‘ THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, November 26, 494 7 ae 3 nineties nanan simiiniaeiiritinann sistance —_—— oe Zn 2 . : Big Boxing Bout Tonight GRAHAM ISLAND CELEBRATES Wanderers Won GOVERNMENT OF BRiTis LOCAL NEWS ITEMS eat The auction bridge match in COLUMBIA " | : ‘Joe Bayley, and Jimmy Walsh Oldest White Native of Queen the tournament between the DEP re will meet in the Westholme Op-| Charlotte Islands Celebrates {wanderers and Prince Rupert iia, T. OF AGRICULTURE ) been the]era House tonight. Both these Coming of Age. clubs was won by the former last Miss Sawle, who has H § WALLACE C0 LID guest Bert ae eee Sone ete io ae aon hp oan ear evening. The Wanderers had a poe ie ° e °9 e lreturned to Hazelton this morn-|the match is advertised by the One hundred and Aye persone net plus of 24.24, giving them a oe at 8 p jing. sports to be the best yet pulled] from all over the north of Gra-|),4q in the series of about 10,-|.°" 7th, to SS off in®Prince Rupert. The sale{ham Island responded to the in-/o99 The team scores: tion of hoy z The company at Haysport have of tickets has been good and ajyitation of Magistrate Charles Utintisbie are welcome not yet started the construction] big crowd will be attracted to this/Harrison last Wednesday to a Marshall and Lucas, minus A. H. TOMLINSON | work on the new plant. They are}|Ppremier event. The boys are both| dance held in Union Hall, Del- 1032 ’ . Keeiste: Inow repairing the present wharf.]in first class condition and both katlah, woe ebrate the se os Backus and Sawle, plus 1387, |——_ e eet eee expect to win. age of his son Cyril. This is the Toliy ahd deine ‘750 erences, : re { ‘oster s f M ae Bad f Portland = largest and most suecessful so- Ms lt ee rt ee £700, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS e r, and Mrs, Dean of Portlan Odételt "i slat function yet ieeld. OG the Melville anc thalmers, plus} tenders wit 4 jare registered at the Premier. Mr ellows Elect Officers : 926. noon, Nov ; t i 7 ; island, and was ensely apartinent Dean is looking after the steel i RE ’ : 2 esas aati Howe and Allen, minus 910, Stains i k ( 4 structure work at the new dry| Prince Rupert Lodge ,I. 0. 0. F joyed by everyone. Pri R eations and We have many articles that make suitable Christmas ; Hed ante Pade ete “ evening as The fact of being by at least rince Rupert the archit dock elected officers last evening as ; ; : eighteen years the oldest white Pillsbury and Brandt, plus } Bet tecessa gifts and that are easily mailed. We prepare parcels for | eee follows: . xn . TO, 274-8 : | The Pacific C sae M N.G.—C. G. Thorne native of the Queen Charlotte} 4/4. —————— » Pacific Coast steamer Me- ie” $ = , . , 2 licker ‘ i; i . mailing and tell you postage rate. a sa if i 8) : has 400 V.G.—A, R. Phillips. Islands is a distinction of which _Nioke rson and Dawson, minus NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION bh a i , 3 : ttl é fal 1 Rec. Sec.-—W G Barrie in years to come, when there are} 1514. ‘ {tons of lump Seattle coal for} js oe - ‘esidenis| Halsey and Wilson, 1 8 3 Take notice that We have many Dainty Christmas Cards from 5c up- | Re aii aiid Erik iain ath oot Fin. Sec.—F. Salter. hundreds of thousand resident } 1 ilson, minu 3. Vausnen G Toute a: Poe 1 d ; h i Treas.—S. M. Newton on the islands, Mr, Cyril Harrison Peck and Naden, minus 1948 poss i ba wards. jnoree ea After the election light re-| Will be proud of. Lucas and MeMordie, minus Jana the busi: | oe eS P ‘ P 4 ; freshments were served and Born at the old Delkatla farm | 480. on by Chari Youngn We have presents suitable for everyone —the “kid- | Mrs. D. MeLeod, who has been speeches were made by several of} twenty-one years ago, he has wit- - -—— . pia f lies’ or the “grown-ups — and no matter how far away vnene in. Se aoe tor some] the brethren. nessed practically no change: in Colonizing Development Come fin qe supe dies. or e & -ups i é ar away} weeks, came in on the’ Prince xs ee the ‘surroundings up till three pany ' the country is you want to send your parcels to, we under- eee foe een eee cee Predicti for 1914 years ago. But what a change} 7, M. Michael and F. 8. Hud-|IN THE MATTE: jup to New Hazelton on the train. corens. ror has c : 1 Delkatlal thos® . ACT. BEI f a aia : = ewinn til | Snecbienlieiadian las come over Delkatian In LAOS) son of Seale are in the city this » BEING stand how to pack them against damage. | Cee : iuvéapeass. cand what a ohanwe VISED STA‘ | : Paris, Nov. 24.—Madame De tea tal ie rei vane week getting interested in devel- AMENDING A N. B.—S i lisp| f bargains in Ru and Suit " m. Lynch returned to the in- Thebes,-a famous seeress ,issued]!% destined to come over it in Mhe)opment enterprises in the dis OF THE PI —See , splav o sarge s in rs § t Ss wr . av ¢ rr o¢ ww > 1 ma aan T > , DN os ee window display argain 2 C 1 es ae ae * i mere in her predictions for 1914 yester- next three years To have lived}triet. They represent a company COLD rORAGI the city. re ex-alderman in- day.. She forsees the year to be| Ve? thirty years at Old Masset|of considerable means in Seattle ne tutiee, is hereby jtends coming back to Rupert in at the old farm and later at Del-| The primary object of their visit | corporate with « » | City of Prince I | acai fertile of seientific discoveries. : : |two or three weeks for the win- katlah Lodge, all within three|/was to look up 33 sections Of} Britist + ritish mt ee There is to be serious threats of Ceanenhie ‘th » er. war: sensational changes in miles, is a record of which Mag-| jang up the Naas Valley While fetal liqu dst r T ” ; ; ¢ Iper sh and The Celtic was in port this}Germany’s institutions; a ter-| Strate Harrison may well be]in Prince Rupert they became in-|Limited, by. ord . Rikers and discharged 250 tons|pible flood catastrophe in Eng- proud and the pioneers certainly} terested through Messrs. Ghris- | fist Rupert, I of Jingle Pot coal for Rochester}/janq and a new monarchist gov- showed their appreciation of this|{jansen & Brandt in sotmme farm | November, A. Dd i | & Monroe. She sailed again for ernment in Portugal pioneer of pioneers by respond- lands and other prospects of the sien Ne j the Skeena where she will load a ark ed ing so heartily to his invitation.;Skeena district Mr. Michael : fish for the south. Slide at Shawatlans The Delkatlah people saw to it] went up on the train this morn- WATER NOTICE oe: eS ase that Union Hall was appropriate-|ing to look over some*land in the ie a Aclotnbe to Take end Use Weer everybody had by give ‘ | j | Quite a number of laborers ex- A cave in of a portion of the ly decorated and Lakelse Valley. ane ; | : : o "| . Pon . er, of Goose Bay v | pecting work on the railway|}bank half way up Shawatlans only just got home and comfort- We are prepared to go into] license t an et * of e e °9 e jgrade came in this morning on]lake and washed some logs up on ably in bed when the Prince Al-Jany promising enterprise whic ino aa Aiba Cen, flows ithe Prince George. They did not|lake and washe “ln bert blew her fortnightly whistle| we ean find’ said Mr. Hudson to|!and and empties H DEPARTMENT STORE | } lake and washed some losg up ony” sana Medias data eee San se t c ' I ae ates at heres Hs igo up the line as the contractors|the waterworks intake. Engin-|5@®Ye'@) 20U earher lan USUAITThe News I believe we can|be used for mining | : fan da i lare taking “e é igi at 8:30 a. m., and many a sleepy g ) met m fart | verted at about 1% miles eas 0 “ are taking on no more men at]eer Mason visited the pump this} ®! ny a. “ J bring in 200 American farmers to 2 wil i I g § 5 $ a | described as rhe I Third Avenue Prince Rupert | present. morning and inspected the slide.|@¥¢ had to be rubbed to awake|take up a tract of land near the {Hastings No.6 and 71 get 0 { . ) ‘ eeks ” This notice was | 6.7 ie He found it not as big as report- again t altend 1 two week railway a nie botic ad mail and business with the out application wi The: monthly social meeting Of/ed at first, and practically no appticas ef . . ater het er atl the Epworth League was held in|damage was done. side world, which is only possible | Objec 8 Water Recorde x A the Methodist hall last evening. OS ee ake x for the few hours the G. T. P “ . ” ; 4? Wate Right r . . Bonen a . pooner omnes nl | The special feature of the even- The only “first-class” job|boat is in twice a month, The Daily News Victoria, B. ( — : , . JUSEPH | ‘ing’s program was a very inter-|printing house in Northern B.C. AIO) ARE | By I Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners CLASSIFIED ADS. } Oct. 30-Nov. 3-10-17 s esting address on the coast In-|The Daily News. |dian by Dr. W. T. Kergin. Phone 4. | * * * > . ona ceprecnihtinnndinstnanganinetaneeciemamsasiniicaaiteinmmnpeameneins 4 Yaak Woan. cletker’ at. the HAVE YOU REGISTERED sciatic gee depp Ofer ce eee eee Peewee : ae: eer ere ne ro eieere Ste eset paeieea ‘pone Sadar Gn Seana BERT |from a three months’ trip to Tre-}$ Holders of agreements of §| CRATERED, : OVETWOREANEVESS: CIC SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS jiland, where he went to visit his sale who can produce a re- ——— Phone Red 188 wO0N . i emsins jold home. Jack saw all the hor- ceipt for 1913 taxes in their FOR SALE PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO |rors of the Dublin strike and viv- own name are. entitled to si uted ea ea ok tama tees : ae CELT LESS ee a ° jidly describes the pitiful and aw- | register . na ( & Tresh ceive ing always ities ilies. , one sgister for the voters’ list OWS fresh calved and coming tn alway the new « the 1 First and McBride Prince Rupert j ful scenes of poverty and dis- any time up to November e e Stichete “oat aie Camieenel West ee PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers, B. C. jtress. He is glad to get back to 30th inclusive. Both the corner Carleton and ‘Westminster Road Central $ B.C. and his many friends here|3 agreement of, sale and the INVESTMENT CO. Collingwood Mast, Bok Fk OP BRITISH COLUMBIA jare equally glad to see him again. tax receipt have to be pre- EXCLUSIVE AGENT is so strategically located that It is —_— a —— — — in th t f and commar t Pannier sented at the city hall. ei WANTED trade Of the wonderful rich and iepennicaine proven agricultural lands in the famous e | {f 9 tot of women ‘were to. en- Don’t forget .to register. ee gage in a walking contest, would WAITER wants position, Apply Box 88, a e al W S i: n with the larg { feet . Time expires Nov. 30th. Daily News 274-276 BULKLEY VALLEY e e . one » larges 1 r | dine mina | oO e n WANTED—Sewing by the day or week. | and also aa on Miss M. Washburn Phone Blue 399 cover e ( P ? | co. r the most ground? — All other cities and towns in the ie se a ee as aces 2ootr Bulkley Valley will be tributary BY aL eon, ee Fs Taeas dae a ce NMR a ne nt ESS RRR | = x HOUSES WANTED— Young woman to wait on table; | in ye geen ' All eee fh lines 4 6 be wages $30.00 month with room Apply rom the main tine of railway wil A ee a ee et te te te te ee a oe oo oo oe ooo oa 6 rooms 20.00 Supt. Prince Rupert General Hospital, start from HUBERT nas IB essere ee areas eee ov. 260tf { The townsite is ideally teosted in q 6 ro s BA t ikle r and re U ¢ > TOOMS «, + esse eeeesees $35.00} Goon general servant wanted; $35 per . eerie. one | rosea and bee 5 rooms, yard and place month Also nurse girl wanted Four ane vainane 1 i . I sa help employed Mrs. I W Patmore with magnificent natural dra ee for chickens: :... .+.. . $15.00 25st { The first offering of town lots is % a ‘ room $12.00|— eae Et ke Baas now open to the public % rs esis a eri I Ns ee A ot NIRS ta hiker { HUBERT has behind it the same ¥ FURNISHED APARTMENTS LOST. organization, the same systema ) ¢ r ' . , } development, the same |iberal ac- ‘ ‘ or : ‘ a that placed ae ° @ ) 6 6 e@ @ 4 3 rooms co's 00 08.6 -00'% 010 320.00] Lost Puir spectacies in case on Firth | Versising ~yaosioay 2? rooms $20.00 Avenue This office or telephone Blach FORT GEORGE x ¢ SS eC Sah ae apes Mores tn tae Ee 403 Reward on the map and kept it there ri & TOONS «2.0 ie 6 00 0 0.08 0 BU OO so cisseciteeeneneaincinicnnnhnesseliptliiiicletiijetiniteeeapherainianctne Trains are now ams ng i r BERT, and the tath 8RD 4 STORES MISCELLANEOUS ; is bullt PA 3R AVE, $ RE % Write or Cali for Maps, Pians and Near 8 Street. $55.00 dig F r veal ixth ‘treet bid wap itie te B55 GOOD wWeals at the B. C.-Cite, 118 8th Photos ry Near Post Office, is ..% 2.64% $30.00 Street. A trial will convince you Agents Wanted Everywhere ¢ Centre of Town 2-year 273-98 } e@ ' Pe 2 —_—_—_-_--—_—-—-—- p it $ ¢ lanee a isG ieee $55.00 ; Natural Resources Securily ‘ 1e + ’ si caiben LAND CLEARING Company, Ltd , LLU, C7 . er . . rar . S* c Peter Nelson is open to take contracts , Close in $9.00 a month 1 , ® ee Joint Owners and Sole Agents FORT ry for clearing land in and around Terrace; GEORGE and HUBERT townsites WON'T LAST LONG also cordwood for fuel, etc, Terms, ete., HEAD OFFICE . Vancouver Block, VANCOUVER, B. © on application PETER NELSON, TERRACE, B. C. WM. G. YOUNG imissc?iu08 ———_ INVESTMENT CO. ae PRINCE RUPERT FEED C0 aaa ; Work Strictly First Class 221 6th St. Phone 19] Switches of All Kinds and Hair Goods a 908 Third Avenue Specialty For the Remaining Days of November D () - - PER CENT. REDUCTION FOR casH - - D() —. Se Gentle In Its weer [ALTY CHICKEN FEED A For your ’Xmas Gift this is a special opportunity to Reserve Now EASY CHAIRS FOR COMFORT Our big range is complete in many handsome coverings and designs Mildness Is this Old German Lager— t Mail orders promptly attended W To Rent 8-roomed hous¢ Dressers, Chiffioniers, Buffets, Dining Tables and Leather Seated Chairs to mutch its pleasing in fragrance— Fancy Tables for the Hall, Den and Living Rooms Pedestals and Jardiniere Stands hatheteied te tee kdehe Ke chins Carpet Squares, all Grades. Fancy China, Hand Painted, and Dinner Sets who like this kind of Beer. Creek 8-roomed hous All at our November Cash 20 per cent. Reduction Sec, 6 Beaver Liquor Co., LIMITED GEO.D.TITE } » Phone 20 ‘ THE HOME FURNISHER ard Avenue 3. roomed ho e6.0v Cabin, Frase! Distributors, Prince Rupert, B.C Heidelber . Beer ao sf Cabin, 4th Ave! G. R. Naden Co. Lid. d Insurance “ef ef c+ +r orChU rh rh rh orm eh rh Hh OmhUh huh huh MmMhUhHhMhUhHhMhUh Hh SH FH SF FF $F 6 +O + + © + & & & t i | 4 ' } | a we oe o* 2 2¢ ¢ ¢ © ¢ + © © © + &@ © ee ¢ © ee & 8 &e—HemhUC LU }HhUh]Hh—h Hh OmhUh}HMhCUO { | | Real Estate at Becond Avenue