ALL THE WORLD AT MISS WILSO 'S WEDDING TODAY — : LanaesT CIROULATION a NEXT MAILS ERN From South in THE CITY AND — Prince George......... Wednesday BRITIGH COLUMBIA Por Sedu Venter .. .iallvVaie eg Wednesday t ———— ret ens ————=—[{£_——_{_=I= : —— : — = ; en sememeenen eS vor ge » PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.; TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1913 PRICE FIVE CENTS oY ee = : ————$——__—_____- ennai ——___—— $$ —____ —— — = — CAPTAIN OF SCHOONER BEAR HEARD F ROM—GENERAL ENGAGEMENT GOING ON IN MEXICO CREW OF SCHOONER BEAR ALL me so WHITE HOUSE WEDDING TODAY WANT FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS MORE FOR THE NIGHT SCHOOL SAFE AND SOUND AT CIRCLE (arise esis vest y rede ists—Many Wounded Being yessEL WAS FROZEN IN ARCTIC OCEAN LONG TIME AGO AND Seraer Sever ee THIS FROM CITY AND IN ADDITION TO SIMILAR SUM FROM THIS IS FIRST HEARD FROM ANY MEMBER OF THE eee ee ee eee BOARD OF EDUCATION—DEPUTATION WAITS ON CREW Kl Paso, Texas, Nov, 25.—A COUN CIL vi Oe ie . battle is now going on between special to the Daily News) with his crew The ship left ae eer oee Poderale and = the With a grant of $500 from the antee of $500 from the city also a ‘ov. 25.—Mrs. Louis|here last April and it was believ- ae aria aaege a ee Jua- Board of Educatfon in their|before they could go on with the sof the owner and|©4 it had met with disaster and|]"©* bi ee cad % " worries hands, a delegation of six ap-Jorganization of the school. It is Lane : jall on board were lost. They CUS SESS Ry wih BOL. ..SINOs, 1 proached the City Council last}|expected the nominal! tuition fees cay the power schoonel jmust have made a mush of some strong force. Artillery is being evening and asked for another|will pay only half the expense. pear, which is frozen in the ice|three hundred miles to reach Gir-|US°4 by the Federals. Many of $500 from city general funds. Mayor Naden didnot know the Arctic @ea near Flexman|ecle Gity, almost as long as that|'®¢ Wounded are crossing the \ The deputation was from the|how the finance committee would and received word from|which Amundsen made when he|20Undary into the United States. ' \ committee appointed at a public|deal with the request as_ the hor husband who is at Girele City llef{ the Fram at Herschel Island . he United States troops here \\ meeting recently to consider the}year’s estimates are all passed. v1 the Lower Yukon,. He an-|lafter navigating the Northwest 2" held in readiness for immed. | \\ question of opening a night|If they did not make the grant sounees his safe arrival there! Passage. late ‘Service. \ school. they would no doubt make a re- errs Sy a Rey. F. W. Kerr was spokes-/commendation to next year’s eo 4 Washington, Sov. “oye apie meme i: ’ man. He said that the committee}council. He realized that such a of reassuring reports from the ig ie: »™, io found the Provincial Department|recommendation would not nec- MAN S oilfields on the east past of . aes t Lire } permitted night schools to teach|essarily warrant the committee Mexico, the foreigners of that ‘. % we | certain subjects. In Prince Rup-|in going on with their prepara- section are still making very ap- ert there are many who desire an|tion to open immediately after 4 FI prehensive appeals to Washing- | opportunity to improve their ed-|the New Year. ton. Thege indicate ‘that they ucation in other than the ele-| Ald. Maitland and Kerr moved oe : fear not only for their proper- mentary subjects. Hence it is|the matter to the consideration SPECIAL CONSTABLE EDGAR THOUGHT HE WAS BANK ROB- [ties bul for their lives proposed to add four other sub-|of the Finance Committee. BER — INQUEST AT HAZELTON YESTERDAY Na ae jects to the cirriculum. The Ald, Dybhavn favored granting se TURNS MACHINIST school is proposed to run for five|the $500 out of this year’s funds a special despatch to|making his get-away. The spec- — months, rather than see the school pro- 1 News from New Hazelton} ial police followed during the|Lord Egerton Tires of Raising The Board of Education are|ject dropped. tod pears that yesterday's|dark hours but did not come up Game on His Preserves. agreeable to the proposition and| ‘According to the reports in ! shooting at Skeena}with their prey until morning, See at have made a grant of $500 to-|the papers the council has lots of g s substantially cor-| Hill took to the woods as soon as Special to The Daily News. wards the expense of the project.|money,” said Ald. Kerr in con- hat an innocent for-|he saw that he was followed and London, Nov. 25.—Lord Eger- The delegation wanted a guar- |cluding the discussion. signe s the victim of over-|it was on thé Rocher de Boule|ton has decided to discontinue the aod police work. road that he was captured raising of game on his Cheshire IRISH PLAY BIG SUCCESS PRACTICISING THE DOG nee Arelage kets ged gr carina Wipe Aha acura RP Site Wbodrow cert IN THE MANGER POLICY Special to The Daily News. to Hill to put up his hands and|isted for over a century, but Lore = Wide Westhoilme Opera House Packed N on, B.C., Noy. 25 to stand still Hill kept on §0- Egerton is more interested in from Floor to Ceiling Province Refuses to Complete A Finlander named Gommendi,|ing. Edgar fired his rifle and|mechanics than sport. He served Silver Standard Roads ki ally as Brank Hill, was/the balfstrvék Hill in the breast)}his apprenticeship as engineer It is quite a time since the _—_—— a a Sat- oa fers a ee 8 in a machine ae on the estate. Westholnie » th cessary mev Ss ithe Crossing ™ am of|until late in the evening and then Special to The Daily News. thoroughly enjoyed as though the ra feapen Noahs thei cee ) were notified A smalljadjourned until more w:tnesses New Westminster, Nov, 25.— Francis Bowes Sayre. characters in life walked the Noithar will the demeeiment ane p was sent out after he man,/could be brought from Skeena}]The first of the one hundred and boards and spoke their lines, and] > a ak ae ° ee ee ; vf ar ge fr THE BRIDE AND THE BRIDEGROOM what added much to the enjoy- plete the ‘noad, As stated betore, { on being that this} Crossing ees Nain ee aia Err ie ata wart ‘Seis Eiio Xai aaa the owners of the Silver Stand- he bank robbers just Cc. H. SAWL the strike riots ane sent rere | Special to The Daily News 7 rae m § ’ a Se ond “marniohad the money to fin: from | Nanaimo - cep aime Washington, Nov. 25.—The marriage of Miss Jessie Wilson, ee ee Nal grr era ish the job and asked to be al- brought up yesterday ane tale %©-) daughter of President Wilson, to Mr. Frank Sayre of New. York, . Pay . 4 . a lowed to use the government LATEST AT THE EMPRESS BRIDGE OVER BULKLEY fore the grand a ae ase ons pe and the city is enfete for the oceasion. Yester- \rosenge eae a ee cee camp equipment. But the gov- ‘ a al man was excused because he O&-! day afternoon there was a distinguished gathering at the White |, *’ i Tha Iris ..{ernment says no, and as a result seeplaye Shown How Manager No onere - _— — to It longs to the militia. John Plaice | House. and the marriage ceremony was rehearsed with full elab- (oy ss sam Bete car gi: all the money that has been spent tevens Keeps Up With the orthy o ame member of the legislature, is one scauatbesrs: In the evening there was -a public reception, when prea git n — — ” on that road Sac heh aaeneee rr Durin tne pase some of of those placed on trial. moving through the rooms was a matter of some difficulty on ac- TOS eee a ge ee i will lie idle for another year se proximity to the Em-|the lov al teamsters have done IN PRETORIA count of the great throngs, The wedding gifts were displayed, : le “}while the mine owners are haul- a a 4 ee clang as onsiderable work on -the ap- RIOTING : and before these there had to be stationed guards to keep the well INING ing ore several miles farther by ; t ine SERS cere lope t ww high level TS dressed throng moving so that the more might have a chance ACTIVITY IN M the old road.—Omineca Herald. a " Sunday ae eee | bee non 0 Sa ow tee id Five Thousand Hindus Engaged of viewing the beautiful collection. It came from all parts of the See ir dpenhsietraecapteomeret-sncntactiaeiineieitiainonaia ty ae eo ei oe — - bo sidhis 6 ' in Looting Stores. world, from rulers and subjects and ordinary citizens. Severa! Ore Rapidly Taken Out of the MAJESTIC’S BIG BILL glars This manager Stevens) Hazelton, and now the bridge is eo fdine Biden and Ghaakorite laree cities ane SenneEnand in Silver Standard and Harris eee put A Seo eee ee a0 uae |For _— ee — Special to The Daily News special gifts of an elaborate and costly character; also the sup- a Mines s Pathe’s Marvellous Color Photo- pepo. Qi) mmediate though ajthe teamsters find a eres dif- Pretoria, Nov. 25.—Three na-| 46 court. the two houses ofcongress, all the departments The best reports from the play Should Not be Missed terest in burglary|ference in time and horseflesh tine ere killed and twenty-two Rome: Cours, rs ; vif thich the bride says |™laes of the distriet this week plays, so he put on last night one|consumed over the oid road and at siecle ; ] se dur and Ghagrmy and Dax And one af the gitts ni a * oe 2 y jare to the effect that the pro- The Majestic ‘theatre put on called “"T} , : on ' iia Svin thee As dieot Alene badly wounded by the police dur-| che treasures the most of all is a little bead purse worked by hag ane tporkaen ae aie ie ak ‘SR tne Combination of the eer ee at and | ing. the rioting of yesterday at| ine hands of a little girl friend. They were set out along the east perties are working q eady re rast night an unusually large F Which is a thrilling dra-}route is only through bush a the Premier Mine. Five thousand] ...)) of the blue room and filled the whole of its length. that ore is being taken out veryjand attractive programme for oo - nder and upper world | over what was oor oe coon Hindus engaged in the rioting. The trains last night and this*morning were crowded with fast at the Silver Standand ‘and the entertainment of its patrons. es, and ‘he follows it/last winter © attempt as ye") after looting the stores they at-| gictineuished visitors an@-there weré many extra and special |Harris Mines, while at the Great|It opens with a fine photoplay in ' photoplay entitled has been mage to build a road tacked the native and other com-} trains. It will be the most elaborate wedding that has ever tak- |Obio George Jennings is making {two parts called “Love and War.” \lgy the Watchman,” and ““Tom|that is in any way worthy of such pourids skye. E. ae ees ST. is dave of Eee ie. good headway with his tunnel]One of the interesting features Be Bessie.” There are lessons |a name af eee Pp eeene th ee woe ne : werk. At the Rocher de Boule alof this is that it is a story Of the lo be learned from these, but the sie ath er DIES IN POVERTY = - — eae am gp ~ |big gang is now at work prepar-jrecent war between Italy and ES " the evening's enter- Track Laying Starts Again ‘ Six CENTS CUBIC FOOT NEW | HAD TO PUT BACK ing for the installation of the|Turkey. It tells of an Italian ent is “The Better Man,” ee Famous Matabele Chief, DOCK RATE FOR CITY WATER) woe power plant—Omineca Herald. |jieutenant who falls in love with a x na western dramas Gen, Supt. Mehan, of the G, T. ae ne by Irish Woman. British ee Her Way ies ea eee, a peasant gir and pledges to her ged always popular, “The | p reports that track laying oo Cold nies Plant and Dry Dock OxrOG, New Waiting Room Open undying devotion, A remarkably a he Wolf” is a rural dra-|ctarted again yesterday at Mile (Special to The Daily News. Will Be Granted Lower ae wal Dally Maes . ers \ “ fine scene is the return of the or igh ig several interest-|307, The grade is ready as far London, Nov. 25.—The son of Rate Later. (Specia 0 s im he) As cosy as a drawing room victorious troops to Rome, the onig exes: "Phese will be re-ly. 337 where the work will Pro-|ine famous Matabele chief, Lo- oon Seattle, Noy, 25.—The British|is a popular term applied to the) Holy City being more elaborately * wm cuight which is the night|papiy rest for the winter. This benguela, died yesterday in a} A report from the board of sloop of war Algerine, which new G. T. P. waiting room in the|decked out than is usual at Mar- tak a Weekly gold drawing) is at a point east of Burns Lake. suburb of Manchester in poverty.|works of the city council last ee from ne - mixed mere rape ee — st di Gras even. * n ere has Se ee. The railway can now materially ane i : aS ‘ough- ‘ , ‘ or exico, was force o pu oor 0 1e uilding has been|eovered himse wit glory, is | a i e eae tn the anata = 2 prog - ge ae os night recommended that a cits back owing to heavy storms.|given over to waiting rooms and promoted and decorated. Then Fishery Cruiser Arrives to the contractors beyond this sumption by his wife, who is an of six cents per cubic foot for|Some of her propeller blades arela restaurant. There is a large} he becomes engaged to a lady of r — *| point. Irish woman. cily water be granted to the cold} broken, men's lavatory in connection and] title in whose palace the peasant ae me ew Dominion fisheries ——— sa sities storage dock and the new G, T. P. EPR TTT a separate ladies walling and re-|girl is one of the maids. Then oR Malaspina has arrived in Rail Boat Dec. 1st Commercializing the Crab dry dock, This rate is considered Callies Defeat Bankers. — sarees : paar peek hasleomes the denouement and the Sage z ~ A Very Shdarny pee The rail boat which was ex- - high, but both parties are agree- eS na gooc Pp are sa) an 16a ons AD, father of the fiance, himself an ti the horn, She is ’ mn the 27th will not Messrs, Kerr and J, E. Larkin : : . By a score of 14-12 the Cale- pointments and the public rooms }officer, breaks off the aristocra~ ~ ‘rst of two eraisers for the pemes. ere. 9h 3 December 1st.J/have formed a_ partnership to able to pay it until such time as/donia basket ball team defeated|/are open for passengers waiting |tic alliance, and orders the sol- ACific fisheries, “We Nal lS ‘nw “seharin ye ea and market the crabs of|the city gets its gravity system/the Bankers’ team in the rink last|}for all boats and trains. Theldier to wed the peasant. Mn hor ne make 45 knots end sail ho n come on to Rupert.|traps and expect to catch about es as a S andnighcakiy: ie pai ale: I Jus I P. tertaining piece, and then comes Obabic y, tht: Neweombe willly, addition to the rails for the]200 dozen a day. The local and eg ars - ot wrath. Saiittie. sacar dasan er pictures of an old, old story re- Phage placed in command Grand Trunk she has steel for|district will take about 150 dozen PRESBYTERIAN ONUROM Sea. a = : a ah - Kelly ¥ of Strong Waters. told in thrilling films, The Lady the new dry dock buildings, a week. The balance will be ee es ae of fier William Samson, a full blood}and the Glove.’ There are gor hii cooked and then packed in ice at Currie, guards. Bankers—Haz- from Port Simpson, was before}geous court scenes, the lions Has Appointment With Govt. Don't forget the Presbyterian | the Cold Storage plant and ship- a P 2 a ad r a ao etd aor a police court this morning charged/den and the ecoquettish beauty Chureh Bazaar in the MeIntyre | ped south, The long distance avant * ocne ant , er, eon: with being drunk. He was fined| who throws her glove for her lo. noting Mayor Naden informed|Hall, Wednesday, Nov, 26th, Alljmarketing will be an experiment in “ap: Sah oreen, Mell ee The standing of the clubs follows:) 19 and paid it with a cheerfullver to rescue at the risk of his * City incil last evening that aa of plain and faney needle-|as it is not known how the erus- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH Bat a) apa Bh ~ A smile, Phillip Morrison, a fellow |life. He does so, and contemp- Don Vd a telegram from Ma-|work, Musica! programme after- | tacea will stand packing. All kinds of Plain and Fancy Need- Callies i i 3 ‘2 4 30 i Indian, did not get off quite so/tuously throws Whe slove iste AR lo that he could not|noon and evening .Admission NTN lework, Dainty Xmas “and New Brotherhood (24am 5 easily. He was replaced in the the ludy’s face, The big bill on efore the end of the pre- | free. 276 A meeting of the Earl Grey's Year Gifts Afternoon Tea Served. Dette arn i 4 8 88 45s 9|JUg until he hints where and from|concludes with “The Widow Cas- ba Week ashe ie wafitngr 4o iain Rifles will bé held at Stork’s|% Music. Candies and Fish Pond . $$$. whom he obtained the strong|ey’s Return,’ the laughable farce ne meeting with miuthene of oonb Leat Ledger forms at|Hardware Store on ednesday at 8 ADMISSION FREE Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners.|waters that defeated his weak-Jof how a wake is turned into a Povineial cabinet. the Daily News office p.m, f 275-277 Phone 4. ness. \ rollicking wedding.