Ne Vermnber 98 : THE DAILY NEWS HOLIDAY SERVICE EAST THE DAILY NEWS STEWART ROUTE T0 GROUNDHOG Qrand Trunk Announces Through THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Train Service for Christmas eet CLAIMED TO BE THE SHORTEST "=: THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. a ; ane | In order to provide suitable SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico:|@ORDON RUNKLE MAKES THE TRIP FROM STEWART TO HAZ- |. ocommodation for the large Friday, 1913 Ci ‘CHRISTMAS fo HOLIDAYS itu If you are planning a trip for Ohpis : | . Saste 6 ’ U rd State Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, ELTON OVER THE ns al TRAIL AND THENCE number of passengers ‘who will piahicerse'y es pg rte Madey ‘ lati g ‘ a ; . . > ’ , v € "1 K t $2.00 per year. All Other Countries; Daily, $8.00 per year. travel from the Pacifie Coast to RUPERT AND PRINCE GEORGE STEAMERS PRINCE ie Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. the divides was accompanied by|of the northern interior,” he con- Bastern recat the eae and Seattle and the @rand Trunk Railway Sta , HRaD OFFICE many hardships, as snow had|cluded. eae re Milae codioan ses Chicago to the principal Eastern citie sorte bi ‘ . ; alle ever, I was & After spending seven months in} G@®ristmas VHGAY Semeen) vue Raily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. eee potion sdtinia sates the north: Cetra Several thou-|Grand Trunk passenger officials SPECIAL CHRISTMAS ATLANTIC SAILINGS t BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES section of the hinterland before|sand miles on foot and thor-|Have made pe gay tac for one Are on cra ea 8n quote lowest rat, i going south, and from the infor-|oughly enjoying his unique holi- operation of through — service tion with above and any Atlantic steamshj, Call on us for rates and reservations ALBERT DAVIDSON, «, from Vancouver or Seattle to Portland, Me., and New York for passengers holding either first or second class tickets, Pr New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New : 1 York City . mation I gathered there appears|day, Gordon Runkle, manager of 4 ’ to be a marvellous coal area/the Patterson Manufacturing Co., London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, | awaiting development. The great/has returned to Vancouver. For Hart Block . , | 215 Second Avenue Phone 4 Second Ave. Phone 116 WILLIAM T. HOUS 4 Trafalgar Square. need has been more adequate|the greater part of this period he s Prinee unas , - : : Bi cites : “te Through cars will be operated, uper ; = means of transportation and with|made Stewart his headquarters sia \Mabindnieen aa a8 DAILY EDITION nee Friday, Nov. 28, 1913 [the completion of the Stewart-/in connection with the survey of le Sat Loreena takes t _ scsiiliall Groundhog pack trail coal oper-|many sections of arable land oi iS Fin' se eee a ha | i, i , Badia he | 8 ators will have provided a far|that he purchased from the goy-]'@n@ anc a spec rain will also UNION S.S. COMPANY OF BC Ltd oT ANDREW'S car et ENGLISH, IGNORANCE the eastern cities a long time} porter and Sees route, with ae nt behalf of his brother|!eave Seattle on the same date, »U. u, iUl, sIETY HALL : AND TORY BUNK to follow the lead of Prince | jmpie feed all the way in, There|in the Naas valley. He made sev-|tunning to New York. These rene |formerly Kaien isd. @ The Tory morning organ MUpers an a saat values are also many good valleys suit-|eral side excursions, one to Atlin special parties will be personally WINTER SCHEDULE ITo rent for Dane : ymnasium charges that the Daily News ae ee tes cariicanecemen able for the raising of herds of} and along the "Kluane trail to- cone ee mec oy ete } lings, ete. Partic accused the police authorities] the benefit of the principle and cattle and horses and bottom}ward the Shushanna gold camp. Pree ete i Te eee ee win Screw Steamer Secretary, P. 0. B rf ; . : vate sO Ee sens adaptable for mixed farm-|Another trip was over the new portunity of viewing the Niagara “ ” : j with “commissioning men we some of them are applying it ing, but at present it would be]Kitwangar trail from Stewart to Falls. Ve ntu re do not understand the English} in part. A few have even gone impossible for one to make a liv- | Hazelton and thence north follow-| Direct connection will be made C O A iL: he language to shoot down de- the whole length of total ex- ing. ing the government telegraph at Portland, Me., and New York a sce by a fenceless ReneS in. Re MASPhs SPLOT. 0 Tier eens “If the reports from the south/trail to Cabin 6 and return. for sailings to the old country, FOR VANCOUVER cy Me ton ‘district. Yet Coane a Moreover, these same _ cities relating to the early extension of “Had the Stewart-Groundhog Lowest possible fares will pre 2: 0.1m. Wednesda New Wellington Coal. Best on the know the Edgar family, whist Se ae their exemption Or/in, Canadian North Eastern|trail been completed at the time|V@il. A call at the office of the Seren Coast is of indian Recen tion, Senn par exemption as an adver- Railway to the Groundhog coal|I was at Cabin 6 I would certainly Grand Trunk System, Third ave- — Phone 116 Rogers & Black ser4 Mailed eee cactine ae to Seine cs areas are correct I look to Stew-|have come back that way, as the T eae Sie ea ced FOR GRANBY BAY vad ‘ sdit A One tke’. Brines “Rnvert oil tia led ber Ti the Gastiod art becoming a most important Hazelton route is without excep-]?" ot ce ils ae me we! Midnight Mondays, Nov. 17, Dec. : Se 9 . Cnnstts + iiaas see to | Centre of activity and with its|tion the most dificult I have tra- have to leave on the Prinec ist, 15th and 29th and SMITH & MALLETT ge inva is Absolutely sk ae . ee ars polnk ae splendid trail system into the in-|versed in the north,” said Mr. eee ents 8 a.m. Tuesdays, Noy. 25, Dec. THIRD AV} Bi false. The Daily News said civic pride. The city ought to Senior * should also be the con® Runkle to The Miner. ‘Being a aie eee ke ely, s 9th, 23rd and 30th Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and nothing about Edgar's English be earrying on a campaign of dexvous and outfitting point of/late in me fall, the ee. of Everything in the store ata Sheet Metal Work 4 ' ft way eae ib lieity talad The ‘fact “shoutd all interested in the development |cluded.—Portland Canal Miner. |_ sand. “abi talk ehenroinmy dae Nhs a Office: 8rd Ave mo ie GaN onan ee Seobants al i be overlooked that. the. ex sl Rs ae we, t ae the me i Get Tickets at Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and “th Sts sig 2 rs | : ra c ‘ eae Xmas goods. emers. 278- . Bg most totally ignorant of the} emption of improvements from Rogers Steamship Agency | ——__—_——_ English language but that his city taxation will appeal to in- ae ignorance was not punishable vestors in the east. ieee: by death ae a i It is quite evident that when The Hardy Bay News is the B.C. Land Surveyor Bt: anything in print reflects upon latest pioneer paper to appear. || mee the mis-management of Mc-] Just at present it is doing its : ; : : CABADIAR PACIFIC ‘RLY. Pe een ee, Sees UNOS: RUPERT ee Bride’s servants the Tory or pioneering in a big office build Archduke Francis Ferdinand,;as the Alberta Rolling Mills Gom- #40 Columbia St. I Box 518 Fat ar : 4 ; SAE : “their to the Anstrian throne, and|pany, Limited, has commenced 9 EPR i ; nae gan gets stigmatism of the op- ing in Vancouver. May it soon r ’ s . ’ : see p ties ; grow strong ae to pick ah his consort, the Duchess of Ho-|the erection of its buildings. The en as D. C. STUART pci eo ie (wake keiernueh | {L-anto henberg, are at Windsor Castle |steel company secured a grant of In Old Country aad ale OVERLOOKING OUR F . ae as the guests of King George and|nine acres of land from Medicine woods Of the townsite. ot s es , m 808 2nd Ave. “te Phone 280 OPPORTUNITIES : A PRS Bee Queen Mary. Hat, together with the usual gas Be ° f Through sleeping cars Van- Sir Henry Pellett, the multi- The Provincial government N ae ead warner concessions. “In ‘re. on time or couver direct to steamer PRINCE RUPERT, B. © millionaire, has just com- is distributing samples of frost No satisfactory bids were re-|turn for this the company agreed Santa Claus dock. No transfer, no de- Ree nae . ised with the Toront 8 and bli : tia idics ceived for Parry Sound, Ont., is-|to expend approximately $100,- | Alex. M. Manson, B. A promised wi 1¢ oronto as- ane light resisting potatoes. sue of $50,000 6 iaontadbbe 000 tha'caiant jet ment lay, no hotel expenses W. E. Williams. B. A. 1 k sessor after a long fight over If B. 0. has many seasons like |‘ 1e OF SoU, » per cent, dedpen- In le plan and equipment, I . the assessment on his million the past the agricultural! ia tures, though the options given,|and to employ not less than 50 ANTA Claus time came Book : Your : Passage : Now WILLIAMS & MANSON SSCee $ - as 7 & ‘ - N ». ise "eg 98 . Por > me > , . f 3 dollar residential castle. The partment will have to secure - me weg! a » isso ae a o a a oe adnee round last year and found Princess Beatrice for Vancouver on Barristers, Solicitors, Etc Py . f . ’ anst r ‘eA im. it assessment was finally fixed at waterproof spuds. Australia and New Zealand are cat a eg ging: ne you with your gifts only tis Ch | at a. eg Hs a quarter of a million and * 0 — De ee ee Trees * . td oes gated ‘. infested with smallpox to a de- Cate , half ready — it spoiled your Helgerson Block Prince ! taxes are paid on that amount. It looks as though the num- , j . : ~~! if Sins Henry: had built. ‘that eraisa Hit “ebiee | townsites gree unprecedented in the present The management of the Inter- Christmas. The gifts you sent - ‘ ' é a erous , porge sites : m é : . g ” . : castle of his in Prince Rupert| (are going to get the question |&¢Peration. — The loathsome dis-jcolonial Railway is making ex- away arrived days after the nicer, he would not only be located in| ‘of their official name and the oe eee pcxete$ ties and angie ee for =f nig stockings had been emptied— : HAYNER BROS. he the most beautifully situated location of their depot into the mi id In eae wn ntario has its aa 9 ey, ae otec ati after the Christmas tree was a UNDERTAKER ann EMBALME} eit ‘ g : , 1 “a . i ) “aers ve ce Vv : une rectors . city es the world but he would courts again. If it takes that @ se ce Se sicteal feos bates. ‘suum sided thing of the past—too late to be | : ard Ave ties Phone N . not have to pay taxes.on any jlace as long to grow up as it i , ed : Pi F we a , improvemenie “the ‘might hike an: to get born it will never Edmonton. has received the jof additional rolling stock, in- samy aebeedianed... Non sbi to his property It is taking bea. city final instalment on its debentures|cluding twenty-nine locomotives. tried to do everything yourself, | ee Pa . ie er : 4 Ee from Messrs. Kleinworth, London. ig aN ong, Slemnaroces and to do it in the last few days. Members P.R.L. Vintners Association ee ———=|The payment amounted to $2,- | . : 000,000, and completed a_ total GREAT CARIBOU TREK Be on time this year. Save WINDSOR HOTEL | E. L. FISHER : payment of $9,135,000. The HUNTED BY “MOVIES” yourself worry and expense— Corner of First Ave. and Eighth St funeral Director end Embaimer S city’s financial worries for the let us do the work for you. W. H. Wright, Prop. CHARGES KEASONABLI present year are ended. —_— aad 7 ey pre eet v7 + . IPE) ND NUN 2 0 Great Herd Comes Tamely into Send for our Gift Book. Give HOTEL CENTRAL ief f » ff rican . First Avenue and Seventh St | 4 Belief that the Ame rican turf| Camp ” nee Picture Men us the page and number of the Rete tepteen Pas is to come into its own again in ear Fairbanks. gift you want for "Father," Peter Black, Prop. j the east is strengthened by the _-_ © Mother," "Broth Bill,"§— O O fact that James B, Haggin, Ken- Fairbanks, Alaska, Oct. 19.— i” Dee ’ ee ee New York (By Mail. The much looked for all the long list. Part of ar ee aes FOR A TAXI tucky, and California First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth eorcees® millionaire, has returned to the}run of caribou, for which the evening will do it—you won't ; European Plan, Rates 0c to $1.00 ' sport of kings, despite his ninety-}hunters and miners in this dis- have to leave your cozy fireside. hieanitbnten tien. Phone 75 : ; . ‘ ee 5 : three years. trict have been waiting, passed 3 We are showing a big assor » Felt S ars . Y RES? SOEIEE ie . : 2 ¢ g a big assortment of Felt Slippers for of ie¢ ae Salchaket, fortv-one miles south The parcelling, stamping, ad- se siaalinilaa ied ited ad Be ; ladies, misses and children. The latest revised list of in-]of Fairbanks, on October 18. The dressing, etc.—all the bother- eats "oes ea: rere ; dustries located in Medicine Hat]caribou are going to the winter some part—we do without ex- Third Ave., Between Sixth and PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO. ; ws employme : adi . s » . 2 . Seventh Streets a : shows employment of about 3,500] feeding grounds along the south tra charge. We pay delivery i hi poy hag vag vee American and European Plap : hands, with an annual payroll ofjern slope of the Alaska range. char sponsib —_ — RUBBERS!! RUBBERS!! nearly $4,000,000. #. M. Lazarrmore end an as- yihin a cuae _ PREM ee ee %. 16 se sistant, moving picture men, with om 8 nif j td Buropean L U M B E R B The Woodstock, Ont., rate-ja guide, had been hunting for}{]+ Don't wait for " To-morrow ® F. W. Henning, Manager We have Rubbers for men, women and children at payers have passed a bylaw to|several days, when on October 17, S To-morrow" never comes. F ’ loan $12,000 to the Fort Wayne]first ten, then later twenty-five i: Apna nn : : FO Se BL weies 7 . ; ' . : o-da ROYAL HOTEL lower prices than you can secure anywhere else, Oil Tank and Pump Company. caribou passed their camp, and White for the Gift Book t y: Corley & Burgess, Props. C O A ‘ * * Third Ave. and Sixth St. on the 18th the great herd rushed — The board of directors of the|down upon them, R: . B Dominion Bank recently declared] The caribou seemed quite tame, yrie ros. Limited European Pian Steam Heated —and j A BOUR BROS the usual quarterly dividend of 3}coming right into camp and show- este SS. ere ae Complete Line of LES per cent. and an additional bonusjing no signs of fear. Second Ave. and Sixth St BUILDERS’ SUPPL e of 2 per cent. to shareholders of The run of caribou is a God- ny — Geder Phone 102 nt ited record of December 20, payable|send to the hunters, trappers, won meee WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limite THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES January 2. miners and prospectors, who de- See ET PRINCE ua c0., Phone 186 Thiid ‘Avenu a. ee pend upon them for winter sup- GARRY RIRM, Sec-Trene Sichkans diets fac: Sta: e Prince Rupert The Medicine Hat Steel Com-jplies of meat, as many being TORONTO + ONTARIO Phone 7 ee want AD 5 pany, a corporation that has{killed in instances as the law al- 4 66 " ¢ many of the same shareholderstiows, which is three to the man. — TRY A NEWS WAN And Now Scoop Has A Load Off His Mind oop Has oa n ee brawn for The Da New ON CAT-I WAS SUST WOND c ERING WHO THE Guy WAS HERE - SON THAT LOOKED UKE 4 WANT A Boiwep PIE- AN’ 175 MY ‘ SWELL HORSE” T JES CANT BE STYUSH AND FEEL COMFORTABLE! | ; ' f) . £ i | i ‘ ]@Diaieririvir sneer