angst oFRCULATION | NORTHERN tive Library 8H COLUMBIA’ THE DAILY NEWS GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: The weather man, like the Mo~ Bride government, seems to have POWER PROPOSAL BEFORE CITY COUNCIL TONIGHT PRIVY COUNCIL DECIDES ON FISHERIES QUESTION--HIGH COST OF LIVING INVESTIGATION vANT cIry TOTAKE POWER UP 10 3000 H.P. FOR TWENTY YEARS COUNCIL MAY OFFER OPTIONAL PROPOSITION -— WILL DISs- cuSS HYDRO-ELECTRIC OFFER THIS EVENING After termittent dickerings| years The power is to be de- swith sé al city eouncils the | livered at a point outside the city pert Hydro-Electrie| limits and the eily is to do the Compa | submit an offer to}distributing. There will be no the ¢ ouncil this evening | franchise, The council may have which, if rumor 18 correct, mayja readjustment of prices every be an acceptable one to the citi-| five years. If at any time the city ens juses more than 3,000 horse- The details will not be known |power it may put in its own iii this evening, When it] plant, » formally placed before the} It is understood that the city from sources in-| council will also submit an alter- rested he proposed deal The|native bylaw to raise money for D Ne got a hint of what /a city auxuliary plant, as” the will b the offer, present plant is totally inade- The agreement as-finaNy ad-|quate for the work now being ed f presentation to the| done. The eleefors will probably isk the city to take|have both propositions placed of power up to 3,000|before them at the forthcoming for a period of 20 | eivie election. JOLLY SKATING PARTY Given at Auditorium Last Night THE GEORGE SALVED BIG GASOLINE BOAT by Mrs. Roberson Was Broken Down and Being esi Sesh ehcns ara ho OHT AMO Driven on the oe in the a very jolly skating party in the Gulf of Georgia Auditorium last night, The floor aad was in excellent order and with WN} hin ; oi thin te ; re GP. P. teamer) ai) new selections of music the : ce arrived on Satur-| conditions were all that could be at Vancouver from |desired, ert she took in the big During the evening Mrs. Rob- nch B.B., which «she] &T80? served a pretty luncheon he Gulf and the party was brought to an en downin the Guilty) nq about 10.30 by the singing ibout. two and a half miles] of “God Save the King.” Siwash Rock . Among those present were the Ihe Prince George, Capt. Don. | following: Mrs. Roberson, Miss y ) ss 8S 2 5 Miss a . wcing in from Prince | Drumm« nd, Mi . Jenns, Mi ‘ ' nk Of th McCroskie, Miss Fisher, Miss % 10}; Seer ‘©! Thompson, Miss Grant, Miss EI- witch and look-out heard cries] je{, Messrs. Linnell, Lane, Me- fan } TT for hely The big coast liner] parlane, Gamble, Newcombe, de lown and turned her Crippen, D. R. Hunter, Roach, H. ht loose and the beams|Q, Grew, S. Harrison, E. D. Har- he B.B, rolling help-|pis and A. H. Tomlinson. he trough of a big sea, ae ed ‘tok George put a line! WHEN IS AN INDIAN ! | started to tow but wer sisnieuabanens irled, A stouler baw-) Mary Watson Claims to be White ide fast and the launch but the Police Say She is ' nto Vancouver har- a Klootch ——————_____——- Is Mary Watson, Indian or AMBITIOUS KIRMESS White? That is a question which Miss Ethel Gray Engages West- holme for Function Gray announces a kirmess in Opera House on upon the lines of the Prof. Douglas gave successfully last year, uch larger one given by cattle in’ whieh Miss part. The Kirmess on the stage of the with special scen- pointments, The per- | be twenty pupils, ‘rom Miss Gray's clas- ‘neing in age from four to 4nd they will ilustrate all Seolch, Irish Migs mt that she will the Westho} Ime the 12th ohe which cive 1s Selected twat, seve the late st dayces, | } | | jnulisance Grand lalso is bothering police court officials. Mary gets drunk and is a general among the Indians. Yesterday she was found in the Hotel and was fined $10 today on the drunk charge. A charge of supplying liquor to an Indian also arises out of the The man’s name is Robert Russell, but he pleads not guilty; Mary pleads that she white. She is the daughter of a Port Simpson chief. Nine years married a’ While man and for some time lived in Rup- ert, During the summer when her husband was away she lived on the reserve at Simpson, The police say her home here is like an Indian's, and under the Indian Act as interpreted by the police, “ase. Is ago she Egyptian, Also they will give|anyone living the life of an In- by latest j songs, accompanied |diay or being on the reserve Is an 7 estholme orchestra, Indian. -_ Mary says herself it’s a funny In oFfiep a yb everybody a|proposition. ne a le we have ex- ———_—__——— ded i Saturday, Demers. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. 283-84 |Phone 4. Oe a . : aan —_—_—_—— — Spee ee. : Grand Kirmess :: By Prince Rupert Local Talent. WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE Friday, Dec. 12th, 1913 Doors Open 7:30, Commencing at 8 P. M. Sharp. Admission 600, 75c, $1.00. a Program will consist of solo and group dancing, she martes, © COMPANY of 24 children specially trained by Miss senae at and daintiest costumes ever seen on a Prince Rupert stage. Y some of the most popular local singers. SPECIAL MUSICAL PROGRAM BY THE ORCHESTRA To Be ie In also the latest Gray. Also HUERTA’S GENERALS iy ARE QUITTING 503 Seven of Them Ready to Surren- der and Break Backbone of His Army Special to The Daily Dec. 3—Seven Generals of the Mexican regular army ready to surrender and to break the back-bone of Huerta’s dicto- News. Juarez, are torship in the north. A peace commission arrived here last night bearing the terms of sur- render. The proclamation stat- ed that Huerta and his govern- ment were bankrupt and unable lo pay his soldiers. London, Dec. 3.—The Times despatches from Mexico draw at- tention to the situation that is developing in consequence of the attitude of the United Sta- They declare that if the Am- erican tactics of watehful wait- ing continue to be pursued there are no words too strong to paint the disastrous results” that will ensue. desperate tes. CAME NEAR TO CHURCHILL His Companion Aviator on Mon- day Killed Yesterday The Daily News. Major, Lush- the aviation First Lord of Churehill took a forty minute flight on Monday, was killed yesterday, when his aeroplane fell to the earth. Special to London, Dee. 3. ington, head of corps with whom the Admiralty REVENUE FALLING OFF First Result of New United States Tariff (Special to the Daily News) Washington, Dec. 3,—-Under the new tariff of the United Sta- tes the customs revenue for Nov- ember fell off to the extent of four and a half million dollars. HIGH COST OF LIVING TO BE INVESTIGATED Suggestion That it be Made by Parliamentary Committee of Both Sides of House (Special to The Daily News Ottawa, Dee. 3.—Political in- terest at the capital at present centres around the proposal to appoint a royal commission to ia vestigate and make report on the high cost of living. Several sug- gestions have been made, among them that enquiry be made by a parliamentary committee of both sides of the house with W, F, Ni- chol, of Kingston, chairman, An- other is that enquiry be made by a single commissioner of out- standing prominence. Petitions were received by Premier Borden from Winnipeg, Montreal and Toronto city coun- cils asking for an investigation of the high cost of living. The question was discussed the cabinet council yesterday and there is to be an inquiry some- time, but just how conducted has not yet been determined. at ‘UNIONISTS IN CANADA Request an Ulster Officer to Make Inspection Tour (Special to The Daily News, Relfast, Dec, 3.—A réquest re- ceived from Ulster Unionists with headquarters in Canada for an officer to be sent to the Dom- inion to inspect Ulster volunteers in Toronto and Winnipeg, Bonaventura Arrived Today The steamer Bonaventura with structural steel for the dry dock and rails for the railway tied up at the dry dock at two o’elock this afternoon, Our sale extends to Saturday and we have the best bargains to be had in the whole eity, Demers. 283.284 Reel ee TL SS SO oe EG ea ENGLAND’S NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC CRAZE Society women in the Old Country graphed as statuettes these days. Canada any time. The above photograph of a prominent L society. are having themselves photo- The fad may come over to is a reproduction from a recent ondon leader of fashionable NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS To insure insertion changes | of advertisment must be re- ceived at the Daily News of- | fice not later than 10 a.m. on the day of publication. | ee | COWDENSED DESPATCHES | (Special to The Daily News.) Weilington, N.Z.—Naval De- fence Bill, which provides for the | contribution of officers and men | in lieu of money, introduced into House. immigra- shows a Ottawa Japanese tion, as well as Hindu, great increase. New Westminster—Seven men charged with assaulting Con- stable Taylor during Nanaimo riots, declared not guilty by jury, Paris Government defeated last night and have handed re- signations to President Poin- care, Blythe, Cal.—Two robbers en- tered Palo Verd Valley bank, shot} and killed cashier and got away with $5,000, Registry Office Revenue Growing |''Y- indication of Prince Rupert and local business shown by the land registry office receipts. In May, 1909, they amounted to $78; a year later they were $483 for the month, In May, 1944, they increased to $629, May, 1912, brought in $1425, and the same monih this year the revenue jumped to $2540, This latter sum has been about the average for every month this year. One very good the growth of Is Don’t miss the chance of the Xmas season. Our sale extends to Saturday, Demers. 283-284 The Daily News has the dase est circulation in Northern B.C. fand Secretary | der {PROVINCE APPEAL ON. FISHERIES QUESTION Long Judgment delivered by Lord Haldane Favoring Rights of the Dominion Special to the Daily News) London, Dec. 3.—A long judg- ment was delivered yesterday by Lord Haldane of the Privy Coun- cil, in the appeal of the Govern- ment of British Columbia in res- pect to fishing rights. The law liords have decided the fisheries|the precipitation. It has been the question in favor of the Domin- ion and declare that the fishing in tidal water is open to all ex- clusive of the power of regula- tion, which rests with the Dom- inion parliament. The right to fish in arms and estuaries of the sea is declared a publie right of the same character as that en- joved by the public on the open seas. SOUTH AFRICAN HEAD TAX Secretary of State for India De- sires Investigation “(Special to The Daily News) London, Dec, 3.—The Marquis of Crew, Lord of the Privy Seal of State for India, reference to the treatment of East Indians in South Africa lares opposition to the poll tax that is imposed in that coun- He declares that it serves no goed purpose. He associates himself with Lord Hardinge, the viceroy of India, in favoring a full investigation into the whole question, in the Lots of Wood Selling “ surprising how rouch wood is being sold in the city now,” remarked a map on the waterfront this morning. The wood is brought in ‘vom Smith's Island, A chopper: working in the slough there ad the cord- wood delivered in t! e city costs $7 or $8, Wood is al o being tak- en from Section Tw: and finds a ready sale. the Daily News office, COST SIX (Special to The Daily News.) Bingham, Utah, Dee. 3.—No sound has been heard since yes- terday morning from the Utah Apex mine, in which Ralph Lopez, the desperado and murderer of Six persons, iad been driven to bay by the posse. The previous evening smudges were lit early in the workings. With all the exits to the mine except that of the Andy tunnel sealed with mud and with poisonous gases floating back into the depths of the work- ings, it was expected the fugitive would make a break for liberty. A large amount of dynamite is stored in the mine, and knowing of the bulkheads, the seven sher- DESPERATE MURDERER 1s ‘PRO 8 Lopez could easily blow out one} MAN HUNT THAT HAS ALREADY LIVES HAS. ENDED OcATED IN MINE iffs early today stationed a dozen deputies at each of the fifteen tunnel mouths with orders to shoot him on sight. The ten thousand inhabitants of this canyon-walled mining town, deep in drifts of snow, were wailing in tense excitement for ‘he denouement of the man hunt that already has cost six lives. Last night it was believed that the gas-filled mine had become the fugitive’s tomb and the tense watchfulness of the seven sher- iffs and over two hundred dep- ulies was somewhat relaxed. But the number of guards was not lessened and poisonous gases were generated in the lowest level lof the mine. STAKERS LEFT OVER TWO WEEKS AGO AGO of left here over J. W. Chappel and land stakers who two weeks ago for a four days trip to Prescott Island, have not returned, It is feared they have been lost at sea. They had only grub. The intention party a few days’ FEARED PARTY OF FOUR LAND LOST IN OPEN SEA FOR PI PRESCOTT ISLAND — DUE BACK IN FOUR DAYS—SMALL FOOD SUPPLY pected to return two and as there weeks ago has heen several periods of favorable “weather since then it is supposed that they are either marooned by an accident .on the island or have. been blown out to sea.- If they are ashore they will be Loose Leaf Ledger forms at was to stake some land on Pres-j/all right as far as food is con- cott Island, which is outside Por- | cerned. cher Island on Dixon's Entrance. The marine department has With Mr. Chappel was Mr. Fel-|been informed of the missing men and a launch has been sent out to look for them. man known as They ex- lowfield, and a Jimmy-the-Smuggler. HAD INFORMAL SUPPER TAIL END oF A STORM Wires Down and Crossed, Wind- ows Broken—What Might Have Been | Three days of wind and rain. It has been a general storm ali along the coast. Prince Rupert got the tail end of the blow and most of Baptist Brotherhood Prepared Their Own Annual Banquet. Evidently there is a suffragette the Baptist ladies in the city. The Brother- hood of the church has a banquet every year .This year they could not get the ladies to do the eater- It has been a bad one! movement aniong ing, but that did not stop the banquet. The boys cooked it longest continuous rain fall on|themselves. Morrison Garton was chief chef and dish washer. i A meteorological | The spread he put on, the boys mathamatician has figured out oo ee ene that had it been snow we would joyed it, tunneling under six There were a goodly number present aad after the supper they had an. interesting program of speeches and games. Notice to Eagles record here, but it might have een worse, have been feet of it. The damage by wind has been trifling compared with previous storms. The telegraph’ wires suffered considerably, there be- ing a number of breaks and in- terruptions. The city telephone department had a great many cross wires and a few breaks, They are not all repaired yet. The city lighting plant suffer- ed a few breaks but these are all repaired. Down in the A meeting of the Fraternal Order of Eagles will be held in the K. of P. Hall at 8.30 o'clock on Wednesday evening for elec- tion of officers. Refreshments will be served during the even- ing. 282-83 We will beat the bad weather to it by extending our sale to Saturday. Come early. Demers, 283-284 Anglican Church | SALE business section three plate glass windows blew out—two in the Hays’ block and one in German's shoe store. TOMORROW EVENING Anglican Church Bazaar Offers a Good Chance to Get Presents The ladies of the Anglican churek will tomorrow night make a splendid display of Christmas gifts in the K, of P. Hall There will be gifts of ali kinds, not only for the children but for the grown-ups also. But a_ special effort will be made to please the little ones ,and the fairy booths will be a most important feature. The “Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe” will be there, and many other favorites of the young, and there will be home products, arts and crafts, flowers, candies and all the rest of it, Will Be Held in the KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HALL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 Formal ag at 3 eo Use- Gira) Home Bt cee See! Arts and Crafts, Candies. “Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe.” ;