yonday, December 8, 1913 THE DAILY NEWS ———— CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Mountain Goat and Eagte situate In the Skeena Min cassiar District, DE Ee iocated About six miles back iin of Falls Creek, Goose Bay, wry Inlet. e ' that I, Wm. certificate No, B43839, act for George Rudge, Free cortincate No, B88907; P. ¢ Miner's Certificate No. b t, Kergin, Free Miner's intend, sixty days from to apply to the Mining Certificate ,of Improv purpose of obtaining ihe above claims, win the a wnt of take notice Uiat action un wer ; don , must be commenced Ly = tt of such Certificate of lin Prvated tt gi4th day of September, A. p 4913 a ss CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. ptarmigan Mm neral claim, Situate in th | gxeens Mining Division of Cassiar Dis nere located: About six miles back ith of Falls Creek, Goose Bay, ot. that 1, Wm. T. Kergin, Free No, B43839, acting as Lord, Free Miner's Ce; 570101, and P, C, Coates, Free certiicate No. D77689, intend, from the date hereof, to apply ing Kecorder for a Certificate uj nis, for the purpose of obtain urant of the above claim, take notice that action, un , must be commenced before such Certificate of Improve Min rovemne own menated this 24th day of September, A. b ee NEN NN \ THE UPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, MATTER OF THE WINDING , BEING CHAPTER 144 OF THE tATUTES OF CANADA ACTS AND IN THE RUPERT FISH AND CUMPANY, LIMITED given that the Conti Company, Limited, body registered at the in the Province of been ' appointed o above named Prince and Cold Storage Company, Ll rder of Mr. W. E. Burritt, registrar Of the Supreme Court at j t, B. C.,° Of the 8th day of A. D. 1043 WILLIAMS & MANSON, tors for the Said Liquidator Ul Kb AND | MATTER | THE VISE AMENDING THE PRINCE FORAGE a i oMmice Kupert, imbia, has of the District-—District Hange 4 Elbert M. Morgan, or | , occupation prosper for permission t scribed lands post planted on sland, opposit« of Coast, ul at B g ata banks | j situated two the Mink milies and le cbhaitis more nile abd seventy-one or less west of i if chains more or miles and forty-eight west Gree Twenty then to poll eighty containing ELBERT M. MORGAN : ivi J—Jan. 12, 1914 of 5 District ! that ria, ipply for owing de a post wer f a bay skiahl Bay, District Coast, V Herbert W cupation Lees, geuticinan, permission to pur- scribed lands } planted on the a little to the | Stephens Isiand, and adjacent to the 4 purchase jot of 1 K a horth twenty chains, thence chains, thence south twenty cast twenty Chains follow line to the point of com i containing forty acres I ett HERBERT Aveut, L. R 12th, 1913 1913-——Jan, Ww Ww LEES H Beavis 1914 MATTER of an Application for f a fresh certificate of ttle for 1! one-half interest in Section 5, Queen Charlotte District, Satisfactory prvof of the loss Certificate of Tithe having me, HEREBY GIVEN that it is to issue at the expiration of , after the first publication hereof tifcate ¢ Title to the above lands in the name of C. B. 1 Certificate of Tithe was is- 12th November, 1897, at ck A. M,, a8 No, 3329 C. Kegistry OMfice, Prince Rupert, October, 1943. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. IN THI bove shed Is of u 1836 tHe Bank of 1913 BritishNorthAmerica TT Years in Business. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OvER $7,600,000. The Convenience of a Joint Account A Joint Account may be opened in the names of two or more persons, Whichever one can inost conveniently reach the bank can then deposit the joint funds or withdraw the Cash needed, and trouble, PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, MANAGER It saves time GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Department of Agriculture fae sistant Horticulturist. louse, Prinee Rupert NALION Write or advice eall, A. H. TOMLINSON ‘Sant Horticulturist Ve or \s kergin, | CANADIANS Whereby Spoils to the Value of Several Mil- lion Dollars Were Captured From Uncle Sam The Raid Occurred About Two Years Ago-- No Reprisals Expected, Berlin, Ont., Dec. 6th Some two years ago, a party of Canadians, head- ed by D. Lorne. McG on, of Mont- real, and T. H. Rieder and A. J. Kim- mel, of Berlin, planned and performed | a raid on “Uncle Sam,” and returned! bome with spoils to the extent of sev- | eral million dollars. It was the big- gest coup that has been executed by Canadians in recent years Armed with a plentiful supply of quick-firing manufacturing maxims, clothed in most attractive Canadian commercial uniforms, equipped with an ample of mercantile and regarding both coun- tries, and inspired with the belief that there nothing and Canadians, these commissary economic facts is too good for Canada men sallied forth, and the enemy promptly capitulated. “Peace hath her victories no less renowned than war,” and, as a result of that well-planned raid two years ago, Canada now has another gorgeous and graceful feather in her commer- cial and manufacturing cap, and there ig no prouder in the Dominion to-day than Berlin, Ont Hamilton may claim to be the “Bir- city mingham of Canada,” Toronto may style herself the “Queen City”; but we in little old Berlin, who usually “say nothing but saw wood,” feel as} proud as Chantecler in the knowledge | that Canada’s commercial sun could not se each morning quite as ma- jJestically as He does, if He did not hear the melodious crowing of Ber- lin's orchestra of factory whistles. And this orchestra of ours, whose Patrons and audience extend all over the Domir ll as in every Brit- ish colo: just been augmented and render more tuneful with the “spoils” of that “raid’’ of two years ago, and this is how it all happened: It was in 1912 the hat the “three wise men”-—McGibbon, Rieder and Kimmel—saw a star or constellation tn the commercial firmament, shaped in this fashion: And they said this star, and see us.” on thesame dale/sas thal of a pluralily/ ¥ those rnolor_carouwners who in the States as General Manager of avlurn anclosed. card | Versaries occur on it; dated Rubber Co., Limited, of Mont- real, and advise them as to your li- cense number. When the most popular birthday has been discovered, the Dominion Tire Company will present a DOMINION tire, plain or Nobby Tread, to all of those motor car owners whose anni- and Canada will 2 UCL I {AUCTION SALE i IAI DADA IIIA IAA ISA A AAA IS ISIS SAA SISAI ASIA SSSASSSISSSIASAC MARCONI’S AROUND THE WORLD WIRELESS Map showing distance covered lately in the experiments of Mar- coni’s wireless telephony; invention which, if it proves entirely successful, will be‘the opening of a new wonder in science. ——— PARK AVENUE SNAP Lot 33, Block 29, Section 1 With 6-room House that cost $2,000.00 to build. Extra large lot with natural basement. Close to Junction. ’ Way Below Market - $5,000.00 - - = Good Terms H. G. HELGERSON au — Es Complete House Furnishings and Effects at the Residence of Mr J. D. Westenhaver, 333. Fifth Ave, East, near Hospital, on , Tuesday, Dec. 9th, at 1.30 p.m. ———=== Mr Frank A. Ellis, favored with instructions from Mr J. D. Westenhaver, will sell on the above date the entire furnishings of his residence, comprising--- Mahogany settees, chairs and rockers, genuine leather upholstered couch and easy chair, china cabinet, ladies writing desk, Australian hardwood ; mahogany music cabinet, oak dining table and chairs, library table, brass and onyx stand, wilton and axminster rugs, various sizes ; solid oak bedroom suite, birds eye maple dresser and bureau, bedsteads, springs, mattresses, monarch malleable kitchen range, singer sewing machine, bi- cycles, ornaments, pictur»s, draperies, chinaware, glass- wart, child’s white enamel bedstead and mattress, Victor phonograph, records and cabinet; kitchen utensils, etc., etc., and a host of household sundries too numerous to mention. On view Monday Afternoon, December 8th, and any interested are invited to call and thoroughly inspect the goods for sale. FRANK A. ELLIS, Auctioneer, 2nd Street ~ N.B.---Practically new Gerhard Heintzman Cabinet Grand Piano, in mahogany case, will be sold at 3 o'clock, if not previousy disposed of privately, then have another red-letter day in the calendar, and it will be called DOMINION TIRE DAY. A meritorious product! A strong organization! A fitting celebration! And Berlin takes off tte hat to the DOMINION Tire, and to its sponsors! In very truth, the “DOMINION” has captured the “U.8." LUMBER SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Best dealers everywhere sell the genuine PERRIN’S GLOURS. Wear them — Give them PERRIN’S GLOVES For Holiday Social Affairs or for Seasonable Gifts See that the well known trademarks as shown in cuts are on every glove you buy and you will then be sure of perfect Style, Fit and Finish. «» Advertise in the “Daily News” Has the Largest Guaranteed Circulation in Northern B.C. } Fwet and MoBride Prince Rupert PHONE 86 Branch Yard at Smithers, B. C, =) LOCKETS, SCARF PINS AND || — CUFF LINKS A APPROPRIATE CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR MEN AND BOYS ° Our Catalogue lilustrates a very complete assortment of these Jewellery SONWNAVOK lines. enantio onianele ng able er "ishing "Wo “her “Ea er ls iu wunroi ONAIN. <= of the olid gold designs are set with a diamond centre. SCARF PINS in all designs and qualities, set with gems or semi- peosions stones. You will find these very faithfully represented in our Catalogue. e CUFF LINKS in many fine designs, according to the fashions of the day, in solid gold, gold filed, mother of pear! and sterling. From these designs you may choose linke with either rigid or loose connections. These — are peaes ony lustrated in our Catalogue, which will be sent free to 4 any . iy Schooner Run Aground Our prices are moderate and all orders carefully filled. } a Seattle, Dec. 8—-A wireless re- if port from Tatoosh Island says H. Bi 5 S Li : d 4 that word has been received enry ir S ons, imite ie there that an unidentified four- masted schooner is aground one JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS miles off shore, five miles off ) Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C Hop River and near Destruction y Island, off the Washington coast. = — —=_————— The schooner has been there [OF | qpummmmmmmeges eggs ns four or five days and is appar. ently abandoned. Escaped After Alt ‘ Bingham, Utah, Dec, 6.—After a search in the workings of the Utah Apex Mine the posse which penetrated the stronghold of Ralph Lopez, slayer of six men, came out late iast night and an- nounced to the thousands of ex-| pectanit miners that they found nothing to indicate that the eraf- ty desperado was dead. KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY | THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 8 Builde * Suppli Sheet and Plate Glass Plumbers’ heats CI Plate Glass Mirrors fn HARDWARE Sse Oils Tinware Varnishes Graniteware ‘* Stay Satisfactory Range."’ MONARCH MALLEABLE **