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THE DAILY NEWS Monday, Decerniar ¢
at. 1 of, Py ree Red aaa
i} It can hardly be contradict. solution offers itself it will
THE DAILY NEWS i ed that Prinee Rupert is very operate very materially aga S end your to :
WSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH i differently situated from any inst the agreement | S I MAS
} THE LEADING NE i Daily and W. COLUMBIA | other city perhaps in the! This is a question that cer 7 e a Ss t ;
4 PRINCE RUPER UBLISHING , chee UPER | world Adam-like owe have tainly should receive the full @) HOI] IDAY
. THE R re CO. LTD., R T, B.C. | come into existence fully est discussion and publi John Halla aa
He ‘ ian x a ie aac veil Wine: grown up, and instead = of meetings should be ~~ held. at} .
' H. F. MeRAE, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER having the simple wants of a once with that end in view ' If you are planning a trip for Ch:
i if SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: hild we have thrust upon us| The columns of The News are i or to Eastern Canada or United State
he Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Wegkly, aH othe duties and require- also open to the public a d try, bear in mind the Grand Try STEAMERS PRINCE
| $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year ments of a man.. At the same is hoped that those who e! each year, Deal with 0 reliable house. i RUPERT AND PRINCE GEORGE \ :
ye a ? ; ne : : : , ‘| ne we are compelled to pro- the discussion wil first take We are the largest in our line in Canada and Seattle and the Grand Trunk Railway System
a Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. vide for streets, water, sewers, pains to,get the facts REE. Chicago to the principal Eastern cities t
i HEaD OFFICE | light, telephones, public build- * 2 + SPECIAL CHRISTMAS ATLANT!
a :4 : ita «jh Rcniieieietels nronosals C SAILINGS
Paily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98./ a teale a ‘n i = od_| ; h = ivdre o ca otk HALLAM’S TRAPPERS GUIDE Are now to hand and we can quote est pat
; ae a ace ott ee ee ee . tion with above and any Atlant er
B BRANCH OFFICES AND ganna casey j} ern cil requires, instead of} pany should be ‘ke; ne 1 oN date—tele you bom hes Call-on: us*for Palesand. Sdervations
ne New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St, New) Having a quarter of a century from all other issues “a cok there 0 tints es ee aLoune ee
i York City. which to accor presumed that tl tt c 7 Rew Fur Industry, alo | eee ALBERT DAVIDSON, G.,
a - . on ; ‘ Fr > ave intont if : a ; : ke muinate “' fur quotations, sent - S
ia London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Graud Trunk Building,| Plish s as other cities hay foolish enous at LY FREE for the asking. Write to-day— start leek
Hi Trafalgar Square. had. Before we have proceeded this issue their \ eve! | address JOHN HALLAM, Limited Prince Rupert
> : bey i fa th our program € some of . : ve of the] . st
| Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. ve vf = : ot e st * : f ola i . Mad Dept. ten, TORONTO
. begil find ou iat a th scheme. e ve eslior eT —_ -
q TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract} .money in the world is not at pui before the | e and let ——
| rates on application. our disposal and as a result a expert advice be sought in all UNION $$ COMPANY OF B.C Ltd! ST ANDREW'S SOCIETY
) @ : il tly oblige by promptly callin » Phone 98 in great many of these utilities things and then let the people eee ee . lI
Subscribers wt ‘aren ly oblige 3 Pp re yc aon as a ee are st unprovided. decide irrespectiy their at-| License Meeting Wednesday formerly Kaien tsd Gymnasium
case of non-delivery * inattention on the part o e} owe carriers oe baer nae tide toward any date. for WINTER SCHEDULE To rent for Da um
; oe ; Shall we stagger on up the] office The statutory meeting of thet lings, etc. Pa
j DAILY EDITION et o> od Monday. Dec. 8 1913 b0t ‘dniadtin’ tines Aoeane tad chins : eee license commissioners w be | Twin Screw Steamer |Secretary, P. 0. B ae
tl - ae = ee a ee ee ee ee burdens in the hope that we 1. ees held at 9.30 next Wednesday | &% ” -
! A RAILWAY VIEW trial channel in America. The} may be able to land them al TERRACE NEWS morning in the city count | e n t u r é
| ON RATES prosperity that now . lacks a safely at the top or shal! we r, l chamber. O A i
Fi Everyone has been more or finishing touch’ because the hire one.of our neighbors to = - ae
jess interested in the fight of railroads have .perforce, stay- give us a helping hand with Mr. and Mrs. Dover returned Fresh eastern oysters Palace | FOR VANCOUVER | vs Well
; the Canadian west for lower ed out of the purchasing mar- eur largest bundle in erder|from their heneymoon trip yes-| Cafe. 284tf 2 P. M. Wednesdays ow ellington on. Best on th.
oe freicht rates and every con-! ket would mount into unpre- that we may be the more cer terday They wi ccupy Mrs. - - | Ph 116 _ R
he of ; kil. gelthinad Rind: | ited init Mites aid think Ao: etotmotink e others, |Littie’s house for a few months iat , ogers & Black
, eession granted by the Railway cedented proportions. rh ail protecting the others, : C
| Commission is greeted with country in general would begin This is e of the arguments Se 46*" « THE RELIABLE PLUMBER FOR GRANBY BAY es
: etal ve to enjoy one of the most op- that is moving a good Any The farewell dance civen on Midnight Mondays, Nov. 17, Dec.
Joy. Public sympathy is in- enjoy n ; ae E f are HARRY HANSON ° x }
variably against railway cer-} Uwlent eras in its history. people in favor of the agree- Saturday by the Progress Club in| ggg a6 pen Phene 489° fot, {5th and 20th og | SMITH & MALLETT |
porations in a qnestion of puis | » - ment. If this city goes ahead!honor of Mr. and Mrs. Little, was DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 18 a.m. 1 uesdays, Nov. 25, Dec.} THIRD AVE
es and undoubtedly the public} HYDRO-ELECTRIC as many citizens beleve, wellargely attended ar was one of Out-of-Town Work | 9th, 23rd and 30th '} Plumbing, Heating, Steamfttir » ead
: i : or 1 o. ; Hotel oo
have contributed many an win-| PROPOSALS vuxht to have 25,000 people|the most successful of the sea- putenders oa Rew Work. iho Sheet Metal Work
: , it ain = frete sal 1 cons y auestior ere before ter or ossibly |son. umbing Insured from Frost Office: Sr: ‘ heii
earned dollar ) freight and| In considering a question here | re. i ae n oer: Work Dene Promptly and Ou: teed at| Get. Tickets at ; = Ave Ba = kabop
passenger raies. Yet there are like the Hydro-Electri pro- five years have elapsed, and Reasonable Prices _ : } .
always two sides to a case and; posals the proper method to their over maximum purchase} Despite the prolonged bad wea- caaadieanitccaiiene aes Rogers Steamship Agency ee ae tia ss ey
it is sometimes interesting to} pursue is to study it in all its having been made we are at/ther the town still shows eviden- 4 : > , |215 Second Avenus ne
hear the other fellow’s story. aspects. There is no use iberty to preeeed with any|eces of growth. Another new re- TAXIDERMIST oe ware enone 146
The Atlanta Constitution re- denying the fact that much can power proposition we wish. In|sidence has been built and the ---- WILLIAM T HOUSE
cently published an _ editoriai| be said on ‘both sides, and the the meantime we are the bet-|carpenters have been busy with Animals, birds, fish and all ;
ig showing the railway’s plea.| decision should be given only ter able to - develo; ir other ladditions and mprovements tofkinds of game heads mounted; B.C. Land Surveyor
$a The point made takes up a after a careful sifting of all public utilities. several of the buildings in town}hides tanned and made into rugs CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY.
ee } , hh hint : ie i eli acini ¢ ve ae as memaneiin vas § Pens ? 8 Beach oie tin Bild 1 robes. All work tly firs PRINCE RUPERT
, phase of the question which is the facts both pro and con. in preparation for the winter. and robes. £ work strictly first
? U ee . . ; ai > > ee : _ -
ee unique and likely to appeal to We mav lay it down as fun- On the contrary i is said ~ ———_- class. A, MITTLER, Expert Taxi- S ’
he many people. Only a portion| ‘damental that modern demo the diffieulty of financing our The Daily News has the largest|dermist, 728 Heimcken St., Van- pend xAmas 0. ©. STUART
of the article can be quoted: eracy has decided in favor of Woodworth Lake proposition {circulation in the city and dis-j|couver, B.( In Old Country Senpuetens
“No one doubts that the public ownership wherever is exaggerated; that ‘n a_ fewJ|trict. To be had at all the news-|}— es - phos
railroads of the whole countrys possible and that any policy months the money market w dealers Through«alesping. cars Van- ve. “i Phone 280
are in need of extensive stand. antagonistic to that pr neix e again be normal and that there — GEORGE LEEK couver direct to steamer PRINCE RUPERT. & ©
ardisation. Their equipment is not In accord with the best will be no difficulty im selling It's easier to! w S10 worth] Real Estate, insurance and Loan Broker de Net dimiia ban hint he ee ae
and facilities are entirely in- thought that the. past has evol- our bonds Under the Hydro-|of trouble than it is to negotiate pret viaie rier in gery h : , escs, © " Alex. M. Manson, B. A
sufficient to meet the daily de- ved. We have made a.good Electric proposals the city |the loan of 10 cents in cash ‘ rs eae Sanehes ut jay no hotel expenses W. E. Williams, B.A. 1 k
; mands upon them, not to an- start in Prince Rupert in that must undertake an expense 00 —__="="== = = : inteiiien Sk lrcks a Sireet Book : Your : Passage : Now WILLIAMS & MANSON
i ticipate the future. It is con-] direction and it is to be hoped $60,000 in order to provide fo Cee ee ee eee Barristers, Solicitors, Etc
: REY : ; Beet wiles ; If x : ag ee = Princess Beatrice for Vancouver on
i servatively estimated that at that the good work will be ca7r- distribution. WO Cam. Set: 5 Office 606 3rd Ave Phone 9 Pyeng, *E pe. —
: least a billion dollars is re- ried on. If this agreement is £60,000, we can get the bal- F eee ® ‘ or Box 158
2 quired for this task, which going to put serious obstacles ance to complete our plant PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. | Helgeeson Block Pri
Hi cannot much longer be delayed in the way f our ambition, Then the G. T. P. by their ag- ’ io ea ere ee i id i haem
5 with safety. we should immediately vote it reet with ‘the government General Teaming,» Safe, Piano, }{
; “If the railroads could bor- down. If on the other hand it is putting in a 2500 horse ce nee peeeree pores?) ‘ HAYNER BROS
; row the money they need, hy- is merely a temporary exped- power, plant in cénneclian with Carefully and Promptly done Si hee aoe DETDALNER
: pothecating their securities in ient made necessary in view the dry deck scheme. They Storege and Forwardings Wood and Coal 0 f ‘ PEG or Funeral Director
return, the resulting enormous of present conditions we are likely to require this — ‘ Ord Ave. near 6th St ben
expenditures would flow int should consider it very ser- nt of power for consid- | |
every commercial and indus iously before throwing it aside. » time and would it not be HARRISON W ROGERS Ment A a i
i ; price Ay to male some arrange- PRL Ti |
as — — — — ment with that ~ompany for Architect i
en i ne company ior e ; |
power than to jeopardize our Suite 4, Federal Block WINDSOR MOTEL E. L. FISHER
- < : own municipal! plants. Why PRINCE, RUPERT, B. C | Corner of First Ave. and Eighth St | @uncral @irecter end Endelne
(OD) - even add another. boile1 Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 W. H. Wright, Prop. CHARGES REASONABLE
! I i
ant*a¢7C : : -~ | 2n¢é Gt., cor. 2nd Ave Phone 366
oe TT H E ‘ pliant a w Bay. or for that _— | OPEN DAY AND NIG
(aE matter return to the use of F. M. CROSBY HOTEL CENTRAL
k . ; mf na F 4 and Seventh 81
ma és 99 E*resene oi! a1 allow candi . e O coropann ana American Plan =
\ 4 rather than surrender so im- Second Hand Dealer Peter Bieck, Prop. Se aa eooers
_s portant a principle in the life! Wants to buy all kinds of Household Fur i} 3
Z ée mture everyihing in tbe id of Mashanies . ata al j FOR A TAXI ;
. - ools, Guns ana Men's Clothing. Will call TEL J
\/ The Train of Luxury vee Oe i any time Highest prices paid Pirst Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth i ;
Besides the light and power | 838 Sra Ave. W. Phone Rec 243 European Pian, Rates 60c to $1.09 |} ;
TO Sian nies oe ae Day iis if ;
2 3 : = ; Eeenckises, $ scm. GENERAL AGUILAR = Gooner & Beene, Prope. Ph 7S 3
Butte, Miles City, Sioux City, Minneapolis, tended that the street car sys-| ° Byery man lo: hiss business. 11) one ;
i and St. Paul, Milwaukee, Chicago tein is largely tied up with this|The rebel « mander who cap-|am an expert collector. Let me|} | y noenester V. D. Casley i ;
f) - 3 agreement It is doubtful tured Tuxpam, centre of the|look after your rented property || EMPRESS HOTEL
} All Points East. via the whether a system could be op-|_ English oil interests. He took|or collections. | “Swen ee
i even s
6“ erated successfully with pow- eont f the Pearson pro- | gure Pi 50 te $1 Per Day —
M KEE” er at the price contained in| perties iding the world’s GEORGE LEEK ] ~ teteciereemeemmmemenes
the proposals. If this is found largest gusher, and demanded |815 2nd Ave. Phone 203
: Ue tron. colt af cr eee = an manded PREMIER HOTEL
H Leaves Seattle Daily at 10.15 A.M. ee me , Fansol We AON. OO MT Re EE Ce fee American and European Plan L U M B
‘ —_—— j F. W. Henning, Manager
ie ““A TOUR DE LUXE" is an expression supremely fitting in con- a 5 j EE
LZ nection with a trip to the East on this palatial all-steel transconti- e:3 INDUSTRI L } ’
hs nental train. It combines the enjoyment of rare scenic beauties ’ SHI P YOU a FU aS TO ROYAL WOTEL ( O A :
with the pleasure of a journey in absolute case and comfort. : Corley & Burgess, Props.
ee 7 _ SITES } Third Ave. and Sixth &t.
No Extra Fare on This Train y S se LS =. a re i seni Bhat! —s =
Fr: Susther intosmation regarding fares, train service, reservations, : DIRECT wits re With Reil and Water ) BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO, | Complete Line of
i ; , Get“M M ov . Transportation ; Second Ave. and Sixth Si. BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES
; Ciey Tides 06s. Grand Trask Paige, Test Avene et"More Money” for your FUR | Phone 102
i Sr Nee reliable —Tomponsibie safe Fur House with an unblemished Apply PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO %
~ Utation existing fo r a & ” Phone 186
la Al turns. “t @bipper
“ aa t he only rel:abie, accurate market report and price list published Financial Agents i Fraser we ar Sts. Dee
; eran W rite for it-NOW—it's FREE Third Ave. Prince R t 3] Seeae a
: Y 25-27 WEST AUSTIN AVE. Or: pane SPMD OP! 33 ”
GQ. 6 ee ES,
There Are Mothers And Mothers, Scoop 3
Drawn for The Daily + DY ’
. WEN TO GET ON THE Goop ssemey LOVELY~- PRITTY- HAVE. suc we , HOY-POH- LOY WouULD aaa \










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© 199 -esr -S YN D> Bare eee