and then return home with its kit full of honors. During the game played Saturday afternoon between the All Blacks and a lo- cal team of fifteen, Ogden, the score team, FOOTBALL PLAYER IS KILLED AT ALL BLACK VICTORIA GAME FULLBACK OF VICTORIA TEAM .GETS KICKED ON HEAD AND DIES ALMOST INSTANTANEOUSLY — VANCOUVER GAME CONSEQUENTLY CANCELLED . Victoria full back, in a sharp scrimmage, got kicked on the head. He died while being car- ried off the field. What action, if any, will be taken will not be known until after the holding of the inquest. The score for the match was 35 to 0 in favor of the All Blacks. Vancouver, Nov. 23.—As a re- sult of the tragic ending of the football game in Victoria Satur- day, the match scheduled be- tween the All Vancouver team and the New Zealand players for tomorrow has been cancelled. BURGLARS WERE NIGHT BUT ENTRIES WERE ATTEMPTED A WERE ENTERED SO FAR ED TO THE At four o'clock on Sunday morning the police were called up and informed that the glass in the deor of J..A. Kirkpatriek’s store on Sixth Street had been smashed and that it looked as if a burglary had been attempted. Tie police were on the scene in short order and found that a burglarious entry had been made and that the till had been forced open. Mr. Kirkpatrick was com- municated with and ©n his taking stock later found nothing miss- ing but the contents of the till, amounting to $7. The police next found-that the next store, that, of Charles J. Keithly on the corner, had also been broken into, and_wpon, this they started upon a general in- vestigation. It transpired that Mr. Keithly had emptied his till on Saturday night, so he lost no cash, Across the street on Second Avenue the store of I. Grossman was discovered to have been broken into. From there the burglars carried away several small pieces of jewelry aud $2 in cash, BUSY SUNDAY GOT LITTLE LOOT T TED AT FIVE PLACES AND FOUR AS AT PRESENT REPORT- POLICE It was evident that a determin- ed attempt had been made to break into the Bryant clothing store on Sixth Street, but that the thieves had been probably in- terrupted before they accom- plished their purpose. At the new department store of Pride, Nash & Co., corner of 6th Street and 3rd Avenue, the at- tempt to break in was successful but the robbers, as for as known, had their trouble for nothing. Fhis ends the series so far re- ported. During yesterday several sus- pects were placed under arrest, aud are being held for further developments. Fingers Amputated Bernard Cassidy, an employee of the Sash & Door factory had one hand badly gashed by a bro- ken slab while at work in the mill this mérning. He was hurried to the hospital where it was found necessary to amputate one finger and part of another on the injured hand. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Phone 4. . Chicago, Nov. Canada Day at the United Show at the Colis- The show at- crowd that was States Land eum building tracted the has yet been in attendance since Canada reigned here. largest the opening day. supreme. The largest of agricultural produce of any sec- tion of North America was ex- hibited at the show of the Cana- dian governmeftt. The ‘exhibit was in charge of J. White, su- perintendent of the emigration agencies in the United States. It covered a space of 2,000 square feet and was the admiration of all who visited the show. At the joint exhibit of the Do- minion government representation pouch filled with prize from the Dominion, The and that of the Province of British Columbia (there was given away a loaf of bread to every woman visitor. The GC, P, Ry. presented to every man who was present a tebacco grains Janadian exhibits attract- CANADA CUT QUITE AFIGURE — AT UNITED STATES LAND SHOW EXHIBIT COVERED SPACE OF TWO THOUSAND SQUARE FEET BRITISH COLUMBIA GIVES A LOAF OF BREAD TO EVERY WOMAN VISITOR tendance and was the subject of much favorable comment. St. Andrew's. Bal Leading social event of the year in St. Andrew's Society Hall Friday, 28th November at 9 p.m. GRAY'S ORCHESTRA (4 piece) REFRESHMENTS Gent’s Tickets ae Ladies er Tickets to be had of Messrs. ©. Orme, Williams a McMeekin oa McColl & Robertson ° ; ood PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bazaar in the Mointyre Hall on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH All kinds of Plain and Fancy Need- lework, Dainty Xmas and New Year Gifts. Afternoon Tea Served. Music. Candies and Fish Pond . ed the attention of the entire at- ne eee ee: FEE PT