THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, November 9. { i “Y, 913 ————— —— ———— = a — Pe CHRISTMAS NIGHT BALL lay THE DAILY News - | WESTERN WHEAT WILL NOT GO voctiend Saar WSN emeh ca R Wiil Celebrate. alas THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN) NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA : ta THROUGH THE PANAMA CANAL W. Moulds, Cas. Davis and | A THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. eet alae Harry Thomey are the committee SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico:|STATEMENT OF SIR WILLIAM VAN HORNE THAT IT MAY BE (appointed by the Miners’ Union If you are planning a trip for Ch; 1 Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly GOOD FOR THE BRITISH COLUMBIA LUMBER to make arrangements for a or to Eastern Canada or United S{a\, ‘f i iia All Other C t ak Daily, 88.00 i >. < TRADE. grand ball,te be given on Christ- try, bear in mind the Grand Tp, STEAMERs i $2.00 per year. e ha ries: aily, ‘ per year. Te a ; mas night, and to which it is pro- RUPERT AND PRINCE GEORGE Ay RS PRinor t Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. Montreal, Nov. 25.—In an in-|favor of the buiiding of the Hud-] posed to ask every man, woman and Seattle and the Grand Trunk Railway gs HRaD OFFICE terview regarding the possibil-|son Bay railway, and child in the community. The Chicago to the principal Eastern ej cept i : : Thi ; : : ee ities of the Hudson Bay route, “T am, and always have been,}/dance will take place in the Cm ty ewe ENG SUES AS RNS DERE Oss eee eee and also regarding the Panama| heartily in favor of the construc-|Stewart News Agency's commodi- Aré no Res bead awe oo ee H . ~£P “we ign) Gin Site ; ; ; ba” Selle isn a » % Us ' rw » serve Aré now to hand and we can quote |owes; / BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES Canal, Sir William Van Horne ex-/tion of this railway,” he ‘said.}ous hall, and dinner will be served nt ; in the King Edward Hotel at mid- tion. with above and any Atlantic st, pressed the opinion that while| ‘Chiefly because it will not cost Cali ‘ the Panama Canal ought to be|much, and will settle in the pub- vail on us for rates and reservations New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New night. The union has a habit of Sf York City. ee i. | i ae ; ‘a , Pee ' seh ic oe a good for the British Columbia|lic mind the question of trans-|doing things well, and it is safe ALBERT DAVID ‘ London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, |) ..her trade he did not think| portation in that direction. While]to say that those whose privileg won, G Trafalgar Square. that Canadian wheat would bell do not believe that 20 cargoes ]it is to attend will enjoy a Christ Hart Block Prince R sent by the canal route. lof Canadian grain will be trans-}]mas evening long to be remem- at ee oum DAILY EDITION re Saturday, Nov. 29, 1913 “Tt would be impossible,” he| ported by that route in 20 years,| bered.—Portland Canal Miner, _——<$<$__ j so chniiheaectiiineisicn toner nadine reeset ease eens | GbOlared. it is just as well to know posi- > ' a BELLA COOLA NOT The Calgary oil boom has Moreover, Sir William stated|tively what the possibilities are Received Over 9200,000. UNION $$ COMPANY OF B.C Ltd! ST ANDREW'S SOc SATISFIED. . a real knocker in the Herald|his belief that not more than ot in that direction. If the route is From the city collector it was = Oey wee ly HALL The local McBrtde organ of that city and the newspaper |C@sees of Canadian grain would} ultimately found to be imprac-/learned that in the few days Cag formerly Kaien Isd. Gymnasi makes a very poor explanation| has practically put a quietus|be carried out by the Hudson Bay|ticable due attention may be} prior to the expirary date for the WINTER SCHEDULE To rent for Dances, Put ear f of the criticisms of the Bella on the wildeatting in gil, The|roule in 20 years. Sir William,/given to more effective means of|rebate on city taxes that over ; mgs, etc. Particulars at hall op { Coola Courier on the expendi- Herald has handled its cam-|however, declared that he was in!transportation.” $212,000 was paid into he city Twin Sqrew Steamer Secretary, P.O. Rox 248 as | f ture of road monies in the Bella Paign with a ee 8 —__—_——X_ : — . ions | /PeASUIY. “ ” _ , a 0 Coola Valley. The champion of| caustic pen. In referring to ee : _— : é n t u r e Mr. William Manson, M. L.-A,, the men at the head of some of O A . Phy ry would have its readers believe the new stock selling companies ' that the dissatisfaction is all it said: “Whose relation to , renee New Wellington Coal } because the roads are not built legitimate business is about 2 P. M. Wednesdays on acd Best on the aii faster. This is not the case. the same as that of the coyote]} —! ss Phone 116 rT of There is complaint from set- to the animal kingdom.” Pee v e Rogers & Black ” tlers 20 miles in that as it has maa diddiaaty Ce The name given by the Gan-jcers have left Halifax for Otta- FOR GRANBY BAY —- taken ten years to build ten Prince Rupert boosters will|@dian Pacific Railway to the new|wa, where the prince will be re- Midnight Mondays, Nov. 17, Dec. % itiea ‘of the toad they will have note that the Edmonton Gapi- | town south of Medicine Hat, Alta.,|ceived by the Duke of Connaught. ist, 15th and 29th and SMITH & MALLETT to wait another ten years be-] tal says: “Before long Alberta|Where the Canada Cement Com- ee 8 a.m. Tuesdays, Nov. 25, Dee. THIRD AVE fore they can teain their sup- will have lost its monopoly of |Pany is: pullding its plant, 2 oe pt oe has been grant- Just What ] 9th, 23rd and 30th Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and plies home, but the chief criti- being able to-hold out the in-|Dauntless. It was formerly;ed a United States patent fom a leak Sheet Metal Work cism is on the way the road ducement to the prospective |¢alled Delane. process of transplanting living Wan ed nieve eran: Sed Ave. Workshop money has been spent. The] settler of immunity from per- eared Sige hair upon bald heads. t Get Tickets at a 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and th Sta Courier charges that the roads sonal property taxation and Disclosures of the British Co- ‘ cee f M th " Steams . Ag Isipieaiieduhbalistted nas have been routed contrary tof from taxation upon improve-|!umbia Fisheries Company's} Numerous requests for a piece or omer Rogers hip ency 215 Second Avenuc Chine 4 the wishes and convience of ments. This immunity from Rnenece oe vearnoyerises by the ms Jessie W ileon's wedding cake OMEWHERE. in. the Second Ave, Phone 116 the settlers, that bad judgment taxation which Alberta has|{Financial Times as one of the|caused lo be issued at the White “Ryrie Gift Book” th T. HOUS has been used and much of the} been able to offer to the in-|™ost amazing confessions of/House an official statement de- as va B.c. L money wasted. tending settler has been a most}|™Misimanagement and reckless ex-| scribing the size of the cake as is one thing that will “©. Land Surveyor If the explanation made by magnetic advertisement tor this}Penditure ever heard of. Som2jtoo small to gratify the desires make the most satisfactory gift CANADIAN PACIFIC ALY. New Westminster, B.C. PRINCE RUPERT Mr. Manson at the meeting of] province.” shareholders demand compulsory|of the public. possible for “Mother.” Just Pane P.O. Bor 818 the settlers was satisfactory, ———_0——_—_—__ liquidation and a thorough inves- ee, take your gift list and a “ Ryrie” 9 aw ae ae as the Tory organ suggests, The Toronto Star claims that| tigation of the whole history of Efforts to secure a retrial of oe ee wal oe an Spend Xmas D. C. STUART why is it that the kicking con-] a large majority of the students |te concern and the exact present |Herman Clarke and Frank Davis, a ke | ah i ae In Old Countr =r tinues and the settlers them- at Toronto University are|Value of the properties. who are now awaiting a death baht cama tein Ae eee tees y selves are adding to the com- Liberal, which leads one to be- : e * : sentence for the murder of Po- can go down that list - just a Through sleeping cars Van- oe ois enene £09 plaints in public letters printed lieve that Ontario has pros- Phe famous violinist, Professor}liceman Archibald, are being few minutes and opposite each couver direct to steamer PRINCE RUPERT. B. 0. over their own names? pects of good times ahead. Petschnikoff, while playing at}taken by Elmer Jones and R, L. name, mark the page and num- inok NG [ i | —~—-.-- — . ; . ransfe ‘o ‘ Te ~O ~ ees dropped et a mations, counsel for, the defence. ber of an article in the “ Gift ae ‘ey i Pi am Be ae When Prince Rupert prop- A New York agitator wants ee and smashed it beyond Ce eee iat re should Book,” that will suit'as nothing ay, no hotel expenses W. E. Williams, B. A, LL. 8 ; erty holders were able to pay| the coinage of a two-and-a-|"ePalr. ga ih lave had separate trials, ‘ ala will, Book : Your : Passage : Now WILLIAMS & MANSON ; in over $200,000 cash in time half cent piece in order ‘to re- = f Bera piideake: inaisiiin dav Sad Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. at to secure the rebate on city} duce the high cost of eating in} The Labor Council of Prince} An order in council has been You will pay even less than cney, Seon MONEY TO LOAN ; taxes, one begins to question a town where you cannot buy Albert, Saskatchewan, has en-|passed amending the British Co- you intended—you will save all Box 1585 SP this complaint about the scar- a pleasant look from a waiter|@0rsed a movement to petition the}lumbia fishing regulations as : Mas ee ieee 5 Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B. C city of money. for less than a dollar. provincial legislature favoring|follows: No one shall fish for, the ar and expense of shop- a ate oe Be) “taxation of the increased valuesjcatch or kill any abalone that ping in person~all tie worry c. Se PRL Veet tae En. ee r ie Org ar he ho Ch hae Cy Tn —— lof real estate.” 4 shall measure less than three and and Spear? of parcelling, HAYNER BROS. oak ee a half inches across the shortest addressing, stamping, etc. The i UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS C arnt he — aS > atc > if ster : ry “ - +8 . 7 t nen ne, ae - 2 A despatch to the London Daily |diameter of the shell. The order Ryrie guarantee insures () p . PEG or Funeral Directors The nest eal th Teearepk : from. Shanghes, seye |i equncil of March 28, 1913, is absolute satisfaction. | ' Srd Ave. near 6th St Phone No. # ; af eo jthe foreign officers have discov-|amended so as to provide that no | \ ered documents revealing a plotjone shall fish for, catch or kill Write for our Gift Book. To- F i: : , gi. or of wide ramification to overthrow|steelhead salmon in the waters morrow you may forget—put Members P.R.L. Vintners Association yes , be : ; the Peking government. of Vancouver Island from March | FES x 4 ne me: Be 26 to November 30, in akaik vea ee ead nildones wai | E. L. FISHER ; j - : rte ' year, post card and mail it to-day. WINDSOR HOTEL y Sir Lomer Gouin, premier of both days inclusive. Corner of First Ave. and Eighth St. funeral Director end Embaimer i Quebec, was invested with the or- ‘ eotigei cmp thetinstiaie eg 3 W. # Wright, Prop. CHARGES REASONABLE % harvested der of K. C. M. G. by the Duke of | Boots and Shoes R e Bros ee i mcr under the Connaught at Rideau Hall. | At half price at Lando & Co.'s yr ° HOTEL CENTRAL eee : Sap cea jsale 27 Limite First Avenue and Seventh St. sunny skies Captain Halsey. H. M. N. Z s | ia ane d, European and American Plan oe ws Wee ee 7 nad tiset anny fig gatas Pibmae en errr te Canada’s Larg ; Peter Black, Prop. of Alberta New Zealand; Prince George of| Take advantage of the sale now ine ae age } and Sas- Battenburg and some other offi-}on at Demers’ 278_tf . rn | i sie“ tilhinle’ FOR A TAXI ; a a . an t katchewan —_——— aE —_——— — J 8 AIRE, Pree. | | First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth | ; “0% is selected MARRY RYRIE, Sec.-Treas. | European Pian, Rates b0c to $1.00 | ‘ Per [Pay | for ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR. Wheat bursting )) [ETO > CREAR ee ee } Phone 75 with goodness, poured in a golden stream into our oo : | Vv. D, Casi . D, Casiey = | | For Yourself SL teens eaten at AI Nae, 95 Third Ave., Between Sixth and PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 00. Seventh Streets seaoooeenten European Plan, 60 to §1 Per Day Perr ner rrnrs ae auton « HE UMBER eS elevators. Washed, scoured, polished, ground, many times over and over, untouched by the human hand ; finally sifted through silk mesh until it emerges ROYAL STANDARD— sweet and soft as the breath of harvest. Your grocer sells it under a money back guarantee. orasa Gift to your Friend PERRIN’S GLOVES ROYAL HOTEL C O A L Corley & Burgess, Props. Third Ave. and Sixth St. European Pian Steam Heated . The well known Perrin trademark as BEAVER VINOLREALS Liquor co, || Complete Line of j ke shown in cuts should be on every glove ébaain Bh gat. ga st. '| BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES you get, as this assures you perfection of Phone 102 i ue : LUMBER CO., Limited e Style, Fit and Finish. PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., || WESTHOLME Lim fo ia Vancouver MillingsGrain€ ke f e Best deal. th Praser vee a Sts i { , =ROYAL STANDARD. lers the world over sell the oes i genuine PERRIN ‘S GLOVES. s 4918s ae TRY A “NEWS” WANT AD i Vancouver .New Westminster. Nanaimo. Victori ete ss ee There Isn’t Any “Bizzy” Signal On Scoop’s Switchboard _ ae Drawn for The Dally H TWAS WAITING— x1 TO Ask “YOU | SiIR-TO GWE ME A TOH- EY DONT GET RIO OF ME BY « SLAMMING THE Door IN MY Mae IM CAMPED RK HERE TILL THE ED COMES OUT= He's TEs Goran GIVE ME 4 Jos! Ey my (7 A aE / ut LEMME CME TET {a RB ® CX ry UY ATA B&D 1413 - WATL=sAND —PaLve - Mp.