THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, Novembe, 6 1913 THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by ; THE PRINCE ‘RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. All Other Countries: $2.00 per year. Weekly, Daily, $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. DAILY EDITION THE FATAL SHOOTING AT SKEENA CROSSING. While the verdict of the coroner's inquest on the Skeena Crossing shooting case has not yet been given, it is gener- ally believed that an innocent man has been done to death by an overzealous constable who had a false idea of his author- ity. Whether the whole re- sponsibility of the fataliy bad judgment should be borne by the constable, or whether some of it belongs to the department which gave temporary author- ity to an irresponsible person, are points to pass upon when the facts are complete. In the meantime it would appear that a poor wandering foreigner in- nocent of crime has been de- liberately shot down in cold blood. The fact that he was fleeing from a man with a gun and that he refused to throw up his hands when called to is no excuse whatever for taking his life. The man was no doubt almost totally ignorant of the English language and probably had a very hazy idea of western law and the methods of enforcing it. His ignorance certainly was not a_ crime punishable by death. The af- fair is a blood stain which the Provincial police department cannot wash out. -_———0. *ALASKANS BEING BADLY TREATED. A syndicate of British capi- talists + recently purchased 500,000 acres of the best coal land in West Virginia for $100 an acre. This land is on trans- portation lines and close to the greatest markets of the coun- try. The valuation is somewhat less than that set by political conservationists upon coal lands in Alaska, 300 miles from _ transportation where twelve or fifteen millions of dollars will have to be spent in order to furnish the trans- portation, and with a market for the coal to be made after a aegEjae Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1913 mine is opened. The govern- ment asked and received $10 an acre for such Alaska lands, but then compelled the entry- men to forfeit the claims and kept the money the prospec- tors had deposited. 0 money market seems to be having its effect on the fur trade. With the ex- ception of the better class of fox and of wolf which is 20 % higher than last March the price of all other raw furs has dropped from 10 % to 30 % in The _ tight the past six months. All fur houses are pessimistic about the market and advise great caution to buyers in picking up the catch of the coming sea- son. It is claimed the prices paid in the past four’ years were beyond the reach of the average purse and that prices are bound to re-adjust them- selves. } ee (I The Victoria Colonist forsees a shortage in Canada’s supply of. beef and as a remedy sug- gests the prohibition of the exportation of cows and hei- fers, claiming this would in- erease the Canadian herds. Perhaps, but it would also mean that Canadians would have to eat old cow beef while the fat steers are exported to foreign markets. The sugges- tion not likely to be popu- lar. is 0- The suggestion from Regina that a city should give free street car service, paying oper- ating expenses out of the gen- eral tax fund, might be carried even farther. Why not con- struct the street railway on the frontage tax plan. F hstitaeclande ts ce ae The increase in the con- sumption of cigarettes in Can- ada by 25,000,000 per month will doubtless lead the anti- cigarette agitators to conclude that the country going to the bad under Borden. Is Cold Weather .- Comfort... ladies, 4 | RUBBERS! We have Rubbers for We are showing a big assortment of Felt Slippers for misses and children. men, lower prices than you can secure anywhere else. Third Avenue JABOUR BROS. THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES RUBBERS! women and children at Prince Rupert |PLAN TO MAKE THIS PROVINCE THE PARADISE FOR SPORTSMEN ernment has now a three-years restriction on the shooting of elk whieh will probably be extended. The cougars will get them from time to time, but steps will short}} ly be taken to exterminate the}y slayers. I It said that there are still the recesses of have amounted to $82,000. Non- have paid 86,440 of this. It is the intention of the government to put back all this total and some besides in mak- ing Briish Columbia a sports- man’s paradise. The provincial residents is game depart ——_— Wednesday, November 26 GOVEVRNMENT TO USE UP LICENSE FEES TOTALLING $82,000 dicigincletiie IN IMPORTING EL.K AND DEER y SF Barometer reduced to sea — —- level sci ee vie rien tes 29,224 Victoria, Nov, 22.—License]ful in the north end of the is-/Highe&st temperature 54.0 fees from game hunters in Brit-|land, but have been killed off by|Lowest temperature 40.0 ish Columbia so far this year}cougars and hunters. The S0V-|Rain ........6.0ce eens 46 73. THE WEATHER. Furnished by F. W. Dowling Obserevr For 24 hours ending 5 a.m., INFORMATION WANTED Any person having seen or reard anything of Fred Hucker, ylease send information to Ann lucker, Ketchikan, Alaska, Box Other papers please copy. ment has just arranged to im-~|a few wapiti in port a carload of wapiti (elk) |the mountain districts on the from the Wyoming herd owned|north end of the island. There by Dr. French of New York.;are none, however, in the Lill- There will be two bulls and eight|ooet. They are plentiful in East Kootenay, where the government has another game reserve ,and where no elk shooting is permil- cows. Their offspring will be turned out from year to year in the government game reserve in the Lillooet and also probably in|ted. Arrangements are also be- Strathcona Park, on Vancouverjing made to import deer from Island. Elk was formerly plenti-|New Zealand. —————— NEW SCHEME FOR SOLUTION OF THE IRISH HOMERULE PROBLEM UNIONISTS SUGGEST PLAN OFFOUR OR FIVE LEGISLATURES FOR UNITED KINGDOM TO DEAL WITH PURELY LOCAL AFFAIRS. London, Nov. 23.—There rere which would probably signs that the Unionist party ts|miscarry. strongly tending toward the | Chamberlain insists that the settlement of the home rule | parliaments so created must be Coughing scatters germs —Stop it Coughing increases the irritation of the already in- flamed mucuous membranes and is moreover apt to carry disease to others. Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil promptly stops coughing, hd doen, thanks to its tonic properties, effects a a cure, he wonderful popularity of Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oilis specially due to its great value as a permanent lung and bron- chial healer. Sold everywhere, 35c¢ large bottles, J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop. Sherbrooke, P.Q. For headaches we Mathiews Nervine Powders—these are watful ale to chase the Sever and pains which often accompany colds, 260 @ bow af 18 powders 4-1-13 problem on. federal lines. jtruly subordinate, and that it Various unofficial home rule all,round. Lord Lans-j|thority of the imperial parlia- downe is apparently sympathetic, | Austin Chamberlain declares it; necessary that all parts of the | adds two further provisions, thal United Kingdom should share in) the change of issue from home what may for practical reasons | Tule for Ireland to home rule al! be given Ireland first. round must not be evasion or Liberals regard this develop-| postponement of the solution of ment sympathetically, The West- | the Irish problem, and that home minster Gazette “If the|rule must be genuine, not nom- Unionist party means to intimate | inal. 5 they are willing for an all round settlement on lines which Lib-| erals have only excluded because} they have thought them prema-! ture,. we are certain the govern- ment wili meet them, Even the dream of a_ great convention, similar to that which worked out the salvation of South Africa, might in that case prove more than a passing mirage.” ment. The Westminster Gazette says: A LLOYD GEORGE STORY Mr. A. G. Gardiner, in a char- acter sketch of Mr. Lloyd George in the London Daily News and Leader, says that “he tells, with the boyish merriment that makes him so irresistible a companion, the story of a man who, having saved someone from drowning, Unionist | must be impossible for them to members have already advocated | rival in power or dispute the au- Ol a Third Ave. try, bear in mind the Grand Chicago to the Hart Block CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS If you are planning a trip for Ch, or to Eastern Candda or United Sta; RUPERT AND PRINCE GEORGE ;, » and Seattle and the Grand Trunk Railway ¢ principal Eastern eit) ; SPECIAL CHRISTMAS ATLANTIC saiLinas Are now to hand and we can quote lowes) tion with above and any Atlantic steams), Call on us for rates and reservations ALBERT DAVIDSON, Go); Trunk STEAME ts Syst Prince Rupert c Section 5 Block 18, PRIGI Lot 5, WON SS. CORPARY OF 8. Ld‘ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY HA WINTER SCHEDULE Twin Screw Steamer 6 9 Venture FOR VANCOUVER 2 P. M. Wednesdays FOR GRANBY BAY Midnight Mondays, Nov. 17, Dee. ist, 15th and 29th and 8 a.m. Tuesdays, Nov. 25, 9th, 23rd and 30th Get Tickets at Rogers Steamship Agency Second Ave. Phone 116 CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY. Spend ’Xmas In Old Country Through sleeping cars Van- $5,400 Terms : $2,700 cash, balance 2 ‘ 4 and 6 months, + « € interest APPLY FINANCIAL AGENTS Prince Rupert was presented with a public tes- timonial. When, after the eulo- gies of the mayor, he was called upon to reply, he said, “Really, ! have done nothing to deserve this reward. [ saw the man strug- gling in the water, and, as no one else was by, I saw. he would be drowned if I did not save him. So I jumped in, swam to him, turn- ed him over to see that he wasn’t Lloyd George, and then pulled him out. The Westminster Gazette de- clares that the prime minister himself has spoken of extension of home rule to all parts of the United Kingdom as the ultimate aim~of Liberal policy, and the whole party has assented, while whatever doubt has existed has | been due to the fear that attempts involving a larger issue at this stage might merely result in ex- | tinguishing the Irish part of the ;problem under a more ambitious eee = : Es = z z = If You Are Thinking of Spending Your Christmas at Home Permit Us to Tell You About Our PERSONALLY CONDUCTED ALL EXPENSE TOUR Leaving Vancouver December 7th and travelling by special train, via Chicago and Niagara Falls to New York, there connecting with the various steamship lines. All railroad and steamship transporta- tion, berths, meals and hotel expenses included in your ticket. A choice of various steamship lines is offered. For complete information cal! on or address CITY TICKET OFFICE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RY. Prince Rupert. B. C., or A. W. Nase, Com'] Agent, 443 Hastings St. West Vancouver, B. C, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RY. —_———_—_—— of Quality Aged in Wood 8 Years before bottling GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA Demand he 5 ree , Industrial ; Sites Harrison, Gamble & Company oe ' Hotel ; Directory couver direct to steamer dock. No transfer, no de- lay, no hotel expenses es formerly Kaien tsd, Gymnasium ro rent for Dances, py} Meet ings, elc. Particulars at 1 Secretary, P. 0. Box 24g New Wellington Coal. Best on the Coast Phone 116 Rogers & Black Dec. | SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE '] Plumbing, Heating, Steamfittir g and Sheet Metal Work Office: 8rd Ave. Wor or Phane 174 oe 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and “th Sts }215 Second Avenue 4 "WILLIAM T. HOUSE. Book : Your : Passage : Now Princess Beatrice for Vancouver on Sunday, 8 p.m. | ee | Members P.R.L. Vintners Association WIND6GOR HOTEL Corner of First Ave, and Eighth St W. H. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh St, European and American Plan Peter Black, Prop. KNOX HOTEL First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth European Plan, Rates S0c to $1.00 Per Day Beener & Besner, Props. Rochester Vv. D. Casley EMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave., Between Sixth and Seventh Streets Pian, 560 to §1 Per Day a. ¥. European PREMIER HOTEL American and European Plap F. W. Henning, Manager ROYAL HOTEL Corley & Burgess, Props. Third Ave, and Sixth St. European Pian Steam Heated With Rail and Water Transportation BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., LIMITED Second Ave. and Sixth St. Phone 102 B.C. Land Surveyor New Westminster, B.C. PRINCE RUPERT | #240 Columbia St. I i Box 518 Db. C. STUART Accountant 308 2nd Ave. “i Phone 280 PRINCE RUPERT. B. ©. Alex. M Manson, B. A W. E. Williams, B. A. LL. 8B } WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc MONEY TO LOAN Box Helgerson biock 1585 Prince Rupert, HAYNER BROS. | UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMERS 1 funeral Directors i } 8rd Ave. near Sth St Phone No. # E. L. FISHER funeral Director end Embaimer CHARGES REASONABLE 2nd Bt., cor, 2nd Ave Phone 356 OREN DAY AND NIGHT OPPS OOOO ODED OLE LEEI IEEE EEIITTTTY FOR:A TAXI Phone 75 \$ PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO. POPPE OOE OOLEL EEE I IDL AEFI ITITED ee LUMBER COAL and Complete Line of BUILDERS: SUPPLIES WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limite WANT AD eee Apply : Pp IMPORTING CO., eS Ga HARRISON GAMBLE & CO. SR ee san Phone 186 Financial Agents Fraser ana Sixth Sts ee a Third Ave. Prince Rupert prams % TRY A “NEWS” s Scoop Is Not Looking For Professional Services (Oo COME OVER, TO MY OFFICE AN’ LLL TAKE THAT OFF WITH AN ELECTRIC NEEDLE-LEAVE