gaturday, December 6, 1943 THE DAILY NEWS SS. GERTIFIOATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Mountain Goat and Eagk situate io the Skeena Min Casslar Distitet. ng sed: About six of Falls Creek, Goose Bay let, inat 4, id Hog, wm. tT. ertiicate No, B43839, ror George hudge, ate No. B33997; i ; Miner’s Certificate No, Cost wo, T. Kergin, Free Miner's i a9, intend, SIXty days from fr, to apply to the Mining 1 Certiicate of Improve ) purpose Of obtaining a me of the above claims, take notice that action un , must be commenced be of such Certificate of ln act Free P, €¢ vith day of September, A. b et -_— . CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. situate Cassiar mineral claim, Division vo im the pia Di pact ed About six miles back h of Falls Creek, Goose Bay, . Inlet ke inat I, Wm. T. Kergin, Fre: ste NO. B43839, acting as \ ht. Lord, Free Miner's Cer pa io, £ iui, and P, C, Coates, Free ? ite No, D77689, intend in the date hereof, to appiy g Kecorder for a Certificate vi for the purpose of obtain ant of the above claim, { er take notice that action, un , fnust be Commenced befor ich Certinicate of Improve Ww . 24th day of September, A. I KREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, TTER OF THE WINDING CHAPTER 144 OF THE UTES OF CANADA ACTS AND IN THE KINCE RUPERT KAGE COMPANY, LIMITED eby given that the Cont impany, Limited, a body a registered office at the hupert, in the Province of ibia, has been appointed of f the above named Prince Cold Storage Company, of Mr. W. E. Burritt, ir OF the Supreme Court at B. &., Of the 8th day ivis WILLIAMS s for the Ul Kl AND MATTER FISH AND Ruf f und ol & MANSON, Said Liquidator WATER NOTICE. For a License to Take and Use Water. ' reby given that Joseph Ul ba Lb. U., Will apply for a sud use len second feet of ler Creek, Which Nows lirection through vacant nio Hastings Arm near asterly PorUand, “Francis miles back Kergin, Lb MAN WHO ROBBED BANK MONTREAL IN MANITOBA BEING TRACED, He Has Been Follower to Twelve Miles of Winnipeg Now. Winnipeg, Dec ail of Bank Plum Coulee ‘2 hot on the ty the bandit robbed the of Montreal 5,000 and Arnold, within hot ‘the n inager, Mr been traced to les of the city of Winnipeg. The . The capture of the ed within a very hort time as tne police have the pursuit n hand and it he is to get away from them rhe Daily circulation trict dealers in the city and TT YEARS In Business, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OveER $7,600,000. Joint Account A Joint Account may be opened in the names of two or more persons. Whichever one can most conveniently reach the bank can then deposit the joint funds or withdraw the cash needed. It saves time and trouble. 7 mining claims posted mm the gr f Uctober, 1913 led in the office Rupert, B.C fied with the said With the Comptr Parliament b at Prince i be EPH By Kh. 8S 17 ULMER, Appl Dodge, ant Seent District—District Hange V. ah that Eugene Renz, of Prince I , Occupation cook, intends tw apy permiss lon to purchase the fol- bed lands: € at @ post planted about 20 sins § of the northeast corner of 8.1 veo, thence borth 40 chains, thence eas ins more or less to the west bounda f Jobn MeKechnie’s pre-emp t south 20 chains more or less southwest corner, wm chains, thence south 20 ba e west 33 chains more or less sndary of 8. E, 30945 to the pol ininbencement, conb.ining vu! acres I less of Coast, Mckhechnie’s EUGENE KRENZ. H, D. Lenhart, Agent. Dated August 22nd, 109143, Pub. Sept. 22, 1913—Nov. 17, 1013 Diestrict—District ange 4 that Elbert M i u., occupation prospec- |} ipply for permission to] described lands | ~ at @ post planted on Banks Island, opposit sled two 2 miles chains more I Inile and seventy } t west of A, I i chains more or less " s and forty-~« west of Green Toy twenty 20 of pone Morgan the Mink and ight (48 chains uw wre or less to Channel, thence fol southerly to point of ntaining elghty 8 EBERT tobeT, 1913 1913-——Jan. M, MORGAN 12, 1014 District—District of Coast, | Hange V. that Herbert W. Lees, ot| berla, occupation gentleman, pply for to | = wing deseribed lands; | ut * at a post planted on the} east r of @ bay a Kittle to the} kKiahl Bay, permission pur- Stephens island, | and adjacent to the ap- | purchase lot of L. R. W. | horth twenty chains, thence | hains, thence south twenty | wt twenty chains follow ine to the point of com containing forty acres LEES Beavis. HERBERT Agent, L. R, 3 12th, 1913. ome. N ), 1913-—Jan, 5, 1914, a lS NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Ww Ww. Vaneh that the partuership of Bins” ’ igmhan, carrying on bus! Peinne ace sis on Second avenue, and ‘upert, B. C., Nas been dissolved SS hon will in future be carried it , Youngman . \RLES L. YOUNGMAN GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Department of Agriculture | \ssistant Horticulturist | House Prince Rupert , ' or advice freely W or call, A. H, TOMLINSON \ ‘ant Horticulturist Advertise in The Daily News P. MARGETTS, MANAGER OF | Within The police are} who at then He twelve man is expect- now, well cannot be seen ar | News has the largest ti dis- lo be had at all the news- 1836 THE BANK oF 1913 BritishNorthAmerica The Convenience of a PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH | | | GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA — Ml ltd YUL MYL LOPLI MB DBD Demand the Br Fy Roce The Best Yet in Christmas Gifts EVENTEEN years ago we issued our first annual Gift Book. A compari- son with this year's issue would astound you. Yet the | difference, great as it is, is by no means proportionate ‘to the wonderful change in the volume, ‘| scope and efficiency of this business. This year's Gilt Book is the best yet. It will bring right to your door the finest assort- ment of Christmas Gift Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Watches, etc., ever collected between the covers of one book. This year’s service, too, will be the best yet. Entirely new Mail Order Offices, a staff efficiently organized — these await your commands. You have the privilege of returning anything unsatisfactory, This protects you against any possi- bility of loss. Link yourself to this unicue Gift service—press the bution that will make the power of this organization do yo Lid- ding. Send for our Gift Book —order your gils from it. Ryrie Bros. Limited, Canada’s Largest Mail Order Jewelry House JAMES RYRIE, Pres, HARRY RYRIE, Sec.-Treas, TORONTO - ONTARIO 7 eee | | | The dress of Miss Wilson Was a dered court style, cut square, and with a cluster of Orange blossoms. in orange blossom design, neck and extends down the side of the skirt. the BRIDE OF THE WHITE HOUSE IN HER WEDDING GOWN The which bodice was outlines the full lustrous white satin, softly dra- ped and trimmed with real lace, the folds being held in place embroi- open The train was in length veil was of tulle. deiivered by Viscount Haldane in in of of answers given the Privy Council the appeal ive Government British bia from by the Su- preme Court of Canada to questions Canadian Govern- did submitted by the The ie any litigation, but were } ment questions not arise of a gen- | eral abstract character relating to the fishery rights of the province. Reference a few days ago. now available. The questions submitted follows: Was made to the decision were as lature of British Co'umbia thorize the Government of that proy- ince to grant the exclusive right to way belt, firstly, as to such waters waters which, althougn not are, in fact, navigable. sive right to fish below low water mark in the open sea within a ma- rine league of the coast? fish in any waters within the rail-| It was a long judgment which was, | ference between Colum- | | Province Further details are (1) Is it competent for the Legis-| to au-| | THE TEXT OF LORD HALDANE’S DECISION ON RECENT APPEAL FISHING IN TIDAL WATERS A RIGHT EQUALLY TO ALL AND NATURALLY UNDER EXCLUSIVE LEGISLATON OF THE DOMINION (3) Is there any, and what, dif- the open estuaries of the rivers within Province so far thority of the Legislature of British Columbia the right to fish? of grant seas and the as concerns the au- the to Lord Haldane’s judgment went ex- haustively ing the Province of British bia and the general law on was reviewed by into the history of form- Colum- fishing His Lordship to a time even anterior to Magna Charta. Coming to recent Lord Haldane said: more precedents “Neither in 1867 nor at any date since British Colum- bia became a member of Canadian Federation was fishing in tidal wa- ters a matter of property. It was a right open equally to all the public, and, therefore, when, by Section 91 the British sea coast of the and North America Act, inland fisheries | were placed under the exclusive leg- as are tidal, and, secondly, as to such | islation of the Dominion Parliament, tidal,| there was in the case of the fishing lin tidal waters nothing left within late its exercise, and power of regulation was the Dominion Parliament. (2) Is it competent for the Legis-| the domain of, the Provincial Legis- lature to authorize the Government | lature, The right being a public one, of the Province to grant the exclu-|all that could be done was to regu- the exclusive placed in LOCKETS, SCARF PINS AND CUFF LINKS APPROPRIATE CHRISTMAS GIFI'S FOR MEN AND BOYS WATCH CHAIN. centre. SCARF PINS in all precious stones. Catalogue. day, In solid gold, gold fi any address. Our Catalogue Illustrates a very complete assortment of these Jewellery LOCKETS in solid gold or gold filled, made in oval, square or round shapes, plain or engraved, and suitable for attaching Some of the olid gold designs are set with a diamond to either FOB or designs and qualities, set with gems or semi- You will find these very faithfully represented in our CUFF LINKS in many fine designs, according to the fashions of the led, mother of pearl and sterling. designe you may choose lint: with either rigid or loose connections. are thoroughly illustrated in our Catalogue, From these These Which will be sent free to Our prices are moderate and all orders carefully filled. Geo. E, Trorey, Managing Director Hear Bibs fe osons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS VANCOUVER, B.C d = ‘Read The Daily News \ Satisfaction on Christmas morning —he’ll feel it if you give him a Gillette Safety Razor 515 > Srewant wom Harry Fowler returned to Stew- art on the Thursday boat and will | spend the winter in camp. | | | aoe eS W. Cormack has been tempor- jarily in charge of the Granby |Company’s operations at Swamp [Point in the absence of Mr. Phillips. eo Cat ee Mrs. G. W. Bruggy, who has | been on the sick list for the last ten days, necessitating the doctor making a special trip from Ru- pert, is able to be about again. | * ' . * | Capt. Donald and ofticers, of | the Prince George, were guests of the Portland Canal Transfer‘ Co. for a sleigh ride to the Portland Canal tunnel while the boat was | in port on Thursday. * * * Jack Anderson, formerly sistant to the road superintend- ent, who left last fall to be mar- ried in Alberta, is now residing in Oakland, Cal., where he has taken | a flat for the winter. as. T. C, Cowan, the popular local representative ef the Canadian MADE BY THE COTTAGERS OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. This is the old-fashioned lace made on the cushion, and was first introduced int England by the Flemish Refugees, It is still made by the Vinge ‘eaihen in tll qeitet a way. Our Laces were awarded the Gold Medal at the Festival of Empi and Imperial Exhibition, Crystal Palace, LONDON, ENGLAND, for general excellence of workmanship. Bex some of this hand-made Pillow Lace, it lasts MANY times longer than machine made variety, and imparts an air of distinction to the possessor, at the same time supporting the village lace-makers, bringing them little comforts otherwise unobtainable on an agricultural man’s wage. Write for descriptive little treatise, entitled “The Pride of North Bucks,” containing 200 striking examples of the lace makers’ art, and is sent post free to any part of the world, Lace for every purpose can be obtained, and within reach of the most modest purse, Collars, Fronts, Every sale, however sinall, is Plast Jabots, ¥: Fichus, Borthes Hana: ® Support to the industry, kerchiefs, Stocks, Cami- soles, Chemise Sets, Tea Cloths, Table Centres, D'Oylies, Mats, Medal- lions, uaker and (1j in. deep.) STOCK—Wheel Design. Price 25c. each. (Half shown.) IRISH CROCHET. Mrs, Armstrong ha over 100 Irish peasan girls connected with herindustry, some beautiful ex- amples of ‘Irish hand-made laces may be obtained, All work being sold direct from the lace-makers, both the workers and customers derive great advantage, No, 910.—Lace 1j in. deep. North Eastern Railway, gave a dance at his residence, near the| station, to a number of his| friends On Wednesday in honor | of Eddie Gillingham. Mr. Cowan is an exemplary host, and a very enjoyable evening was_ spent by all. Hector Ferand, an employee of the Portland Canal Tunnels Co., sustained a painful injury re- cently, having his hand badly crushed by one of the machines falling on it. He went to Prince Rupert for medical attendance by Dr. W. T. Kergin and is ex- pected home next week. ¢.: 9 eae E. Gillingham, the son of Charles J. Gillingham, road su- perintendent for the _ district, went south on the Prince George on Thursday to take up an ap- pointment in the of- fice in Prince Rupert. Mr. Gill- ingham has for the past year assessor's been acting as clerk to the road department and has tigured strongly in the social life of Stewart, where he will be greatly missed. He will leave behind him many friends who will hope to see him back here again in the future, T. M.. Michaels and F. L. Hud- son, both of Seattle, are forming a colonization enterprise to pro- mote the settlement of the Naas River valley. Before the winter is over it is expected that a rep- resentative of the company will come here to make a trip into the Naas via Meziadin lake. * * s The McMillan Transfer had the misfortune to lose one of its best horses this week. The animal, with others not now in use, was turned out to pasture and had wandered up to the neighborhood of the Portland Canal mine, where it somehow got fast in a log jam, where it must have been held for several days before it was dis- covered by E. Armstrong, who got it to town, but it suecumbed as a result of exposure and stary- ation.—Portland Canal Miner. TO CURE COUGHS & COLDS »— of Tar and Cod Liver OU A tonic as well as a cough cure, Large bottle 35¢, Slide. wwhere, MIVA S TCT or TAR @ COO LIVER OF'L _ Mrs Rupert Armstrong, Olney, Bucks., England Come To Local Headquarters TO BUY Lots in Prince George Selection can be made from list of 825 lots. Original Grand Trunk Pacific prices and its usual terms of one- quarter cash, balance in 1, 2 and 3 years at 6%. Prices of double corners range from $600.00 to $9,000.00. Prices of single lots range from from $200.00 to $4,000.00. Sole Agent Trunk Paeifie Development DAVID H. HAYS Cor. Second Ave. and Second Street Grand Co., Ltd. FAO UOC PrinceGeorge are , I am offering for sale at Auction Sale Prices the un- sold portion of the G. T. P. townsite of Prince George, comprising 506 choice lots. Among the more the following: Block, Lots. Price. IDs ake ee ee 00 40 ONG OR ob oer ca cee 24... a jackals 0 Bees Riess Ca AE TS . $4,200 BONE Eoio e's 00inse 0.0 oe Aah ae $9,000 Pair BOO 3 rei. 4 eke ae YANG BD vei eect eee $1,000 Pair BOO Sire iitie «ok seoeeee 43 and 14 ..,......-. $900 Pair BTSs ss Peete sa 8O. NOES Cee eas .. $900 Pair 100 lots at $200 each. 20 double corners at $600 a pair. Terms 1-4 cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years at 6%. All agreements for sale will be delivered direet from the Grand Trunk Pacific Development Co., Utd., at Win- nipeg. Edward F. Doyle ROOM 11, SMITH BLOCK PRINCE RUPERT M. Open Evenings, 7 to 8 P, FORO III IITA IAAI IAI A AAA AD AIA ADA AA AAASAASAAASAAAAAN LUMBER SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. First and McBride Prince Rupert PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers, B, ©, a rest