‘THE DAILY NEWS —$—_—_— ed cash to help in developing a province over the seas, Will any- one tell me how many of the companies floated by these great imperialists in the past ten years have paid a cent of dividends ex- cept out of capital?” THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. If you are planning a trip for Chric; or to Eastern Canada or United States o>» ; try, bear in mind the Grand Trunk STE y, ‘ RUPERT AND PRINCE GEORGE ,, \,, Mens PRINCE and Seattle and the GQrand Trunk Railwa Chicago to the principal Eastern cities SPECIAL CHRISTMAS ATLANTIC SAILINGS Are now to hand and we can quote lowest pa; tion with above and any Atlantic steay shi; Call on us for rates and reservations : ALBERT DAVIDSON, Gene, H. F. McRAE, EDITOR A ND GENERAL MANAGER ig AN ARMY OF 2,000 MEN AND WOMEN ASSEMBLED AT OAPITOL, HEaD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. | DAILY EDITION agfpge> Thursday, Deo. 11 ,1913 Petitions Presented Asking for Na- y System tional Move by Constitutional Course, [Special by Dominion Wireless. ] Washington, Dec. 10.—Under the dome of the capitol here today there WASTING ROAD MONEY laborers is a drastic gneasure ON THE ISLANDS which. will probably have = an There is an agitation now unlooked-for effect. No cilizen ¥ or laborer can come into this on Graham Island to form in province before the first of il Age ie municipalities in order to get next April. As British Columbi: were 2,000 men and women repre- H B 3 control of the government ap- is over supplied with labo: ti the Antiéal : t art Blook ‘ Prince Ruy , propriations for roads. The| Just now she will not feel an) ve aN ed nasa raat sini immediate effect. But what of America and the W. C, T. U. as- settlers think they can make ‘ sembled,. The move was made as a , 2 rat he dv the future? Rival immigration . eos ‘ RS fa fated Sake Saad | —— a better job of it than the gov- agents in the Old World will BOURASSA AND BISHOP FALLON CROSS SWORDS demonstration against the liquor UNION $5. COMPANY OF B.C td! ST ANDREW'S SOCIETY HALL . ” i ' ernment. The Queen Charlotte seize upon this government traftic Islander says: order and ‘advertise it broad-|At London, Henri Bourassa and Bishop Fallon debated Imperial Bach of the assembled masses |formerly Kaien Isd. “It is very well known that cast. British Columbia will be Federation and the destiny of Canada, _In the circle is shown inne petitions i adan siatioalt WINTER SCHEDULE |To rent for Dan : Pubic Meee Messrs. Leary and Walsh are pronounced by these agents as the French-Canadian orator and beside him the Roman a A sets jings, etc. Particulars Meet. disgusted at the manner in a place impossible to get into. Catholic prelate who declared strongly for an Empire Fed- saa ‘ i Twin Screw Steamer Secretary, P. O. Box 248 which the appropriations are Though the embargo may be eration. : = aN “6 9 |- ‘ spent on the roads on_ the lifted next April it is certain | — —___—_ ee ; ns sd : : : Ve tu ée East coast. Not only there, but that the immigrant agents of 9 ‘ set rath nes the Ss n r C O A a all over the island, where roads other provinces and states wil! JOE MARTIN S CONCLUSIONS ( ON aae ation in the city anc on is are being built, the same dis-] not forget to play it up for trict. To be had at all the news- FOR VANCOUVER dealers. New Wellington Coal. Best on the satisfaction is heard from the] months and years to come. 2 P. M. Wednesda . Mm. 8 settlers. Thousands of dollars This order-in-council seems A PARLIAMENT OF THE EMPIRE "dais a Se mee < Phone 116 a i . Rogers & Black are being spent each year and to beahasty decision made THE RELIABLE - PLUMBER FOR GRANBY BAY still the same old cry goes to please some coast politi- forth that the money has been cians who are making a play| BELIEVES ANY ATTEMPT To “CREATE A PARLIAMENT WITH HARRY HANSON Midnight Mondays, Nov. 17, Dec. practically wasted. Everyone for the labor vote. REPRESENTATIVES FROM ALL DOMINION WOULD 138 2nd Ave. Phone 489 ist, 145th and 29th and SMITH & MALLETT knows quite well that it is a - a CREATE HARMFUL DISCORD DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE ~ [8 a.m. Tuesdays, Nov. 25, Dec. THIRD AVE hard proposition to build roads Today the editor “killed” lien ealiils : minted Sad aoe Work 9th, 23rd and 30th Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitti F 2 . : : ° , * MOCUNg an on this island, but there is no two communications on muni- Vancouver, Dec. 2.—Vigorous-|questions would not be settled prumbing insured katy t Sheet Metal Work ; SAR. hae ; ry 33 nffaivn . vith ind Se karts ‘ ‘ : n u rom Fros L : reason why the money should cipal affairs because personal ly criticizing Canadian politi-|/from the Canadian standpoint, Work Done Promptly and Guaranteed at Get Tickets at Peon xt Ave. Workshop Me not be spent to the best of abuse was sandwiched in with : : : Reasonable Prices ‘ one 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and Sth Sts ee ability. Digging out stumps the argument. The _ fact that SBS: Srey ter Serres Davison are Demet onee Fete, Seen eiciieealiapaninabiesiae R Steamshi A hy c e° ms: Py e . . . : a at ai and filling the holes up with the writer may be in sympathy affect a false imperialism when|the parliament. That this would — ogers Ip gency — ui rotten wood is not road-build- with the News’ point of view they vipit the Old Country, Jo8- {be pernicious’ and proactive a TAXIDERMIST apriend i m Paap 4°) Sea whaie 7 ing. That wouldn’t pass inspec- does not insure the publica eph Martin, K.C., member for St.j/real unrest, he said, was certain, WILLIAM tion in any municipality and io % a ie . Pancras in the Imperial parlia-jciting the dissatisfaction in the Animals, birds, fish and all 7 HOUSE h ; e . oe Fi Me, Serpe eon viens ment a sp h before the Col-|Dominion at the tim f the a ai! 7 » ad - Ty > as ec yeTore e UCole- ) { t 2 : ) : ; . a: why it does here we are ata The letter must be free from |!" ce : in “ tt y ‘i ott eattion’s f the } : r “ kinds of game heads mounted; B.C. Land Surveyor eS loss to know, Take for in- personalities. No one’ person lingwout eee ee NN ee arrer ees fn Sawa Poe be- |hides“tanned and made into rugs BC. Coast steamship service ie a stance the Mayer Lake road, has a monopoly of seeing the in which, regardless of politics, tween Alaska and British Colum-|fand robes. All work strictly first PRINCE RUPERT P.O, Box 818 oo on which we understand nearly mental defects and dishonest the whole question of imperial-|bia. The commission was govern-jclass, A, MITTLER, Expert Taxi- aes a < hey $12,000 has been spent, a more] motives in their opponents.|, ~?* covered, evoked the/ed in its action not by the rela-j/dermist, 728 Helincken St., Van- D. C. STUART rotten piece of work has never These deficiencies if they exist hearty applause of his listeners}tions between Canada and the |couver, B.C. FAMOUS hrreeeterme SAFETY been seen, Unless proper road- usually advertise isandalven so when he declared that Sir Wil-|United States, as it should have | joes - PRINCESS CANADIAN SPEED a building machinery is installed that the average man can frid Laurier’s sincere stand had|been, but by matters al issue be- PACIFIC 308 2nd Ave. “i Phone 280 y is 8 t » averag g ; BOB1 arco da . W oe ern oe heen te as GEORGE LEEK | | we never will have good roads,| them. The News is satisfied to ore rite te itis ae od ts ce ork ges LINE nan SERVICE | PRINCE RUPERT. B. 0 and if it is impossible to pro- let the public i ; cers DAR ROE eee eyes. -% Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker teens om the sa iataitteneg why iat rr tive ota do their ae de Mr. Martin declared that the “Canada,” he said, “is govern- Notary Public. Rente and Coilections ae > t ° “oc » yi < ‘ases re . 2 . © s ’ 500, introduce a system of plank ahaa oe cases OF per-|rorpm of government under which{ed on -a democratic principle. Albert Block, 2nd Avenue Princess May, Southbound, Saturday || W, &. Williams. B.A. LLB Syste so 5 ster. . j ’ ' rs roads, which we ee t : vot Canada was controlled, was dem-|The people control the govern- Prince Rupert oA. Mm. WILLIAMS & MANSON BEM: SEROR Wk AAEP sO OM ocratic, and any attempt to cre-|ment. Why do we want to change Between 5th and 6th Streets Princess Beatrice for Vancouver on | would be much cheaper and at One would ink . > Moh ee ae ye ey i z ; Tei Went eae | Barri Solici “ ; : psa ti yt think = frem the ate a parliament or council with/|it. I nsid Ir l I ee | Sep coer me : ‘ € é é > or co ; ‘ consider ¢é rie arlia- Ee " the same time give better sat-| way the McBride organ rushes |... ; , act ani ha aaa iste tab ay sie J.G. McNAB, General Agent MONEY TO LOAN isfaction all round tn the Madenda ofthe: Bats representatives from Canada,|ment or council would be a most]Office 606 3rd Ave. Phone 93 Box 158! ; : Brees # eal australia, New Zealand and the|dangerous experiment, , tae ‘ ‘than tian’ elite Coola road expenditure with its|Gthor colonies, would create an| “Great Canadians come’ over} PACIFIC TRANSFER CO em kena WILL KEEP OUT ready explanations that the 5a E ; a Senna ieee ata aCe . : th : 5 xtremely harmful discord be-|to London, «¢ ake : ‘ : emote dicen Biba toglliey é TRMIORARTS work there is under the con- Saeed th power : at Oilawn iad sak ctaae ie . a a : General Teaming, Safe, Piano, nh . ‘ : ee e ) rs é é é é i 0 u re 2 C - . i The order-in-council issued trol of the Tory executive in}ine powers at London : dc Sia wer Smt eines vo apes and Baggage Moving ‘ HAYNER BROS sos . : rs ¢ 4 ; ed. » genert t . 4 \ s by the Dominion cabinet pro- Prince Rupert, instead of thé a Saulihieligel.