Be. a ~« ernie eoneenreinlneege tom reheitie THE DAILY NEWS Saturday Decembe 6, 1943 Se eeeeeeee———————>E_—>_———EEeEer THE DAILY NEWS Published Daily and Weekly by THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: Paily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C, New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East DAILY EDITION SOME CIVIC WORK Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: in advance. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HEaD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICES AND AGE York City. Saturday, Dec. 6, Telephon NCIES 23rd St., 6, 4 e 98. New 913 increased accommoda- well as AHEAD tion for Sections 5 and 6. Prince Rupert is piling on} Perhaps the cynic will ask population at a good rate. in| Why pass a bylaw when we i911 the census shows 5000. have not sold ‘the debentures Since thal time a very large| for the byla vs already passed? amount of building has taken} Well it takes several months place. In order to understand| to get a bylaw into legal shape, this one has only to walk ac-| and why not have them ready. here and any by ross Hays Creek and compare} The money market will not al- the number of buildings now! ways be as tight as it has been seen with that of 19114. In spite | the last vear. Even now t of that fact every house and | is a lifting of the clouds, shack in town is occupied. New} our debentures may sell at faces are seen almost daily} moment. on the streets, and very soon| Another bylaw proposed we can walk down Second and Third The cities’ utilities must keep} the count being | without | Avenues cognized. i the city “il for the erec is hall. This buil ‘tion of a municipal buliding on city property in close proximity to ding pace with that development. will be three storeys in heighth More population means that} and fire proof. This is wise in more light, more water and| view of the faet that a small more telephones will be re-j fire in the present telephone quired. With the completion; building would cripple the of the railroad in the early} whole system for some time to summer these demands are | come. The building will ac- bound to be accelerated. In| comodate the telephone, elec- view of these \facts the new tric light department and pol- bylaws about to be submitted } ice, Accommodation will also by the city couneil are most} be provided for a library and timely, At the coming election} reading room, while the pre- the people will be asked to vote| sent reading room will be money for the extension of | water, light and telephone fac- ment. It ilities for the outlying districts sary to u 2, 7 and 8, should be | i . ; | ch as Sections ! seems hardly rge that passed, turned into a publicity depart- ne these bylaws ces- DIAMONDS! :: DIAMONDS! No -present in the world like a diamond. We have them in all sizes from $10.00 up. We have also the largest stock of diamonds ever carried in the city. DON’T FORGET YOUR FRIENDS AT XMAS W. WARK & SON THE RELIABLE JEWELLERS srd Avenue Prince Rupert .- FANCY. Xmas Goods Weekly, | Daily, $8.00 per year. | Cushion Tops, Ladies’ Collars and Ties, Linen and Chinele For Yourself Table Covers, Faney Stamped ectie Pillow Cases, Corset Covers and Gift to your Friend Night Gowns, Pin Cushions anid all kinds of Hair Ornaments. 9 In price and quality these ar- PERRIN S ticles cannot be beat in the city. ‘ GLOVES The well known JABOUR BROS nae e you get,a THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES Style, Fit and Finish. Third Avenue Prince Rupert Best dea genuine PERRIN’S GLOVES. WORK OF ERECTING MANY OF The announcement that the Mar- coni Wireless Telegraph Cebinens | contemplates a chain of sending ahd receiving stations which in the near future will encircle the world does| not surprise those whe have followed | recent developments of wireless tele- | graphy It is an open secret that a girdle of stations is not only contemplated, | but is already well on the way to- wards completion Just a year ago the ‘“‘Marconigraph"’ published ticulars of an important scheme for| the construction of high power sta-| tions which the American Marconi} had adopted. This scheme comprised for bringing | Great Britain and the United States) into more well j par- | Company stations communication, as for an American- which is destined eventually Philippines and Japan. The work of erection at many of the stations is far advanced and before very long we should wit- the fulfilment of one the most remarkable undertakings in the of telegraphic communica- direct as stations Eastern circuit, to reach the ness of history tion. The transatlantic service will New York City, at Belmar, Jersey. The Clifden-Glace Bay ser- vice, which since 1908 has been in regular continuous communication, has hitherto been the in existence affording direct communication between the Eastern and Western hemispheres, but it will not long enjoy its splendid iso-| the near New for be service intended only one wireless lation. Two miles from New Bruns- wick lies the transmitting section of the wireless station which will bring the United States in direct] communication with the United ! Kingdom The power-house is now beginning to take shape, the foun- dations for the motor generators are well under way, and the steel girders and beams are being erected. The receiving section of the New Jersey station is at Behuar, where, crossing the road at nearly right angles and stretching westward for almost a mile, the aerials will be carried on the top of the six masts, each 600 feet high The Hawaiian station will be one of the most powerful of the group of stations which the American Mar- coni Company have in hand, and it will be capable of working with San Francisco and the Philippine Is- lands. The station will be duplex, that at Koko Head being used for receiving and that at Kahuku, 50 miles distant, being used for trans- mitting. At Koka Head five masts each 320 feet high and 1000 _ feet apart are being erected for carry- ing the San Francisco aerial; six other masts, each 450 feet high, are being erected for carrying the Yokohama aerial. (GIRDLING WHOLE WORLD WITH MARCONI WIRELESS STATIONS —— THE STATIONS IS ALREADY WELL UNDER WAY—TRANSMITTING STATIONS AT JUNEAU AND KETCHIKAN Stavanger, in Norway, will form another station in -the chain. This scheme is of great national impor- tance, because Norway’s mercantile fleet ranks fourth in the world as regards tonnage, Norwegians have no direct cable with America. The |site for the station near Stavanger, and also that for the receiving sta- tion at Naerbo, about 17 miles away, were chosen some time ago, and no time will be lost in beginning the construction work. As Mr. Marconi announced at the recent annual meeting of the com- pany, a concession has been granted by the Brazilian Republic for a pe riod of 50 years, and a srazilian company is now in process of forma- ition for the purpose of erecting sta- tions. The American Marconi have in hand the erection of long transmitting stations in Alaska at Ketchikan and Juneau—and these are intended to be the first links of a chain to provide Alaska with a commercial wireless service connecting it with the United States Everywhere stations are springing up, so that in the com; aratively near future there will be not only a girdle of wireless round the world, but also a network to speak figuratively cov- ering its surface Company two PORTLAND CANAL TUNNELS. the is pro- of long bore The work continuing driving of the ceeding apace, an average of over 50 feet a week being accom- plished. General Manager W. J. Elmendorf, who has been below for some weeks is shortly ex- pected to return to inspect the work, whith during his absence is in charge of L. C. White. The which was started a year is being driven and tunnel, ago last October, a dis- 7x7 in the clear is in tance of some 2,600 feet. It is designed to be of sufficient size and capacity to amply fulfil the objects of its construction—viz., after encountering the fissured zone the accommodation of all probable future traffic, and the providing of drainage, ventila- tion, and the most economical means of development for all ad- jacent properties, including the holdings of the Tunnels Com- pany, the Portland Canal Mining Co., Stewart Mining & Develop- ment Co., Glacier Creek Mining Co., Mt. Gladstone Mining Co. owning the Portland group the O. K. claim and the group of claims owned by the _ Pacific Coast Exploration Co,—Portland Canal Miner. Fresh eastern oysters. Palace Cafe. 284tf > Whether Perrin trademark as cuts should be on every glove 4 s this assures you perfection of lers the world over sell the 6-11-12 ) — : | XMAS TREE FOR KIDDIES. The ladies of Stewart, with iMiss Watts at the head, are busy making preparations for a Christ- mas tree which is to be given to the little ones of the district on Christmas Eve. The town has been canvassed for subscriptions by Mesdames Horstman and Fleming, and the sum collected speaks eloquently of the gener- osity of the contributions, The tree to be loaded to capacity. and some 22 children will be the recipients of presents. It is also proposed to invite the grown-ups to use the tree as a medium whereby they may give presents to their friends, Not one stone will be left unturned in the en deavor to make the evening one to be long remembered by the little ones, while their elders must necessarily derive infinite pleasure in watching their efforts to provide enjoyment for the youth of the community Port land Canal Miner. INFORMATION WANTED Any person having seen or heard anything of Fred Hucker, please send information lo Ann Hucker, Ketchikan, Alaska, Box 73. Other papers please copy. THE RELIABLE PLUMBER HARRY HANSON 138 2nd Ave. Phone 489 DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Out-of-Town Work Hotel and Restaurant Work Tenders on New Work Plumbing Insured from Frost Work Done Promptly and Guaranteed at Reasonable Prices One Trial Will Convince TAXIDERMIST You If you are planning a tr or to Eastern Canada or United States ,; try, bear in mind the Grand RUPERT AND PRINCE GEORGE |, and Seattle and the Grand Chicago to the principal Ka SPECIAL CHRISTMAS ATLANTIC Are now to hand and we can quote |, ' tion with above and any At Call on us for rates and rese ALBERT DAVIDSON, (5), Hart Block ip for Christy 1 Trunk STEAMERS PRINCE Van \ ta Trunk Railway System Stern cities SAILINGS lantic steay baa ‘rvations hip Prince Rupert Animals, birds, fish and all kinds of game heads mounted; hides tanned and made into rugs and robes. All work strictly first class. A, MITTLER, Expert Taxi- dermist, 728 Van- couver, B.C, ” GEORGE LEEK Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker Notary Public. Rents and Collections Albert Block, 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert Between 5th and 6th Helincken St., Streets Office 606 3rd Ave. Phone PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. General Teaming, Safe, Piano, Furniture and Baggage Moving Carefully and Promptly done. Wood and Coal O38 Storage and Forwarding HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 F. M. CROSBY Second Hand Dealer Wants to buy all kinds of Household Fur- niture, everything in the line of Mechanics’ Tools, Guns and Men's Clothing. Will call any time Highest prices paid. 839 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 243 Every man to his business. 1 am an expert collector. Let me look after your rented property or collections. GEORGE LEEK om 2nd cdl Phone 203 Industrial. Sites Second WINTER SCHEDULE Twin Screw Steamer “Venture” FOR VANCOUVER 2 P. M. Wednesdays FOR GRANBY BAY Midnight Mondays, Nov. 17, Dec ist, 15th and 29th and 8 a.m. Tuesdays, Nov. 25, Dee 9th, 23rd and 3Qth Get Pakine at Rogers Steamship Agency Ave. Phone 116 j CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY. Spend “Xmas In Old Country Through sleeping cars Van- couvel direct to steamer dock, No transfer, no de- lay, no hotel expenses Book : Your : Passage : Now Princess Beatrice for Vancouve™ on Sunday, 8 p.m. es UNION SS, COMPANY OF B.C. Ltd ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY HALL formerly Kaien tsd. Gymnasium 1To rent for D ‘ \ " | iD Meet }ings, ete. Pa r at i Secretary, P. O. Box AR Pr COAL New Wellington Coal. Phone 116 } | Best on the Coast Rogers & Black SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office: 8rd Ave. Phone 174 Workshop 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and %th Sts 215 Second Avenue WILLIAM T. HOUS B.C, Land Surveyor 4 PRINCE RUPERT I Bon 548 D. C. STUART Accountant 308 2nd Ave. *t Phone 280 PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0 Alex. M. Manson, B. A W. E. Williams, B. A., L. L.B WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN Box 15 Hotel ; Directory — Members P.R.L. Vintners Association WINDSOR HOTEL Corner of First Ave. and Eightb St W. H. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh St. European and American Plan Peter Black, Prop. KNOX HOTEL Between Eighth and Ninth European Plan, Rates 50c to $1.00 Per Day Besner & Besner, Props. First Ave., J. Y. Rochester Vv. D. Casley EMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave., Between Sixth Seventh Streets European Pian, 60 to §1 Per Day and PREMIER HOTEL American and European Plap F. W. Henning, Manager ROYAL HOTEL Corley & Burgess, Props. Third Ave. and Sixth St. European Plgn Steam Heated With Rail and Water Transportation Apply HARRISON GAMBLE & CO. Financial Agents Third Ave. Prince Rupert BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., LIMITED Second Ave. and Sixth St. Phone 102 PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., LIMITED Fraser ana Sixth 8ts, Phone 7 Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anv Funeral Directors Srd Ave. near 6th St EMBALMERS Phone No. % E. L. FISHER funeral Director and Embaimer CHARGES REASONABLE 2nd St., cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 366 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT FOR A TAX! Phone 75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO. OL OITTEE i i ; ; LUMBER ee COAL —and Complete Line of BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES WESTHOLME LUMBER C0., Limited Phone 156 a ee TRY A “NEWS” WANT AD —— Drawn for The Daily News 9 “Hop Vécoor Beat it GUT AND WRITE UP TODAYS Foor BALL Game For ME - GIMME A sNAaPPY LITTLE. STORY WITH LOTS OF PEP- NUTHIN’ STIRRIN’ YET? GEE THaTS TOUGH LUCIGOH WELL, Puc sit DOWN @N’ Wart! = J J 3 = . =“ —J SITTIN’ RIGHT HERE 0N THE JOB FOR TWO SOLID HOURS e/ I NEVER SEEN SECH ROTTEN BV2NUSS - WHOLE. AFTERNOON GONE} AN’ NOBODY KILL T 1B Y \ eS Ny Af LO —B0s 1 MUTHIN’ e )4 wer snp -FALve pap. 1403 \S 1S SCOOP - Balrm AT THE CORONER'S —~ OFFICE -No b || SCORE “YO DANS GAME s- To