eee =" a: THE DAILY NEWS Monday, Decembe; — WALLACE’S TIES AND NOVELTIES ne ee) We are now putting on dis- play our large stock of holiday “goods Mothers and their children are invited to come in and look round H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. DEPARTMENT STORE Third Avenue , Prince Rupert { LOCAL NEWS ITEMS, To make room for Xmas goods Clearing sale on at Demers. 278tf * . * Mr. A. Davidson, of the G, T. P., made a trip to New Hazelton on the last train. ¢ a children’s Demers. 281-82 We are clearing dresses away below cost, * * > The steamer Delhi is expected in tomorrow with 300,000 feet of iumber for the G. T. P. hs we The steamer Venture is nearly a day late and will not bring the mail in until tomorrow. after- jnoon, * . . Douglas Sutherland and_ the Pacific Transfer Co. moved to i\their new quarters on Second |street today. ogee ee Sam Engler, the little orphan, went south today ,en route to !Conshokoken, Pa., where he will jlive with his aunt. > . > | Mr. F. W. Dowling, superin- j tendent of the government tele- }graph, was a passenger to New | Hazelton on Saturday. ay aes | Messrs. Mehan and MeNicholl, of the G. T. P., and Dr. Eggert, the company physician, are on a trip through to Smithers. . * * Marie, president of the Cassiar Hydraulic Mining Co. at Kitselas, was in the city last evening. He went south today. . * . Mr. A. St. Chis Kimber, who is wellknown up the line left this morning for the south. He is going over to eat his Christmas dinner in Eng- land. . > > The Presbyterian Literary So- ciety will meet on | Travel East OVER THE “MILWAUKEE” The Newest and Shortest Line to the East Crossing the Cascade Mountains, the Kittitas Valley, the Cclum- bia River, the Bitter Root Mountains and Montana Canyon, trav- ersing a country of surpassing scenic grandeur, historical interest and wonderful development. TWO FAST THROUGH TRAINS DAILY “The Olympian” and “The Columbian” The NEW ALL-STEEL TRAINS to BUTTE, MILES CITY, SIOUX CITY, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL, MILWAUKEE and CHICAGO For further information regarding fares, train service, reservations, eté call on or address City Ticket Office, Grand Trunk Pacific, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C., or City Ticket Offices, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway 443 Hastings St. West, Vancouver, R or OR Second Ave. and Cherry St., ” Seattle | SHIP YOUR FURS TO SHUBERT" dealing “More Moncey” for your FURS SHIP YOUR FURS TO “SHUBERT” ‘a reliable—responsible ~safe—Fur House with an unblet e Ben Woodworth, who was last week committed for trial for breaking into a_ store, has been taken to the hospital for treat- ment for in the middle of his ear, a sore The fire department had a run to the residence on Fifth Avenue of F. W. Dowling, superintendent of telegraphs. The trouble was caused by an overheated furnace and was quickly remedied. No damage was done. * . * Because the display windows in Wallace's china department steamed up, preventing the boys and girls getting a good view of Santa Claus’ stock, it was decided to have a tight background built in. The window will be working again tonight. Motion re Slander Case , This morning Judge Young heard a motion to strike out part of the defence in’ the MeLeod- McFarlane slander case on the grounds of its and contrary being slanderous to the ruleg of the court. The judgment has _ not yet been delivered. South on Beatrice The C. P. R. steamer Princess Beatrice sailed for the south last night. She took the following passengers from here: John Wil- son, J. H. Rife, Andy Rae, J. MeL. Mitchell and KE. Goehen. " Ladies’ Tailoring H. Saltzman has moved to 325 Third Avenue where he will op- erate an exclusive Ladies’ tailor- ing establishment. He has ar- ranged with leading wholesale houses in Vancouver to get any cloth there is on the market. Customers’ own cloth made up as required. 279-82 Anglican Church Sale. In Knights of Pythias Hall on Thursday, Dec. 4th, at 3 o'clock. Numerous articles for Xmas presents, home products, flowers, arts and crafts, gandies, etc. The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe music. Tea and refteshments. Ices. Admission free. Sunday's Sermon spoilt by Coughing ; A dose of Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil taken before leaving for church will check that service spoiling ~ cough, This preparation acts as a tonic as well as a cough cure and its use soon enables the system to throw off all signs of cold. Keep it in the house — large bottle 35c at all dealers. 3. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop. Sherbrooke, P.Q. PS. — Mathews Nervine Powders cure head: aches and di Sever Faonivenes lor feverish colds to take in connection with Mathtew's aren 8 Bos of (44 Powders.) I-I-13 —— = TO INCREASE INFLUX C. P. R. Colonization Agents Start Great Colonization Cam- paign with “Movies.” Chicago, TIL. Nov, vention of great importance of future influence upon the de- velopment of Western Canada here when 29.—A con- and was held yesterday, the Canadian Pacific Railway colonization agents, from Port- Oregon to Portland, Maine, and south to the international boundary of Mexico, under the direction of J. 8. Dennis, assist ant to the president of the road, gathered to discuss ways and means for an active colonization campaign during the coming year. land, The agents are all keenly en- thusiastic over the prospects In their respective territories for a continued and increasing move- ment of the better class of American farmers to the Can- adian West. The new terms un- der which the railway sells lands to practical farmers, just begin- ning to be fully understood, will, it is predicted, resull in an un- precedented movement to West- ern Canada. An active publicity campaign will) be continued, in the United States, including the use of forty motion picture reels 278-tf | on at Demers’. re — AANA We pay And Remit Promptly same day goods are meen at te at katat we OF AMERICAN FARMERS depicting the life, scenery and In addition there is a fine development.of Western Ganada,|Keystone comedy, Weekly Ani- with lectures. by speakers well mated Gazette and a_ two-reel acquainted with the conditions, |Thanhauser drama. entitled “The ame bodbigics Missing Witness.” THE WEATHER. neater slates oaeee Benoa New Hazelton Hotel Furnished by F. W. Dowling Obserevr The Northern Hotel at New Hazelton, which has been com- For 24 hours ending 5 a.m., pleted for some time will be par- Monday. December 1 tially opened next week to aecco- ; modate the travelling public. One Barometer reduced to sea floor of bedrooms will be put in val? (cee Oe ate: 29.733|use . The balance of the house Highest temperature .... 44.0 will open after the beginning of Lowest temperature 38.0 the year when the license comes ROMs e Sens ta ee, .62| through. sels acai ight Jack Williams has opened his Awarded Ackinas new restaurant ‘in New Hazel- This morning M. P. McCaffery | ton. awarded the contract for the new 2, Aa " apartment to be erected at the! Special Services all Week corner of Summit Ave. and Tay- tages lor Street. Hiekey & Bain were} Rev. Father Seigfrid, of Seat- the successful bidders. They are | le, will hold services in the R.C. to complete the building in four|Church every evening this week, months. The building will have|ComMmencing at 8 o'clock, Last ten five room apartments . Each|"ight he gave a missionary ser- apartment will have two rooms} mon, taking up the importance and a bath. }of salvation and pointing out the Serie eg are ade tae nr ae |hindrances to salvation. A large Boy. Wanted |; congregation was in attendance. Good, smart boy or young man Bi NSO Ba aoe re ee ac wanted for clothing store. Ap- le orem Sige ne ply Martin O'Reilly. 281 | : | A few ladies cotton house Take advantage of the sale now) We pay highest Prices For and express charges, RO commission and send ae id trappers . eet reliable house. We wheileaeaaenkere Chests Write to-day “TWAS IN TRAFALGAR BAY” The Great Historical Sea Fight at the Westholme “And those bright laurels Ne‘er shall fade with years, Whose By a nation’s tears.” Moving pictures grow leaves are watered every day more wonderful, more enter- taining and This will be accepted as an axiom when you see tonight at” the Westholme the reproduetion of the great sea battle of Trafalgar Bay, with all the historical in- cidents connected with Nelson's victory over the combined arm- ada of France and Spain, which took place on October 24, 1805. The cost of such a reproduction must have been immense, The combined forees had thirty-three war ships in action Britain twenty-seven. more instructive. and Great The whole “England, Home and Beauty.’ dresses very cheap. Demers, 282 FREE HALLAM’S TRAPPERS GUIDE French or Euglish A book of 9 pages, fully illus- trated, Game Laws revised to date—telle you how, when and where to trap, bait and traps to use, and many other valuable facts concerning the Rew Fur Industry, also our ++ Up-to-the- minute '’ fur quotations, sent ABSOLUTELY FREE for the eee us their Why not you? highest a received. 7 each “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Underwood over 12 months old, very little used, Price $70. Apply Box 189 City 281 COWS fresh calved and coming in always on hand, and tuberculosis tested, Jo Christy, cattle dealer, Collingwood West corner Carleton and Westminster Road. Phone Collingwood 46 R. Post Office, Collingwood East, Box 20. 270- al WANTED BOY WANTED—Wanted at once, a smart boy. Apply Dally News office. WAITER wants position. Daily News. BOY WANTED—Good smart boy or young man for clothing store. Apply Martin O'Reilly. 2so nr WANTED-—Sewing by the day or week. ice B- Washburn, Phone Blue 399, GOOD general servant wanted; $35 per month, Also nurse girl wanted. Four sey, mempvored, Mrs, L. W. Patmore. LosT. LOST-—-A check endorsed by J. Bodie. Payment on check has been ptonpe a, Return to this office, MISCELLANEOUS i GOOD meals at the Street. A 273-98 B, C, Cafe, 118 sth trial will convince you. THE UP-TO-DATE HAIRDRESSING PARLORS 211 Third Bt. Work Strictly First Class Switches of All Kinds and Halr Goods a Specialty LAND CLEARING Peter Nelson is open to take contracté for clearing land in and around Terrace; also cordwood for fuel, etc. Terms, etc., OD 6-268 62H3D6-2DODVS Typewriter just) Apply Box 88,) 274-276 1836 THE BANK OF 1913 BritishNorthAmerica TT Years in Business. CAPITAL ano SURPLUS OveER $7,600,000. Bank Money Orders Are Safe And Convenient If you want to send any sum | up to Fifty Dollars, to any | pointin Canada, Yukon excepted, or to any of the principal cities of the United States, buy a Money Order at any Branch of the Bank of British North America. The cost in trifling. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, MANAGER PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. 908 Third Avenue Dealers in FEED SEEDS HAY TIMOTHY OATS CLOVER WHEAT ALFALFA CORN ETC CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY on application, Mall orders promptly attended tv fight, in which nineteen of the enemy's vessels were destroyed] by fire, sunk or captured, is shown in a series of the most thrilling pictures, the memory) being aided to recall the great historical event by the special musie of the orchestra, including the memorable song “The Death if Nelson, and the scene when the dying hero passed away for For A Christmas ¢ Give Him A robes $25 , 1943 Somethihg that will keep him hanging around the house Nice looking and serviceable $10, $15, $20 & 22 ACER OOOO UU UL UL ry yy TERR M ay itt SMART LOUNGING ROBE a + + + + * * * + * + + + + » * * * + + * * * * * * » + + + * Martin ¢ x * * * * * * Sf x | + | +* * * * x * * * x * x * * | + * * * * x * * * * * x * $ x * * * * * * * v * x * * * * x x * O'Reilly PPI III III III III IAA AAAI AAAI AAAI AI AIA IAI IAAI AIA ATI * * * + * * * * * * + * * * » * * >» * * * * » * + * » + * + + * * * * * * > * * + * * » » > * » » * * > * * + * + * * » + » t IN THE MATTES of an Application for the issue of a fresh certiNeate of Utle for an undivided one-half interest tn Section 10, Township 5, Queen Charlotte District, No. 3329 C. Satisfactory prvuof of the loss of the above Certificate of Title having been furnished me, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ft ts my intention to issue at the expiration of one month after the first publication hereof! a fresh Certificate of Title to the above} mentioned lands in the name of C. B.) 904 Strong, which Certifeate of Title was Is- hake sued on the 1th November, 1897, at) 11:40 o'clock A. M., as No. 3329 C. Land Registry Ofmfce, Prince Rupert, | B. C., 27th October, 1913. w-at H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar, | Stalker & Wells 2nd Ave and McBride 6th St WM. G. YOUNG INVESTMENT CO. For Sale ROOMING HOUSE Extra fine Table Raisins 26 to@0c A large assortment of Johnathans, Rome Apples extra choice Beauties, Winesaps, etc. Jap Oranges, per box 5 doz. . 760 No. 1 Asheroft Potatoes, per Os ROT ie kee HE Lae $2.00 Extra fine Mince Meat, per JAS eS Aes ete 75¢ and $1.60 Cider for Xmas, per gallon. .$1,.26 Hunt's and Delmonte Canned Fruits, We carry a full line of Huntley Third Ave. , $-r xd house, ovel & Palmer fancy Biscuits, Xmas 3-roomed hi Creckers, hand made Chocolates, MeBOI ccs ene’ ete, , (| 3_roomed house 4th Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Beans, all No. 1 goods, 2 cans for 26e Gag BD oo oe Do your Xmas shopping early 3_roomed house, Fras and avoid disappointment. If ’ Gabin, Fraser Stree! you would like our representative to call on you, phone or send us a postcard and we shall be very pleased to help you to reduee the cost of living. Quality Cabin, 4th Avenue, © Are the Stalker & Wells Goods Cheapest, Ss Close in Clearing Phone 187 We are now ina Sdailion which enables us to give you exceptional $ values for your money. All of] 75.00 PER MONTH the following goods are up to our} every month. . Long pwell known standard quality Raisin seeded PRE... +s eee $10c Currants (cleaned pkgs. -26¢ | Extra fancy Raisins, 2 pkes. .26e) $350. 00 se Extra fancy Currants, 2 phase tte | cove { he Crosse & Blackwell's Orange, | and bedd lemon, citron; the best; per } a RN in, gets ii ha sg ates’ se ‘eu 26e | C. & B. Jordan. Almonds, per Ps hy passant G0. o clerere tee & Fave 90c C. & B. Metz Fruit, per lb... .76e WM G YOUNG C. & B. Crystalized Cherries, e e 4 DOC: TO Mia whi bins oe ge ve’ e 660 C. & B. Crystalized Ginger, INVESTMENT co. DAMM T a bls bad ves aes 50c ©. & B. Ground Almonds, %s.35e — SB eilgs vhs Whe oiesc.e FB rt 65c | C. & B. Table Jellies.........% 10c £1 RI ei outils Tweet $1.00 0D BUY Cc. & B. Pie Fruits, per bottle. 35e A G0 Our Extra Special Secs per |b. 760 This Tea is the best that money | Lots 33-34, Bl ag, © can buy. Our Special Tea, per lb...... 50c PRICE %8, 0) Good value for the money. 9 Extra choice Sockeye Salmon, | 1-3 Cash, Bal i DOR OA id oes isd 0 4.9 20c months al New Nuts, Chestnuts, Wal- nuts, Brazils, Peacans, Pea se out ial nuts, Filberts, Almonds, APPLY Harrison, Gamble & Company FINANCIAL AGEN rs Prince Rupert To Rent Hays $11.50 (2,00 Sl. 26.00 ) SH, Ul CR Naden Co, lid Real Estate and Insurance Becond Avenue.