‘ THE DAILY NEWS Monday, November 94 in ’ 3 _ ney commas — —— eee l —— THE WEATHER. NOTICE OF pig ears (i > | SOLUTION, LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. HAVE YOU REGISTERED TERRACE NEWS. Furnished by F. W. Dowling | yl", 10 | Soo oP Obserevr ness as ema € on heat ; jolders of ‘eements of Lacie diiles Prince is mn 8 venue The city council meets — this Ho , y ag1 ‘ inebia): Clotien Aahoe é ; : and the business y I \ve mnitit sale who can produce a re- Special Correspondence For 24 hours ending 5 am.. on by Charles | be Solve eee. ae ae ceipt for 1913 taxes in their Terrace, Nov. 22.—Mrs: La November 24, 1943. 4t-w ARLES 1, y »W. A. Pettigrew left this morn- vemisaat ek he sot a in Zelle gave a very enjoyable ite ie 0. = re Ye voters 8 . “ty ’ : > whin OF Br ing on a business trip south. 8 t a iaiatier ing party on Wednesday which Barometer reduced to sea Ah BRITISH W T Dr M . ] eh ea oa any time up to Novem took the form of a miscellaneous level 29.532\IN THE mart Bec 30th inelusive. Both the . n° . Matient We Oteii ek ik ee ee CT. Ber \ omen 0 ess ore omingiy Leslie Martin, supt. for Con- aaveeidint of aed the hower for Miss orrison, who Highest temperature...... ‘1.0 ACT, BEIN ul bikin Statik is ak Shaieaeh ete: Yo ag nt of sale is to be married next week. The]y act temperature 34.0 VISED 81 ; 5 tie: ty for a holiday be tax receipt have to be pre- 3/citts were very numerous and ie f ’ 7° Tee i (Cc or 6 ( ay. 2 ite , ‘ ie ea gala ae sented at the city hall. were much -appreciated by the Turned 0 o COLD oe The bie new fashion Ti et >is Don’t forget .to register. prospective bride. During the urn ver $3,000,000 Nétios ia he ‘ here will be a meeting of the : , ' Fe Ng atest nental Trus ray : rice Be | . 2 evening those present took part eae ro ar “gh b rs ae and Labor Council in the -Time expires Nov. 30th. in a guessing contest, which was Three million dollars worth of Gite oF: an wi 7 a boon to wo- ‘alinantare’ 34 i » Saske “oper 8 .| British a i Carpenters’ Hall tonight, followed by dainty refreshments. inside Saskatoon property is the Hb liquid ao man. It will show her o eos Se a Mrs. George Little entertained record of the real estate opera-| Rupert pia, nea “es stter int baa = _ TES rea . : tions turned over by O. M. sj. | Limited, 1 1 R ba how to dress be ler _ | Frank i eae of as MARINE nO the ladies of Terrace {to a Ken- gerson in the pa - ty : district regist f : f " . » Take s »¢ “2 »w davs , —_—_—_— wn " *rso > pas O years. | Prince I the same income. Takes jis in the ity for a few days. e| wn Paeific | Sington lea on Friday afternoon, Mr. Holger ; , ae November : beste! dian ite reports Smithers booming. | The Meteor of the aeific}] > A : 4. |Mr. Helgerson was formerly of : you to: Parts ene New = lc ist Company | due from Nov. 2ist, in honor of her sister Prince Rupert Hi Saskatoor vt 40ast 88S. Ul ) Ss ? ; 7 > 7 ‘Tl, 8s Saskatoon Solicit York via photograph. | Pp hringe 400|Miss Beste, of Spokane, Wash _ . tat ; . la Miss Doris Dowling who has|the south today. She brings 40¢ rhs ea eos ~att ‘ee operations were all on his per- Shows you what is the lbeen quite ill at the isolation|tons of Seattle coal for Rogers & a re te oles ‘ sali . Shia sonal accounts With his usual WATER NOTICE sd gown of opal messaline. iss . ; proper thing in shoes, | hospital was able to go home| Black. rt 3 I hy good judgement he got clear of For a License to Take and Use w hosiery, wraps, dresses l yesterday The ss. Coquitlam of the Union Beste was gowned in dainty all but a couple of inside pro- mer, of Gt ona ft Dh ein ae ee ee east Oats line i over dut She left for] hite batiste. Twenty-three la- erties which he holds for p.. | lee Ase to take a » Us or , £ : > rlies 5 ’ olds for per. every article of wo- Cc. H. O | his S i1/Rupert awwek ago from Nanaim¢ dies were present and a very en- aseiaal investment, befor tt lin 2 | . . ve s Sec : t re ago ‘O Nalle ) é 3 1s a » reTore e 1 4 we man’s clothes. Don't lA ; i a t ceiae " Ake and is supposed to have encoun joyable afternoon was ‘spent. lump in prices hit th I i | land, and erp » : ‘ug s <8 ‘or elé 8s se ( ‘ > © * Ss "ces e prairie to : wcember is- dh casket pes i “ass Phas : 3 ‘ Music was furnished by Madame], I Prairie | the head une miss the December i: | corner of Sixth Street to Fourth! tered a storm which has driven | E tal : f } city. be d for mining With Laeaiee Mo Journal Fashione sue, now on our coun- i Street, veslerday. her into shelter. wi ci “ ed fh oe " ies “ : verted i 1 1 The ~ i ters | * * +6 The steamer British Columbia|Were Served by Mrs. Little's nic- Hastings No. 6 and 7 mining claims” iat 1p ‘ mt ee. I jue | Ces; Miss Morrison and Miss GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH This notice vy \ | The building committee of the|and the Vadso are both due anes Mi Best itn: 4 COLUMBIA on the 14th d f ‘OOKS Miss este expects 0 Nicatio t The Criterion of Fashion Presbyterian church expect to}from the south. r jet enh Terrace for anes time | Water: Recorder 4 } t ’ , ’ “act for iT . The ss. Venture will be in to-}°°""' n rrace for s( ‘ Objectio may be f 50. Y apn ae aia ee one wibebw wba will sail for Granby. Among recent arrivals in town a eee ow r haat mpt 5ca Copy--- c.a rear —* sina a ~~ qi “Tare Mr. W. Scott, who is to take Meeting of the citizens will be Naneorie: 5, Pa Bu ees ‘ P held in the council chamber, city : JOSEPH y ‘ sharge > Irae rig ’ J : We are constantly increasing our stock of Home Jour- Wm. Grant ,who was injured in Came to His Own Funeral. a a of ra Pre byte i hall, at 8 p.m. Thursday, Novem-|] oct. 30-noy. 9.402% ! nal Patterns and have just installed a second cabinet for ja gasoline explosion some time|/ Hamilton, Ont., Nov. 20.—John a” Sel aes ti il lente ot ber? 7th, to consider organiza. a : ; “ lago, was able to leave the hospi-j] Thompson last night walked into] ° va evan, 1000 Bic , chin ve : them which gives us a total carrying space of six thou- I 4 Pacific, who will act as govern. | tion of horticultural society. All , : : tal yesterday afternon. his home at 422 North John}*' : ? woe “Tare welcome sand patterns. At present we have over five thousand * * @« street, where the members of ment telegraph operator in place|‘ . patterns on hand. A meeting of the Earl Grey's|his family were gathered about a of Mr. Hargett, who left last week A. H. TOMLINSON | Rifles will be held .at Stork'’s}casket supposed to contain hisqf" the south. Assistant Horticulturist Hardware Store on ednesday at 8|dead body, cast up by the waters A pleasant afternoon was| qm — p.m, 275-277 |of Lake Huron following the! spent by a number of the ladies 2 : Ei eee, storm of last week. of town at the Reetory on Mon- GR ee The government telegraph ser- MM Tcl cscs day, when Mrs. Petter gave a C H the new city on the ma . vice is experiencing a lot of wire Big Diamond Swindle tea and kitchen shower for Miss . th L. C. the G.T.P. J or °9 trouble up the line, due to wind New York, Noy. 20.—With the] Merrison, who was, in addition to CONTRACT HOLDERS Central DEPARTMENT STORE and snow. At Salvos 30 inches of disappearance of a young wom- the tangible evidences of good- NOTICE | BRITISH COLUMBIA snow fell Friday. an who was rec . i will, the recipient of many good i t ical! ; ; § 3 t as received in-fashion- 1 will 8 60 Strategically located that it iy ; z : ; , ea Silisliikd siteweies act as your agent in seour- in the centre of and comman ¢ Third Avenue Prince Rupert os able hotels on Fifth Avenue and]Wishes and congratulation ing for peu lab mised ne peeaibte SRE at Ais wendertul clon cn Harry Fowler ,who has been|the discovery by the police of The Presbyterian church will! ( in cash) for your contract in the i proven pit somal lands in the freighting out of New Hazelton}many diamonds in Bowery pawn-|re-Open tomorrow with a morn- mad Home Investment Go., Ltd. BULKLEY VALLEY a crane é Se ; ; , service co te . , lease send particulars together \s FJ all summer came down on yes-|shops, a diamond swindle am-| ing service « nducted by Rev. W eth’ ens initien 4a nels celitens. and also the surrounding mining terday’s train and is leaving on|ounting to more than $100,000 is | Scott. @ AN. other cities and : - * “ie nd towns in the — . . - > ——=|the next boat for Stewart, where|believed to have been uncovered. Work on the bridge across the mr ee rn eee Bulkley Valley will be tributary he will spend the winter lougt ‘oceedingly re Douek de aera 2 See tice of fae n } pene . am slough is proceedingly rapidly. 777 Burrard 8t., Vancouver, B. C. from the main line of railway wil Bares Capsized the Church Mr. John Manson, the road sup- from HUBERT he townsite is ideally located in : | . , . K AIEN HARDWARE COMPANY | Do not forget the Presbyterian Captain White of the steamer erintendent, returned to Rupert SMGnE et dhe Bulkies River ene Church bazaar in the McIntyre|Spokane reported this morning|today after further inspecting _ - . is 400 from swamps and. bes F with magnificent natural drainage THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 8 Hall on Wed., Noy. 26th. Choice|he encountered a blizzard up the]the progress made. jselection of plain and fancy ar-|coast on Friday and Saturday. At Several inches of snow fell Metlakatla many houses} quring the night and as a result The first offering of town lots is now open to the public HUBERT has behind the same organization, the same systematic Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass | ticles, home cooking and candies. | New Plumbers’ supplies tate Glass Mirrors |Afternoon tea. Music. Fish|were wrecked and Father Dun-/the first sleigh of the season ap- Severopment, the same liberel ad- Paints HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges pond. Reasonable prices. 275|can’s church there was blown peared on the road this. morn vertising that placed Oils Tinware | os lover and is a complete ruin n : . FORT GEORGE Varnishes Graniteware 3 wan ’ ing. iiss inte “piel emt It there George Frizzell, who has been | ———————$ — | Traine are {Fo running to "WU: g , ¢ : En Re Er, | ; he G. T. P. Station MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ “Sy S#tsf#c jin Smithers for some time look-| To ‘Command British Navy NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH (6B OTERT i ~ Range.’’ jas after his interests there hat London, Nov. 20.—-Sir John Tenders will be received up to 412 o'clock COLUMBIA Write or Cali at Maps, Plans and ‘ ports blinding sunshine and zero|Jellicoe, who commanded the|noon, Nov. 30th, for the erection of an maoiee 4 er etcut a " -S ‘ is i. a - 2 . . nr * ar t verywhere weather in the new divisional|“German” fleet which succeed- oe . banding tor me Tae on epartment of Agriculture gents Wante ’ Ae re rae Sein ta san” PIO j “George has a intedled i r tr s 3ritish | cations and all information at the oMee of) Office of Assistant Horticulturist | j | nsite, reorge h appo ye 1 n landing troop _on British er ueakiieas Wee eaias ab aaa dont e ¢ a orticulturi altura eSources ecurity himself building inspector of|soil during the British naval |not necessarily accepted. New Court House, Prince Rupert | | * , . . . ’ |Smithers and says he enjoys the | manoeuvres, is, it is reported to. 4275-89 Bs Ws Nake eye ara Ck Phone 534 Company Ltd, é a e al a ew Ss - even though he gets no sal. | day, to be the next commander i a ss geet jars lin chief of the navy. Information or advice: freely | {oink Owners ane ae RT’ townsites given. Write or cal). | HEAD OFFICE a me ae Sas —— = EE SS | Vancouver Block, VANCOUVER, B. C A. H. TOMLINSON oe ¢ e+ + © ete & + + + $ &© & ¢ + + &¢ + &¢ & + + + & & S$ + + ¢ GH & FF + + 4 © ¢ &¢ + &¢ © © & & & & 5 i a a ° SECTION 1, Assistant Horticulturist + + Lot on Beach Place, $3,500.00; i. ©. Box 203 Phone 4 ry ry good terms. = 9 EXTRA SPECIAL R [ici vn secon ase. Block 2, 60) THE REMIABLE PLUMBER | _P. ROBERTSON ' 000.00; terms. | INCORPORATED ACCOUNTANT (Eng.) ¥ 4 Lot on Second Ave., Block 9, #10,- HARRY HANSON | CHARTERED SECRETARY : Y M4 000,00; $38,000.00 cash. [7 Waare \ ER gay 1 Audits, Investigations, Adjustments, Liq + + Lot on Second Ave Block 25 ee ae at ty dations and ene es ’ , " oO ) rince Rup 4 “ rs $10,400.00; $4,000.00 cash aoe ee ae Beit Shoes 8 Bve~ Plumbing I d , ‘ FOR NOVEMBER , SECTION 2. Work Done Promptly and Guarenteed at : bu rs . ase So Reasonable Prices ' Lot 6, Block 10, $1,375.00; $675 One Trial Will Convince You ; M cash, bal. arranged, - fl ; , + Lane. corner on Moresby Ave., 4 ry $2,500.00; terms arranged TAXIDERMIST El irds / Rail ¢ W + ry SECTION 5. Animals, birds, fish and all q¢ Ww ith 1 , - PER CENT. REDUCTION FOR CASH - B hao steer» afin eames it el | * ot on Sixth Ave., Block 9, %2.-|hides tanned and made into rugs " ‘ 500.00; $1,000.00 cash, bal. 1]and robes. All work strictly first ¢ r and 2 years. class, A, MITTLER Exper “"Taxi- nePs 5 MUST HAVE THE SPACE FOR INCOMING GOODS BK [Lots 5-6, Block 27, 87,000.00;|Germist, 728 Helmeken St. Vanw|_ HARRISON GAMBLE & CO. ry . > | ona as oi aioe couver, B.C. Financial Agents sOL 24, Block 28, $4,175.00; 8400 | ceummeessssess as ican ' Thire . ) Rupe! , ° cash, bal, 6, 142 and 48. Third Av ae y w | Two lots in Block 31, $900.00. See Co © “kk 297 ay Pan as “ e ”> e + Lot 21, Block 37, only 200 feet The Dail N ‘ : : : , a from McBride St., $41,500,00; y ews PRINCE RUPERT FEED (0, } Will Hold Till You Require Them Py good terms. CLASSIFIED ADS Two modern houses in best loca . 908 Third Avenue © Ee rey pany ereeers = can = : : es - Sa) rs BO! ' - F , ‘Lion, $4,000.00 each; long ; k FURNITURE FOR DINING ROOM FURNITURE FOR LIVING ROOM & | terms. FOR RENT a SECTION 6, , FURNITURE FOR BED ROOM , Lot 27. Block 7, $3,500.00; 4.4] NICELY furnished front room in modern FEED SEEDS + Pe 2 ¢ . 1 na ~ 13. sf ae eats apartment, over Westenhavers’ offices HAY TIMOTHY A In fact all grades of Complete Home Furnishings in stock PANN). 2+ e GREY SERPS, Phone Red 183, 2608f wy |Lot on Kighth Ave., Block 22, #4,- FOR BENT —Four roon flats, Beach Place | OATS CLOVER ) A 650.00 ullding, 18 and 620 per month. Set 00, McCaffery & Gibbons. 970-275 ALFALFA ; Carpet Squares Crockery and Glasses ; SECTION7, . WHEAT oe y . : 3 Lots 23-24, Block 29, $2,000.00; FOR SALE CORN : K Wilton, Brussels and Tapestry Carpet Squares in Fancy German Hand-Painted Cups and Saucers, JR |" 'cg00.00 cash, bal. 4 cs eae es the latest designs, direct from the Carpet Manu- = Cream and Sugar Bowls, Candy Dishes and Q& | Lots 23-24, block 31, $2,250.00; | OWS, Ares" calved and coming tn always) | poppy pCIALTY : ; . a thristy, ‘cattle dealer, © youd We > facturers. Plates. See Window Display ! A good terms. corner ‘Carleton and. ‘Westminster. Rosa. ‘ A £2; : : Lots 24-22, block 48, $1,000,00;|] Phone Collingwood 46 KR. Post Office, ded t m This is yonr opportunity for a good quality Dinner Sets, 97 piece. All included in our ¥ 1-3 cash, 6, 12 and 18. pe outed a sa Renae 270-1 mail orders promptly atte! , Carpet Square at the 20 per cent. cash discount. November Cash Sale Discount 20 per cent. ; SECTION 8. WANTED + i ‘ Lot 4, Block 5, Hays Gove Ave., oes , A Upholstered Chairs, Rockers, and Settees , $700.00; 4-8 cash, 6 and 12, . |W$ITEA ywante position. Apply Box 86, ent Lot 41, Blook 25, $525.00; 1-2 WANTEI aiel , : eae oO ; Iron and Brass Beds, Springs and Mattresses, Blankets, Sheets, Pillows, Lace and Tapestry Curtains, Blinds, iM cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18, Miss M. Wastinen? shane Mius' soe. Brass Pole and Rings wy {Lol 8, Block 34, $600.00; 1-2] 000 | __|3-roomed hous 641.60 i ing} ry cash, bal, 6, 142 and 18, 9 wages 430.00 month with wats on ee Creek ; RESERVE YOUR ’XMAS GIFT NOW AT THESE BIG REDUCTIONS ie een ot aioek O8, 84200007 Sie ee |g roomed hou: \v + r 1-4 cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18, GOOD ‘general servant wanted; 985 per § 12,0 ¢ = = = — : = —— — . o Lot on Prince Rupert Boulevard, month, Also nurse girl wanted, Four pec, © , A wt aR ER TS M $750.00; 1-8 cash, bal. 6, 12 Help employed. Mrs, L, W. Patnore @ shamed (hol SL. 820.! A M and 48. ’ : e600 . INSURANCE Lost. Cabin, Frase! ¢ A Fire, Life, Accident and Marine i a =| hit th Ave ~ 6, BOM ¢ LOST—Pair spectacle ase on Fietn;Vavin, 4 7 M FARM LANDS Avenue. nis oie ae telephone Wlack f ¢ Lakelse, Kitsumkalum, Bulkley 03. Reward 97 Ltd. ® Phone 20 THE HOME BURNISHER G. R. Nad 0, ; 3rd Avenue MISCELLANEOUS aden 1 a , 5 MeGatfer 6 Gibbons a —————| Real Wstate and Teun ae Pe SS ae SOOO Se ° - oe ; ) J , Cafe, 8 a wnue ° as ¢ ¢ ? us as bs ar AEC AO OOOO owe ee Ie ee >” Street A trial will convines you Second Avelu 273-08