pT a LARGEST CIRCULATION . - GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: in THE OITY een The Attorney-General must feel tike BRITISH COLUMBIA an undertaker with the corpses of all the dead cases he has taken to the Privy Council ee % TWENTY SEE PEOPLE KILLED IN A BOSTON FIRE —_—_ ——$—$<— BRITISH CABINET WRESTLING WITH HINDU _PROBLEM.---BANK MANAGER KILLED BY ROBBER TWENTY ee KILLED THOSE NANAIMO RIOTERS si Power Proposition Looks Good ae Disastrous Fire in a Boston Lodg- Fourteen More of them Placed on ing House. The latest offer from the Prince Rupert Hydro-Electric Their Trials ei Power Co. to furnish this city with electric current is-a very dif- yecial to the Daily News) ferent proposition to its previous overtures, and one which the |* (Special to The Daily News.) Bost Dec, 4.—-Twenty-seven electors may very reasonably accept. By it the city secures all New Westminster, Dec: dul on were killed in a fire which = the power it will require for some time without hayiné?@6 in- Alls IN Mik A cwept through the upper. floors vest in anything excepting the distributing plant. T a é@xpen- |° hg AAs Gee » nS Tyan, P + the Arcadia Hotel lodging diture would be necessary under any of the proposed schemes. | McKenzie, Jos. Mairs, Mike Mali, house at the south end last night. REE There is no franchise given. ‘The city will be tied up to nothing |Mike Metro, Isaac Portray, T. H. Ohers are missle aMooses Wes Property Owners to Decide by Plebescite Whether fhe City Shalf| Dut 2" serecment to take any power remitred: upto 3.000 Bile ee ate Ge, he hospital. Nearly all for a period of 20 years. In a nutshel!, it means Prince Rupert | Wallace, Alex. Dunse, John Hall, were terribly burned, Add to Present Power Equipment or Shall Accept will not have to finance any power proposition of her own until |Geo. Metro were placed on trial » identification impossible, she is using 3,000 h. p. yesterday in connection with the me Renee r he If Prince Rupert decided to stand out and finance her own |Jattack and bomb throwing at the Their escape was cut off by t The Com any’s Amended Off ! ; ¢ of the stairways and the P y’ e er hydro-electric scheme immediately it would require a further in- [Temperance Hetel, Ladysmith, oe ance to the fire escapes was nn me eee areachteieiaie *| vestment of $100,000 for an auxiliary Diesel oil plant. In a few |during the strike riots. rhe dead are all poor The new proposition from the,be required to use its resources, ;who are the final court of arbitra- years this plant would be worn out, probably just at a time when Rene 1en Prince tupert Hydro-Electrie |} and in view of the urgent neces- | ment in matters of this kind. it ran be most practical to invest that $100,000 in a larger UNCLE SAM’S PATIENCE eet as Company to furnish the cit ith|s ; sing ‘ x f_| In January, therefore, I would} Se#eme. és eres — LIBERAL PLATFORM mpany furnish the city with| sity of being in a position to of propose that both propositions Under the proposed agreement the P. R. Hydro-Electric Com- |[“Let ’em Fight it Out” is His TFS “i tric power was Seon m4 fer power to industries which he sutnitiiad. cue torts “acho: pany will have to build and operate the auxiliary plant. Mexican Policy the cily council last evening. The av re “e ‘ 2 oe . : fe st "age “ince art c ilize ar credit i What will Be Advocated Buring stata routs Sie soar practically cone eat tie i a eer sion of the city system and the : oe ” be a Erm pupers — aye ck ey mane a ; ae * the connre Session. ae te (lined faen Saati’ Meee lon. that: if .9 “goo sgresman other an agreement with the| City improvement works. It would seem reckless for the city (Specia) to the Daily News) Se ada ‘ hh ce Com. 44 auy ¢ could be made with the Prince} prince Rupert Hydro-Electric not to accept this chance to get power at a reasonable rate Washington, Dec, 4.—Govern- Special to The Daily News. th eee ti : i Rupert Hydro.Electric Company |Company, and the electors may} Without investing our own money. ment officials are confident today nisi Deo. 4.—The Evening : s roe n ‘ . ~~ . ‘Li it would be advisable for the city |choose which they prefer. nares that the patient United States aims to have learned 5 Meine oe ca hed 4 i | All of which is respectfully treatment of the Mexican siua- in increase in the British a Beate 4 Ms aa ' ; tt ; submitted for your consideration. Fisheries Under I Dominion Control ion will be rewarded shortly by a ¢ and g revision down. |i en ctore af the fortheomning(t Oe eee T. D. PATTULLO, Mayor. solution brought about by the 1 of the schedules of the|*"?* : . ere oe uF Sea er SHELL rhe’ erininadh @ae- Head ne The fishing interests achat British inh Gokaaabie will joyfully cele- |great national forces now engag- iff to be advocated b ; oe ee mez ht a ™ te a Pe main vita of whisk ee ahaa brate the decision of the Privy Council on the B. CG. fisheries |ed in the final struggle in Mex- radical wing and the cerns 7 eda Oe fOE aoa P. R. Hydro-Electrie Co. in tabulated form. An informal] @uestion. The telegraph despatches indicate that the Provincial |ico. nbers of the Liberal|‘? P aes eine Nahe cae scad hapa to deliver power to the city dissneniol was made of the var.| £overnment have no rights in the fisheries of tidal waters and —_-s- is its platform will be ae aha idaaeis in any amount up to 3000 | ciel asta of the arms and estuaries; that such fisheries are open to the MUST PAY THE FREIGHT : ed next session. pA rs. dihlnsceantetynt: 2 cages h.p. i oy i Mai and tl tity li public under regulations frm the Dominion government only. sadalibcib saad ject to the council with an ex- Doint of. deliver Gains ro Ald. Maitland the city light ees ” 7 are 7 2 an ——————___—_——_— eg falter Oint OF delivery 0 D superintendent explained that This decision has long been the opinion of those who have |Appeals of Quebec Papers in the MINING CLAIMS BONDED Ope eae designated by city. lthe present connected load at the} Studied the question, but owing to the tenacity of Hon. W. J. Libel Suit are Dismissed December 2nd, 1913, | Company cannot sell pow- coe ‘alkali bn h.p the ; peak Bowser, who persistently kept the question out of the courts, the See papi | city i S oe *P-, 2 a :s . : Four on Copper River in Which| Gentlemen: | er within present city lim- lioad is 380 h.p., and the horse dual system of governing the coast fisheries has gone on year Ottawa, Dec. 2—Judgment has Local Men are Interested I beg to transmit herewith for|% its or within limits as de- 3) oo of the “machinery is 320.| after year. ; been rendered by ihe Supreme “ your consideration a proposal of | fined in the future. The 3000 h.p. proposed under Although he had no legal rights in the fisheries, Hon. W. J. {Court in’ the following cases: B. Rittenhouse, representing|the Prince Rupert Hydro-Electric | Graduating scale of rates. the sirseemetkmauia hacaumniout Bowser has always been the dominant spirit in their control, He Randle vs. Miller, appeal dis- New ¥ ind Seattle capital, has| Company to supply the city with Present rate to consum- probably for a city of 25,000 peo- had the final word in everything, His rule was autocratic and |missed with costs; Curry ys, he Independence group|power. In this connection I may er would immediately be re- ple. , ’ “ arrogant. It was he who was responsible for the monopoly in |King, appeal dismissed; L’Even- aims on Copper River|say that at the present time the duced by one-third. Ald. Maitland thought that in- the salmon industry, the tightest combination in Canada. It was }|ment Publishing Company and $40,000, the bond calling for]city plant is very much over- ou be eee jasmuch as the date fixed for the he who boasted he was going to bring in — re as ee a ee ent work to begin in the/loaded, and some steps must be es oh + )-8 oan first delivery of power was next eee on this coast and make salmon fis nd . Ww pegs Wiican veer ule x and to be carried on con-| taken immediately for the supply- — distributing lines $60,- September that it ought to be left een ere who ee got ve shermen a license a ae cauhaneeGan: cae s ing of additional power. It is . lt; es ar’s C ; ? yecause they were no ritish subjects. § } ye The claims carry silver-lead]| proposed in January next to sub- Company to build and ee your's” Semeon ae», San! The salmon industry has surely suffered from too much |to pay $1,000 for stating that Le- re z : ‘ ‘ ‘ ar ‘ | ? rover " " . — 10 5 “ase 7 ene , . Jtour ne i i ‘ and are situate thirteen|mit to the people a number of ete plant. The mayor explained that that ea The ee seiep ne . ee say cee ae et meupry Sesh. Copper City on the|bylaws covering public improve- ily may Nave revision O date was arbitrary. He had sug-| ™& Tesuwalions, many oF whi ore ee ee : . oe ; (he deal was com-|ments, one of which will be a rates every five years, but westad if, as tha site would pro theorists; the fishermen have been treated as a nonentity in the ~ general election in 1911. Le. ‘omp ‘anno ap or 7 ne , ¥ iness. while 2 pe . > Pes mer is g 2 uc was ninated i ysitio sterday afternoon and|bylaw to provide for additional company cannot apply for bably not need the extra power business, while the people, the real owners of the fish, have been | @u¢ eee aesanee 5 opposition i The ; unt revision | taxed to make a few men rich. to Sir Wilfrid Laurier but drop- s are Archie Carmi-] power equipment. le amoun i A ° ; before that time, Power could ; Nadie are ae She ee vad ail J s Crocker, Amos Ross|of money which will be required pk eo rpm ta be settle: be secured probably a8 early as be pee a ee ’ ante Sys: ey “ed - ~ eo : Yakima, and Ald. Geo.|by the city in this regard will be vy arbitration Ba kai. rave had reasonable prepositions turned do ci appt —_———_—— K a very considerable item, and the Power ready f delivery The light superintendent said cause. Some have had concessions granted by one government Has Lopez Escaped jliant as proposed under the by- next September. ‘% sa i ate} Only to have them cancelled by the other. In Prince Rupert : ; merit 5 3 ne a ee tea wld} ly This and alternative pro- i, wot pe, p apary, fas mie ae last spring the absurdity of the dual control was made appar- (Special to The Daily News) Picturesque but Hazardous law to be submitted would be onl) ' : ; to have a 1000 h.p. plant immed- rs eens 5 oar an auxiliary to a larger plant position to be submitted to iately as he was now. refusing| ®Bt to everybody. The big cold storage plant here secured sal- Bingham, Utah, Dec. 4.—It is Fitzsimmons of the Bon-|when the city might be in a po- electors. power and current for Gonivic mon fishing licenses from the Dominion government and had now believed that Ralph Lopez, a, like most sailors ad-jsition to undertake the same. isigns.. He had prepared esti to give them up again under threat of losing their cannery li- |the bandit and murderer, and six f . o » . < > | . Z " te °°. s 2 2, > 72 i - ; Ee “Ss y , w the beauty and = scenic In view of the fact that under} mates of three different plans cense, all because Bowser did not like it. a ae Se i oe “ be trandeur of the inside passage}any circumstances the city will] to make such agreement with |, and based on thé present con- Hefetofore neither government would accept the responsibil- |caged in the Utah Apex Mine here nds the poetic beauty of it}not be desirous of making money | them, ity of the errors and misgovernment of the salmon industry. |since Sunday, have escaped in i auty |sumption of power, the prices to shadowed by the hazards to]from power, but is anxious to be} TI believe the agreement PFO-t in aaneiimer woull seit prac- Now it is up to the Dominion government alone. The News does spite of the methods of smoking his ship in a position to supply power as | posed to be an advantageous one \ tics ally the same. not anticipate any wonderful development of the industry under |him out with gas fumes. It may lhe Bonaventura is the Maple|cheaply as possible; in view of|for the city to enter into, and I} A diesel oil plant would mean the absolute jurisdiction of the federal authorities, for they have, be possible, however, that when Leaf tramp whieh brought the|the fact that any investment injam of the opinion that this coun-| lthe investment of $150,000. in their few years of office, shown an aptitude to play favorites |the mine is opened tomorrow his 1 i ) . - ry . t « | > 2S ‘ - > ae » k , , 2 y , for the dry dock and rails}a power plant will be a charge je il having ¢ Areva - what it ong Devéloping the firat unit of the ae ae play fair. But the people will now know where to |dead body may be found. the rog She wi » here|against the legal credit of the city siders to be a ain proposa >| eitw hydro-electric. scheme would ix e Diame, ; : en a vi : ee Sane and that there are so many other | should as a matter of duty, sub- mm sl Prince Rupert must not lose sight of her fisheries. They are Province Wins More Honors Capt, |} troleniaiien says she|directions in which the city will /mit that proposal to the electors, (Continued on page 4) the most important asset of this new empire. : Serer ys si says 5 (Special to The Daily News.) a ¥, monotonous voyage : = —= —— Seo @. . ° « - o ‘. ” . e > ! both Mie Noe a ove difficulty for the Indian and Im- Quedra searched the inside shore |graphs were thrown out and the dobere ingufrency. aeRO bs he Eee meee OrrIne ne ee Ng Gall UC ughs Will regret to know of the|perial authorities in assuaging | Of Prescott Island, but found| defence was also ordered to give|killed near the bank where he Kerr at three o'clock, Mr. Know- i) wus illness which has come to] inions of natives of India, | nothing. Later she anchored in|certain particulars, had followed the robber, the em- San hemiteae et eee ae SALE he fi "er and will wish for her me See kK to secure 1m small bay and found « gasoline As a result the defence now ployees having gone to lunch, Saki 2 block a . ti . *Peedy recovery, .Mp Bibsonahs who look to the King f jboat, whose occupants claimed)asks for a postponement. and Was. alone with: ihe bandit: They hae eer a ceeckaeart qa STIS r i ! remain in the auth until af. them equal right in all parts © that a naumber of gasoline boats Rev, W. H. MeLeod, the plain- The | eas ; ; "y ave engagec a3 on en Will Be Held in the " the holidays : his Dominions. The authorities| were laid up for shelter in a bay|tiff, is expected here Saturday|/he latter escaped in an au o af-jin the Westenhaver block KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HALL ee are most hopeful that a solution|on the other side of the island, morning. ter the shooting, The police and See Social Dance of the problem for South Africa| It Is presumed that the Chap- vinnie whe a posse of citizens are scouring Stewart Fortnightly THURSDAY, DECEMBER \ rn and perhaps for British Colum- lt pel party is one of the number. Gold Medal for Province Evesennay sere ee . le grec George will see Re 4 OU are aontt, i é —_— onmtinniioees © be in hiding in the bluffs south] balance of the year run only fort- ; q oll ee rete ee bia also will be found in a Disa Later—Chapel and his men ar- (Special to The Daily News.) of here and north of the interna- nightly to Stewart. She made tut and. tangy Yafticles “tor” as "land Hall, g49 Basan Recanies now under consideration by the|piyed safe home today, London, Dee. 4.—The Royal] tional boundary. the trip today but next wéek will ale Gan lowers, Arts " Saturday evening, Daa 6th Imperial and Indian executives, — ne Horticultural Society has for- : Arnold was a native of Sussex, vut it out, The next Stewart boat “Old Woman Who Lived In @ 284.286 namely a colonization scheme in We will beat the bad weather|warded to Premier McBride the| N.B, and a son of Major Arnold.|will be on the 48th. Shoe.” Weenies the Soudan for those Indians whojto it by extending our sale to gold medal of the soeiety for the} He had served in the bank at — TEA REFRESHMENTS ices Fresh ¢ astern oysters, Palace|refuse to submit to the condi- Saturday. Come early. Demers.| exhibition of apples made by the!|Hamilton, Goderich, Pictou and} Pantorium Pieneer Cleaners. ADMISSION FREE ; ate esite. ae which the Dominion gov- 283-284 province. Brandon, the latter place just be-! Phone 4, - od 4 52 rin as TE ee eee ee ee eam i a ieaieaee rat nay ~