December 141, 1913 phursday, , a ME COURT OF BRITISH hi IN TH COLUMBIA WINDING THE En OF THE Ul i HAPTER 144 OF ne ruUTES OF CANADA AND ‘ cys AND IN THE MATTER ANEDS jINGE RUPERT FISH AND fee OonAGE COMPANY, LIMITED { given that the Conti Nyver mpany, Limited, @ body : , registered office at the | ? hupert, in the Province of | ily pia, bas been appointed of- | Brill ‘ f the above named Prince | ficla . {| Gold Storage Compatiy, | Rus of Mr. W. E. Burritt) | Supreme Court at| the 8th day orf} y THE I ii, | sb) reby f the B, C., O pri Dp. 1048. | N , WILLIAMS & MANSON, rs for the Said Liquidator ee CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Hog, Mountain Goat and Eagle ‘ims, situate in the Skeena Min 0 ' ; Cassiar District ng }* sted About six miles back Wher mouth of Falls Creek, Goose Bay, tr inlet that I, Wm. T Certificate No, B48839, act for George Hudge, Free artif B33997; P. C rree Miner's Certificate No. D ind Wm. T. Kergin, Free Miner's ‘ 1849, intend, sixty days from to apply to the Mining a Certificate. of Improve ae r the purpose of obtaining a nen Grant of the above claims, 4 her take notice that action un 86 7, must be commenced be- s e of such Certificate of lm kKergin, ficate No, 24th day of September, A. D. ~ CERTIFICATE OF “IMPROVEMENTS. situate Cassiar in the Dis- mine ral “claim, ptarm! gat : Division of skeens Mining yoated: About six miles back ih of Falls Creek, Goose Bay, vatory Iniet. ce that I, Wm. T. Kergin, Free eruflcate No. B43839, acting as ov Wm. KR, Lord, Free Miner's Cer- 70101, and P. C, Coates, Free tificate No. D776% intend, um the date hereof, to apply ge Kecorder for @ Certificate of is, for the purpose of obtain- | 1 Grant of the above claim. | er take notice that action, un- n 37, must be commenced before f such Certificate of Improve- Where c pb at yated this 24th day of September, A. D. ee Gifts on Approval OU would like to select from our Gift Book some articles which you think would suit you, and have us send them to you on approval wouldn't you? Well, that's just what ordering from us by mail means. Really, you only deposit the value of your order with us. It is understood — guaranteed — that if for any reason, or for no feason, you want to return your purchase to us after seeing it, you are at perfect liberty to do so. Other goods or your money | “whichever you prefer—will be promptly sent to you; plus the return charges. Since 1854 we have been building our reputation through giving absolute satisfaction to thousands of our customers all over Canada. This reputation stands back of every article you buy from us, ensuring absolute 191 Skeena Land District District’ of Coast, | satisfaction to you as well. Hhange 4 Take notice that Elbert M. Morgan, of Send a postcard for our Gift Prince I rt, B. &., Gecupalion prospec t nd t apply for permission to Book to-day. wing described lands ng at @ post planied on the e t Banks Island, opposite Mink R B and situated two (2) miles and chains more or jess yrie ros. i mile and seventy-one 2 ae sins more or less west of A Limited, and teen if chains more or 1e8s miles and forty-eight (48 Canada’s Largest Mail Order less west of Green Top Jewelry House west twenty 2 chains forty (40) chains, thence JAMES RYRIE, Pres. 2 chains more or less HARRY RYRIE, Sec.-Treas. rincipe Channel, thence fol we southerly to point TORONTO - ONTARIO containing eighty 8 less 6 ELBERT M. MORGAN sctober, 1913 17, 1913—Jan. 12, 1914 Cn —— ———— District os Strict of Coas Kange ab e Uiat Herbert W. e¢ \iberta, occupation get ntietnan apply for permission to wing described lands at @ post planted the ner of @ bay a littic to the Skiahl Bay, Stephens Island, FOR SALE hore and adjacent to the ap rehase jot of i Rk. W.] th wens chains, thence | SECTION 1. V ch , thence south twenty/ co, oc “e lots 9 > . nee east twenty chains follow- |° me choice lots on 2nd Ave., be- line to the poim of com-| low market value. i I and containing § forty acres | at bi |Lot on Beach Place, $3,500, good HERBERT W. LEES } ter His Agent, L. BR. W. Beavis | erms, tober 12th, 1913 SECTION 2. 10, 1¢13—Jan. 5, 19144 Lot on Atlin Ave. Splendid view, IN THE MATTER of an Application for $1,450, $500 cash, bal, arr. the issue of a fresh certificate of title for 4) undivided one-half interest In Section| [Double corner on Moresby Ave., i wnship 5, Queen ee District, sin : . N 29 ¢ Satisfactory prvof of the loss $2,500, easy terms. of ab ve Certificate of Title having € rnished me N E 18 HEREBY GIVEN thet it ts SECTION 5. my 1 to issue at the expiration Of) Sjme good houses in best locality tificate of Tithe to the above lands in the name of C. B which Certificate of Tithe was is- sued on the 12th November, 1897, at is lock A. M,, a8 No, 3320 C. Lal Registry OMce, Prince Rupert, E 27th October, 1943. Weal H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. 1836 THe sank or 1913 BritishNorthAmerica TT YEaRs In Business. Capital AND SURPLUS OvER $7,600,000. The Convenience of a | Joint Account A Joint be opened in the names of twe or Account may hore persons. Whichever one can most conveniently reach the bank can then deposit the joint funds or withdraw the needed. and trouble, PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH | cash It saves time P. MARGETTS, MANAGER PHONE 187 Stalker & Wells 2nd Ave and McBride Good Cooking ’ e Sweet Potatoes, 6 Ibs 2Be ! Can. Tomatoes, 2 cans 25¢ ! Canned Peas, 2 cans for 25e¢ ! Canned Beans, 2 cans 250 | ! Canned, Gorn, 2 cans 26¢ ’ Mixed Peel, 4 tb........ 25c | V Raisins seeded, 2 Ibs for 250 | New Currants, 2 Ibs for .25c ‘Fresh Eyes, d Stalker Quality First fter the first publication hereof |* at $4,000 each on long terms. SECTION 7. Lot 8. block 26, $600, % cash, balance in one year, Lot 7, block 29, $650, $350 cash. ots 23-24 block 29, $2,000, $800 cash, bal. 1 and 2 years. SECTION 8. Lots 5-6, Block 34, $1050, % cash and bal, 6 and 12 months. | Lot on Prince Rupert Boulevard, $750, 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 42. FOR RENT Furnished house on Borden &t., 5 rooms and bath, $35 per month House on Borden St., 5 rooms and | bath, $30 per month. | 3-room McBride &t., Ave., $18 per mo, flats Beach Place building with compartment in basement, $18 and $20 per mo. house on opposite ith in | iSeven of the strongest Fire In- surance Companies. Mutual Life of Canada, Marine and Ac- cident Insurance. FARM LANDS McCaffery & Gibbons ——<< PHONE 1387 Extra fancy Currants, Eegs, dozen. lb ....150e Eixxtra Fancy Sultanas, pkg.. 10c lea Garden Mince Meat 75e and $1.50. |A large shipment of new brooms just arrived; prices from 45e to 75e each Arcadian Codfish, 2 lb box. lextra fine old cheese, Ib . 35c 25c ozen & Wells THE DAILY NEWS Toronto. A large ters. The lower picture The greatest honor was best is t taken place for many years. crown thr u ° ~ - S onged the pier hat of Rey. owed upon Sir Aemilius. He lay [GENERAL NEWS NOTES | W. E. McLaughlin, corder, and an old timer of Rev- | elstoke, died on the 8th inst. He went to his office at the Court} House as usual, and was found | dead in the had been in ill-health for some | time and was’ over 60 years of} age. mining re- Burrard Inlet will be the loca- tion on which Mr. A. F. Yarrow & Sons will locate their proposed | drydock and shipyards, accord- | ing toa rumor that has gained} credence in official business cir- cles in Vancouver. ; With a stringing right across, which practically lifted Gil Mar- tin off his feet, and sent him| sprawling on the canvas for the} count of ten, Billy Weeks, the Vancouver boxer, won the Cana- dian middleweight championship in the third round, at Steveston last Saturday. Lloyds Bank will place a loan for the city of Edmonton, unless anything unforseen happens, of one million pounds sterling stated Mayor Short at a public meeting. . . s Steel on the Prince Albert branch of the Grand Trunk Pa- cific has been completed to the STARTLING PROGRAMME OF mM’ INCE WITH DEBST—HIS Victoria, Dec. 2.—1In order that the public may be fully informed in reference to the status of rail- way and financia] matters in this province, Sir Richard McBride as representative of Victoria City in the legislature, is invited by the Victoria Times to take the people fully into his confidence and explain the present financial! requirements of the province in other respects. Bald denials of reports in circulation are expect- ed and do not allay public alarm, The statements, first made by members of the legislature, spe- cifically mentioned the following astounding programme: Mackenzie & Mann, Oo. .. oa) pews $25,000,000 Foley, Welch & Stew- art, P.G.E. Various Provincial Purposes .. .... 15,000,000 15,000,000 Total te be borrowed $55,000,000 The questions at issue for the purposes of convenience and clearness may be tabulated as We Try To Please follows: chewan river and a siding con- |structed for the handling of ma- chair at 9 o'clock. Hej} jpany have declared a dividend of 1% per cent. for the quarter on the common stock, payable Dec. PROVINCIAL FIGURES WORTHY — OF VERY CAREFUL COGITATION BRIDE TO ENTANGLE PROV- south bank of the South Saskat- terial with which to construct a railway and traffic bridge. The yiers will be put in’ this winter and the superstructure erected early in the spring? of the West and Light Com- ‘he directors Kootenay Power ist to shareholders of record on November 24th. This places the stock of the company on a five per cent. per annum basis aga- jinst the 4 per cent. heretofore | paid. atte The British Board of Trade re- | turns for November show a de-| cided decrease of $12,570,000 in} imports and an_ increase of $5,-|} * * | 900,000 im exports, | . | | Arthur Pelkey and Tommy Burns have left Calgary for San| Francisco for the New Year's fight with Gunboat Smith. \ * * . Active work will be commenced early in the New Year by the Do- minion Government in , estab- lishing new lighthouses on the British Columbia coast. at 5 GENERAL DENIAL OF FURTHER RAIDS NOT REASSURING. (1) Does the McBride Gov- ernment intend to give any fur- ther aid to Mackenzie and Mann and the Canadian Northern Rail- way at the next session? If so, for how much? (2) Does the McBride Govern- ment intend to give any further aid to Foley, Welch & Stewart referred to as the Pacific Great Eastern Railway—at the next session? If so, for how much? (3) Does the MeBride Govern- ment intend to take authority at next session to borrow for va- rious provincial purposes sums of money, generally mated at $15,000,000, $15,000,000, esti- for how much? NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS To insure insertion changes of advertisment must be re- ceived at the Daily News of- fice not later than 10 a.m. On the left the funeral cortege is seen leaving Osgoode Hall and turning To the right are two Mason . Ensor Sharp, who conducted the in state at Osgoode Hall fer two days, and the funeral proceeded from Osgoode Hall, which is the first time such an event has Montreal, THE BENCH, BAR AND CRAFT HONOR SIR AEMILIUS IRVING . FREDDIE WELSH WON ing with Wels whipped one over round that sent Ellis to the floor. Ellis took the count of eight and came back only right smash Both men of condition their exhibition was a clever one, it did not come him. out ¢ tions. into The Meals of the’ at a Mighty - Bread Bread their foundation. which makes bone, and muscle and sinews which flex in the strong right arm of the smith— Bread “A mighty man is ha.” made from ab STF inom F LOU Labor: Tested * —the kind the wise housewife puts into the dinner pail. The flour YOU should use to make rich, nourishing, health - giving loaves ROYAL STAND- ARD—mighty good ! (4) AT YOUR GROCER’S Vancouver New Westminster : i Nanaimo Vicioria d Se eee” PARK AVENUE SNAP {Lot 33, Block 29, Section 1 With 6-room House that cost $2,000.00 to build. Extra large lot with natural basement. Close to Junction. $5,000.00 - . H. G. HELGERSON University Avenue, Past Grand Mas- funeral services. Way Below Market Good Terms Dec. 7.—After toy- Arthur Ellis, Freddie lightweight champion, in the eighth SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. First and McBride Prince Rupert PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers, B. C. to meet another whieh disposed of appeared to be and although up to expecta- large If not for on the day of publication. Fresh crabs. Palace Sixth St. 284tf Cafe, “It is better (11) THE ROAD TO THE RIGHT. OU’VE met at least one of those few good old souls, who are constantly getting the worst of it when shopping, who don’t believe in advertising. A’ hundred disappointing and instructive experiences have failed to teach him their plain lesson. When he bought his first watch he was beguiled into buying one without a known name or a trustworthy warantee. That watch —a r timekeeper — cost im dearly by reason of missed appointments missed trains, and for frequent repairs. Yet he paid | the price of a good watch. It is the same story with regard to his underwear, his shoes, and his fountain pen. This good old soul’s case is not unique. Many of us, if the truth be confessed, resemble him; we allow our- selves to be sold merchandise with an "unknown brand or trade mark instead of buying merchandise which is well known to us through the medium of advertising. In slang language, we get “stung” pretty often. In most of these cases we have ourselves to blame, for . “the road to the right” thing to buy has been made plain by advertising. There is no good reason for passing by the known thing, soundly guaranteed, to buy a dubi®us article, which, quality for quality, cannot be cheaper than the known, branded article. If you are doing a local business talk over your ebverticing gaete lems with the Advertising Department of this newspaper. If you are doing » provincial or national busines it would be well for you to have the counsel en sistance of @ good advertising agency. A list of these will be Mhed eens coat of CUNariEs: by the Secretary of Canadian Press Association, Reom 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto, to be sure than sorry.” Up cee 88 9 oem ff} (9 ee if) en hh oe i fh ee ih i) {Sree ee Seat ct ge hy ec prreettca atest