Deceniber Sth, 194% friday, Remember _ Mother this Christmas ES, of course, Mother y knows you are busy— too busy to write—she overlo it isa way mothers have, but there can be no pos- ble excuse for neglecting her ks it st Christmas, Send her something this Christ- mas, It doesn’t make any dif- ference how much you pay— just show care aiid thought in ection, Picture to your- fher pride when she shows her friends and yours your gift "From my boy. He doesn't forget Christmas." There are hundreds of articles in the ® Ryrie" Gift Book that would gladden Mother's heart. She will appreciate the fact that your gift comes from "Ryrie’s." While you remember—write for the Gift book—to-day. Ryrie Bros. Limited, Canada’s Largest Mail Order Jewelry House JAMES RYRIE, Pres. HARRY RYRIE, Sec.-Treas TORONTO - ONTARIO 10 THE LATEST IN COATS AND SKIRTS 1 (Coat che and skirt in velour de laine, waiseoat of Bulgarian plue- In a variety of Autumn ecol- of Bulgarian plueche handsomely embroider- Coat with Raglan sleeves in cloth, waiscoat with attached collar of black velvet velour ed Can be made in any color. MONROE DOCTRINE LIABLE TO BE SWAMPED IN FLOOD OF OIL RUSH OF EUROPEAN NATIONS AFTER CONCESSIONS FROM THE CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICAN GOVERNMENTS ees te Aged in Wood 8 Years before bottling GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA | 4 oan LL lll lll lide Et LCP bar bated LLL LIKELY TO EMBARRASS WASHINGTON. Washington, Dec. 4 That re-|of oil for navai purposes. From itions between European nations | this condition is drawn the neces- andethe United States may soon/sary conclusion that it will only come to a strain over oil con- | bea question of time until France cessions in Mexics Colombia,|and Germany will be moving in i}Venezuela and Ecuador is the some direction with the same end opinion of officials here who are/|in view. versed in international! affairs With the three dominant na- President Wilson's statement) tions of Europe fretting over the lot policy against granting con-| Monroe Doctrine and with the cessions in the Central and South South American republics more | looked up- | or less hostile toward it, it is pre- dicted that. American diplomacy American republes is eventually be the on as certain to source of controversy between will before long be taxed to its this country and’ Europe greatest capacity to preserve this Great Britain, it is pointed out, doctrine and at the same time maintain the present amiable re- lations with foreign counries. LDS ARE | oul for oil lands being in is now reaching the GROUNDHOG COAL F new world need CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. BOUND T0 RECE VE Al TENTION ‘ Mountain Goat and Eagle sae ® Situate in the Skeena Min Pon aera District. ae , SYNDICATES HOLDING CLAIMS THERE CERTAIN TO DO LARGE v : Out SIX miles ac tre th of Falls Creek, Goose Bay, AMOUNT OF DEVELOPMENT WORK DURING THE ‘ Inlet — that |, Wm, T. Kergin, NEXT SEASON ertifeate No. B43839, act eo ula Ma cate No 833007) Pc According to W. C, Maedonald,|in supplies via the Hazelton — Miner’s Certificate No. D a ‘ : aaneat< Irince | Pr " ‘ ade » question of 176 T. Kergin, Free Miner’s|@ Well known prospector of Prince} route that mad the q on ‘ intend, Waty, Gaye from Rupert, next season will see alany development on a large scale © apply t 1e ining | ; os al 4 meorder for a Certificate ef Improve- | Considerable amount of develop-| prohibitive. With the comple- Crow int of fhe Yanove climes */ment carried on by several large|tion of the Stewart route he ex- dent further take notice that action un |syndicates holding elaims in the!|pects to see a considerable influx eect must be commenced be : : j , . . > os “4 aes of such Certificate of Im-| Groundhog coal basin. Now that }Of miners in the spring one ve "Rated an easie ‘ans access is ~| the . 1 Stewart wi ye the Dated this 24th day of September, A. pD.|@" easier means of access is ob jth it time o1 f ; me }tainable ‘to the district, via the|outfitting point for the Ground- | stewart Groundhog pack trail, he | hog and much of the northern i CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. {feels certain that owners will be interior. gx, tarmigar mineral elaim, situate in the; prepared to carry out more ex-| “As soon as I receive instruc- iret, DS Division of Cassiar Dis- | pan cive programmes of develop-|tions from my eastern associates trevber ued: | About six miles back | pent, : il expeet to go to the Groundhog i ul ) alt ‘ree ; » | ! ' : ‘ inter Fats Greek, Goose Bay, | In conversation with a repre- when the snow is in a condition tineate Ho Miasbaietae ns sentative of The Miner he said to take dog teams in, and T shall _ 7 ORS Free Miner's Ger-|{hat it was principally due to}ecertainly make the trip by way of 8 O1, ar ». Cend o8, Free ‘ le a 99 . + . icate No. Diee inion lack of adequate transportation | Stewart, he said. Portland ') the date hereof, to apply Necorder for a Certificate of for the purpose of obtain- | ‘rant of the above claim. fr lake notice that action, un Must be commenced before such Certificate of Improve “ith day of September, A. D IN THE SUPREME GOURT COLUMBIA, TEX OF THE WINDING UP m “HAPTER 144 OF THE RE AMY “TES OF CANADA AND tS AND IN THE MATTER ‘CE RUPERT FISH ANT COMPANY, LIMITED Biven that the Conti pany, Limited, a body registered office at th peel, in the Previnee of Has been appointed of the above named Prine: ] torage Lompan Mr, W. E. Burrit the Supreme Court at " » OF the 8th day of OF BRITISH IAMS & MANSON, for the Satd Liquidator WATER NOTICE. F oF @ License to Take and Use Water. ‘ eiven that Joseph Ul ba B. 0. will apply for a , UO Use ten second feet of Polllder Creek, which flows direction through vacant ‘nto Hastings Arm near ‘he water will be di * purposes on the land hiles easterly and will 'he Portland, "Francis" ‘Nd 7 mining elaims bosted on the ground : ‘ OF Oetober, 1043 The Wa Ye tiled in the oMee of the ny " at Prince Rupert, B, G. 1 be filed with the : With the Bul Parliament said Comptroller Bulldings JOSEPH ULME b by R. MER, Applicant land the excessive cost of taking!Canal Miner, | TWO NEW PARISIAN AFTERNOON DRESSES Mile. Nelly Martyle, of Paris 110049 8. Dodge, Agent 7 Designed by THE DAILY NEWS NO LONGER DREAMERS Stewart People are From Mis- souri on Railway Rumors The flutter of excitement in the ‘camp caused by the lower coast | papers announcing that the Can- jadian North Eastern Railway was [to continue construction in the ;spring has more or less subsided fand in a Toronto finaneial jour- |nal absolutely denied. We are no ‘longer framers of dreams, but |have at last come to earth; ir lother words, we come from Mis- }souri. ‘This is not to say that our faith has in any way weak- lened, our enthusiasm abated, | but we found it was not business ito lay our plans dependent en- tirely on the C. N. E. R—rather have we found it policy to develop or our own resources and endeavor to show a balance on the right side of the cash book. So when the boom comes——as we know it eventually will—then shall we be able to place the shekels in.our jeans and call it overs. What we are endeavoring to this: That for the last three years we have been kept in a state of chronie ehaos by reports similar to the one recently current. Pros- pectors who owned — property from which it was possible to mine high grade ore and ship it at a profit would not be bothered to do because he blissfully imagined that the capitalist would follow in the wake of the rail- road and he would be able to seil out at a good figure. Again the say is 80 poor, deluded individual who owned lots would not deign to work for a few dollars a day when some speculator was going to pay him thousands in the near future. The camp is now down to a business. basis and living independent of Sir Donald or any other man. We venture to say that if some real estate man comes along next spring when one of our respected citizens is planting his spuds and tells him he may as wel! because a= skyscraper will built on his patch before the crop solid making a cease he is dug, we don’t think the latter will chuek his spade. He _ will keep going, happy in the knowl- edge that if his informant is cor- rect he is a winner anyhow, and if not—well—he will at least have potatoes for the following winter.—Portland Canal Miner. ADMIRALTY LORDS WENT OUT ON STRIKE Grievance Was Result of Winston Churchill Interfering in a Personal Matter. Dec. of a strike among 2.—An astonish- the London, Ing story rlords of the admiralty is told in this week's Truth. It seems that Winston Churchill, the first lord, brought the strike upon himself y personalfy interfering in a personal grievance on the part of the junior officers. The incident having been ported to Whitehall through the usual official channels, the lords respectfully remonstrated with their chie! and then, the re- monstrance not being .favorably received, resigned in a body, & sea Apparently this had the de- sired effect, for the affair has evident!y blown over, EDITORIAL ON THEFT How Portland Canal Miner Re- gards Benson Conviction Hope was entertained that with the arrest and conviction of Frederick Benson, the Indian sent to New Westminster for the theft of goods from W. B. George's cabin on Bear River, that the depredations by the Naas Indians would cease, but word comes in that a large quantity of fuod sup- plies cached by the government in the cabin at the head of Mezi- adin Lake have already been stolen. It was about time these cache robbers and petty larceny thieves were taught a lesson they will remember For the last three years they have looted every cache they chaaeed upon, but this last outrage seems to be the height of insolence, When the work on the Groundhog trail was closed down, the supplies on hand at the commisariat depot at the head of the lake were cached in the government cabin for use when work opened in the spring, and it is now learned that everything has been stolen. This coming on the top of the burning of Pinkerton’s ¢abin almost amounts to open deflance, Must Pay Income Tax Washington, Dee, 2.—Mining corporations must pay the cor. poration tax imposed by the Pay- ne-Aldrich Tariff Aet, according to the decision by the Supreme Court. Vresh eastern oysters. Palace Cafe, 284tf YYyYUn, GLY MEY YU JU a Bore a Ce pret Yr Ar /R KNOWN Agi “ tied > te y yf 4 | IXY ’ A z a - The Sensible Solution of that Christmas Problem— “Give him a Gillette Safety Razor” Why sensible ? Because the Gillette is a real gift for a real man—a gift that is sure to be appreciated. It doesn’t merely look fine, though the Gillette is certainly hard to beat in that particular, It appeals to a man’s hard-headed business sense as well as to his good taste, for it gives him, every day in the year, a service whose equal he could not get from any other source. From Standard Sets, Pocket Editions or Travellers’ Sets, in gold, silver or gunmetal finish cased in leather or polished plate, you can select a Gillette exactly suited to any man’s tastes or habits. Standard Set (shown at right in lower panel) costs $5.00. Pocket Editions (centre, below) cost from $5.00 to $6.00. Combination or Travellers’ Sets (right above and left below) run from $6.50 up. The gift of a Gillette is a compliment to any man, for a decade of use has proven it undoubt- edly the best razor that money can buy. Your Druggist, Jeweler or Hardware Dealer should be able to show you a good assortment. If not, write us and we will see that you are supplied, Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada Limited SAM Ullice and Factory—The New Gillette Blag., Montreal, 510 Have you ever noted how an audience yawns in the face of an uninspired speaker? On the other hand, have you noted how an audience will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when the speaker reveals enthusiasm P Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression of truth. To impart belief in anything, a man must believe: it deeply himself. We call such a man an enthusiast. This applies to the written word also --- particularly to advertisements. When the manufacturer really believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost inevitably find expression in Advertising. And en- thusiasm will be contagious—his audience— the readers of the newspaper—will, figuratively speaking, ‘lean forward and | sten intently.”’ ® Tobe convincing an advertisement must convey an_ unmistakable impression of enthusiasm. This it will only do when the article advertised has inherent worth. _ Thus we have: Sincerity -- Enthusiasm -- Advertising: Three~ mighty forces, close-linked. 'f you are doing a local business talk over your advertising problems with the Advertising Department ‘ of this newspaper. @ If you are doing a provincial or national business it would be well for you to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. A list of these will be furnished, without cost or obligation, by the Secretary of Canadian Press Association, Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto. (2) OGD 0 GREE CII Ca ED GEZED 6 GD Advertise in the “Daily News” Has the Largest Camnaiibial Circulation in Northern B.C.